// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import * as Client from '../../utils/client.jsx'; import * as Utils from '../../utils/utils.jsx'; import Constants from '../../utils/constants.jsx'; import LineChart from './line_chart.jsx'; var Tooltip = ReactBootstrap.Tooltip; var OverlayTrigger = ReactBootstrap.OverlayTrigger; export default class TeamAnalytics extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.getData = this.getData.bind(this); this.state = { users: null, serverError: null, channel_open_count: null, channel_private_count: null, post_count: null, post_counts_day: null, user_counts_with_posts_day: null, recent_active_users: null, newly_created_users: null }; } componentDidMount() { this.getData(this.props.team.id); } getData(teamId) { Client.getAnalytics( teamId, 'standard', (data) => { for (var index in data) { if (data[index].name === 'channel_open_count') { this.setState({channel_open_count: data[index].value}); } if (data[index].name === 'channel_private_count') { this.setState({channel_private_count: data[index].value}); } if (data[index].name === 'post_count') { this.setState({post_count: data[index].value}); } } }, (err) => { this.setState({serverError: err.message}); } ); Client.getAnalytics( teamId, 'post_counts_day', (data) => { data.reverse(); var chartData = { labels: [], datasets: [{ label: 'Total Posts', fillColor: 'rgba(151,187,205,0.2)', strokeColor: 'rgba(151,187,205,1)', pointColor: 'rgba(151,187,205,1)', pointStrokeColor: '#fff', pointHighlightFill: '#fff', pointHighlightStroke: 'rgba(151,187,205,1)', data: [] }] }; for (var index in data) { if (data[index]) { var row = data[index]; chartData.labels.push(row.name); chartData.datasets[0].data.push(row.value); } } this.setState({post_counts_day: chartData}); }, (err) => { this.setState({serverError: err.message}); } ); Client.getAnalytics( teamId, 'user_counts_with_posts_day', (data) => { data.reverse(); var chartData = { labels: [], datasets: [{ label: 'Active Users With Posts', fillColor: 'rgba(151,187,205,0.2)', strokeColor: 'rgba(151,187,205,1)', pointColor: 'rgba(151,187,205,1)', pointStrokeColor: '#fff', pointHighlightFill: '#fff', pointHighlightStroke: 'rgba(151,187,205,1)', data: [] }] }; for (var index in data) { if (data[index]) { var row = data[index]; chartData.labels.push(row.name); chartData.datasets[0].data.push(row.value); } } this.setState({user_counts_with_posts_day: chartData}); }, (err) => { this.setState({serverError: err.message}); } ); Client.getProfilesForTeam( teamId, (users) => { this.setState({users}); var usersList = []; for (var id in users) { if (users.hasOwnProperty(id)) { usersList.push(users[id]); } } usersList.sort((a, b) => { if (a.last_activity_at < b.last_activity_at) { return 1; } if (a.last_activity_at > b.last_activity_at) { return -1; } return 0; }); var recentActive = []; for (let i = 0; i < usersList.length; i++) { recentActive.push(usersList[i]); if (i > 19) { break; } } this.setState({recent_active_users: recentActive}); usersList.sort((a, b) => { if (a.create_at < b.create_at) { return 1; } if (a.create_at > b.create_at) { return -1; } return 0; }); var newlyCreated = []; for (let i = 0; i < usersList.length; i++) { newlyCreated.push(usersList[i]); if (i > 19) { break; } } this.setState({newly_created_users: newlyCreated}); }, (err) => { this.setState({serverError: err.message}); } ); } componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) { this.setState({ users: null, serverError: null, channel_open_count: null, channel_private_count: null, post_count: null, post_counts_day: null, user_counts_with_posts_day: null, recent_active_users: null, newly_created_users: null }); this.getData(newProps.team.id); } componentWillUnmount() { } render() { var serverError = ''; if (this.state.serverError) { serverError =
; } var totalCount = (
{'Total Users'}
{this.state.users == null ? 'Loading...' : Object.keys(this.state.users).length}
); var openChannelCount = (
{'Public Channels'}
{this.state.channel_open_count == null ? 'Loading...' : this.state.channel_open_count}
); var openPrivateCount = (
{'Private Groups'}
{this.state.channel_private_count == null ? 'Loading...' : this.state.channel_private_count}
); var postCount = (
{'Total Posts'}
{this.state.post_count == null ? 'Loading...' : this.state.post_count}
); var postCountsByDay = (
{'Total Posts'}
); if (this.state.post_counts_day != null) { postCountsByDay = (
{'Total Posts'}
); } var usersWithPostsByDay = (
{'Total Posts'}
); if (this.state.user_counts_with_posts_day != null) { usersWithPostsByDay = (
{'Active Users With Posts'}
); } var recentActiveUser = (
{'Recent Active Users'}
); if (this.state.recent_active_users != null) { recentActiveUser = (
{'Recent Active Users'}
{ this.state.recent_active_users.map((user) => { const tooltip = ( {user.email} ); return ( ); }) }
); } var newUsers = (
{'Newly Created Users'}
); if (this.state.newly_created_users != null) { newUsers = (
{'Newly Created Users'}
{ this.state.newly_created_users.map((user) => { const tooltip = ( {user.email} ); return ( ); }) }
); } return (

{'Statistics for ' + this.props.team.name}

{totalCount} {postCount} {openChannelCount} {openPrivateCount}
{recentActiveUser} {newUsers}
); } } TeamAnalytics.propTypes = { team: React.PropTypes.object };