// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import $ from 'jquery'; import React, {Component} from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import DotMenuFlag from './dot_menu_flag.jsx'; import DotMenuItem from './dot_menu_item.jsx'; import DotMenuEdit from './dot_menu_edit.jsx'; import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx'; import * as PostUtils from 'utils/post_utils.jsx'; import Constants from 'utils/constants.jsx'; import DelayedAction from 'utils/delayed_action.jsx'; export default class DotMenu extends Component { static propTypes = { idPrefix: PropTypes.string.isRequired, idCount: PropTypes.number, post: PropTypes.object.isRequired, commentCount: PropTypes.number, isFlagged: PropTypes.bool, handleCommentClick: PropTypes.func, handleDropdownOpened: PropTypes.func, actions: PropTypes.shape({ /* * Function flag the post */ flagPost: PropTypes.func.isRequired, /* * Function to unflag the post */ unflagPost: PropTypes.func.isRequired, /* * Function to pin the post */ pinPost: PropTypes.func.isRequired, /* * Function to unpin the post */ unpinPost: PropTypes.func.isRequired }).isRequired } static defaultProps = { idCount: -1, post: {}, commentCount: 0, isFlagged: false } constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleDropdownOpened = this.handleDropdownOpened.bind(this); this.canDelete = false; this.canEdit = false; this.editDisableAction = new DelayedAction(this.handleEditDisable); } componentDidMount() { $('#' + this.props.idPrefix + '_dropdown' + this.props.post.id).on('shown.bs.dropdown', this.handleDropdownOpened); $('#' + this.props.idPrefix + '_dropdown' + this.props.post.id).on('hidden.bs.dropdown', () => this.props.handleDropdownOpened(false)); } handleDropdownOpened() { this.props.handleDropdownOpened(true); const position = $('#post-list').height() - $(this.refs.dropdownToggle).offset().top; const dropdown = $(this.refs.dropdown); if (position < dropdown.height()) { dropdown.addClass('bottom'); } } handleEditDisable() { this.canEdit = false; } render() { const isSystemMessage = PostUtils.isSystemMessage(this.props.post); const isMobile = Utils.isMobile(); this.canDelete = PostUtils.canDeletePost(this.props.post); this.canEdit = PostUtils.canEditPost(this.props.post, this.editDisableAction); if (this.props.idPrefix === Constants.CENTER && (!isMobile && isSystemMessage && !this.canDelete && !this.canEdit)) { return null; } if (this.props.idPrefix === Constants.RHS && (this.props.post.state === Constants.POST_FAILED || this.props.post.state === Constants.POST_LOADING)) { return null; } let type = 'Post'; if (this.props.post.root_id && this.props.post.root_id.length > 0) { type = 'Comment'; } const idPrefix = this.props.idPrefix + 'DotMenu'; let dotMenuFlag = null; if (isMobile) { dotMenuFlag = ( ); } let dotMenuReply = null; let dotMenuPermalink = null; let dotMenuPin = null; if (!isSystemMessage) { if (this.props.idPrefix === Constants.CENTER) { dotMenuReply = ( ); } dotMenuPermalink = ( ); dotMenuPin = ( ); } let dotMenuDelete = null; if (this.canDelete) { dotMenuDelete = ( ); } let dotMenuEdit = null; if (this.canEdit) { dotMenuEdit = ( ); } let dotMenuId = null; if (this.props.idCount > -1) { dotMenuId = Utils.createSafeId(idPrefix + this.props.idCount); } if (this.props.idPrefix === Constants.RHS_ROOT) { dotMenuId = idPrefix; } return (