// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import PostHeader from 'components/post_view/post_header'; import PostBody from 'components/post_view/post_body'; import ProfilePicture from 'components/profile_picture.jsx'; import Constants from 'utils/constants.jsx'; const ActionTypes = Constants.ActionTypes; import {Posts} from 'mattermost-redux/constants'; import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx'; import * as PostUtils from 'utils/post_utils.jsx'; import AppDispatcher from 'dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx'; import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; export default class Post extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { /** * The post to render */ post: PropTypes.object.isRequired, /** * The user who created the post */ user: PropTypes.object, /** * The status of the poster */ status: PropTypes.string, /** * The logged in user */ currentUser: PropTypes.object.isRequired, /** * Set to center the post */ center: PropTypes.bool, /** * Set to render post compactly */ compactDisplay: PropTypes.bool, /** * Set to render a preview of the parent post above this reply */ isFirstReply: PropTypes.bool, /** * Set to highlight the background of the post */ highlight: PropTypes.bool, /** * Set to render this post as if it was attached to the previous post */ consecutivePostByUser: PropTypes.bool, /** * Set if the previous post is a comment */ previousPostIsComment: PropTypes.bool, /** * Set to render this comment as a mention */ isCommentMention: PropTypes.bool, /** * The number of replies in the same thread as this post */ replyCount: PropTypes.number, /** * Set to mark the poster as in a webrtc call */ isBusy: PropTypes.bool, /** * The post count used for selenium tests */ lastPostCount: PropTypes.number, /** * Function to get the post list HTML element */ getPostList: PropTypes.func.isRequired } constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { dropdownOpened: false }; } handleCommentClick = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_POST_SELECTED, postId: Utils.getRootId(this.props.post) }); AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_SEARCH, results: null }); } handleDropdownOpened = (opened) => { this.setState({ dropdownOpened: opened }); } forceUpdateInfo = () => { this.refs.info.forceUpdate(); this.refs.header.forceUpdate(); } getClassName = (post, isSystemMessage, fromWebhook) => { let className = 'post'; if (post.failed || post.state === Posts.POST_DELETED) { className += ' post--hide-controls'; } if (this.props.highlight) { className += ' post--highlight'; } let rootUser = ''; if (this.props.isFirstReply) { rootUser = 'other--root'; } else if (!post.root_id && !this.props.previousPostIsComment && this.props.consecutivePostByUser) { rootUser = 'same--root'; } else if (post.root_id) { rootUser = 'same--root'; } else { rootUser = 'other--root'; } let currentUserCss = ''; if (this.props.currentUser.id === post.user_id && !fromWebhook && !isSystemMessage) { currentUserCss = 'current--user'; } let sameUserClass = ''; if (this.props.consecutivePostByUser) { sameUserClass = 'same--user'; } let postType = ''; if (post.root_id && post.root_id.length > 0) { postType = 'post--comment'; } else if (this.props.replyCount > 0) { postType = 'post--root'; sameUserClass = ''; rootUser = ''; } if (isSystemMessage) { className += ' post--system'; sameUserClass = ''; currentUserCss = ''; postType = ''; rootUser = ''; } if (this.props.compactDisplay) { className += ' post--compact'; } if (this.state.dropdownOpened) { className += ' post--hovered'; } if (post.is_pinned) { className += ' post--pinned'; } return className + ' ' + sameUserClass + ' ' + rootUser + ' ' + postType + ' ' + currentUserCss; } render() { const post = this.props.post; const mattermostLogo = Constants.MATTERMOST_ICON_SVG; const isSystemMessage = PostUtils.isSystemMessage(post); const fromWebhook = post.props && post.props.from_webhook === 'true'; let timestamp = 0; if (!this.props.user || this.props.user.last_picture_update == null) { timestamp = this.props.currentUser.last_picture_update; } else { timestamp = this.props.user.last_picture_update; } let status = this.props.status; if (fromWebhook) { status = null; } let profilePic = ( ); if (fromWebhook) { profilePic = ( ); } else if (PostUtils.isSystemMessage(post)) { profilePic = ( ); } let centerClass = ''; if (this.props.center) { centerClass = 'center'; } if (this.props.compactDisplay) { if (fromWebhook) { profilePic = ( ); } else { profilePic = ( ); } } const profilePicContainer = (
); return (
{ this.domNode = div; }} >
); } }