// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import Suggestion from './suggestion.jsx'; import {autocompleteChannels} from 'actions/channel_actions.jsx'; import ChannelStore from 'stores/channel_store.jsx'; import AppDispatcher from 'dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx'; import {Constants, ActionTypes} from 'utils/constants.jsx'; import React from 'react'; class ChannelMentionSuggestion extends Suggestion { render() { const isSelection = this.props.isSelection; const item = this.props.item; const channelName = item.channel.display_name; const purpose = item.channel.purpose; let className = 'mentions__name'; if (isSelection) { className += ' suggestion--selected'; } const description = '(~' + item.channel.name + ')'; return (
{channelName} {' '} {description}
); } } export default class ChannelMentionProvider { handlePretextChanged(suggestionId, pretext) { const captured = (/(^|\s)(~([^~]*))$/i).exec(pretext.toLowerCase()); if (captured) { const prefix = captured[3]; autocompleteChannels( prefix, (data) => { const channels = data; // Wrap channels in an outer object to avoid overwriting the 'type' property. const wrappedChannels = []; const wrappedMoreChannels = []; const moreChannels = []; channels.forEach((item) => { if (ChannelStore.get(item.id)) { wrappedChannels.push({ type: Constants.MENTION_CHANNELS, channel: item }); return; } wrappedMoreChannels.push({ type: Constants.MENTION_MORE_CHANNELS, channel: item }); moreChannels.push(item); }); const wrapped = wrappedChannels.concat(wrappedMoreChannels); const mentions = wrapped.map((item) => '~' + item.channel.name); AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_MORE_CHANNELS, channels: moreChannels }); AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.SUGGESTION_RECEIVED_SUGGESTIONS, id: suggestionId, matchedPretext: captured[2], terms: mentions, items: wrapped, component: ChannelMentionSuggestion }); } ); } } }