// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import Suggestion from './suggestion.jsx'; import Provider from './provider.jsx'; import AppDispatcher from 'dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx'; import {Constants, ActionTypes} from 'utils/constants.jsx'; import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx'; import {sortChannelsByDisplayName, getChannelDisplayName} from 'utils/channel_utils.jsx'; import React from 'react'; import store from 'stores/redux_store.jsx'; const getState = store.getState; import {Client4} from 'mattermost-redux/client'; import {getCurrentUserId, searchProfiles} from 'mattermost-redux/selectors/entities/users'; import {getChannelsInCurrentTeam, getMyChannelMemberships, getGroupChannels} from 'mattermost-redux/selectors/entities/channels'; import {getCurrentTeamId} from 'mattermost-redux/selectors/entities/teams'; import {getBool} from 'mattermost-redux/selectors/entities/preferences'; import {Preferences} from 'mattermost-redux/constants'; class SwitchChannelSuggestion extends Suggestion { render() { const {item, isSelection} = this.props; const channel = item.channel; const globeIcon = Constants.GLOBE_ICON_SVG; const lockIcon = Constants.LOCK_ICON_SVG; let className = 'mentions__name'; if (isSelection) { className += ' suggestion--selected'; } let displayName = channel.display_name; let icon = null; if (channel.type === Constants.OPEN_CHANNEL) { icon = ( ); } else if (channel.type === Constants.PRIVATE_CHANNEL) { icon = ( ); } else if (channel.type === Constants.GM_CHANNEL) { displayName = getChannelDisplayName(channel); icon =
; } else { icon = (
); } return (
{icon} {displayName}
); } } let prefix = ''; function quickSwitchSorter(wrappedA, wrappedB) { if (wrappedA.type === Constants.MENTION_CHANNELS && wrappedB.type === Constants.MENTION_MORE_CHANNELS) { return -1; } else if (wrappedB.type === Constants.MENTION_CHANNELS && wrappedA.type === Constants.MENTION_MORE_CHANNELS) { return 1; } const a = wrappedA.channel; const b = wrappedB.channel; let aDisplayName = getChannelDisplayName(a).toLowerCase(); let bDisplayName = getChannelDisplayName(b).toLowerCase(); if (a.type === Constants.DM_CHANNEL) { aDisplayName = aDisplayName.substring(1); } if (b.type === Constants.DM_CHANNEL) { bDisplayName = bDisplayName.substring(1); } const aStartsWith = aDisplayName.startsWith(prefix); const bStartsWith = bDisplayName.startsWith(prefix); if (aStartsWith && bStartsWith) { return sortChannelsByDisplayName(a, b); } else if (!aStartsWith && !bStartsWith) { return sortChannelsByDisplayName(a, b); } else if (aStartsWith) { return -1; } return 1; } export default class SwitchChannelProvider extends Provider { handlePretextChanged(suggestionId, channelPrefix) { if (channelPrefix) { prefix = channelPrefix; this.startNewRequest(suggestionId, channelPrefix); // Dispatch suggestions for local data const channels = getChannelsInCurrentTeam(getState()).concat(getGroupChannels(getState())); const users = Object.assign([], searchProfiles(getState(), channelPrefix, true)); this.formatChannelsAndDispatch(channelPrefix, suggestionId, channels, users, true); // Fetch data from the server and dispatch this.fetchUsersAndChannels(channelPrefix, suggestionId); return true; } return false; } async fetchUsersAndChannels(channelPrefix, suggestionId) { let teamId = ''; if (global.window.mm_config.RestrictDirectMessage === 'team') { teamId = store.getState().entities.teams.currentTeamId; } const usersAsync = Client4.autocompleteUsers(channelPrefix, teamId, ''); const channelsAsync = Client4.searchChannels(getCurrentTeamId(getState()), channelPrefix); let usersFromServer = []; let channelsFromServer = []; try { usersFromServer = await usersAsync; channelsFromServer = await channelsAsync; } catch (err) { AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.RECEIVED_ERROR, err }); } if (this.shouldCancelDispatch(channelPrefix)) { return; } const users = Object.assign([], searchProfiles(getState(), channelPrefix, true), usersFromServer.users); const channels = getChannelsInCurrentTeam(getState()).concat(getGroupChannels(getState())).concat(channelsFromServer); this.formatChannelsAndDispatch(channelPrefix, suggestionId, channels, users); } formatChannelsAndDispatch(channelPrefix, suggestionId, allChannels, users, skipNotInChannel = false) { const channels = []; const members = getMyChannelMemberships(getState()); if (this.shouldCancelDispatch(channelPrefix)) { return; } const currentId = getCurrentUserId(getState()); const completedChannels = {}; for (const id of Object.keys(allChannels)) { const channel = allChannels[id]; if (completedChannels[channel.id]) { continue; } const member = members[channel.id]; if (channel.display_name.toLowerCase().indexOf(channelPrefix.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { const newChannel = Object.assign({}, channel); const wrappedChannel = {channel: newChannel, name: newChannel.name}; if (newChannel.type === Constants.GM_CHANNEL) { newChannel.name = getChannelDisplayName(newChannel); wrappedChannel.name = newChannel.name; const isGMVisible = getBool(getState(), Preferences.CATEGORY_GROUP_CHANNEL_SHOW, newChannel.id, false); if (isGMVisible) { wrappedChannel.type = Constants.MENTION_CHANNELS; } else { wrappedChannel.type = Constants.MENTION_MORE_CHANNELS; if (skipNotInChannel) { continue; } } } else if (member) { wrappedChannel.type = Constants.MENTION_CHANNELS; } else { wrappedChannel.type = Constants.MENTION_MORE_CHANNELS; if (skipNotInChannel || !newChannel.display_name.toLowerCase().startsWith(channelPrefix)) { continue; } } completedChannels[channel.id] = true; channels.push(wrappedChannel); } } for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { const user = users[i]; if (completedChannels[user.id]) { continue; } const isDMVisible = getBool(getState(), Preferences.CATEGORY_DIRECT_CHANNEL_SHOW, user.id, false); let displayName = `@${user.username} `; if (user.id === currentId) { continue; } if ((user.first_name || user.last_name) && user.nickname) { displayName += `- ${Utils.getFullName(user)} (${user.nickname})`; } else if (user.nickname) { displayName += `- (${user.nickname})`; } else if (user.first_name || user.last_name) { displayName += `- ${Utils.getFullName(user)}`; } const wrappedChannel = { channel: { display_name: displayName, name: user.username, id: user.id, update_at: user.update_at, type: Constants.DM_CHANNEL, last_picture_update: user.last_picture_update || 0 }, name: user.username }; if (isDMVisible) { wrappedChannel.type = Constants.MENTION_CHANNELS; } else { wrappedChannel.type = Constants.MENTION_MORE_CHANNELS; if (skipNotInChannel) { continue; } } completedChannels[user.id] = true; channels.push(wrappedChannel); } const channelNames = channels. sort(quickSwitchSorter). map((wrappedChannel) => wrappedChannel.channel.name); if (skipNotInChannel) { channels.push({ type: Constants.MENTION_MORE_CHANNELS, loading: true }); } setTimeout(() => { AppDispatcher.handleServerAction({ type: ActionTypes.SUGGESTION_RECEIVED_SUGGESTIONS, id: suggestionId, matchedPretext: channelPrefix, terms: channelNames, items: channels, component: SwitchChannelSuggestion }); }, 0); } }