// Copyright (c) 2015 Spinpunch, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. var UserStore = require('../stores/user_store.jsx'); var PostStore = require('../stores/post_store.jsx'); var AppDispatcher = require('../dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx'); var Mention = require('./mention.jsx'); var Constants = require('../utils/constants.jsx'); var ActionTypes = Constants.ActionTypes; var MAX_HEIGHT_LIST = 292; var MAX_ITEMS_IN_LIST = 25; var ITEM_HEIGHT = 36; module.exports = React.createClass({ displayName: "MentionList", componentDidMount: function() { PostStore.addMentionDataChangeListener(this._onChange); var self = this; $('body').on('keydown.mentionlist', '#'+this.props.id, function(e) { if (!self.isEmpty() && self.state.mentionText != '-1' && (e.which === 13 || e.which === 9)) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); self.addCurrentMention(); } else if (!self.isEmpty() && self.state.mentionText != '-1' && (e.which === 38 || e.which === 40)) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); if (!self.getSelection(self.state.selectedMention)) { self.setState({ selectedMention: 0 }); //self.refs['mention' + self.state.selectedMention].deselect(); } else { self.refs['mention' + self.state.selectedMention].deselect(); if (e.which === 38) { if (self.getSelection(self.state.selectedMention - 1)) self.setState({ selectedMention: self.state.selectedMention - 1 }); else { var tempSelectedMention = -1; while (self.getSelection(++tempSelectedMention)) ; self.setState({ selectedMention: tempSelectedMention - 1 }); } } else { if (self.getSelection(self.state.selectedMention + 1)) self.setState({ selectedMention: self.state.selectedMention + 1 }); else self.setState({ selectedMention: 0 }); } } self.refs['mention' + self.state.selectedMention].select(); //self.checkIfInView('#'+self.props.id); } } ); $(document).click(function(e) { if (!($('#'+self.props.id).is(e.target) || $('#'+self.props.id).has(e.target).length || ('mentionlist' in self.refs && $(self.refs['mentionlist'].getDOMNode()).has(e.target).length))) { self.setState({mentionText: "-1"}) } }); }, componentWillUnmount: function() { PostStore.removeMentionDataChangeListener(this._onChange); $('body').off('keypress.mentionlist', '#'+this.props.id); }, componentDidUpdate: function() { if (this.state.mentionText != "-1" && !this.getSelection(this.state.selectedMention)) { this.refs.mention0.select(); } }, _onChange: function(id, mentionText, excludeList) { if (id !== this.props.id) return; var newState = this.state; if (mentionText != null) newState.mentionText = mentionText; if (excludeList != null) newState.excludeUsers = excludeList; this.setState(newState); }, handleClick: function(name) { AppDispatcher.handleViewAction({ type: ActionTypes.RECIEVED_ADD_MENTION, id: this.props.id, username: name }); this.setState({ mentionText: '-1' }); }, handleMouseEnter: function(listId) { if (this.getSelection(this.state.selectedMention)) { this.refs['mention' + this.state.selectedMention].deselect(); } this.setState({ selectedMention: listId }); this.refs['mention' + listId].select(); }, getSelection: function(listId) { var mention = this.refs['mention' + listId]; if (!mention) return false; else return true; }, addCurrentMention: function() { if (!this.refs['mention' + this.state.selectedMention]) this.addFirstMention(); this.refs['mention' + this.state.selectedMention].handleClick(); }, addFirstMention: function() { if (!this.refs.mention0) return; this.refs.mention0.handleClick(); }, isEmpty: function() { return (!this.refs.mention0); }, checkIfInView: function(element) { var offset = element.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop(); if(offset > window.innerHeight){ // Not in view so scroll to it $('body').animate({scrollTop: offset}, 1000); return false; } return true; }, alreadyMentioned: function(username) { var excludeUsers = this.state.excludeUsers; for (var i = 0; i < excludeUsers.length; i++) { if (excludeUsers[i] === username) { return true; } } return false; }, getInitialState: function() { return { excludeUsers: [], mentionText: "-1", selectedMention: 0, selectedUsername: "" }; }, render: function() { var mentionText = this.state.mentionText; if (mentionText === '-1') return null; var profiles = UserStore.getActiveOnlyProfiles(); var users = []; for (var id in profiles) { users.push(profiles[id]); } var all = {}; all.username = "all"; all.full_name = ""; all.secondary_text = "Notifies everyone in the team"; users.push(all); var channel = {}; channel.username = "channel"; channel.full_name = ""; channel.secondary_text = "Notifies everyone in the channel"; users.push(channel); users.sort(function(a,b) { if (a.username < b.username) return -1; if (a.username > b.username) return 1; return 0; }); var mentions = {}; var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < users.length && index < MAX_ITEMS_IN_LIST; i++) { if (this.alreadyMentioned(users[i].username)) continue; var firstName = "", lastName = ""; if (users[i].full_name.length > 0) { var splitName = users[i].full_name.split(' '); firstName = splitName[0].toLowerCase(); lastName = splitName.length > 1 ? splitName[splitName.length-1].toLowerCase() : ""; users[i].secondary_text = users[i].full_name; } if (firstName.lastIndexOf(mentionText,0) === 0 || lastName.lastIndexOf(mentionText,0) === 0 || users[i].username.lastIndexOf(mentionText,0) === 0) { mentions[index] = ( ); index++; } } var numMentions = Object.keys(mentions).length; if (numMentions < 1) return null; var $mention_tab = $('#'+this.props.id); var maxHeight = Math.min(MAX_HEIGHT_LIST, $mention_tab.offset().top - 10); var style = { height: Math.min(maxHeight, (numMentions*ITEM_HEIGHT) + 4), width: $mention_tab.parent().width(), bottom: $(window).height() - $mention_tab.offset().top, left: $mention_tab.offset().left }; return (
{ mentions }
); } });