// Copyright (c) 2017-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import {FormattedMessage} from 'react-intl'; import {createJob, cancelJob} from 'actions/job_actions.jsx'; import {JobTypes, JobStatuses} from 'utils/constants.jsx'; import RequestButton from '../request_button/request_button.jsx'; export default class Status extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { /** * Array of jobs */ jobs: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object).isRequired, /** * Whether Elasticsearch is properly configured. */ isConfigured: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, actions: PropTypes.shape({ /** * Function to fetch jobs */ getJobsByType: PropTypes.func.isRequired }).isRequired }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.interval = null; this.state = { loading: true, cancelInProgress: false }; } componentWillMount() { // reload the cluster status every 15 seconds this.interval = setInterval(this.reload, 15000); } componentDidMount() { this.props.actions.getJobsByType(JobTypes.ELASTICSEARCH_POST_INDEXING).then( () => this.setState({loading: false}) ); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.interval) { clearInterval(this.interval); } } reload = () => { this.props.actions.getJobsByType(JobTypes.ELASTICSEARCH_POST_INDEXING).then( () => { this.setState({ loading: false, cancelInProgress: false }); } ); }; createIndexJob = (success, error) => { const job = { type: JobTypes.ELASTICSEARCH_POST_INDEXING }; createJob( job, () => { this.reload(); success(); }, error ); }; cancelIndexJob = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const chosenJob = this.getChosenJob(); if (!chosenJob) { return; } this.setState({ cancelInProgress: true }); cancelJob( chosenJob.id, () => { this.reload(); }, () => { this.reload(); } ); }; getChosenJob = () => { let chosenJob = null; if (this.props.jobs.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < this.props.jobs.length; i++) { const job = this.props.jobs[i]; if (job.status === JobStatuses.CANCEL_REQUESTED || job.status === JobStatuses.IN_PROGRESS) { chosenJob = job; } else { break; } } if (!chosenJob) { for (let i = 0; i < this.props.jobs.length; i++) { const job = this.props.jobs[i]; if (job.status !== JobStatuses.PENDING && chosenJob) { continue; } else { chosenJob = job; break; } } } } return chosenJob; }; render() { const chosenJob = this.getChosenJob(); let indexButtonDisabled = !this.props.isConfigured; let buttonText = ( ); let cancelButton = null; let indexButtonHelp = ( ); if (this.state.loading) { indexButtonDisabled = true; } else if (chosenJob) { if (chosenJob.status === JobStatuses.PENDING || chosenJob.status === JobStatuses.IN_PROGRESS || chosenJob.status === JobStatuses.CANCEL_REQUESTED) { indexButtonDisabled = true; buttonText = ( ); } if (chosenJob.status === JobStatuses.PENDING || chosenJob.status === JobStatuses.IN_PROGRESS || chosenJob.status === JobStatuses.CANCEL_REQUESTED) { indexButtonHelp = ( ); } if (!this.state.cancelInProgress && (chosenJob.status === JobStatuses.PENDING || chosenJob.status === JobStatuses.IN_PROGRESS)) { cancelButton = ( ); } } const indexButton = ( )} /> ); let status = null; let statusHelp = null; let statusClass = null; if (!this.props.isConfigured) { status = ( ); } else if (this.state.loading) { status = ( ); statusClass = 'status-icon-unknown'; } else if (chosenJob) { if (chosenJob.status === JobStatuses.PENDING) { status = ( ); statusHelp = ( ); statusClass = 'status-icon-warning'; } else if (chosenJob.status === JobStatuses.IN_PROGRESS) { status = ( ); statusHelp = ( ); statusClass = 'status-icon-warning'; } else if (chosenJob.status === JobStatuses.SUCCESS) { status = ( ); statusHelp = ( ); statusClass = 'status-icon-success'; } else if (chosenJob.status === JobStatuses.ERROR) { status = ( ); statusHelp = ( ); statusClass = 'status-icon-error'; } else if (chosenJob.status === JobStatuses.CANCEL_REQUESTED) { status = ( ); statusClass = 'status-icon-warning'; } else if (chosenJob.status === JobStatuses.CANCELED) { status = ( ); statusClass = 'status-icon-error'; } } else { status = ( ); statusClass = 'status-icon-unknown'; } if (statusHelp !== null) { statusHelp = (
); } statusClass = 'fa fa-circle margin--right ' + statusClass; return (
); } }