// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. const MAX_WEBSOCKET_FAILS = 7; const MIN_WEBSOCKET_RETRY_TIME = 3000; // 3 sec const MAX_WEBSOCKET_RETRY_TIME = 300000; // 5 mins export default class WebSocketClient { constructor() { this.conn = null; this.sequence = 1; this.connectFailCount = 0; this.manuallyClosed = false; this.eventCallback = null; this.responseCallbacks = {}; this.reconnectCallback = null; this.errorCallback = null; this.closeCallback = null; } initialize(connectionUrl) { if (this.conn) { return; } if (this.connectFailCount === 0) { console.log('websocket connecting to ' + connectionUrl); //eslint-disable-line no-console } this.manuallyClosed = false; this.conn = new WebSocket(connectionUrl); this.conn.onopen = () => { if (this.reconnectCallback) { this.reconnectCallback(); } if (this.connectFailCount > 0) { console.log('websocket re-established connection'); //eslint-disable-line no-console } this.connectFailCount = 0; }; this.conn.onclose = () => { this.conn = null; this.sequence = 1; if (this.connectFailCount === 0) { console.log('websocket closed'); //eslint-disable-line no-console } if (this.manuallyClosed) { return; } this.connectFailCount++; if (this.closeCallback) { this.closeCallback(this.connectFailCount); } let retryTime = MIN_WEBSOCKET_RETRY_TIME; // If we've failed a bunch of connections then start backing off if (this.connectFailCount > MAX_WEBSOCKET_FAILS) { retryTime = MIN_WEBSOCKET_RETRY_TIME * this.connectFailCount * this.connectFailCount; if (retryTime > MAX_WEBSOCKET_RETRY_TIME) { retryTime = MAX_WEBSOCKET_RETRY_TIME; } } setTimeout( () => { this.initialize(connectionUrl); }, retryTime ); }; this.conn.onerror = (evt) => { if (this.connectFailCount <= 1) { console.log('websocket error'); //eslint-disable-line no-console console.log(evt); //eslint-disable-line no-console } if (this.errorCallback) { this.errorCallback(evt); } }; this.conn.onmessage = (evt) => { const msg = JSON.parse(evt.data); if (msg.seq_reply) { if (msg.error) { console.log(msg); //eslint-disable-line no-console } if (this.responseCallbacks[msg.seq_reply]) { this.responseCallbacks[msg.seq_reply](msg); Reflect.deleteProperty(this.responseCallbacks, msg.seq_reply); } } else if (this.eventCallback) { this.eventCallback(msg); } }; } setEventCallback(callback) { this.eventCallback = callback; } setReconnectCallback(callback) { this.reconnectCallback = callback; } setErrorCallback(callback) { this.errorCallback = callback; } setCloseCallback(callback) { this.closeCallback = callback; } close() { this.manuallyClosed = true; this.connectFailCount = 0; this.sequence = 1; if (this.conn && this.conn.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { this.conn.close(); } } sendMessage(action, data, responseCallback) { const msg = { action, seq: this.sequence++, data }; if (responseCallback) { this.responseCallbacks[msg.seq] = responseCallback; } if (this.conn && this.conn.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { this.conn.send(JSON.stringify(msg)); } else if (!this.conn || this.conn.readyState === WebSocket.Closed) { this.conn = null; this.initialize(); } } userTyping(channelId, parentId) { const data = {}; data.channel_id = channelId; data.parent_id = parentId; this.sendMessage('user_typing', data); } getStatuses(callback) { this.sendMessage('get_statuses', null, callback); } }