// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import $ from 'jquery'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import ConfirmModal from '../confirm_modal.jsx'; import UserSettings from './user_settings.jsx'; import SettingsSidebar from '../settings_sidebar.jsx'; import UserStore from 'stores/user_store.jsx'; import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx'; import {Modal} from 'react-bootstrap'; import {intlShape, injectIntl, defineMessages, FormattedMessage} from 'react-intl'; const holders = defineMessages({ general: { id: 'user.settings.modal.general', defaultMessage: 'General' }, security: { id: 'user.settings.modal.security', defaultMessage: 'Security' }, notifications: { id: 'user.settings.modal.notifications', defaultMessage: 'Notifications' }, display: { id: 'user.settings.modal.display', defaultMessage: 'Display' }, advanced: { id: 'user.settings.modal.advanced', defaultMessage: 'Advanced' }, confirmTitle: { id: 'user.settings.modal.confirmTitle', defaultMessage: 'Discard Changes?' }, confirmMsg: { id: 'user.settings.modal.confirmMsg', defaultMessage: 'You have unsaved changes, are you sure you want to discard them?' }, confirmBtns: { id: 'user.settings.modal.confirmBtns', defaultMessage: 'Yes, Discard' } }); import React from 'react'; class UserSettingsModal extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleHide = this.handleHide.bind(this); this.handleHidden = this.handleHidden.bind(this); this.handleCollapse = this.handleCollapse.bind(this); this.handleConfirm = this.handleConfirm.bind(this); this.handleCancelConfirmation = this.handleCancelConfirmation.bind(this); this.closeModal = this.closeModal.bind(this); this.collapseModal = this.collapseModal.bind(this); this.updateTab = this.updateTab.bind(this); this.updateSection = this.updateSection.bind(this); this.onUserChanged = this.onUserChanged.bind(this); this.state = { active_tab: 'general', active_section: '', showConfirmModal: false, enforceFocus: true, currentUser: UserStore.getCurrentUser() }; this.requireConfirm = false; } onUserChanged() { this.setState({currentUser: UserStore.getCurrentUser()}); } componentDidMount() { UserStore.addChangeListener(this.onUserChanged); } componentDidUpdate() { UserStore.removeChangeListener(this.onUserChanged); if (!Utils.isMobile()) { $('.settings-modal .modal-body').perfectScrollbar(); } } // Called when the close button is pressed on the main modal handleHide() { if (this.requireConfirm) { this.afterConfirm = () => this.handleHide(); this.showConfirmModal(); return; } this.props.onModalDismissed(); return; } // called after the dialog is fully hidden and faded out handleHidden() { this.setState({ active_tab: 'general', active_section: '' }); } // Called to hide the settings pane when on mobile handleCollapse() { $(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.modalBody)).closest('.modal-dialog').removeClass('display--content'); this.setState({ active_tab: '', active_section: '' }); } handleConfirm() { this.setState({ showConfirmModal: false, enforceFocus: true }); this.requireConfirm = false; if (this.afterConfirm) { this.afterConfirm(); this.afterConfirm = null; } } handleCancelConfirmation() { this.setState({ showConfirmModal: false, enforceFocus: true }); this.afterConfirm = null; } showConfirmModal(afterConfirm) { this.setState({ showConfirmModal: true, enforceFocus: false }); if (afterConfirm) { this.afterConfirm = afterConfirm; } } // Called by settings tabs when their close button is pressed closeModal() { if (this.requireConfirm) { this.showConfirmModal(this.closeModal); } else { this.handleHide(); } } // Called by settings tabs when their back button is pressed collapseModal() { if (this.requireConfirm) { this.showConfirmModal(this.collapseModal); } else { this.handleCollapse(); } } updateTab(tab, skipConfirm) { if (!skipConfirm && this.requireConfirm) { this.showConfirmModal(() => this.updateTab(tab, true)); } else { this.setState({ active_tab: tab, active_section: '' }); } if (!Utils.isMobile()) { $('.settings-modal .modal-body').scrollTop(0).perfectScrollbar('update'); } } updateSection(section, skipConfirm) { if (!skipConfirm && this.requireConfirm) { this.showConfirmModal(() => this.updateSection(section, true)); } else { this.setState({active_section: section}); } } render() { const {formatMessage} = this.props.intl; if (this.state.currentUser == null) { return (
); } var tabs = []; tabs.push({name: 'general', uiName: formatMessage(holders.general), icon: 'icon fa fa-gear'}); tabs.push({name: 'security', uiName: formatMessage(holders.security), icon: 'icon fa fa-lock'}); tabs.push({name: 'notifications', uiName: formatMessage(holders.notifications), icon: 'icon fa fa-exclamation-circle'}); tabs.push({name: 'display', uiName: formatMessage(holders.display), icon: 'icon fa fa-eye'}); tabs.push({name: 'advanced', uiName: formatMessage(holders.advanced), icon: 'icon fa fa-list-alt'}); return (
this.setState({enforceFocus})} setRequireConfirm={ (requireConfirm) => { this.requireConfirm = requireConfirm; return; } } />
); } } UserSettingsModal.propTypes = { intl: intlShape.isRequired, show: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired, onModalDismissed: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired }; export default injectIntl(UserSettingsModal);