// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import SettingItemMin from './setting_item_min.jsx'; import SettingItemMax from './setting_item_max.jsx'; import * as Client from '../utils/client.jsx'; import * as Utils from '../utils/utils.jsx'; import TeamStore from '../stores/team_store.jsx'; export default class GeneralTab extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleNameSubmit = this.handleNameSubmit.bind(this); this.handleInviteIdSubmit = this.handleInviteIdSubmit.bind(this); this.handleOpenInviteSubmit = this.handleOpenInviteSubmit.bind(this); this.handleTeamListingSubmit = this.handleTeamListingSubmit.bind(this); this.handleClose = this.handleClose.bind(this); this.onUpdateNameSection = this.onUpdateNameSection.bind(this); this.updateName = this.updateName.bind(this); this.onUpdateInviteIdSection = this.onUpdateInviteIdSection.bind(this); this.updateInviteId = this.updateInviteId.bind(this); this.onUpdateOpenInviteSection = this.onUpdateOpenInviteSection.bind(this); this.handleOpenInviteRadio = this.handleOpenInviteRadio.bind(this); this.onUpdateTeamListingSection = this.onUpdateTeamListingSection.bind(this); this.handleTeamListingRadio = this.handleTeamListingRadio.bind(this); this.handleGenerateInviteId = this.handleGenerateInviteId.bind(this); this.state = { name: props.team.display_name, invite_id: props.team.invite_id, allow_open_invite: props.team.allow_open_invite, allow_team_listing: props.team.allow_team_listing, serverError: '', clientError: '' }; } handleGenerateInviteId(e) { e.preventDefault(); var newId = ''; for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { newId += Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16); } this.setState({invite_id: newId}); } handleOpenInviteRadio(openInvite) { this.setState({allow_open_invite: openInvite}); } handleTeamListingRadio(listing) { if (global.window.mm_config.EnableTeamListing !== 'true' && listing) { this.setState({clientError: 'Team directory has been disabled. Please ask a system admin to enable it.'}); } else { this.setState({allow_team_listing: listing}); } } handleOpenInviteSubmit(e) { e.preventDefault(); var state = {serverError: '', clientError: ''}; var data = this.props.team; data.allow_open_invite = this.state.allow_open_invite; Client.updateTeam(data, (team) => { TeamStore.saveTeam(team); TeamStore.emitChange(); this.props.updateSection(''); }, (err) => { state.serverError = err.message; this.setState(state); } ); } handleTeamListingSubmit(e) { e.preventDefault(); var state = {serverError: '', clientError: ''}; var data = this.props.team; data.allow_team_listing = this.state.allow_team_listing; Client.updateTeam(data, (team) => { TeamStore.saveTeam(team); TeamStore.emitChange(); this.props.updateSection(''); }, (err) => { state.serverError = err.message; this.setState(state); } ); } handleNameSubmit(e) { e.preventDefault(); var state = {serverError: '', clientError: ''}; let valid = true; const name = this.state.name.trim(); if (!name) { state.clientError = 'This field is required'; valid = false; } else if (name === this.props.team.display_name) { state.clientError = 'Please choose a new name for your team'; valid = false; } else { state.clientError = ''; } this.setState(state); if (!valid) { return; } var data = this.props.team; data.display_name = this.state.name; Client.updateTeam(data, (team) => { TeamStore.saveTeam(team); TeamStore.emitChange(); this.props.updateSection(''); }, (err) => { state.serverError = err.message; this.setState(state); } ); } handleInviteIdSubmit(e) { e.preventDefault(); var state = {serverError: '', clientError: ''}; let valid = true; const inviteId = this.state.invite_id.trim(); if (inviteId) { state.clientError = ''; } else { state.clientError = 'This field is required'; valid = false; } this.setState(state); if (!valid) { return; } var data = this.props.team; data.invite_id = this.state.invite_id; Client.updateTeam(data, (team) => { TeamStore.saveTeam(team); TeamStore.emitChange(); this.props.updateSection(''); }, (err) => { state.serverError = err.message; this.setState(state); } ); } componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) { if (newProps.team && newProps.teamDisplayName) { this.setState({name: newProps.teamDisplayName}); } } handleClose() { this.setState({clientError: '', serverError: ''}); this.props.updateSection(''); } componentDidMount() { $('#team_settings').on('hidden.bs.modal', this.handleClose); } componentWillUnmount() { $('#team_settings').off('hidden.bs.modal', this.handleClose); } onUpdateNameSection(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.props.activeSection === 'name') { this.props.updateSection(''); } else { this.props.updateSection('name'); } } onUpdateInviteIdSection(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.props.activeSection === 'invite_id') { this.props.updateSection(''); } else { this.props.updateSection('invite_id'); } } onUpdateOpenInviteSection(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.props.activeSection === 'open_invite') { this.props.updateSection(''); } else { this.props.updateSection('open_invite'); } } onUpdateTeamListingSection(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.props.activeSection === 'team_listing') { this.props.updateSection(''); } else { this.props.updateSection('team_listing'); } } updateName(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({name: e.target.value}); } updateInviteId(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({invite_id: e.target.value}); } render() { let clientError = null; let serverError = null; if (this.state.clientError) { clientError = this.state.clientError; } if (this.state.serverError) { serverError = this.state.serverError; } const enableTeamListing = global.window.mm_config.EnableTeamListing === 'true'; let teamListingSection; if (this.props.activeSection === 'team_listing') { const inputs = []; let submitHandle = null; if (enableTeamListing) { submitHandle = this.handleTeamListingSubmit; inputs.push(

{'Including this team will display the team name from the Team Directory section of the Home Page, and provide a link to the sign-in page.'}
); } else { inputs.push(

{'Contact your system administrator to turn on the team directory on the system home page.'}
); } teamListingSection = ( ); } else { let describe = ''; if (enableTeamListing) { if (this.state.allow_team_listing === true) { describe = 'Yes'; } else { describe = 'No'; } } else { describe = 'Team directory is turned off for this system.'; } teamListingSection = ( ); } let openInviteSection; if (this.props.activeSection === 'open_invite') { const inputs = [

{'When allowed, a link to account creation will be included on the sign-in page of this team and allow any visitor to sign-up.'}
]; openInviteSection = ( ); } else { let describe = ''; if (this.state.allow_open_invite === true) { describe = 'Yes'; } else { describe = 'No'; } openInviteSection = ( ); } let inviteSection; if (this.props.activeSection === 'invite_id') { const inputs = []; inputs.push(
{'Your Invite Code is used in the URL sent to people to join your team. Regenerating your Invite Code will invalidate the URLs in previous invitations, unless "Allow anyone to sign-up from login page" is enabled.'}
); inviteSection = ( ); } else { inviteSection = ( ); } let nameSection; if (this.props.activeSection === 'name') { const inputs = []; let teamNameLabel = 'Team Name'; if (Utils.isMobile()) { teamNameLabel = ''; } inputs.push(
); nameSection = ( ); } else { var describe = this.state.name; nameSection = ( ); } return (

{'General Settings'}

{'General Settings'}

); } } GeneralTab.propTypes = { updateSection: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, team: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, activeSection: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired };