// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import UserStore from '../stores/user_store.jsx'; import * as EventHelpers from '../dispatcher/event_helpers.jsx'; import * as Utils from '../utils/utils.jsx'; import Post from './post.jsx'; import Constants from '../utils/constants.jsx'; export default class PostsView extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleScroll = this.handleScroll.bind(this); this.isAtBottom = this.isAtBottom.bind(this); this.loadMorePostsTop = this.loadMorePostsTop.bind(this); this.loadMorePostsBottom = this.loadMorePostsBottom.bind(this); this.createPosts = this.createPosts.bind(this); this.updateScrolling = this.updateScrolling.bind(this); this.handleResize = this.handleResize.bind(this); this.jumpToPostNode = null; this.wasAtBottom = true; this.scrollHeight = 0; } static get SCROLL_TYPE_FREE() { return 1; } static get SCROLL_TYPE_BOTTOM() { return 2; } static get SCROLL_TYPE_SIDEBAR_OPEN() { return 3; } static get SCROLL_TYPE_NEW_MESSAGE() { return 4; } static get SCROLL_TYPE_POST() { return 5; } isAtBottom() { return ((this.refs.postlist.scrollHeight - this.refs.postlist.scrollTop) === this.refs.postlist.clientHeight); } handleScroll() { // HACK FOR RHS -- REMOVE WHEN RHS DIES const childNodes = this.refs.postlistcontent.childNodes; for (let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) { // If the node is 1/3 down the page if (childNodes[i].offsetTop > (this.refs.postlist.scrollTop + (this.refs.postlist.offsetHeight / 3))) { this.jumpToPostNode = childNodes[i]; break; } } this.wasAtBottom = this.isAtBottom(); if (!this.jumpToPostNode && childNodes.length > 0) { this.jumpToPostNode = childNodes[childNodes.length - 1]; } // --- -------- this.props.postViewScrolled(this.isAtBottom()); this.prevScrollHeight = this.refs.postlist.scrollHeight; this.prevOffsetTop = this.jumpToPostNode.offsetTop; } loadMorePostsTop() { this.props.loadMorePostsTopClicked(); } loadMorePostsBottom() { this.props.loadMorePostsBottomClicked(); } createPosts(posts, order) { const postCtls = []; let previousPostDay = new Date(0); const userId = UserStore.getCurrentId(); let renderedLastViewed = false; for (let i = order.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const post = posts[order[i]]; const parentPost = posts[post.parent_id]; const prevPost = posts[order[i + 1]]; // If the post is a comment whose parent has been deleted, don't add it to the list. if (parentPost && parentPost.state === Constants.POST_DELETED) { continue; } let sameUser = false; let sameRoot = false; let hideProfilePic = false; if (prevPost) { const postIsComment = Utils.isComment(post); const prevPostIsComment = Utils.isComment(prevPost); const postFromWebhook = Boolean(post.props && post.props.from_webhook); const prevPostFromWebhook = Boolean(prevPost.props && prevPost.props.from_webhook); sameUser = prevPost.user_id === post.user_id && postFromWebhook === prevPostFromWebhook && post.create_at - prevPost.create_at <= 1000 * 60 * 5; sameRoot = (postIsComment && (prevPost.id === post.root_id || prevPost.root_id === post.root_id)) || (!postIsComment && !prevPostIsComment && sameUser); // hide the profile pic if: // the previous post was made by the same user as the current post, // the previous post is not a comment, // the current post is not a comment, // the current post is not from a webhook // and the previous post is not from a webhook if ((prevPost.user_id === post.user_id) && !prevPostIsComment && !postIsComment && !postFromWebhook && !prevPostFromWebhook) { hideProfilePic = true; } } // check if it's the last comment in a consecutive string of comments on the same post // it is the last comment if it is last post in the channel or the next post has a different root post const isLastComment = Utils.isComment(post) && (i === 0 || posts[order[i - 1]].root_id !== post.root_id); const keyPrefix = post.id ? post.id : i; const shouldHighlight = this.props.postsToHighlight && this.props.postsToHighlight.hasOwnProperty(post.id); const postCtl = ( EventHelpers.emitPostFocusEvent(post.id)} //eslint-disable-line no-loop-func /> ); const currentPostDay = Utils.getDateForUnixTicks(post.create_at); if (currentPostDay.toDateString() !== previousPostDay.toDateString()) { postCtls.push(

); } if (post.user_id !== userId && this.props.messageSeparatorTime !== 0 && post.create_at > this.props.messageSeparatorTime && !renderedLastViewed) { renderedLastViewed = true; // Temporary fix to solve ie11 rendering issue let newSeparatorId = ''; if (!Utils.isBrowserIE()) { newSeparatorId = 'new_message_' + post.id; } postCtls.push(

{'New Messages'}
); } postCtls.push(postCtl); previousPostDay = currentPostDay; } return postCtls; } updateScrolling() { if (this.props.scrollType === PostsView.SCROLL_TYPE_BOTTOM) { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { this.refs.postlist.scrollTop = this.refs.postlist.scrollHeight; }); } else if (this.props.scrollType === PostsView.SCROLL_TYPE_NEW_MESSAGE) { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { // If separator exists scroll to it. Otherwise scroll to bottom. if (this.refs.newMessageSeparator) { this.refs.newMessageSeparator.scrollIntoView(); } else { this.refs.postlist.scrollTop = this.refs.postlist.scrollHeight; } }); } else if (this.props.scrollType === PostsView.SCROLL_TYPE_POST && this.props.scrollPostId) { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { const postNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs[this.props.scrollPostId]); if (postNode == null) { return; } postNode.scrollIntoView(); if (this.refs.postlist.scrollTop === postNode.offsetTop) { this.refs.postlist.scrollTop -= (this.refs.postlist.offsetHeight / 3); } else { this.refs.postlist.scrollTop -= (this.refs.postlist.offsetHeight / 3) + (this.refs.postlist.scrollTop - postNode.offsetTop); } }); } else if (this.props.scrollType === PostsView.SCROLL_TYPE_SIDEBAR_OPEN) { // If we are at the bottom then stay there if (this.wasAtBottom) { this.refs.postlist.scrollTop = this.refs.postlist.scrollHeight; } else { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { this.jumpToPostNode.scrollIntoView(); if (this.refs.postlist.scrollTop === this.jumpToPostNode.offsetTop) { this.refs.postlist.scrollTop -= (this.refs.postlist.offsetHeight / 3); } else { this.refs.postlist.scrollTop -= (this.refs.postlist.offsetHeight / 3) + (this.refs.postlist.scrollTop - this.jumpToPostNode.offsetTop); } }); } } else if (this.refs.postlist.scrollHeight !== this.prevScrollHeight) { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { // Only need to jump if we added posts to the top. if (this.jumpToPostNode && (this.jumpToPostNode.offsetTop !== this.prevOffsetTop)) { this.refs.postlist.scrollTop += (this.refs.postlist.scrollHeight - this.prevScrollHeight); } }); } } handleResize() { this.updateScrolling(); } componentDidMount() { if (this.props.postList != null) { this.updateScrolling(); } window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize); } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize); } componentDidUpdate() { if (this.props.postList != null) { this.updateScrolling(); } } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) { if (this.props.isActive !== nextProps.isActive) { return true; } if (this.props.postList !== nextProps.postList) { return true; } if (this.props.scrollPostId !== nextProps.scrollPostId) { return true; } if (this.props.scrollType !== nextProps.scrollType && nextProps.scrollType !== PostsView.SCROLL_TYPE_FREE) { return true; } if (this.props.messageSeparatorTime !== nextProps.messageSeparatorTime) { return true; } if (!Utils.areObjectsEqual(this.props.postList, nextProps.postList)) { return true; } return false; } render() { let posts = []; let order = []; let moreMessagesTop; let moreMessagesBottom; let postElements; let activeClass = 'inactive'; if (this.props.postList != null) { posts = this.props.postList.posts; order = this.props.postList.order; // Create intro message or top loadmore link if (this.props.showMoreMessagesTop) { moreMessagesTop = ( {'Load more messages'} ); } else { moreMessagesTop = this.props.introText; } // Give option to load more posts at bottom if nessisary if (this.props.showMoreMessagesBottom) { moreMessagesBottom = ( {'Load more messages'} ); } else { moreMessagesBottom = null; } // Create post elements postElements = this.createPosts(posts, order); // Show ourselves if we are marked active if (this.props.isActive) { activeClass = ''; } } return (
{moreMessagesTop} {postElements} {moreMessagesBottom}
); } } PostsView.defaultProps = { }; PostsView.propTypes = { isActive: React.PropTypes.bool, postList: React.PropTypes.object, scrollPostId: React.PropTypes.string, scrollType: React.PropTypes.number, postViewScrolled: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, loadMorePostsTopClicked: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, loadMorePostsBottomClicked: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, showMoreMessagesTop: React.PropTypes.bool, showMoreMessagesBottom: React.PropTypes.bool, introText: React.PropTypes.element, messageSeparatorTime: React.PropTypes.number, postsToHighlight: React.PropTypes.object };