// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx'; import Client from 'client/web_client.jsx'; import TeamStore from 'stores/team_store.jsx'; import UserStore from 'stores/user_store.jsx'; import NewChannelModal from './new_channel_modal.jsx'; import ChangeURLModal from './change_url_modal.jsx'; import {intlShape, injectIntl, defineMessages} from 'react-intl'; import {browserHistory} from 'react-router/es6'; import AppDispatcher from '../dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx'; import Constants from 'utils/constants.jsx'; const ActionTypes = Constants.ActionTypes; const SHOW_NEW_CHANNEL = 1; const SHOW_EDIT_URL = 2; const SHOW_EDIT_URL_THEN_COMPLETE = 3; const messages = defineMessages({ channel: { id: 'channel_flow.channel', defaultMessage: 'Channel' }, group: { id: 'channel_flow.group', defaultMessage: 'Group' }, change: { id: 'channel_flow.changeUrlTitle', defaultMessage: 'Change {term} URL' }, set: { id: 'channel_flow.set_url_title', defaultMessage: 'Set {term} URL' }, create: { id: 'channel_flow.create', defaultMessage: 'Create {term}' }, changeUrlDescription: { id: 'channel_flow.changeUrlDescription', defaultMessage: 'Some characters are not allowed in URLs and may be removed.' } }); import React from 'react'; class NewChannelFlow extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.doSubmit = this.doSubmit.bind(this); this.typeSwitched = this.typeSwitched.bind(this); this.urlChangeRequested = this.urlChangeRequested.bind(this); this.urlChangeSubmitted = this.urlChangeSubmitted.bind(this); this.urlChangeDismissed = this.urlChangeDismissed.bind(this); this.channelDataChanged = this.channelDataChanged.bind(this); this.state = { serverError: '', channelType: 'O', flowState: SHOW_NEW_CHANNEL, channelDisplayName: '', channelName: '', channelPurpose: '', channelHeader: '', nameModified: false }; } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { // If we are being shown, grab channel type from props and clear if (nextProps.show === true && this.props.show === false) { this.setState({ serverError: '', channelType: nextProps.channelType, flowState: SHOW_NEW_CHANNEL, channelDisplayName: '', channelName: '', channelPurpose: '', channelHeader: '', nameModified: false }); } } doSubmit() { if (!this.state.channelDisplayName) { this.setState({serverError: Utils.localizeMessage('channel_flow.invalidName', 'Invalid Channel Name')}); return; } if (this.state.channelName < 2) { this.setState({flowState: SHOW_EDIT_URL_THEN_COMPLETE}); return; } const cu = UserStore.getCurrentUser(); const channel = { team_id: cu.team_id, name: this.state.channelName, display_name: this.state.channelDisplayName, purpose: this.state.channelPurpose, header: this.state.channelHeader, type: this.state.channelType }; Client.createChannel( channel, (data) => { Client.getChannel( data.id, (data2) => { AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_CHANNEL, channel: data2.channel, member: data2.member }); this.props.onModalDismissed(); browserHistory.push(TeamStore.getCurrentTeamRelativeUrl() + '/channels/' + data2.channel.name); } ); }, (err) => { if (err.id === 'model.channel.is_valid.2_or_more.app_error') { this.setState({flowState: SHOW_EDIT_URL_THEN_COMPLETE}); } if (err.id === 'store.sql_channel.update.exists.app_error') { this.setState({serverError: Utils.localizeMessage('channel_flow.alreadyExist', 'A channel with that URL already exists')}); return; } this.setState({serverError: err.message}); } ); } typeSwitched() { if (this.state.channelType === 'P') { this.setState({channelType: 'O'}); } else { this.setState({channelType: 'P'}); } } urlChangeRequested() { this.setState({flowState: SHOW_EDIT_URL}); } urlChangeSubmitted(newURL) { if (this.state.flowState === SHOW_EDIT_URL_THEN_COMPLETE) { this.setState({channelName: newURL, nameModified: true}, this.doSubmit); } else { this.setState({flowState: SHOW_NEW_CHANNEL, serverError: '', channelName: newURL, nameModified: true}); } } urlChangeDismissed() { this.setState({flowState: SHOW_NEW_CHANNEL}); } channelDataChanged(data) { this.setState({ channelDisplayName: data.displayName, channelPurpose: data.purpose, channelHeader: data.header }); if (!this.state.nameModified) { this.setState({channelName: Utils.cleanUpUrlable(data.displayName.trim())}); } } render() { const channelData = { name: this.state.channelName, displayName: this.state.channelDisplayName, purpose: this.state.channelPurpose }; let showChannelModal = false; let showGroupModal = false; let showChangeURLModal = false; let changeURLTitle = ''; let changeURLSubmitButtonText = ''; let channelTerm = ''; const {formatMessage} = this.props.intl; // Only listen to flow state if we are being shown if (this.props.show) { switch (this.state.flowState) { case SHOW_NEW_CHANNEL: if (this.state.channelType === 'O') { showChannelModal = true; channelTerm = formatMessage(messages.channel); } else { showGroupModal = true; channelTerm = formatMessage(messages.group); } break; case SHOW_EDIT_URL: showChangeURLModal = true; changeURLTitle = formatMessage(messages.change, {term: channelTerm}); changeURLSubmitButtonText = formatMessage(messages.change, {term: channelTerm}); break; case SHOW_EDIT_URL_THEN_COMPLETE: showChangeURLModal = true; changeURLTitle = formatMessage(messages.set, {term: channelTerm}); changeURLSubmitButtonText = formatMessage(messages.create, {term: channelTerm}); break; } } return ( ); } } NewChannelFlow.defaultProps = { show: false, channelType: 'O' }; NewChannelFlow.propTypes = { intl: intlShape.isRequired, show: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired, channelType: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, onModalDismissed: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired }; export default injectIntl(NewChannelFlow);