// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import * as Client from '../utils/client.jsx'; import ModalStore from '../stores/modal_store.jsx'; const Modal = ReactBootstrap.Modal; import Constants from '../utils/constants.jsx'; const ActionTypes = Constants.ActionTypes; export default class RegisterAppModal extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this); this.onHide = this.onHide.bind(this); this.save = this.save.bind(this); this.updateShow = this.updateShow.bind(this); this.state = { clientId: '', clientSecret: '', saved: false, show: false }; } componentDidMount() { ModalStore.addModalListener(ActionTypes.TOGGLE_REGISTER_APP_MODAL, this.updateShow); } componentWillUnmount() { ModalStore.removeModalListener(ActionTypes.TOGGLE_REGISTER_APP_MODAL, this.updateShow); } updateShow(show) { if (!show) { if (this.state.clientId !== '' && !this.state.saved) { return; } this.setState({ clientId: '', clientSecret: '', saved: false, homepageError: null, callbackError: null, serverError: null, nameError: null }); } this.setState({show}); } handleSubmit(e) { e.preventDefault(); var state = this.state; state.serverError = null; var app = {}; var name = this.refs.name.value; if (!name || name.length === 0) { state.nameError = 'Application name must be filled in.'; this.setState(state); return; } state.nameError = null; app.name = name; var homepage = this.refs.homepage.value; if (!homepage || homepage.length === 0) { state.homepageError = 'Homepage must be filled in.'; this.setState(state); return; } state.homepageError = null; app.homepage = homepage; var desc = this.refs.desc.value; app.description = desc; var rawCallbacks = this.refs.callback.value.trim(); if (!rawCallbacks || rawCallbacks.length === 0) { state.callbackError = 'At least one callback URL must be filled in.'; this.setState(state); return; } state.callbackError = null; app.callback_urls = rawCallbacks.split('\n'); Client.registerOAuthApp(app, (data) => { state.clientId = data.id; state.clientSecret = data.client_secret; this.setState(state); }, (err) => { state.serverError = err.message; this.setState(state); } ); } onHide(e) { if (!this.state.saved && this.state.clientId !== '') { e.preventDefault(); return; } this.setState({clientId: '', clientSecret: '', saved: false}); } save() { this.setState({saved: this.refs.save.checked}); } render() { var nameError; if (this.state.nameError) { nameError =
; } var homepageError; if (this.state.homepageError) { homepageError =
; } var callbackError; if (this.state.callbackError) { callbackError =
; } var serverError; if (this.state.serverError) { serverError =
; } var body = ''; var footer = ''; if (this.state.clientId === '') { body = (

{'Register a New Application'}
