// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import AppDispatcher from 'dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx'; import * as AsyncClient from 'utils/async_client.jsx'; import Client from 'utils/web_client.jsx'; import PreferenceStore from 'stores/preference_store.jsx'; import TeamStore from 'stores/team_store.jsx'; import UserStore from 'stores/user_store.jsx'; import {ActionTypes, Preferences} from 'utils/constants.jsx'; export function switchFromLdapToEmail(email, password, ldapPassword, onSuccess, onError) { Client.ldapToEmail( email, password, ldapPassword, (data) => { if (data.follow_link) { window.location.href = data.follow_link; } if (onSuccess) { onSuccess(data); } }, onError ); } export function getMoreDmList() { AsyncClient.getProfilesForDirectMessageList(); AsyncClient.getTeamMembers(TeamStore.getCurrentId()); } export function saveTheme(teamId, theme, onSuccess, onError) { AsyncClient.savePreference( Preferences.CATEGORY_THEME, teamId, JSON.stringify(theme), () => { onThemeSaved(teamId, theme, onSuccess); }, (err) => { onError(err); } ); } function onThemeSaved(teamId, theme, onSuccess) { const themePreferences = PreferenceStore.getCategory(Preferences.CATEGORY_THEME); if (teamId !== '' && themePreferences.size > 1) { // no extra handling to be done to delete team-specific themes onSuccess(); return; } const toDelete = []; for (const [name] of themePreferences) { if (name === '') { continue; } toDelete.push({ user_id: UserStore.getCurrentId(), category: Preferences.CATEGORY_THEME, name }); } // we're saving a new global theme so delete any team-specific ones AsyncClient.deletePreferences(toDelete); // delete them locally before we hear from the server so that the UI flow is smoother AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.DELETED_PREFERENCES, preferences: toDelete }); onSuccess(); }