// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import React from 'react'; import ChannelStore from 'stores/channel_store.jsx'; import SuggestionStore from 'stores/suggestion_store.jsx'; import Suggestion from './suggestion.jsx'; import Constants from 'utils/constants.jsx'; import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx'; class SwitchChannelSuggestion extends Suggestion { render() { const {item, isSelection} = this.props; let className = 'mentions__name'; if (isSelection) { className += ' suggestion--selected'; } let displayName = ''; if (item.type === Constants.DM_CHANNEL) { displayName = item.display_name + ' ' + Utils.localizeMessage('channel_switch_modal.dm', '(Direct Message)'); } else { displayName = item.display_name + ' (' + item.name + ')'; } return (
); } } export default class SwitchChannelProvider { handlePretextChanged(suggestionId, channelPrefix) { if (channelPrefix) { const allChannels = ChannelStore.getAll(); const channels = []; for (const id of Object.keys(allChannels)) { const channel = allChannels[id]; if (channel.display_name.toLowerCase().startsWith(channelPrefix.toLowerCase())) { channels.push(channel); } else if (channel.type === Constants.DM_CHANNEL && Utils.getDirectTeammate(channel.id).username.startsWith(channelPrefix.toLowerCase())) { // New channel to not modify existing channel const newChannel = { display_name: Utils.getDirectTeammate(channel.id).username, name: Utils.getDirectTeammate(channel.id).username + ' ' + Utils.localizeMessage('channel_switch_modal.dm', '(Direct Message)'), type: Constants.DM_CHANNEL }; channels.push(newChannel); } } channels.sort((a, b) => { if (a.display_name === b.display_name) { return a.name.localeCompare(b.name); } return a.display_name.localeCompare(b.display_name); }); const channelNames = channels.map((channel) => channel.name); SuggestionStore.addSuggestions(suggestionId, channelNames, channels, SwitchChannelSuggestion, channelPrefix); } } }