// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import UserStore from 'stores/user_store.jsx'; import TeamStore from 'stores/team_store.jsx'; import * as UserAgent from 'utils/user_agent.jsx'; import {ActionTypes} from 'utils/constants.jsx'; import AppDispatcher from 'dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx'; import store from 'stores/redux_store.jsx'; const dispatch = store.dispatch; const getState = store.getState; import {Client4} from 'mattermost-redux/client'; import {getProfilesByIds} from 'mattermost-redux/actions/users'; import * as IntegrationActions from 'mattermost-redux/actions/integrations'; import request from 'superagent'; export function loadIncomingHooks(complete) { IntegrationActions.getIncomingHooks('', 0, 10000)(dispatch, getState).then( (data) => { if (data) { loadProfilesForIncomingHooks(data); } if (complete) { complete(data); } } ); } function loadProfilesForIncomingHooks(hooks) { const profilesToLoad = {}; for (let i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) { const hook = hooks[i]; if (!UserStore.hasProfile(hook.user_id)) { profilesToLoad[hook.user_id] = true; } } const list = Object.keys(profilesToLoad); if (list.length === 0) { return; } getProfilesByIds(list)(dispatch, getState); } export function loadOutgoingHooks(complete) { IntegrationActions.getOutgoingHooks('', '', 0, 10000)(dispatch, getState).then( (data) => { if (data) { loadProfilesForOutgoingHooks(data); } if (complete) { complete(data); } } ); } function loadProfilesForOutgoingHooks(hooks) { const profilesToLoad = {}; for (let i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) { const hook = hooks[i]; if (!UserStore.hasProfile(hook.creator_id)) { profilesToLoad[hook.creator_id] = true; } } const list = Object.keys(profilesToLoad); if (list.length === 0) { return; } getProfilesByIds(list)(dispatch, getState); } export function loadTeamCommands(complete) { IntegrationActions.getCustomTeamCommands(TeamStore.getCurrentId())(dispatch, getState).then( (data) => { if (data) { loadProfilesForCommands(data); } if (complete) { complete(data); } } ); } function loadProfilesForCommands(commands) { const profilesToLoad = {}; for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) { const command = commands[i]; if (!UserStore.hasProfile(command.creator_id)) { profilesToLoad[command.creator_id] = true; } } const list = Object.keys(profilesToLoad); if (list.length === 0) { return; } getProfilesByIds(list)(dispatch, getState); } export function addIncomingHook(hook, success, error) { IntegrationActions.createIncomingHook(hook)(dispatch, getState).then( (data) => { if (data && success) { success(data); } else if (data == null && error) { const serverError = getState().requests.integrations.createIncomingHook.error; error({id: serverError.server_error_id, ...serverError}); } } ); } export function updateIncomingHook(hook, success, error) { IntegrationActions.updateIncomingHook(hook)(dispatch, getState).then( (data) => { if (data && success) { success(data); } else if (data == null && error) { const serverError = getState().requests.integrations.updateIncomingHook.error; error({id: serverError.server_error_id, ...serverError}); } } ); } export function addOutgoingHook(hook, success, error) { IntegrationActions.createOutgoingHook(hook)(dispatch, getState).then( (data) => { if (data && success) { success(data); } else if (data == null && error) { const serverError = getState().requests.integrations.createOutgoingHook.error; error({id: serverError.server_error_id, ...serverError}); } } ); } export function updateOutgoingHook(hook, success, error) { IntegrationActions.updateOutgoingHook(hook)(dispatch, getState).then( (data) => { if (data && success) { success(data); } else if (data == null && error) { const serverError = getState().requests.integrations.updateOutgoingHook.error; error({id: serverError.server_error_id, ...serverError}); } } ); } export function deleteIncomingHook(id) { IntegrationActions.removeIncomingHook(id)(dispatch, getState); } export function deleteOutgoingHook(id) { IntegrationActions.removeOutgoingHook(id)(dispatch, getState); } export function regenOutgoingHookToken(id) { IntegrationActions.regenOutgoingHookToken(id)(dispatch, getState); } export function addCommand(command, success, error) { IntegrationActions.addCommand(command)(dispatch, getState).then( (data) => { if (data && success) { success(data); } else if (data == null && error) { const serverError = getState().requests.integrations.addCommand.error; error({id: serverError.server_error_id, ...serverError}); } } ); } export function editCommand(command, success, error) { IntegrationActions.editCommand(command)(dispatch, getState).then( (data) => { if (data && success) { success(data); } else if (data == null && error) { const serverError = getState().requests.integrations.editCommand.error; error({id: serverError.server_error_id, ...serverError}); } } ); } export function deleteCommand(id) { IntegrationActions.deleteCommand(id)(dispatch, getState); } export function regenCommandToken(id) { IntegrationActions.regenCommandToken(id)(dispatch, getState); } export function getSuggestedCommands(command, suggestionId, component) { Client4.getCommandsList(TeamStore.getCurrentId()).then( (data) => { let matches = []; data.forEach((cmd) => { if (!cmd.auto_complete) { return; } if (cmd.trigger !== 'shortcuts' || !UserAgent.isMobile()) { if (('/' + cmd.trigger).indexOf(command) === 0) { const s = '/' + cmd.trigger; let hint = ''; if (cmd.auto_complete_hint && cmd.auto_complete_hint.length !== 0) { hint = cmd.auto_complete_hint; } matches.push({ suggestion: s, hint, description: cmd.auto_complete_desc }); } } }); matches = matches.sort((a, b) => a.suggestion.localeCompare(b.suggestion)); // pull out the suggested commands from the returned data const terms = matches.map((suggestion) => suggestion.suggestion); if (terms.length > 0) { AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.SUGGESTION_RECEIVED_SUGGESTIONS, id: suggestionId, matchedPretext: command, terms, items: matches, component }); } } ).catch( () => {} //eslint-disable-line no-empty-function ); } export function getYoutubeVideoInfo(googleKey, videoId, success, error) { request.get('https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos'). query({part: 'snippet', id: videoId, key: googleKey}). end((err, res) => { if (err) { return error(err); } if (!res.body) { console.error('Missing response body for getYoutubeVideoInfo'); // eslint-disable-line no-console } return success(res.body); }); }