// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import AnalyticsStore from 'stores/analytics_store.jsx'; import ErrorStore from 'stores/error_store.jsx'; import UserStore from 'stores/user_store.jsx'; import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx'; import * as AsyncClient from 'utils/async_client.jsx'; import {isLicenseExpiring, isLicenseExpired, isLicensePastGracePeriod, displayExpiryDate} from 'utils/license_utils.jsx'; import Constants from 'utils/constants.jsx'; const StatTypes = Constants.StatTypes; import React from 'react'; import {FormattedMessage, FormattedHTMLMessage} from 'react-intl'; import {Link} from 'react-router'; const EXPIRING_ERROR = 'error_bar.expiring'; const EXPIRED_ERROR = 'error_bar.expired'; const PAST_GRACE_ERROR = 'error_bar.past_grace'; const RENEWAL_LINK = 'https://licensing.mattermost.com/renew'; const SITE_URL_ERROR = 'error_bar.site_url'; const BAR_DEVELOPER_TYPE = 'developer'; const BAR_CRITICAL_TYPE = 'critical'; export default class ErrorBar extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.onErrorChange = this.onErrorChange.bind(this); this.onAnalyticsChange = this.onAnalyticsChange.bind(this); this.handleClose = this.handleClose.bind(this); ErrorStore.clearLastError(); this.setInitialError(); this.state = ErrorStore.getLastError(); } setInitialError() { let isSystemAdmin = false; const user = UserStore.getCurrentUser(); if (user) { isSystemAdmin = Utils.isSystemAdmin(user.roles); } const errorIgnored = ErrorStore.getIgnoreNotification(); if (!errorIgnored) { if (isSystemAdmin && global.mm_config.SiteURL === '') { ErrorStore.storeLastError({notification: true, message: SITE_URL_ERROR}); return; } else if (global.mm_config.SendEmailNotifications === 'false') { ErrorStore.storeLastError({notification: true, message: Utils.localizeMessage('error_bar.preview_mode', 'Preview Mode: Email notifications have not been configured')}); return; } } if (isLicensePastGracePeriod()) { if (isSystemAdmin) { ErrorStore.storeLastError({notification: true, message: EXPIRED_ERROR, type: BAR_CRITICAL_TYPE}); } else { ErrorStore.storeLastError({notification: true, message: PAST_GRACE_ERROR, type: BAR_CRITICAL_TYPE}); } } else if (isLicenseExpired() && isSystemAdmin) { ErrorStore.storeLastError({notification: true, message: EXPIRED_ERROR, type: BAR_CRITICAL_TYPE}); } else if (isLicenseExpiring() && isSystemAdmin) { ErrorStore.storeLastError({notification: true, message: EXPIRING_ERROR}); } } isValidError(s) { if (!s) { return false; } if (!s.message) { return false; } if (s.message === EXPIRING_ERROR && !this.state.totalUsers) { return false; } return true; } componentDidMount() { ErrorStore.addChangeListener(this.onErrorChange); AnalyticsStore.addChangeListener(this.onAnalyticsChange); } componentWillUnmount() { ErrorStore.removeChangeListener(this.onErrorChange); AnalyticsStore.removeChangeListener(this.onAnalyticsChange); } onErrorChange() { var newState = ErrorStore.getLastError(); if (newState) { if (newState.message === EXPIRING_ERROR && !this.state.totalUsers) { AsyncClient.getStandardAnalytics(); } this.setState(newState); } else { this.setState({message: null}); } } onAnalyticsChange() { const stats = AnalyticsStore.getAllSystem(); this.setState({totalUsers: stats[StatTypes.TOTAL_USERS]}); } handleClose(e) { if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } if (ErrorStore.getLastError() && ErrorStore.getLastError().notification) { ErrorStore.clearNotificationError(); } else { ErrorStore.clearLastError(); } this.setState({message: null}); } render() { if (!this.isValidError(this.state)) { return
; } var errClass = 'error-bar'; if (this.state.type === BAR_DEVELOPER_TYPE) { errClass = 'error-bar-developer'; } else if (this.state.type === BAR_CRITICAL_TYPE) { errClass = 'error-bar-critical'; } const renewalLink = RENEWAL_LINK + '?id=' + global.window.mm_license.Id + '&user_count=' + this.state.totalUsers; let message = this.state.message; if (message === EXPIRING_ERROR) { message = ( ); } else if (message === EXPIRED_ERROR) { message = ( ); } else if (message === PAST_GRACE_ERROR) { message = ( ); } else if (message === SITE_URL_ERROR) { let id; let defaultMessage; if (global.mm_config.EnableSignUpWithGitLab === 'true') { id = 'error_bar.site_url_gitlab'; defaultMessage = 'Please configure your {docsLink} in the System Console or in gitlab.rb if you\'re using GitLab Mattermost.'; } else { id = 'error_bar.site_url'; defaultMessage = 'Please configure your {docsLink} in the System Console.'; } message = ( ), link: ( ) }} /> ); } return (
{message} {'×'}
); } }