// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. var Utils = require('../utils/utils.jsx'); export default class FilePreview extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleRemove = this.handleRemove.bind(this); this.state = {}; } handleRemove(e) { var previewDiv = e.target.parentNode.parentNode; if (previewDiv.hasAttribute('data-filename')) { this.props.onRemove(previewDiv.getAttribute('data-filename')); } else if (previewDiv.hasAttribute('data-client-id')) { this.props.onRemove(previewDiv.getAttribute('data-client-id')); } } render() { var previews = []; this.props.files.forEach(function setupPreview(fullFilename) { var filename = fullFilename; var originalFilename = filename; var filenameSplit = filename.split('.'); var ext = filenameSplit[filenameSplit.length - 1]; var type = Utils.getFileType(ext); // This is a temporary patch to fix issue with old files using absolute paths if (filename.indexOf('/api/v1/files/get') !== -1) { filename = filename.split('/api/v1/files/get')[1]; } filename = Utils.getWindowLocationOrigin() + '/api/v1/files/get' + filename; if (type === 'image') { previews.push(
); } else { previews.push(
); } }.bind(this)); this.props.uploadsInProgress.forEach(function addUploadsInProgress(clientId) { previews.push(
); }.bind(this)); return (
); } } FilePreview.defaultProps = { files: null, uploadsInProgress: null }; FilePreview.propTypes = { onRemove: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, files: React.PropTypes.array, uploadsInProgress: React.PropTypes.array };