syntax = "proto2"; option go_package = "system"; package appengine; message SystemServiceError { enum ErrorCode { OK = 0; INTERNAL_ERROR = 1; BACKEND_REQUIRED = 2; LIMIT_REACHED = 3; } } message SystemStat { // Instaneous value of this stat. optional double current = 1; // Average over time, if this stat has an instaneous value. optional double average1m = 3; optional double average10m = 4; // Total value, if the stat accumulates over time. optional double total = 2; // Rate over time, if this stat accumulates. optional double rate1m = 5; optional double rate10m = 6; } message GetSystemStatsRequest { } message GetSystemStatsResponse { // CPU used by this instance, in mcycles. optional SystemStat cpu = 1; // Physical memory (RAM) used by this instance, in megabytes. optional SystemStat memory = 2; } message StartBackgroundRequestRequest { } message StartBackgroundRequestResponse { // Every /_ah/background request will have an X-AppEngine-BackgroundRequest // header, whose value will be equal to this parameter, the request_id. optional string request_id = 1; }