// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import AppDispatcher from 'dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx'; import PreferenceStore from 'stores/preference_store.jsx'; import TeamStore from 'stores/team_store.jsx'; import UserStore from 'stores/user_store.jsx'; import ChannelStore from 'stores/channel_store.jsx'; import {getChannelMembersForUserIds} from 'actions/channel_actions.jsx'; import {loadStatusesForProfilesList, loadStatusesForProfilesMap} from 'actions/status_actions.jsx'; import {getDirectChannelName} from 'utils/utils.jsx'; import * as AsyncClient from 'utils/async_client.jsx'; import Client from 'client/web_client.jsx'; import {Constants, ActionTypes, Preferences} from 'utils/constants.jsx'; import {browserHistory} from 'react-router/es6'; export function switchFromLdapToEmail(email, password, token, ldapPassword, onSuccess, onError) { Client.ldapToEmail( email, password, token, ldapPassword, (data) => { if (data.follow_link) { window.location.href = data.follow_link; } if (onSuccess) { onSuccess(data); } }, onError ); } export function loadProfilesAndTeamMembers(offset, limit, teamId = TeamStore.getCurrentId(), success, error) { Client.getProfilesInTeam( teamId, offset, limit, (data) => { AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_PROFILES_IN_TEAM, profiles: data, team_id: teamId, offset, count: Object.keys(data).length }); loadTeamMembersForProfilesMap(data, teamId, success, error); loadStatusesForProfilesMap(data); }, (err) => { AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'getProfilesInTeam'); } ); } export function loadProfilesAndTeamMembersAndChannelMembers(offset, limit, teamId = TeamStore.getCurrentId(), channelId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId(), success, error) { Client.getProfilesInChannel( channelId, offset, limit, (data) => { AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_PROFILES_IN_CHANNEL, profiles: data, channel_id: channelId, offset, count: Object.keys(data).length }); loadTeamMembersForProfilesMap( data, teamId, () => { loadChannelMembersForProfilesMap(data, channelId, success, error); loadStatusesForProfilesMap(data); }); }, (err) => { AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'getProfilesInChannel'); } ); } export function loadTeamMembersForProfilesMap(profiles, teamId = TeamStore.getCurrentId(), success, error) { const membersToLoad = {}; for (const pid in profiles) { if (!profiles.hasOwnProperty(pid)) { continue; } if (!TeamStore.hasActiveMemberInTeam(teamId, pid)) { membersToLoad[pid] = true; } } const list = Object.keys(membersToLoad); if (list.length === 0) { if (success) { success({}); } return; } loadTeamMembersForProfiles(list, teamId, success, error); } export function loadTeamMembersForProfilesList(profiles, teamId = TeamStore.getCurrentId(), success, error) { const membersToLoad = {}; for (let i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) { const pid = profiles[i].id; if (!TeamStore.hasActiveMemberInTeam(teamId, pid)) { membersToLoad[pid] = true; } } const list = Object.keys(membersToLoad); if (list.length === 0) { if (success) { success({}); } return; } loadTeamMembersForProfiles(list, teamId, success, error); } function loadTeamMembersForProfiles(userIds, teamId, success, error) { Client.getTeamMembersByIds( teamId, userIds, (data) => { const memberMap = {}; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { memberMap[data[i].user_id] = data[i]; } AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_MEMBERS_IN_TEAM, team_id: teamId, team_members: memberMap }); if (success) { success(data); } }, (err) => { AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'getTeamMembersByIds'); if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function loadChannelMembersForProfilesMap(profiles, channelId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId(), success, error) { const membersToLoad = {}; for (const pid in profiles) { if (!profiles.hasOwnProperty(pid)) { continue; } if (!ChannelStore.hasActiveMemberInChannel(channelId, pid)) { membersToLoad[pid] = true; } } const list = Object.keys(membersToLoad); if (list.length === 0) { if (success) { success({}); } return; } getChannelMembersForUserIds(channelId, list, success, error); } export function loadTeamMembersAndChannelMembersForProfilesList(profiles, teamId = TeamStore.getCurrentId(), channelId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId(), success, error) { loadTeamMembersForProfilesList(profiles, teamId, () => { loadChannelMembersForProfilesList(profiles, channelId, success, error); }, error); } export function loadChannelMembersForProfilesList(profiles, channelId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId(), success, error) { const membersToLoad = {}; for (let i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) { const pid = profiles[i].id; if (!ChannelStore.hasActiveMemberInChannel(channelId, pid)) { membersToLoad[pid] = true; } } const list = Object.keys(membersToLoad); if (list.length === 0) { if (success) { success({}); } return; } getChannelMembersForUserIds(channelId, list, success, error); } function populateDMChannelsWithProfiles(userIds) { const currentUserId = UserStore.getCurrentId(); for (let i = 0; i < userIds.length; i++) { const channelName = getDirectChannelName(currentUserId, userIds[i]); const channel = ChannelStore.getByName(channelName); if (channel) { UserStore.saveUserIdInChannel(channel.id, userIds[i]); } } } function populateChannelWithProfiles(channelId, userIds) { for (let i = 0; i < userIds.length; i++) { UserStore.saveUserIdInChannel(channelId, userIds[i]); } UserStore.emitInChannelChange(); } export function loadNewDMIfNeeded(userId) { if (userId === UserStore.getCurrentId()) { return; } const pref = PreferenceStore.getBool(Preferences.CATEGORY_DIRECT_CHANNEL_SHOW, userId, false); if (pref === false) { PreferenceStore.setPreference(Preferences.CATEGORY_DIRECT_CHANNEL_SHOW, userId, 'true'); AsyncClient.savePreference(Preferences.CATEGORY_DIRECT_CHANNEL_SHOW, userId, 'true'); loadProfilesForDM(); } } export function loadNewGMIfNeeded(channelId, userId) { if (userId === UserStore.getCurrentId()) { return; } function checkPreference() { const pref = PreferenceStore.getBool(Preferences.CATEGORY_GROUP_CHANNEL_SHOW, channelId, false); if (pref === false) { PreferenceStore.setPreference(Preferences.CATEGORY_GROUP_CHANNEL_SHOW, channelId, 'true'); AsyncClient.savePreference(Preferences.CATEGORY_GROUP_CHANNEL_SHOW, channelId, 'true'); loadProfilesForGM(); } } const channel = ChannelStore.get(channelId); if (channel) { checkPreference(); } else { Client.getChannel( channelId, (data) => { AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_CHANNEL, channel: data.channel, member: data.member }); checkPreference(); }, (err) => { AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'getChannel'); } ); } } export function loadProfilesForSidebar() { loadProfilesForDM(); loadProfilesForGM(); } export function loadProfilesForGM() { const channels = ChannelStore.getChannels(); const newPreferences = []; for (let i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { const channel = channels[i]; if (channel.type !== Constants.GM_CHANNEL) { continue; } if (UserStore.getProfileListInChannel(channel.id).length >= Constants.MIN_USERS_IN_GM) { continue; } const isVisible = PreferenceStore.getBool(Preferences.CATEGORY_GROUP_CHANNEL_SHOW, channel.id); if (!isVisible) { const member = ChannelStore.getMyMember(channel.id); if (!member || (member.mention_count === 0 && member.msg_count >= channel.total_msg_count)) { continue; } newPreferences.push({ user_id: UserStore.getCurrentId(), category: Preferences.CATEGORY_GROUP_CHANNEL_SHOW, name: channel.id, value: 'true' }); } Client.getProfilesInChannel( channel.id, 0, Constants.MAX_USERS_IN_GM, (data) => { AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_PROFILES, profiles: data }); populateChannelWithProfiles(channel.id, Object.keys(data)); } ); } if (newPreferences.length > 0) { AsyncClient.savePreferences(newPreferences); } } export function loadProfilesForDM() { const channels = ChannelStore.getChannels(); const newPreferences = []; const profilesToLoad = []; const profileIds = []; for (let i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { const channel = channels[i]; if (channel.type !== Constants.DM_CHANNEL) { continue; } const teammateId = channel.name.replace(UserStore.getCurrentId(), '').replace('__', ''); const isVisible = PreferenceStore.getBool(Preferences.CATEGORY_DIRECT_CHANNEL_SHOW, teammateId); if (!isVisible) { const member = ChannelStore.getMyMember(channel.id); if (!member || member.mention_count === 0) { continue; } newPreferences.push({ user_id: UserStore.getCurrentId(), category: Preferences.CATEGORY_DIRECT_CHANNEL_SHOW, name: teammateId, value: 'true' }); } if (!UserStore.hasProfile(teammateId)) { profilesToLoad.push(teammateId); } profileIds.push(teammateId); } if (newPreferences.length > 0) { AsyncClient.savePreferences(newPreferences); } if (profilesToLoad.length > 0) { Client.getProfilesByIds( profilesToLoad, (data) => { AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_PROFILES, profiles: data }); // Use membersToLoad so we get all the DM profiles even if they were already loaded populateDMChannelsWithProfiles(profileIds); }, (err) => { AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'getProfilesByIds'); } ); } else { populateDMChannelsWithProfiles(profileIds); } } export function saveTheme(teamId, theme, onSuccess, onError) { AsyncClient.savePreference( Preferences.CATEGORY_THEME, teamId, JSON.stringify(theme), () => { onThemeSaved(teamId, theme, onSuccess); }, (err) => { onError(err); } ); } function onThemeSaved(teamId, theme, onSuccess) { const themePreferences = PreferenceStore.getCategory(Preferences.CATEGORY_THEME); if (teamId !== '' && themePreferences.size > 1) { // no extra handling to be done to delete team-specific themes onSuccess(); return; } const toDelete = []; for (const [name] of themePreferences) { if (name === '' || name === teamId) { continue; } toDelete.push({ user_id: UserStore.getCurrentId(), category: Preferences.CATEGORY_THEME, name }); } if (toDelete.length > 0) { // we're saving a new global theme so delete any team-specific ones AsyncClient.deletePreferences(toDelete); // delete them locally before we hear from the server so that the UI flow is smoother AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.DELETED_PREFERENCES, preferences: toDelete }); } onSuccess(); } export function searchUsers(term, teamId = TeamStore.getCurrentId(), options = {}, success, error) { Client.searchUsers( term, teamId, options, (data) => { loadStatusesForProfilesList(data); if (success) { success(data); } }, (err) => { AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'searchUsers'); if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function autocompleteUsersInChannel(username, channelId, success, error) { Client.autocompleteUsersInChannel( username, channelId, (data) => { if (success) { success(data); } }, (err) => { AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'autocompleteUsersInChannel'); if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function autocompleteUsersInTeam(username, success, error) { Client.autocompleteUsersInTeam( username, (data) => { if (success) { success(data); } }, (err) => { AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'autocompleteUsersInTeam'); if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function autocompleteUsers(username, success, error) { Client.autocompleteUsers( username, (data) => { if (success) { success(data); } }, (err) => { AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'autocompleteUsers'); if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function updateUser(username, type, success, error) { Client.updateUser( username, type, (data) => { if (success) { success(data); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } else { AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'updateUser'); } } ); } export function generateMfaSecret(success, error) { Client.generateMfaSecret( (data) => { if (success) { success(data); } }, (err) => { AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'generateMfaSecret'); if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function updateUserNotifyProps(data, success, error) { Client.updateUserNotifyProps( data, () => { AsyncClient.getMe(); if (success) { success(); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function updateUserRoles(userId, newRoles, success, error) { Client.updateUserRoles( userId, newRoles, () => { AsyncClient.getUser(userId); if (success) { success(); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function activateMfa(code, success, error) { Client.updateMfa( code, true, () => { AsyncClient.getMe(); if (success) { success(); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function deactivateMfa(success, error) { Client.updateMfa( '', false, () => { AsyncClient.getMe(); if (success) { success(); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function checkMfa(loginId, success, error) { if (global.window.mm_config.EnableMultifactorAuthentication !== 'true') { success(false); return; } Client.checkMfa( loginId, (data) => { if (success) { success(data && data.mfa_required === 'true'); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function updateActive(userId, active, success, error) { Client.updateActive(userId, active, () => { AsyncClient.getUser(userId); if (success) { success(); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function updatePassword(userId, currentPassword, newPassword, success, error) { Client.updatePassword(userId, currentPassword, newPassword, () => { if (success) { success(); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function verifyEmail(uid, hid, success, error) { Client.verifyEmail( uid, hid, (data) => { if (success) { success(data); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function resetPassword(code, password, success, error) { Client.resetPassword( code, password, () => { browserHistory.push('/login?extra=' + ActionTypes.PASSWORD_CHANGE); if (success) { success(); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function resendVerification(email, success, error) { Client.resendVerification( email, () => { if (success) { success(); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function loginById(userId, password, mfaToken, success, error) { Client.loginById( userId, password, mfaToken, () => { if (success) { success(); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function createUserWithInvite(user, data, emailHash, inviteId, success, error) { Client.createUserWithInvite( user, data, emailHash, inviteId, (response) => { if (success) { success(response); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function webLogin(loginId, password, token, success, error) { Client.webLogin( loginId, password, token, () => { if (success) { success(); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function webLoginByLdap(loginId, password, token, success, error) { Client.webLoginByLdap( loginId, password, token, (data) => { if (success) { success(data); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function getAuthorizedApps(success, error) { Client.getAuthorizedApps( (authorizedApps) => { if (success) { success(authorizedApps); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } }); } export function deauthorizeOAuthApp(appId, success, error) { Client.deauthorizeOAuthApp( appId, () => { if (success) { success(); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } }); } export function uploadProfileImage(userPicture, success, error) { Client.uploadProfileImage( userPicture, () => { AsyncClient.getMe(); if (success) { success(); } }, (err) => { if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function loadProfiles(offset = UserStore.getPagingOffset(), limit = Constants.PROFILE_CHUNK_SIZE, success, error) { Client.getProfiles( offset, limit, (data) => { AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_PROFILES, profiles: data }); if (success) { success(data); } }, (err) => { AsyncClient.dispatchError(err, 'getProfiles'); if (error) { error(err); } } ); } export function getMissingProfiles(ids, success, error) { const missingIds = ids.filter((id) => !UserStore.hasProfile(id)); if (missingIds.length === 0) { return; } AsyncClient.getProfilesByIds(missingIds, success, error); }