// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. var Modal = ReactBootstrap.Modal; import UserStore from '../stores/user_store.jsx'; import ChannelStore from '../stores/channel_store.jsx'; import * as AsyncClient from '../utils/async_client.jsx'; import LoadingScreen from './loading_screen.jsx'; import * as Utils from '../utils/utils.jsx'; import {intlShape, injectIntl, defineMessages, FormattedMessage} from 'mm-intl'; const holders = defineMessages({ sessionRevoked: { id: 'access_history.sessionRevoked', defaultMessage: 'The session with id {sessionId} was revoked' }, channelCreated: { id: 'access_history.channelCreated', defaultMessage: 'Created the {channelName} channel/group' }, establishedDM: { id: 'access_history.establishedDM', defaultMessage: 'Established a direct message channel with {username}' }, nameUpdated: { id: 'access_history.nameUpdated', defaultMessage: 'Updated the {channelName} channel/group name' }, headerUpdated: { id: 'access_history.headerUpdated', defaultMessage: 'Updated the {channelName} channel/group header' }, channelDeleted: { id: 'access_history.channelDeleted', defaultMessage: 'Deleted the channel/group with the URL {url}' }, userAdded: { id: 'access_history.userAdded', defaultMessage: 'Added {username} to the {channelName} channel/group' }, userRemoved: { id: 'access_history.userRemoved', defaultMessage: 'Removed {username} to the {channelName} channel/group' }, attemptedRegisterApp: { id: 'access_history.attemptedRegisterApp', defaultMessage: 'Attempted to register a new OAuth Application with ID {id}' }, attemptedAllowOAuthAccess: { id: 'access_history.attemptedAllowOAuthAccess', defaultMessage: 'Attempted to allow a new OAuth service access' }, successfullOAuthAccess: { id: 'access_history.successfullOAuthAccess', defaultMessage: 'Successfully gave a new OAuth service access' }, failedOAuthAccess: { id: 'access_history.failedOAuthAccess', defaultMessage: 'Failed to allow a new OAuth service access - the redirect URI did not match the previously registered callback' }, attemptedOAuthToken: { id: 'access_history.attemptedOAuthToken', defaultMessage: 'Attempted to get an OAuth access token' }, successfullOAuthToken: { id: 'access_history.successfullOAuthToken', defaultMessage: 'Successfully added a new OAuth service' }, oauthTokenFailed: { id: 'access_history.oauthTokenFailed', defaultMessage: 'Failed to get an OAuth access token - {token}' }, attemptedLogin: { id: 'access_history.attemptedLogin', defaultMessage: 'Attempted to login' }, successfullLogin: { id: 'access_history.successfullLogin', defaultMessage: 'Successfully logged in' }, failedLogin: { id: 'access_history.failedLogin', defaultMessage: 'FAILED login attempt' }, updatePicture: { id: 'access_history.updatePicture', defaultMessage: 'Updated your profile picture' }, updateGeneral: { id: 'access_history.updateGeneral', defaultMessage: 'Updated the general settings of your account' }, attemptedPassword: { id: 'access_history.attemptedPassword', defaultMessage: 'Attempted to change password' }, successfullPassword: { id: 'access_history.successfullPassword', defaultMessage: 'Successfully changed password' }, failedPassword: { id: 'access_history.failedPassword', defaultMessage: 'Failed to change password - tried to update user password who was logged in through oauth' }, updatedRol: { id: 'access_history.updatedRol', defaultMessage: 'Updated user role(s) to ' }, member: { id: 'access_history.member', defaultMessage: 'member' }, accountActive: { id: 'access_history.accountActive', defaultMessage: 'Account made active' }, accountInactive: { id: 'access_history.accountInactive', defaultMessage: 'Account made inactive' }, by: { id: 'access_history.by', defaultMessage: ' by {username}' }, byAdmin: { id: 'access_history.byAdmin', defaultMessage: ' by an admin' }, sentEmail: { id: 'access_history.sentEmail', defaultMessage: 'Sent an email to {email} to reset your password' }, attemptedReset: { id: 'access_history.attemptedReset', defaultMessage: 'Attempted to reset password' }, successfullReset: { id: 'access_history.successfullReset', defaultMessage: 'Successfully reset password' }, updateGlobalNotifications: { id: 'access_history.updateGlobalNotifications', defaultMessage: 'Updated your global notification settings' }, attemptedWebhookCreate: { id: 'access_history.attemptedWebhookCreate', defaultMessage: 'Attempted to create a webhook' }, succcessfullWebhookCreate: { id: 'access_history.successfullWebhookCreate', defaultMessage: 'Successfully created a webhook' }, failedWebhookCreate: { id: 'access_history.failedWebhookCreate', defaultMessage: 'Failed to create a webhook - bad channel permissions' }, attemptedWebhookDelete: { id: 'access_history.attemptedWebhookDelete', defaultMessage: 'Attempted to delete a webhook' }, successfullWebhookDelete: { id: 'access_history.successfullWebhookDelete', defaultMessage: 'Successfully deleted a webhook' }, failedWebhookDelete: { id: 'access_history.failedWebhookDelete', defaultMessage: 'Failed to delete a webhook - inappropriate conditions' }, logout: { id: 'access_history.logout', defaultMessage: 'Logged out of your account' }, verified: { id: 'access_history.verified', defaultMessage: 'Sucessfully verified your email address' }, revokedAll: { id: 'access_history.revokedAll', defaultMessage: 'Revoked all current sessions for the team' }, loginAttempt: { id: 'access_history.loginAttempt', defaultMessage: ' (Login attempt)' }, loginFailure: { id: 'access_history.loginFailure', defaultMessage: ' (Login failure)' } }); class AccessHistoryModal extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.onAuditChange = this.onAuditChange.bind(this); this.handleMoreInfo = this.handleMoreInfo.bind(this); this.onShow = this.onShow.bind(this); this.onHide = this.onHide.bind(this); this.formatAuditInfo = this.formatAuditInfo.bind(this); this.handleRevokedSession = this.handleRevokedSession.bind(this); const state = this.getStateFromStoresForAudits(); state.moreInfo = []; this.state = state; } getStateFromStoresForAudits() { return { audits: UserStore.getAudits() }; } onShow() { AsyncClient.getAudits(); if ($(window).width() > 768) { $(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.modalBody)).perfectScrollbar(); $(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.modalBody)).css('max-height', $(window).height() - 200); } else { $(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.modalBody)).css('max-height', $(window).height() - 150); } } onHide() { this.setState({moreInfo: []}); this.props.onHide(); } componentDidMount() { UserStore.addAuditsChangeListener(this.onAuditChange); if (this.props.show) { this.onShow(); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if (this.props.show && !prevProps.show) { this.onShow(); } } componentWillUnmount() { UserStore.removeAuditsChangeListener(this.onAuditChange); } onAuditChange() { var newState = this.getStateFromStoresForAudits(); if (!Utils.areObjectsEqual(newState.audits, this.state.audits)) { this.setState(newState); } } handleMoreInfo(index) { var newMoreInfo = this.state.moreInfo; newMoreInfo[index] = true; this.setState({moreInfo: newMoreInfo}); } handleRevokedSession(sessionId) { return this.props.intl.formatMessage(holders.sessionRevoked, {sessionId: sessionId}); } formatAuditInfo(currentAudit) { const currentActionURL = currentAudit.action.replace(/\/api\/v[1-9]/, ''); const {formatMessage} = this.props.intl; let currentAuditDesc = ''; if (currentActionURL.indexOf('/channels') === 0) { const channelInfo = currentAudit.extra_info.split(' '); const channelNameField = channelInfo[0].split('='); let channelURL = ''; let channelObj; let channelName = ''; if (channelNameField.indexOf('name') >= 0) { channelURL = channelNameField[channelNameField.indexOf('name') + 1]; channelObj = ChannelStore.getByName(channelURL); if (channelObj) { channelName = channelObj.display_name; } else { channelName = channelURL; } } switch (currentActionURL) { case '/channels/create': currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.channelCreated, {channelName: channelName}); break; case '/channels/create_direct': currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.establishedDM, {username: Utils.getDirectTeammate(channelObj.id).username}); break; case '/channels/update': currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.nameUpdated, {channelName: channelName}); break; case '/channels/update_desc': // support the old path case '/channels/update_header': currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.headerUpdated, {channelName: channelName}); break; default: { let userIdField = []; let userId = ''; let username = ''; if (channelInfo[1]) { userIdField = channelInfo[1].split('='); if (userIdField.indexOf('user_id') >= 0) { userId = userIdField[userIdField.indexOf('user_id') + 1]; username = UserStore.getProfile(userId).username; } } if (/\/channels\/[A-Za-z0-9]+\/delete/.test(currentActionURL)) { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.channelDeleted, {url: channelURL}); } else if (/\/channels\/[A-Za-z0-9]+\/add/.test(currentActionURL)) { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.userAdded, {username: username, channelName: channelName}); } else if (/\/channels\/[A-Za-z0-9]+\/remove/.test(currentActionURL)) { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.userRemoved, {username: username, channelName: channelName}); } break; } } } else if (currentActionURL.indexOf('/oauth') === 0) { const oauthInfo = currentAudit.extra_info.split(' '); switch (currentActionURL) { case '/oauth/register': { const clientIdField = oauthInfo[0].split('='); if (clientIdField[0] === 'client_id') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.attemptedRegisterApp, {id: clientIdField[1]}); } break; } case '/oauth/allow': if (oauthInfo[0] === 'attempt') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.attemptedAllowOAuthAccess); } else if (oauthInfo[0] === 'success') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.successfullOAuthAccess); } else if (oauthInfo[0] === 'fail - redirect_uri did not match registered callback') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.failedOAuthAccess); } break; case '/oauth/access_token': if (oauthInfo[0] === 'attempt') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.attemptedOAuthToken); } else if (oauthInfo[0] === 'success') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.successfullOAuthToken); } else { const oauthTokenFailure = oauthInfo[0].split('-'); if (oauthTokenFailure[0].trim() === 'fail' && oauthTokenFailure[1]) { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(oauthTokenFailure, {token: oauthTokenFailure[1].trim()}); } } break; default: break; } } else if (currentActionURL.indexOf('/users') === 0) { const userInfo = currentAudit.extra_info.split(' '); switch (currentActionURL) { case '/users/login': if (userInfo[0] === 'attempt') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.attemptedLogin); } else if (userInfo[0] === 'success') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.successfullLogin); } else if (userInfo[0]) { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.failedLogin); } break; case '/users/revoke_session': currentAuditDesc = this.handleRevokedSession(userInfo[0].split('=')[1]); break; case '/users/newimage': currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.updatePicture); break; case '/users/update': currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.updateGeneral); break; case '/users/newpassword': if (userInfo[0] === 'attempted') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.attemptedPassword); } else if (userInfo[0] === 'completed') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.successfullPassword); } else if (userInfo[0] === 'failed - tried to update user password who was logged in through oauth') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.failedPassword); } break; case '/users/update_roles': { const userRoles = userInfo[0].split('=')[1]; currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.updatedRol); if (userRoles.trim()) { currentAuditDesc += userRoles; } else { currentAuditDesc += formatMessage(holders.member); } break; } case '/users/update_active': { const updateType = userInfo[0].split('=')[0]; const updateField = userInfo[0].split('=')[1]; /* Either describes account activation/deactivation or a revoked session as part of an account deactivation */ if (updateType === 'active') { if (updateField === 'true') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.accountActive); } else if (updateField === 'false') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.accountInactive); } const actingUserInfo = userInfo[1].split('='); if (actingUserInfo[0] === 'session_user') { const actingUser = UserStore.getProfile(actingUserInfo[1]); const currentUser = UserStore.getCurrentUser(); if (currentUser && actingUser && (Utils.isAdmin(currentUser.roles) || Utils.isSystemAdmin(currentUser.roles))) { currentAuditDesc += formatMessage(holders.by, {username: actingUser.username}); } else if (currentUser && actingUser) { currentAuditDesc += formatMessage(holders.byAdmin); } } } else if (updateType === 'session_id') { currentAuditDesc = this.handleRevokedSession(updateField); } break; } case '/users/send_password_reset': currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.sentEmail, {email: userInfo[0].split('=')[1]}); break; case '/users/reset_password': if (userInfo[0] === 'attempt') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.attemptedReset); } else if (userInfo[0] === 'success') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.successfullReset); } break; case '/users/update_notify': currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.updateGlobalNotifications); break; default: break; } } else if (currentActionURL.indexOf('/hooks') === 0) { const webhookInfo = currentAudit.extra_info.split(' '); switch (currentActionURL) { case '/hooks/incoming/create': if (webhookInfo[0] === 'attempt') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.attemptedWebhookCreate); } else if (webhookInfo[0] === 'success') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.succcessfullWebhookCreate); } else if (webhookInfo[0] === 'fail - bad channel permissions') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.failedWebhookCreate); } break; case '/hooks/incoming/delete': if (webhookInfo[0] === 'attempt') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.attemptedWebhookDelete); } else if (webhookInfo[0] === 'success') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.successfullWebhookDelete); } else if (webhookInfo[0] === 'fail - inappropriate conditions') { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.failedWebhookDelete); } break; default: break; } } else { switch (currentActionURL) { case '/logout': currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.logout); break; case '/verify_email': currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.verified); break; default: break; } } /* If all else fails... */ if (!currentAuditDesc) { /* Currently not called anywhere */ if (currentAudit.extra_info.indexOf('revoked_all=') >= 0) { currentAuditDesc = formatMessage(holders.revokedAll); } else { let currentActionDesc = ''; if (currentActionURL && currentActionURL.lastIndexOf('/') !== -1) { currentActionDesc = currentActionURL.substring(currentActionURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1).replace('_', ' '); currentActionDesc = Utils.toTitleCase(currentActionDesc); } let currentExtraInfoDesc = ''; if (currentAudit.extra_info) { currentExtraInfoDesc = currentAudit.extra_info; if (currentExtraInfoDesc.indexOf('=') !== -1) { currentExtraInfoDesc = currentExtraInfoDesc.substring(currentExtraInfoDesc.indexOf('=') + 1); } } currentAuditDesc = currentActionDesc + ' ' + currentExtraInfoDesc; } } const currentDate = new Date(currentAudit.create_at); const currentAuditInfo = currentDate.toLocaleDateString(global.window.mm_locale, {month: 'short', day: '2-digit', year: 'numeric'}) + ' - ' + currentDate.toLocaleTimeString(global.window.mm_locale, {hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit'}) + ' | ' + currentAuditDesc; return currentAuditInfo; } render() { var accessList = []; const {formatMessage} = this.props.intl; for (var i = 0; i < this.state.audits.length; i++) { const currentAudit = this.state.audits[i]; const currentAuditInfo = this.formatAuditInfo(currentAudit); var moreInfo = ( ); if (this.state.moreInfo[i]) { if (!currentAudit.session_id) { currentAudit.session_id = 'N/A'; if (currentAudit.action.search('/users/login') >= 0) { if (currentAudit.extra_info === 'attempt') { currentAudit.session_id += formatMessage(holders.loginAttempt); } else { currentAudit.session_id += formatMessage(holders.loginFailure); } } } moreInfo = (
); } var divider = null; if (i < this.state.audits.length - 1) { divider = (
); } accessList[i] = (
); } var content; if (this.state.audits.loading) { content = (); } else { content = (
); } return ( {content} ); } } AccessHistoryModal.propTypes = { intl: intlShape.isRequired, show: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired, onHide: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired }; export default injectIntl(AccessHistoryModal);