// Copyright (c) 2015 Spinpunch, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. var Client = require('../utils/client.jsx'); var Utils = require('../utils/utils.jsx'); export default class ViewImageModal extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.canSetState = false; this.loadImage = this.loadImage.bind(this); this.handleNext = this.handleNext.bind(this); this.handlePrev = this.handlePrev.bind(this); this.handleKeyPress = this.handleKeyPress.bind(this); this.getPublicLink = this.getPublicLink.bind(this); this.getPreviewImagePath = this.getPreviewImagePath.bind(this); var loaded = []; var progress = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.props.filenames.length; i++) { loaded.push(false); progress.push(0); } this.state = {imgId: this.props.startId, viewed: false, loaded: loaded, progress: progress, images: {}, fileSizes: {}}; } handleNext() { var id = this.state.imgId + 1; if (id > this.props.filenames.length - 1) { id = 0; } this.setState({imgId: id}); this.loadImage(id); } handlePrev() { var id = this.state.imgId - 1; if (id < 0) { id = this.props.filenames.length - 1; } this.setState({imgId: id}); this.loadImage(id); } handleKeyPress(e) { if (!e) { return; } else if (e.keyCode === 39) { this.handleNext(); } else if (e.keyCode === 37) { this.handlePrev(); } } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { this.setState({imgId: nextProps.startId}); } loadImage(id) { var imgHeight = $(window).height() - 100; if (this.state.loaded[id] || this.state.images[id]) { $('.modal .modal-image .image-wrapper img').css('max-height', imgHeight); return; } var filename = this.props.filenames[id]; var fileInfo = Utils.splitFileLocation(filename); var fileType = Utils.getFileType(fileInfo.ext); if (fileType === 'image') { var img = new Image(); img.load(this.getPreviewImagePath(filename), function load() { var progress = this.state.progress; progress[id] = img.completedPercentage; this.setState({progress: progress}); }.bind(this)); img.onload = (function onload(imgid) { return function onloadReturn() { var loaded = this.state.loaded; loaded[imgid] = true; this.setState({loaded: loaded}); $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.image)).css('max-height', imgHeight); }.bind(this); }.bind(this)(id)); var images = this.state.images; images[id] = img; this.setState({images: images}); } else { // there's nothing to load for non-image files var loaded = this.state.loaded; loaded[id] = true; this.setState({loaded: loaded}); } } componentDidUpdate() { if (this.state.loaded[this.state.imgId]) { if (this.refs.imageWrap) { $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.imageWrap)).removeClass('default'); } } } componentDidMount() { $('#' + this.props.modalId).on('shown.bs.modal', function onModalShow() { this.setState({viewed: true}); this.loadImage(this.state.imgId); }.bind(this)); $('#' + this.props.modalId).on('hidden.bs.modal', function onModalHide() { if (this.refs.video) { var video = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.video); video.pause(); video.currentTime = 0; } }.bind(this)); $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.modal)).click(function onModalClick(e) { if (e.target === this || e.target === React.findDOMNode(this.refs.imageBody)) { $('.image_modal').modal('hide'); } }.bind(this)); $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.imageWrap)).hover( function onModalHover() { $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.imageFooter)).addClass('footer--show'); }.bind(this), function offModalHover() { $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.imageFooter)).removeClass('footer--show'); }.bind(this) ); if (this.refs.previewArrowLeft) { $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.previewArrowLeft)).hover( function onModalHover() { $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.imageFooter)).addClass('footer--show'); }.bind(this), function offModalHover() { $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.imageFooter)).removeClass('footer--show'); }.bind(this) ); } if (this.refs.previewArrowRight) { $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.previewArrowRight)).hover( function onModalHover() { $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.imageFooter)).addClass('footer--show'); }.bind(this), function offModalHover() { $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.imageFooter)).removeClass('footer--show'); }.bind(this) ); } $(window).on('keyup', this.handleKeyPress); // keep track of whether or not this component is mounted so we can safely set the state asynchronously this.canSetState = true; } componentWillUnmount() { this.canSetState = false; $(window).off('keyup', this.handleKeyPress); } getPublicLink() { var data = {}; data.channel_id = this.props.channelId; data.user_id = this.props.userId; data.filename = this.props.filenames[this.state.imgId]; Client.getPublicLink(data, function sucess(serverData) { if (Utils.isMobile()) { window.location.href = serverData.public_link; } else { window.open(serverData.public_link); } }, function error() {} ); } getPreviewImagePath(filename) { // Returns the path to a preview image that can be used to represent a file. var fileInfo = Utils.splitFileLocation(filename); var fileType = Utils.getFileType(fileInfo.ext); if (fileType === 'image') { // This is a temporary patch to fix issue with old files using absolute paths if (fileInfo.path.indexOf('/api/v1/files/get') !== -1) { fileInfo.path = fileInfo.path.split('/api/v1/files/get')[1]; } fileInfo.path = Utils.getWindowLocationOrigin() + '/api/v1/files/get' + fileInfo.path; return fileInfo.path + '_preview.jpg'; } // only images have proper previews, so just use a placeholder icon for non-images return Utils.getPreviewImagePathForFileType(fileType); } render() { if (this.props.filenames.length < 1 || this.props.filenames.length - 1 < this.state.imgId) { return
; } var filename = this.props.filenames[this.state.imgId]; var fileUrl = Utils.getFileUrl(filename); var name = decodeURIComponent(Utils.getFileName(filename)); var content; var bgClass = ''; if (this.state.loaded[this.state.imgId]) { var fileInfo = Utils.splitFileLocation(filename); var fileType = Utils.getFileType(fileInfo.ext); if (fileType === 'image') { // image files just show a preview of the file content = ( ); } else if (fileType === 'video' || fileType === 'audio') { content = ( ); } else { // non-image files include a section providing details about the file var infoString = 'File type ' + fileInfo.ext.toUpperCase(); if (this.state.fileSizes[filename] && this.state.fileSizes[filename] >= 0) { infoString += ', Size ' + Utils.fileSizeToString(this.state.fileSizes[filename]); } content = (
); bgClass = 'white-bg'; // asynchronously request the actual size of this file if (!(filename in this.state.fileSizes)) { Client.getFileInfo( filename, function success(data) { if (this.canSetState) { var fileSizes = this.state.fileSizes; fileSizes[filename] = parseInt(data.size, 10); this.setState(fileSizes); } }.bind(this), function fail() {} ); } } } else { // display a progress indicator when the preview for an image is still loading var percentage = Math.floor(this.state.progress[this.state.imgId]); if (percentage) { content = (
{'Previewing ' + percentage + '%'}
); } else { content = (
); } bgClass = 'black-bg'; } var publicLink = ''; if (global.window.config.EnablePublicLink === 'true') { publicLink = (
Get Public Link |
); } var leftArrow = ''; var rightArrow = ''; if (this.props.filenames.length > 1) { leftArrow = ( ); rightArrow = ( ); } return (