// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import LoadingScreen from './loading_screen.jsx'; import * as UserAgent from 'utils/user_agent.jsx'; import $ from 'jquery'; import React from 'react'; import {localizeMessage} from 'utils/utils.jsx'; import {FormattedMessage} from 'react-intl'; import loadingGif from 'images/load.gif'; const NEXT_BUTTON_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS = 500; export default class SearchableChannelList extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.createChannelRow = this.createChannelRow.bind(this); this.nextPage = this.nextPage.bind(this); this.previousPage = this.previousPage.bind(this); this.doSearch = this.doSearch.bind(this); this.nextTimeoutId = 0; this.state = { joiningChannel: '', page: 0, nextDisabled: false }; } componentDidMount() { // only focus the search box on desktop so that we don't cause the keyboard to open on mobile if (!UserAgent.isMobile()) { this.refs.filter.focus(); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { if (prevState.page !== this.state.page) { $(this.refs.channelList).scrollTop(0); } } handleJoin(channel) { this.setState({joiningChannel: channel.id}); this.props.handleJoin( channel, () => { this.setState({joiningChannel: ''}); } ); } createChannelRow(channel) { let joinButton; if (this.state.joiningChannel === channel.id) { joinButton = ( ); } else { joinButton = ( ); } return (



); } nextPage(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({page: this.state.page + 1, nextDisabled: true}); this.nextTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => this.setState({nextDisabled: false}), NEXT_BUTTON_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS); this.props.nextPage(this.state.page + 1); } previousPage(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.setState({page: this.state.page - 1}); } doSearch() { const term = this.refs.filter.value; this.props.search(term); if (term === '') { this.setState({page: 0}); } } render() { const channels = this.props.channels; let listContent; let nextButton; let previousButton; if (channels == null) { listContent = ; } else if (channels.length === 0) { listContent = (

); } else { const pageStart = this.state.page * this.props.channelsPerPage; const pageEnd = pageStart + this.props.channelsPerPage; const channelsToDisplay = this.props.channels.slice(pageStart, pageEnd); listContent = channelsToDisplay.map(this.createChannelRow); if (channelsToDisplay.length >= this.props.channelsPerPage) { nextButton = ( ); } if (this.state.page > 0) { previousButton = ( ); } } return (
{previousButton} {nextButton}
); } } SearchableChannelList.defaultProps = { channels: [] }; SearchableChannelList.propTypes = { channels: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.object), channelsPerPage: React.PropTypes.number, nextPage: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, search: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, handleJoin: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, noResultsText: React.PropTypes.object };