// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import {FormattedMessage} from 'react-intl'; import * as PostActions from 'actions/post_actions.jsx'; import FileAttachmentListContainer from 'components/file_attachment_list'; import CommentedOnFilesMessage from 'components/post_view/commented_on_files_message'; import PostBodyAdditionalContent from 'components/post_view/post_body_additional_content.jsx'; import FailedPostOptions from 'components/post_view/failed_post_options'; import PostMessageView from 'components/post_view/post_message_view'; import ReactionListContainer from 'components/post_view/reaction_list'; import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx'; import * as PostUtils from 'utils/post_utils.jsx'; import {Posts} from 'mattermost-redux/constants'; export default class PostBody extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { /** * The post to render the body of */ post: PropTypes.object.isRequired, /** * The parent post of the thread this post is in */ parentPost: PropTypes.object, /** * The poster of the parent post, if exists */ parentPostUser: PropTypes.object, /** * The function called when the comment icon is clicked */ handleCommentClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired, /** * Set to render post body compactly */ compactDisplay: PropTypes.bool, /** * Set to highlight comment as a mention */ isCommentMention: PropTypes.bool, /** * Set to collapse image and video previews */ previewCollapsed: PropTypes.string, /** * Post identifiers for selenium tests */ lastPostCount: PropTypes.number } render() { const post = this.props.post; const parentPost = this.props.parentPost; let comment = ''; let postClass = ''; if (parentPost) { const profile = this.props.parentPostUser; let apostrophe = ''; let name = '...'; if (profile != null) { let username = Utils.displayUsernameForUser(profile); if (parentPost.props && parentPost.props.from_webhook && parentPost.props.override_username && global.window.mm_config.EnablePostUsernameOverride === 'true') { username = parentPost.props.override_username; } if (username.slice(-1) === 's') { apostrophe = '\''; } else { apostrophe = '\'s'; } name = ( {username} ); } let message = ''; if (parentPost.message) { message = Utils.replaceHtmlEntities(parentPost.message); } else if (parentPost.file_ids && parentPost.file_ids.length > 0) { message = ( ); } comment = (
); } let failedOptions; if (this.props.post.failed) { postClass += ' post--fail'; failedOptions = ; } if (PostUtils.isEdited(this.props.post)) { postClass += ' post--edited'; } let fileAttachmentHolder = null; if (((post.file_ids && post.file_ids.length > 0) || (post.filenames && post.filenames.length > 0)) && this.props.post.state !== Posts.POST_DELETED) { fileAttachmentHolder = ( ); } const messageWrapper = (
); let messageWithAdditionalContent; if (this.props.post.state === Posts.POST_DELETED) { messageWithAdditionalContent = messageWrapper; } else { messageWithAdditionalContent = ( ); } let mentionHighlightClass = ''; if (this.props.isCommentMention) { mentionHighlightClass = 'mention-comment'; } return (
{messageWithAdditionalContent} {fileAttachmentHolder}
); } }