{ "about.close": "닫기", "about.copyright": "Copyright 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All rights reserved", "about.database": "데이터베이스:", "about.date": "빌드 일자:", "about.enterpriseEditionLearn": "엔터프라이즈 에디션에 대한 자세한 정보 ", "about.enterpriseEditionSt": "방화벽 안에 구축 가능한 현대적인 커뮤니케이션 플랫폼", "about.enterpriseEditione1": "엔터프라이즈 에디션", "about.hash": "빌드 해쉬:", "about.hashee": "EE 빌드 해쉬:", "about.licensed": "다음 사용자에게 허가되었습니다:", "about.number": "빌드 넘버:", "about.teamEditionLearn": "Mattermost 커뮤니티에 참여 ", "about.teamEditionSt": "모든 팀 커뮤니케이션 활동을 한 곳에 모아 빠르게 찾고 공유할 수 있습니다.", "about.teamEditiont0": "팀 에디션", "about.teamEditiont1": "엔터프라이즈 에디션", "about.title": "Mattermost에 대하여", "about.version": "버전:", "access_history.title": "접근 기록", "activity_log.activeSessions": "활성 세션", "activity_log.browser": "브라우저: {browser}", "activity_log.firstTime": "첫 활성화 시간: {date}, {time}", "activity_log.lastActivity": "최근 활동: {date}, {time}", "activity_log.logout": "로그아웃", "activity_log.moreInfo": "상세 정보", "activity_log.os": "OS: {os}", "activity_log.sessionId": "세션 ID: {id}", "activity_log.sessionsDescription": "세션은 기기의 새 브라우저로 로그인할때 생성됩니다. 세션을 사용하면 시스템에서 정한 시간동안은 다시 로그인할 필요가 없습니다. '로그아웃' 버튼을 사용해서 세션을 종료할 수 있습니다.", "activity_log_modal.android": "안드로이드", "activity_log_modal.androidNativeApp": "안드로이드 앱", "activity_log_modal.desktop": "Native Desktop App", "activity_log_modal.iphoneNativeApp": "아이폰 앱", "add_command.autocomplete": "자동완성", "add_command.autocomplete.help": "(선택사항) 명령어가 자동완성 목록에서 보이게 합니다.", "add_command.autocompleteDescription": "자동완성 설명", "add_command.autocompleteDescription.help": "(선택사항) 자동완성 목록에서 보여질 부가적인 설명을 입력하세요.", "add_command.autocompleteDescription.placeholder": "예시: \"환자 기록에 대한 검색결과를 보여줍니다\"", "add_command.autocompleteHint": "자동완성 힌트", "add_command.autocompleteHint.help": "(선택사항) 자동완성 목록에서 보여질, 명령어 매개변수의 도움말을 입력하세요.", "add_command.autocompleteHint.placeholder": "예시: [환자 이름]", "add_command.cancel": "취소", "add_command.description": "설명", "add_command.description.help": "명령어에 대한 설명을 입력하세요.", "add_command.displayName": "표시명", "add_command.displayName.help": "명령어의 표시명을 64글자 이내로 입력하세요.", "add_command.doneHelp": "명령어 설정이 완료되었습니다. 다음 토큰이 이벤트 요청과 같이 보내질 것입니다. 요청이 유효한 팀에서 보내진 요청인지 검증해주세요. (자세한 내용은 문서를 참고하세요).", "add_command.iconUrl": "응답 아이콘", "add_command.iconUrl.help": "(선택사항) 명령어 응답 글에 사용될 프로필 사진을 선택합니다. 128 x 128 픽셀 이상의 .png 또는 .jpg 이미지의 URL을 입력하세요.", "add_command.iconUrl.placeholder": "https://www.example.com/myicon.png", "add_command.method": "요청 메소드", "add_command.method.get": "GET", "add_command.method.help": "요청 URL이 요구하는 요청의 형식을 선택하세요.", "add_command.method.post": "POST", "add_command.save": "저장", "add_command.token": "토큰: {token}", "add_command.trigger": "명령어 트리거 단어", "add_command.trigger.help": "트리거 단어는 고유한 값이여야 하며, 슬래시(/)로 시작되거나 공백을 포함할 수 없습니다.", "add_command.trigger.helpExamples": "예시: 고객, 직원, 환자, 날씨", "add_command.trigger.helpReserved": "사용할 수 없음: {link}", "add_command.trigger.helpReservedLinkText": "내장된 명령어 목록을 확인하세요.", "add_command.trigger.placeholder": "명령어 트리거 예시: \"인사\"", "add_command.triggerInvalidLength": "단어가 {min}글자 이상, {max}글자 이하여야 합니다.", "add_command.triggerInvalidSlash": "단어 앞에 슬래시(/)를 사용할 수 없습니다.", "add_command.triggerInvalidSpace": "단어에 공백을 포함할 수 없습니다.", "add_command.triggerRequired": "단어가 필요합니다.", "add_command.url": "요청 URL", "add_command.url.help": "명령이 실행될 때 이벤트 요청(HTTP POST 또는 GET)을 받을 콜백 URL을 입력하세요.", "add_command.url.placeholder": "URL 주소는 http:// 또는 https:// 로 시작되어야 합니다", "add_command.urlRequired": "요청 URL을 입력하세요.", "add_command.username": "응답 유저 이름", "add_command.username.help": "명령 응답에 보일 사용자명을 입력하세요. 사용자명은 22글자여 이하여야 하며, 영문 소문자, 숫자, 특수문자 \"-\", \"_\", \".\"만 포함할 수 있습니다.", "add_command.username.placeholder": "사용자명", "add_emoji.cancel": "취소", "add_emoji.header": "추가", "add_emoji.image": "이미지", "add_emoji.image.button": "선택", "add_emoji.image.help": "Choose the image for your emoji. The image can be a gif, png, or jpeg file with a max size of 1 MB. Dimensions will automatically resize to fit 128 by 128 pixels but keeping aspect ratio.", "add_emoji.imageRequired": "이모티콘 이미지가 필요합니다.", "add_emoji.name": "이름", "add_emoji.name.help": "이모티콘 이름으로 64글자 이하 영문 소문자, 숫자, 특수문자 '-' 와 '_'를 사용할 수 있습니다.", "add_emoji.nameInvalid": "이모티콘 이름은 영문 소문자, 숫자, 특수문자 '-' 와 '_' 만 포함할 수 있습니다.", "add_emoji.nameRequired": "이모티콘 이름이 필요합니다.", "add_emoji.nameTaken": "이미 시스템 이모티콘에서 사용하는 이름입니다. 다른 이름을 사용하세요.", "add_emoji.preview": "미리보기", "add_emoji.preview.sentence": "이모티콘({image})이 포함된 문장입니다.", "add_emoji.save": "저장", "add_incoming_webhook.cancel": "취소", "add_incoming_webhook.channel": "채널", "add_incoming_webhook.channel.help": "공개 채널이나 프라이빗 그룹은 웹훅 페이로드를 받습니다. 웹훅 설정 시 프라이빗 그룹에 소속되어 있어야 합니다.", "add_incoming_webhook.channelRequired": "유효한 채널을 선택하세요.", "add_incoming_webhook.description": "설명", "add_incoming_webhook.description.help": "Incoming webhook에 대한 설명을 입력하세요.", "add_incoming_webhook.displayName": "표시명", "add_incoming_webhook.displayName.help": "Incoming webhook의 표시명을 64글자 이내로 입력하세요.", "add_incoming_webhook.doneHelp": "Incoming Webhook 설정이 완료되었습니다. 다음 URL로 데이터를 보내세요. (더 자세한 내용은 문서를 참고하세요).", "add_incoming_webhook.name": "이름", "add_incoming_webhook.save": "저장", "add_incoming_webhook.url": "URL: {url}", "add_oauth_app.callbackUrls.help": "The redirect URIs to which the service will redirect users after accepting or denying authorization of your application, and which will handle authorization codes or access tokens. Must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://.", "add_oauth_app.callbackUrlsRequired": "하나 이상의 콜백 URL이 필요합니다.", "add_oauth_app.clientId": "클라이언트 ID: {id}", "add_oauth_app.clientSecret": "클라이언트 시크릿: {secret}", "add_oauth_app.description.help": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션 설명", "add_oauth_app.descriptionRequired": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션 설명은 필수 항목입니다.", "add_oauth_app.doneHelp": "귀하의 OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션이 설정되었습니다. 애플리케이션에 대한 승인을 요청할 때 다음과 같은 클라이언트 ID 및 클라이언트 시크릿을 사용하십시오. (더 자세한 내용은 문서를 참고하세요.)", "add_oauth_app.doneUrlHelp": "다음 리디렉트 URL이 승인되었습니다.", "add_oauth_app.header": "추가", "add_oauth_app.homepage.help": "The URL for the homepage of the OAuth 2.0 application. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration.", "add_oauth_app.homepageRequired": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션 홈페이지는 필수 항목입니다.", "add_oauth_app.icon.help": "(Optional) The URL of the image used for your OAuth 2.0 application. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL.", "add_oauth_app.name.help": "OAuth 2.0 어플리케이션의 표시될 이름은 최대 64문자로 구성됩니다.", "add_oauth_app.nameRequired": "OAuth 2.0 어플리케이션 이름이 필요합니다.", "add_oauth_app.trusted.help": "\"네\"를 선택하면, OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션 접근 허용을 위한 추가 과정이 필요하지 않습니다. \"아니요\" 선택 시, 추가 인증을 위한 창이 나타나 권한 허용여부를 물어보게 됩니다.", "add_oauth_app.url": "URL: {url}", "add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls": "콜백 URL (한 줄에 하나 씩)", "add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrls.help": "메시지가 보내질 URL을 입력하세요.", "add_outgoing_webhook.callbackUrlsRequired": "하나 이상의 콜백 URL이 필요합니다.", "add_outgoing_webhook.cancel": "취소", "add_outgoing_webhook.channel": "채널", "add_outgoing_webhook.channel.help": "Public channel to receive webhook payloads. Optional if at least one Trigger Word is specified.", "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help1": "응답이 보내질 컨텐트 타입을 선택하세요.", "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help2": "If application/x-www-form-urlencoded is chosen, the server assumes you will be encoding the parameters in a URL format.", "add_outgoing_webhook.contentType.help3": "If applcation/json is chosen, the server assumes you will posting JSON data.", "add_outgoing_webhook.content_Type": "콘텐츠 형식", "add_outgoing_webhook.description": "설명", "add_outgoing_webhook.description.help": "Description for your outgoing webhook.", "add_outgoing_webhook.displayName": "표시명", "add_outgoing_webhook.displayName.help": "Outgoing webhook의 표시될 이름은 최대 64문자로 구성됩니다.", "add_outgoing_webhook.doneHelp": "Your outgoing webhook has been set up. The following token will be sent in the outgoing payload. Please use it to verify the request came from your Mattermost team (see documentation for further details).", "add_outgoing_webhook.name": "이름", "add_outgoing_webhook.save": "저장", "add_outgoing_webhook.token": "토큰: {token}", "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords": "트리거 단어 (줄 당 하나씩 입력합니다)", "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWords.help": "Messages that start with one of the specified words will trigger the outgoing webhook. Optional if Channel is selected.", "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsOrChannelRequired": "유효한 채널과 트리거 단어 목록을 입력하세요", "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhen": "트리거 조건", "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhen.help": "Choose when to trigger the outgoing webhook; if the first word of a message matches a Trigger Word exactly, or if it starts with a Trigger Word.", "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenFullWord": "First word matches a trigger word exactly", "add_outgoing_webhook.triggerWordsTriggerWhenStartsWith": "First word starts with a trigger word", "admin.advance.cluster": "고 가용성 (베타)", "admin.advance.metrics": "Performance Monitoring", "admin.audits.reload": "사용자 활동 기록 새로고침", "admin.audits.title": "사용자 활동 기록", "admin.authentication.email": "이메일 인증", "admin.authentication.gitlab": "GitLab", "admin.authentication.ldap": "AD/LDAP", "admin.authentication.oauth": "OAuth 2.0", "admin.authentication.saml": "SAML", "admin.banner.heading": "Note:", "admin.cluster.enableDescription": "활성화 하면 Mattermost가 고 가용성 모드로 동작합니다. 고 가용성 모드 설정에 대한 자세한 내용은 이 문서를 참고하세요.", "admin.cluster.enableTitle": "고 가용성 모드:", "admin.cluster.interNodeListenAddressDesc": "The address the server will listen on for communicating with other servers.", "admin.cluster.interNodeListenAddressEx": "예시 \":8075\"", "admin.cluster.interNodeListenAddressTitle": "Inter-Node Listen Address:", "admin.cluster.interNodeUrlsDesc": "The internal/private URLs of all the Mattermost servers separated by commas.", "admin.cluster.interNodeUrlsEx": "예시 \",\"", "admin.cluster.interNodeUrlsTitle": "내부 노드 URL:", "admin.cluster.loadedFrom": "This configuration file was loaded from Node ID {clusterId}. Please see the Troubleshooting Guide in our documentation if you are accessing the System Console through a load balancer and experiencing issues.", "admin.cluster.noteDescription": "Changing properties in this section will require a server restart before taking effect. When High Availability mode is enabled, the System Console is set to read-only and can only be changed from the configuration file.", "admin.cluster.should_not_change": "WARNING: These settings may not sync with the other servers in the cluster. High Availability inter-node communication will not start until you modify the config.json to be identical on all servers and restart Mattermost. Please see the documentation on how to add or remove a server from the cluster. If you are accessing the System Console through a load balancer and experiencing issues, please see the Troubleshooting Guide in our documentation.", "admin.cluster.status_table.config_hash": "Config File MD5", "admin.cluster.status_table.hostname": "호스트명", "admin.cluster.status_table.id": "Node ID", "admin.cluster.status_table.reload": " Reload Cluster Status", "admin.cluster.status_table.status": "상태", "admin.cluster.status_table.url": "Inter-Node URL", "admin.cluster.status_table.version": "버전:", "admin.compliance.directoryDescription": "Directory to which compliance reports are written. If blank, will be set to ./data/.", "admin.compliance.directoryExample": "예시 \"./data/\"", "admin.compliance.directoryTitle": "감사 보고서 경로:", "admin.compliance.enableDailyDesc": "When true, Mattermost will generate a daily compliance report.", "admin.compliance.enableDailyTitle": "일일 보고:", "admin.compliance.enableDesc": "When true, Mattermost allows compliance reporting from the Compliance and Auditing tab. See documentation to learn more.", "admin.compliance.enableTitle": "감사 보고:", "admin.compliance.false": "비활성화", "admin.compliance.noLicense": "


Compliance 는 엔터프라이즈 에디션의 기능입니다. 현재 라이센스는 Compliance 기능을 지원하지 않습니다. 이 곳에서 엔터프라이즈 라이센스에 대한 정보를 확인하세요.

", "admin.compliance.save": "저장", "admin.compliance.saving": "설정 저장중...", "admin.compliance.title": "Compliance 설정", "admin.compliance.true": "활성화", "admin.compliance_reports.desc": "작업명:", "admin.compliance_reports.desc_placeholder": "예시. \"Audit 445 for HR\"", "admin.compliance_reports.emails": "이메일:", "admin.compliance_reports.emails_placeholder": "예시. \"bill@example.com, bob@example.com\"", "admin.compliance_reports.from": "발신:", "admin.compliance_reports.from_placeholder": "예시. \"2016-03-11\"", "admin.compliance_reports.keywords": "키워드:", "admin.compliance_reports.keywords_placeholder": "예시. \"shorting stock\"", "admin.compliance_reports.reload": "Reload Completed Compliance Reports", "admin.compliance_reports.run": "Run Compliance Report", "admin.compliance_reports.title": "Compliance Reports", "admin.compliance_reports.to": "수신:", "admin.compliance_reports.to_placeholder": "예시 \"2016-03-15\"", "admin.compliance_table.desc": "설명", "admin.compliance_table.download": "다운로드", "admin.compliance_table.params": "Params", "admin.compliance_table.records": "기록", "admin.compliance_table.status": "상태", "admin.compliance_table.timestamp": "타임스탬프", "admin.compliance_table.type": "종류", "admin.compliance_table.userId": "Requested By", "admin.connectionSecurityNone": "None", "admin.connectionSecurityNoneDescription": "Mattermost will connect over an unsecure connection.", "admin.connectionSecurityPlain": "PLAIN", "admin.connectionSecurityPlainDescription": "Mattermost는 안전하지 않은 연결을 통해 인증 및 접속할 것입니다.", "admin.connectionSecurityStart": "STARTTLS", "admin.connectionSecurityStartDescription": "Takes an existing insecure connection and attempts to upgrade it to a secure connection using TLS.", "admin.connectionSecurityTest": "연결 테스트", "admin.connectionSecurityTitle": "연결 보안:", "admin.connectionSecurityTls": "TLS", "admin.connectionSecurityTlsDescription": "Encrypts the communication between Mattermost and your server.", "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the Android app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.", "admin.customization.androidAppDownloadLinkTitle": "안드로이드 앱 다운로드 링크:", "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to a download page for the Mattermost apps. When a link is present, an option to \"Download Mattermost Apps\" will be added in the Main Menu so users can find the download page. Leave this field blank to hide the option from the Main Menu.", "admin.customization.appDownloadLinkTitle": "Mattermost Apps Download Page Link:", "admin.customization.customBrand": "커스텀 브랜딩", "admin.customization.customEmoji": "커스텀 이모티콘", "admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiDesc": "Enable users to create custom emoji for use in messages. When enabled, Custom Emoji settings can be accessed by switching to a team and clicking the three dots above the channel sidebar, and selecting \"Custom Emoji\".", "admin.customization.enableCustomEmojiTitle": "커스텀 이모티콘:", "admin.customization.enableLinkPreviewsDesc": "Enable users to display a preview of website content below the message, if available. When true, website previews can be enabled from Account Settings > Advanced > Preview pre-release features.", "admin.customization.enableLinkPreviewsTitle": "Enable Link Previews:", "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkDesc": "Add a link to download the iOS app. Users who access the site on a mobile web browser will be prompted with a page giving them the option to download the app. Leave this field blank to prevent the page from appearing.", "admin.customization.iosAppDownloadLinkTitle": "iOS 앱 다운로드 링크:", "admin.customization.linkPreviews": "링크 미리보기", "admin.customization.nativeAppLinks": "Mattermost 애플리케이션 링크", "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAdmin": "Allow System and Team Admins to create custom emoji", "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationAll": "Allow everyone to create custom emoji", "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationDesc": "Restrict the creation of custom emoji to certain users.", "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationSystemAdmin": "Only allow System Admins to create custom emoji", "admin.customization.restrictCustomEmojiCreationTitle": "이모티콘 생성 제한:", "admin.customization.support": "법적 사항 및 지원", "admin.database.title": "데이터베이스 설정", "admin.developer.title": "개발자 설정", "admin.email.agreeHPNS": " I understand and accept the Mattermost Hosted Push Notification Service Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.", "admin.email.allowEmailSignInDescription": "설정 시, Mattermost는 사용자들이 그들의 이메일과 패스워드로 로그인할 수 있게 합니다.", "admin.email.allowEmailSignInTitle": "Enable sign-in with email: ", "admin.email.allowSignupDescription": "When true, Mattermost allows team creation and account signup using email and password. This value should be false only when you want to limit signup to a single-sign-on service like OAuth or LDAP.", "admin.email.allowSignupTitle": "Enable account creation with email: ", "admin.email.allowUsernameSignInDescription": "When true, Mattermost allows users to sign in using their username and password. This setting is typically only used when email verification is disabled.", "admin.email.allowUsernameSignInTitle": "Enable sign-in with username: ", "admin.email.connectionSecurityTest": "연결 테스트", "admin.email.easHelp": "Learn more about compiling and deploying your own mobile apps from an Enterprise App Store.", "admin.email.emailFail": "연결을 실패했습니다: {error}", "admin.email.emailSuccess": "No errors were reported while sending an email. Please check your inbox to make sure.", "admin.email.enableEmailBatching.clusterEnabled": "Email batching cannot be enabled when High Availability mode is enabled.", "admin.email.enableEmailBatching.siteURL": "Email batching cannot be enabled unless the SiteURL is configured in Configuration > SiteURL.", "admin.email.enableEmailBatchingDesc": "When true, users can have email notifications for multiple direct messages and mentions combined into a single email, configurable in Account Settings > Notifications.", "admin.email.enableEmailBatchingTitle": "Enable Email Batching:", "admin.email.fullPushNotification": "Send full message snippet", "admin.email.genericPushNotification": "Send generic description with user and channel names", "admin.email.inviteSaltDescription": "32-character salt added to signing of email invites. Randomly generated on install. Click \"Regenerate\" to create new salt.", "admin.email.inviteSaltExample": "예시 \"bjlSR4QqkXFBr7TP4oDzlfZmcNuH9Yo\"", "admin.email.inviteSaltTitle": "Email Invite Salt:", "admin.email.mhpns": "Use encrypted, production-quality HPNS connection to iOS and Android apps", "admin.email.mhpnsHelp": "iTunes에서 Mattermost iOS 앱 다운로드. Google Play에서 Mattermost Android 앱 다운로드. HPNS에 대해 알아보기.", "admin.email.mtpns": "IOS, Android 앱을 TPNS와 사용합니다.", "admin.email.mtpnsHelp": "iTunes에서 Mattermost iOS 앱 다운로드. Google Play에서 Mattermost Android 앱 다운로드. TPNS에 대해 알아보기.", "admin.email.nofificationOrganizationExample": "예시 \"© ABC Corporation, 565 Knight Way, Palo Alto, California, 94305, USA\"", "admin.email.notificationDisplayDescription": "Display name on email account used when sending notification emails from Mattermost.", "admin.email.notificationDisplayExample": "예시 \"Mattermost Notification\", \"System\", \"No-Reply\"", "admin.email.notificationDisplayTitle": "알림 표시명:", "admin.email.notificationEmailDescription": "Email address displayed on email account used when sending notification emails from Mattermost.", "admin.email.notificationEmailExample": "예시 \"mattermost@yourcompany.com\", \"admin@yourcompany.com\"", "admin.email.notificationEmailTitle": "알림 이메일 주소:", "admin.email.notificationOrganization": "Notification Footer Mailing Address:", "admin.email.notificationOrganizationDescription": "Organization name and address displayed on email notifications from Mattermost, such as \"© ABC Corporation, 565 Knight Way, Palo Alto, California, 94305, USA\". If the field is left empty, the organization name and address will not be displayed.", "admin.email.notificationOrganizationExample": "예시 \"© ABC Corporation, 565 Knight Way, Palo Alto, California, 94305, USA\"", "admin.email.notificationsDescription": "Typically set to true in production. When true, Mattermost attempts to send email notifications. Developers may set this field to false to skip email setup for faster development.
Setting this to true removes the Preview Mode banner (requires logging out and logging back in after setting is changed).", "admin.email.notificationsTitle": "Enable Email Notifications: ", "admin.email.passwordSaltDescription": "32-character salt added to signing of password reset emails. Randomly generated on install. Click \"Regenerate\" to create new salt.", "admin.email.passwordSaltExample": "예시 \"bjlSR4QqkXFBr7TP4oDzlfZmcNuH9Yo\"", "admin.email.passwordSaltTitle": "Password Reset Salt:", "admin.email.pushContentDesc": "Selecting \"Send generic description with user and channel names\" provides push notifications with generic messages, including names of users and channels but no specific details from the message text.

Selecting \"Send full message snippet\" sends excerpts from messages triggering notifications with specifics and may include confidential information sent in messages. If your Push Notification Service is outside your firewall, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED this option only be used with an \"https\" protocol to encrypt the connection.", "admin.email.pushContentTitle": "푸시 알림 콘텐츠:", "admin.email.pushDesc": "Typically set to true in production. When true, Mattermost attempts to send iOS and Android push notifications through the push notification server.", "admin.email.pushOff": "Do not send push notifications", "admin.email.pushOffHelp": "Please see documentation on push notifications to learn more about setup options.", "admin.email.pushServerDesc": "Location of Mattermost push notification service you can set up behind your firewall using https://github.com/mattermost/push-proxy. For testing you can use http://push-test.mattermost.com, which connects to the sample Mattermost iOS app in the public Apple AppStore. Please do not use test service for production deployments.", "admin.email.pushServerEx": "예시 \"http://push-test.mattermost.com\"", "admin.email.pushServerTitle": "푸시 알림 서버:", "admin.email.pushTitle": "모바일 푸시 알림: ", "admin.email.requireVerificationDescription": "Typically set to true in production. When true, Mattermost requires email verification after account creation prior to allowing login. Developers may set this field to false so skip sending verification emails for faster development.", "admin.email.requireVerificationTitle": "이메일 검증: ", "admin.email.selfPush": "Manually enter Push Notification Service location", "admin.email.smtpPasswordDescription": " Obtain this credential from administrator setting up your email server.", "admin.email.smtpPasswordExample": "예시 \"yourpassword\", \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"", "admin.email.smtpPasswordTitle": "SMTP 서버 패스워드:", "admin.email.smtpPortDescription": "SMTP 이메일 서버의 포트를 입력하세요.", "admin.email.smtpPortExample": "E.g.: \"25\", \"465\", \"587\"", "admin.email.smtpPortTitle": "SMTP 서버 포트:", "admin.email.smtpServerDescription": "Location of SMTP email server.", "admin.email.smtpServerExample": "예시 \"smtp.yourcompany.com\", \"email-smtp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com\"", "admin.email.smtpServerTitle": "SMTP 서버:", "admin.email.smtpUsernameDescription": " Obtain this credential from administrator setting up your email server.", "admin.email.smtpUsernameExample": "예시 \"admin@yourcompany.com\", \"AKIADTOVBGERKLCBV\"", "admin.email.smtpUsernameTitle": "SMTP 서버 사용자명:", "admin.email.testing": "테스트 중...", "admin.false": "비활성화", "admin.file_upload.chooseFile": "파일 선택", "admin.file_upload.noFile": "업로드 된 파일이 없습니다.", "admin.file_upload.uploadFile": "업로드", "admin.files.images": "이미지", "admin.files.storage": "저장소", "admin.general.configuration": "환경설정", "admin.general.localization": "지역화", "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesDescription": "Set which languages are available for users in Account Settings (leave this field blank to have all supported languages available). If you’re manually adding new languages, the Default Client Language must be added before saving this setting.

Would like to help with translations? Join the Mattermost Translation Server to contribute.", "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesNoResults": "No results found", "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesNotPresent": "The default client language must be included in the available list", "admin.general.localization.availableLocalesTitle": "Available Languages:", "admin.general.localization.clientLocaleDescription": "Default language for newly created users and pages where the user hasn't logged in.", "admin.general.localization.clientLocaleTitle": "클라이언트 기본 언어:", "admin.general.localization.serverLocaleDescription": "Default language for system messages and logs. Changing this will require a server restart before taking effect.", "admin.general.localization.serverLocaleTitle": "서버 기본 언어:", "admin.general.log": "로그", "admin.general.policy": "정책", "admin.general.policy.allowEditPostAlways": "Any time", "admin.general.policy.allowEditPostDescription": "Set policy on the length of time authors have to edit their messages after posting.", "admin.general.policy.allowEditPostNever": "알림 사용 안함", "admin.general.policy.allowEditPostTimeLimit": "seconds after posting", "admin.general.policy.allowEditPostTitle": "Allow users to edit their messages:", "admin.general.policy.permissionsAdmin": "Team and System Admins", "admin.general.policy.permissionsAll": "모든 팀 회원", "admin.general.policy.permissionsAllChannel": "All channel members", "admin.general.policy.permissionsChannelAdmin": "Channel, Team and System Admins", "admin.general.policy.permissionsDeletePostAdmin": "Team and System Admins", "admin.general.policy.permissionsDeletePostAll": "Message authors can delete their own messages, and Administrators can delete any message", "admin.general.policy.permissionsDeletePostSystemAdmin": "시스템 관리자", "admin.general.policy.permissionsSystemAdmin": "시스템 관리자", "admin.general.policy.restrictPostDeleteDescription": "Set policy on who has permission to delete messages.", "admin.general.policy.restrictPostDeleteTitle": "Allow which users to delete messages:", "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelCreationDescription": "Set policy on who can create private groups.", "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelCreationTitle": "Enable private group creation for:", "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelDeletionCommandLineToolLink": "command line tool", "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelDeletionDescription": "Set policy on who can delete private groups. Deleted groups can be recovered from the database using a {commandLineToolLink}.", "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelDeletionTitle": "Enable private group deletion for:", "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementDescription": "Set policy on who can create, delete, rename, and set the header or purpose for private groups.", "admin.general.policy.restrictPrivateChannelManagementTitle": "Enable private group renaming for:", "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelCreationDescription": "Set policy on who can create public channels.", "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelCreationTitle": "Enable public channel creation for:", "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelDeletionCommandLineToolLink": "command line tool", "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelDeletionDescription": "Set policy on who can delete public channels. Deleted channels can be recovered from the database using a {commandLineToolLink}.", "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelDeletionTitle": "Enable public channel deletion for:", "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementDescription": "Set policy on who can create, delete, rename, and set the header or purpose for public channels.", "admin.general.policy.restrictPublicChannelManagementTitle": "Enable public channel renaming for:", "admin.general.policy.teamInviteDescription": "Set policy on who can invite others to a team using Invite New Member to invite new users by email, or the Get Team Invite Link options from the Main Menu. If Get Team Invite Link is used to share a link, you can expire the invite code from Team Settings > Invite Code after the desired users join the team.", "admin.general.policy.teamInviteTitle": "Enable sending team invites from:", "admin.general.privacy": "Privacy", "admin.general.usersAndTeams": "팀과 사용자", "admin.gitab.clientSecretDescription": "Obtain this value via the instructions above for logging into GitLab.", "admin.gitlab.EnableHtmlDesc": "
  1. Log in to your GitLab account and go to Profile Settings -> Applications.
  2. Enter Redirect URIs \"/login/gitlab/complete\" (example: http://localhost:8065/login/gitlab/complete) and \"/signup/gitlab/complete\".
  3. Then use \"Application Secret Key\" and \"Application ID\" fields from GitLab to complete the options below.
  4. Complete the Endpoint URLs below.
", "admin.gitlab.authDescription": "Enter https:///oauth/authorize (example https://example.com:3000/oauth/authorize). Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration.", "admin.gitlab.authExample": "예시 \"https:///api/v3/user\"", "admin.gitlab.authTitle": "인증 엔드포인트:", "admin.gitlab.clientIdDescription": "Obtain this value via the instructions above for logging into GitLab", "admin.gitlab.clientIdExample": "예시 \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"", "admin.gitlab.clientIdTitle": "애플리케이션 ID:", "admin.gitlab.clientSecretExample": "예시 \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"", "admin.gitlab.clientSecretTitle": "애플리케이션 시크릿 키:", "admin.gitlab.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost allows team creation and account signup using GitLab OAuth.", "admin.gitlab.enableTitle": "GitLab 계정으로 인증: ", "admin.gitlab.settingsTitle": "GitLab 설정", "admin.gitlab.tokenDescription": "GitLab 연동을 위해 다음 URL https:///api/v3/user 을 입력하십시오. 서버 설정에 따라 HTTP와 HTTPS 중 올바른 것을 사용하여야 합니다.", "admin.gitlab.tokenExample": "예시 \"https:///api/v3/user\"", "admin.gitlab.tokenTitle": "토큰 엔드포인트:", "admin.gitlab.userDescription": "GitLab 연동을 위해 다음 URL https:///api/v3/user 을 입력하십시오. 서버 설정에 따라 HTTP와 HTTPS 중 올바른 것을 사용하여야 합니다.", "admin.gitlab.userExample": "예시 \"https:///api/v3/user\"", "admin.gitlab.userTitle": "사용자 API 엔드포인트:", "admin.google.EnableHtmlDesc": "
  1. Log in to your Google account.
  2. Go to https://console.developers.google.com, click Credentials in the left hand sidebar and enter \"Mattermost - your-company-name\" as the Project Name, then click Create.
  3. Click the OAuth consent screen header and enter \"Mattermost\" as the Product name shown to users, then click Save.
  4. Under the Credentials header, click Create credentials, choose OAuth client ID and select Web Application.
  5. Under Restrictions and Authorized redirect URIs enter your-mattermost-url/signup/google/complete (example: http://localhost:8065/signup/google/complete). Click Create.
  6. Paste the Client ID and Client Secret to the fields below, then click Save.
  7. Finally, go to Google+ API and click Enable. This might take a few minutes to propagate through Google's systems.
", "admin.google.authTitle": "Auth Endpoint:", "admin.google.clientIdDescription": "The Client ID you received when registering your application with Google.", "admin.google.clientIdExample": "예시 \"7602141235235-url0fhs1mayfasbmop5qlfns8dh4.apps.googleusercontent.com\"", "admin.google.clientIdTitle": "클라이언트 ID", "admin.google.clientSecretDescription": "The Client Secret you received when registering your application with Google.", "admin.google.clientSecretExample": "예시 \"H8sz0Az-dDs2p15-7QzD231\"", "admin.google.clientSecretTitle": "클라이언트 시크릿", "admin.google.tokenTitle": "토큰 엔드포인트:", "admin.google.userTitle": "사용자 API 엔드포인트:", "admin.image.amazonS3BucketDescription": "Name you selected for your S3 bucket in AWS.", "admin.image.amazonS3BucketExample": "예시 \"mattermost-media\"", "admin.image.amazonS3BucketTitle": "Amazon S3 Bucket:", "admin.image.amazonS3EndpointDescription": "Hostname of your S3 Compatible Storage provider. Defaults to `s3.amazonaws.com`.", "admin.image.amazonS3EndpointExample": "E.g.: \"s3.amazonaws.com\"", "admin.image.amazonS3EndpointTitle": "Amazon S3 Endpoint:", "admin.image.amazonS3IdDescription": "Obtain this credential from your Amazon EC2 administrator.", "admin.image.amazonS3IdExample": "예시 \"AKIADTOVBGERKLCBV\"", "admin.image.amazonS3IdTitle": "Amazon S3 Access Key ID:", "admin.image.amazonS3RegionDescription": "AWS region you selected for creating your S3 bucket.", "admin.image.amazonS3RegionExample": "예시 \"us-east-1\"", "admin.image.amazonS3RegionTitle": "Amazon S3 Region:", "admin.image.amazonS3SSLDescription": "When false, allow insecure connections to Amazon S3. Defaults to secure connections only.", "admin.image.amazonS3SSLTitle": "Enable Secure Amazon S3 Connections:", "admin.image.amazonS3SecretDescription": "Obtain this credential from your Amazon EC2 administrator.", "admin.image.amazonS3SecretExample": "예시 \"jcuS8PuvcpGhpgHhlcpT1Mx42pnqMxQY\"", "admin.image.amazonS3SecretTitle": "Amazon S3 Secret Access Key:", "admin.image.localDescription": "Directory to which files and images are written. If blank, defaults to ./data/.", "admin.image.localExample": "예시 \"./data/\"", "admin.image.localTitle": "로컬 저장소 경로:", "admin.image.maxFileSizeDescription": "Maximum file size for message attachments in megabytes. Caution: Verify server memory can support your setting choice. Large file sizes increase the risk of server crashes and failed uploads due to network interruptions.", "admin.image.maxFileSizeExample": "50", "admin.image.maxFileSizeTitle": "최대 파일 크기:", "admin.image.previewHeightDescription": "Maximum height of preview image (\"0\": Sets to auto-size). Updating this value changes how preview images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.", "admin.image.previewHeightExample": "예시 \"0\"", "admin.image.previewHeightTitle": "이미지 미리보기 높이:", "admin.image.previewWidthDescription": "Maximum width of preview image. Updating this value changes how preview images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.", "admin.image.previewWidthExample": "예시 \"1024\"", "admin.image.previewWidthTitle": "이미지 미리보기 너비:", "admin.image.profileHeightDescription": "Height of profile picture.", "admin.image.profileHeightExample": "예시 \"0\"", "admin.image.profileHeightTitle": "프로필 사진 높이:", "admin.image.profileWidthDescription": "Width of profile picture.", "admin.image.profileWidthExample": "예시 \"1024\"", "admin.image.profileWidthTitle": "프로필 사진 너비:", "admin.image.publicLinkDescription": "32-character salt added to signing of public image links. Randomly generated on install. Click \"Regenerate\" to create new salt.", "admin.image.publicLinkExample": "예시 \"gxHVDcKUyP2y1eiyW8S8na1UYQAfq6J6\"", "admin.image.publicLinkTitle": "공개 링크 Salt:", "admin.image.shareDescription": "Allow users to share public links to files and images.", "admin.image.shareTitle": "공개 파일 링크: ", "admin.image.storeAmazonS3": "Amazon S3", "admin.image.storeDescription": "Storage system where files and image attachments are saved.

Selecting \"Amazon S3\" enables fields to enter your Amazon credentials and bucket details.

Selecting \"Local File System\" enables the field to specify a local file directory.", "admin.image.storeLocal": "로컬 파일 시스템", "admin.image.storeTitle": "파일 저장소 시스템:", "admin.image.thumbHeightDescription": "Height of thumbnails generated from uploaded images. Updating this value changes how thumbnail images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.", "admin.image.thumbHeightExample": "예시 \"100\"", "admin.image.thumbHeightTitle": "첨부파일 썸네일 높이:", "admin.image.thumbWidthDescription": "Width of thumbnails generated from uploaded images. Updating this value changes how thumbnail images render in future, but does not change images created in the past.", "admin.image.thumbWidthExample": "예시 \"120\"", "admin.image.thumbWidthTitle": "첨부파일 썸네일 너비:", "admin.integrations.custom": "Custom Integrations", "admin.integrations.external": "외부 서비스", "admin.integrations.webrtc": "Mattermost WebRTC", "admin.ldap.baseDesc": "The Base DN is the Distinguished Name of the location where Mattermost should start its search for users in the LDAP tree.", "admin.ldap.baseEx": "예시 \"ou=Unit Name,dc=corp,dc=example,dc=com\"", "admin.ldap.baseTitle": "BaseDN:", "admin.ldap.bindPwdDesc": "Password of the user given in \"Bind Username\".", "admin.ldap.bindPwdTitle": "Bind Password:", "admin.ldap.bindUserDesc": "The username used to perform the LDAP search. This should typically be an account created specifically for use with Mattermost. It should have access limited to read the portion of the LDAP tree specified in the BaseDN field.", "admin.ldap.bindUserTitle": "Bind Username:", "admin.ldap.emailAttrDesc": "The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used to populate the email addresses of users in Mattermost.", "admin.ldap.emailAttrEx": "예시 \"mail\" or \"userPrincipalName\"", "admin.ldap.emailAttrTitle": "이메일 속성:", "admin.ldap.enableDesc": "활성화하면, LDAP으로 접속 할 수 있습니다.", "admin.ldap.enableTitle": "LDAP으로 접속을 허용:", "admin.ldap.firstnameAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the AD/LDAP server that will be used to populate the first name of users in Mattermost. When set, users will not be able to edit their first name, since it is synchronized with the LDAP server. When left blank, users can set their own first name in Account Settings.", "admin.ldap.firstnameAttrEx": "예시 \"givenName\"", "admin.ldap.firstnameAttrTitle": "이름 속성", "admin.ldap.idAttrDesc": "AD/LDAP 서버에서 속성(attribute)의 경우 Mattermost에서 고유한 식별자로 사용됩니다. 이는 username과 uid 등 변경되지 않는 값을 가진 AD/LDAP 속성이어야 합니다. 사용자의 ID 속성이 변경된 경우, 원래 계정과 무관한 새로운 Mattermost 계정을 생성하게 됩니다. 이는 Mattermost 로그인 페이지에서 \"AD/LDAP 사용자명\" 란에 사용되는 값입니다. 일반적으로 이 속성은 위의 \"사용자 이름 속성\" 란과 같습니다. 팀에서 AD/LDAP를 사용하는 다른 서비스에 로그인할 때 대개 domain\\\\username을 사용할 경우, 사이트 간의 일관성을 유지하기 위해 domain\\\\username을 이 란에 입력할 수 있습니다.", "admin.ldap.idAttrEx": "예시 \"sAMAccountName\"", "admin.ldap.idAttrTitle": "ID 속성: ", "admin.ldap.lastnameAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the AD/LDAP server that will be used to populate the last name of users in Mattermost. When set, users will not be able to edit their last name, since it is synchronized with the LDAP server. When left blank, users can set their own last name in Account Settings.", "admin.ldap.lastnameAttrEx": "예시 \"sn\"", "admin.ldap.lastnameAttrTitle": "성 속성:", "admin.ldap.ldap_test_button": "AD/LDAP 테스트", "admin.ldap.loginNameDesc": "The placeholder text that appears in the login field on the login page. Defaults to \"LDAP Username\".", "admin.ldap.loginNameEx": "예시 \"LDAP Username\"", "admin.ldap.loginNameTitle": "Login Field Name:", "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeEx": "예시 \"2000\"", "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeHelpText": "한번에 AD/LDAP서버로부터 요청할 Mattermost 서버의 최대 유저 숫자 값입니다. 0은 무제한을 뜻합니다.", "admin.ldap.maxPageSizeTitle": "최대 페이지 크기", "admin.ldap.nicknameAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the AD/LDAP server that will be used to populate the nickname of users in Mattermost. When set, users will not be able to edit their nickname, since it is synchronized with the LDAP server. When left blank, users can set their own nickname in Account Settings.", "admin.ldap.nicknameAttrEx": "예시 \"nickname\"", "admin.ldap.nicknameAttrTitle": "별명 속성:", "admin.ldap.noLicense": "


Compliance 는 엔터프라이즈 에디션의 기능입니다. 현재 라이센스는 Compliance 기능을 지원하지 않습니다. 이 곳에서 엔터프라이즈 라이센스에 대한 정보를 확인하세요.

", "admin.ldap.portDesc": "Mettermost가 AD/LDAP서버에 연결할 때 사용될 포트입니다. 기본값은 389입니다.", "admin.ldap.portEx": "예시 \"389\"", "admin.ldap.portTitle": "AD/LDAP 포트:", "admin.ldap.positionAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used to populate the nickname of users in Mattermost.", "admin.ldap.positionAttrEx": "E.g.: \"title\"", "admin.ldap.positionAttrTitle": "Position Attribute:", "admin.ldap.queryDesc": "AD/LDAP서버 조회를 할때 사용되는 timeout 값입니다.. 만양 느린 AD/LDAP 서버에 의해 timout 에러가 발생한다면 증가시키십시오.", "admin.ldap.queryEx": "예시 \"60\"", "admin.ldap.queryTitle": "Query Timeout (초):", "admin.ldap.serverDesc": "LDAP 서버의 도메인 또는 IP 주소", "admin.ldap.serverEx": "예시 \"\"", "admin.ldap.serverTitle": "AD/LDAP 서버:", "admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerification": "인증서 검증 생략", "admin.ldap.skipCertificateVerificationDesc": "Skips the certificate verification step for TLS or STARTTLS connections. Not recommended for production environments where TLS is required. For testing only.", "admin.ldap.syncFailure": "동기화 실패: {error}", "admin.ldap.syncIntervalHelpText": "LDAP Synchronization updates Mattermost user information to reflect updates on the LDAP server. For example, when a user’s name changes on the LDAP server, the change updates in Mattermost when synchronization is performed. Accounts removed from or disabled in the LDAP server have their Mattermost accounts set to “Inactive” and have their account sessions revoked. Mattermost performs synchronization on the interval entered. For example, if 60 is entered, Mattermost synchronizes every 60 minutes.", "admin.ldap.syncIntervalTitle": "동기화 간격 (분)", "admin.ldap.syncNowHelpText": "지금 바로 LDAP 동기화를 초기화", "admin.ldap.sync_button": "지금 LDAP 동기화하기", "admin.ldap.testFailure": "AD/LDAP 테스트 실패: {error}", "admin.ldap.testHelpText": "Tests if the Mattermost server can connect to the AD/LDAP server specified. See log file for more detailed error messages.", "admin.ldap.testSuccess": "AD/LDAP 테스트가 성공하였습니다.", "admin.ldap.uernameAttrDesc": "The attribute in the LDAP server that will be used to populate the username field in Mattermost. This may be the same as the ID Attribute.", "admin.ldap.userFilterDisc": "(Optional) Enter an LDAP Filter to use when searching for user objects. Only the users selected by the query will be able to access Mattermost. For Active Directory, the query to filter out disabled users is (&(objectCategory=Person)(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))).", "admin.ldap.userFilterEx": "예시 \"(objectClass=user)\"", "admin.ldap.userFilterTitle": "사용자 필터:", "admin.ldap.usernameAttrEx": "예시 \"sAMAccountName\"", "admin.ldap.usernameAttrTitle": "사용자명 속성:", "admin.license.choose": "파일 선택", "admin.license.chooseFile": "파일 선택", "admin.license.edition": "에디션: ", "admin.license.key": "라이센스 키: ", "admin.license.keyRemove": "엔터프라이즈 라이센스를 제거하고 서버를 다운그레이드 합니다.", "admin.license.noFile": "업로드된 파일이 없습니다.", "admin.license.removing": "라이센스 제거 중...", "admin.license.title": "라이센스와 에디션", "admin.license.type": "라이센스: ", "admin.license.upload": "업로드", "admin.license.uploadDesc": "Upload a license key for Mattermost Enterprise Edition to upgrade this server. Visit us online to learn more about the benefits of Enterprise Edition or to purchase a key.", "admin.license.uploading": "라이센스 업로드 중...", "admin.log.consoleDescription": "Typically set to false in production. Developers may set this field to true to output log messages to console based on the console level option. If true, server writes messages to the standard output stream (stdout).", "admin.log.consoleTitle": "Output logs to console: ", "admin.log.enableDiagnostics": "Enable Diagnostics and Error Reporting:", "admin.log.enableDiagnosticsDescription": "Enable this feature to improve the quality and performance of Mattermost by sending error reporting and diagnostic information to Mattermost, Inc. Read our privacy policy to learn more.", "admin.log.enableWebhookDebugging": "Webhook 디버깅 활성화:", "admin.log.enableWebhookDebuggingDescription": "비활성화하면 incoming webhook의 모든 요청 내용이 디버그 로그에 남는 것을 막을 수 있습니다.", "admin.log.fileDescription": "Typically set to true in production. When true, log files are written to the log file specified in file location field below.", "admin.log.fileLevelDescription": "This setting determines the level of detail at which log events are written to the log file. ERROR: Outputs only error messages. INFO: Outputs error messages and information around startup and initialization. DEBUG: Prints high detail for developers working on debugging issues.", "admin.log.fileLevelTitle": "파일 로그 레벨:", "admin.log.fileTitle": "Output logs to file: ", "admin.log.formatDateLong": "날짜 (2006/01/02)", "admin.log.formatDateShort": "날짜 (01/02/06)", "admin.log.formatDescription": "Format of log message output. If blank will be set to \"[%D %T] [%L] %M\", where:", "admin.log.formatLevel": "Level (DEBG, INFO, EROR)", "admin.log.formatMessage": "메시지", "admin.log.formatPlaceholder": "Enter your file format", "admin.log.formatSource": "Source", "admin.log.formatTime": "시간 (15:04:05 MST)", "admin.log.formatTitle": "파일 로그 포맷:", "admin.log.levelDescription": "This setting determines the level of detail at which log events are written to the console. ERROR: Outputs only error messages. INFO: Outputs error messages and information around startup and initialization. DEBUG: Prints high detail for developers working on debugging issues.", "admin.log.levelTitle": "콘솔 로그 레벨:", "admin.log.locationDescription": "File to which log files are written. If blank, will be set to ./logs/mattermost, which writes logs to mattermost.log. Log rotation is enabled and every 10,000 lines of log information is written to new files stored in the same directory, for example mattermost.2015-09-23.001, mattermost.2015-09-23.002, and so forth.", "admin.log.locationPlaceholder": "파일 위치를 지정하세요.", "admin.log.locationTitle": "파일 로그 경로:", "admin.log.logSettings": "로그 설정", "admin.logs.reload": "새로 고침", "admin.logs.title": "서버 로그", "admin.metrics.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost will enable performance monitoring collection and profiling. Please see documentation to learn more about configuring performance monitoring for Mattermost.", "admin.metrics.enableTitle": "Enable Performance Monitoring:", "admin.metrics.listenAddressDesc": "The address the server will listen on to expose performance metrics.", "admin.metrics.listenAddressEx": "예시 \":8065\"", "admin.metrics.listenAddressTitle": "Listen Address:", "admin.mfa.bannerDesc": "Multi-factor authentication is available for accounts with AD/LDAP or email login. If other login methods are used, MFA should be configured with the authentication provider.", "admin.mfa.cluster": "High", "admin.mfa.title": "Enable Multi-factor Authentication:", "admin.nav.help": "도움말", "admin.nav.logout": "로그아웃", "admin.nav.report": "문제 보고", "admin.nav.switch": "팀 선택", "admin.notifications.email": "이메일", "admin.notifications.push": "모바일 푸시", "admin.notifications.title": "알림 설정", "admin.oauth.gitlab": "GitLab", "admin.oauth.google": "Google Apps", "admin.oauth.off": "Do not allow sign-in via an OAuth 2.0 provider", "admin.oauth.office365": "Office 365 (베타)", "admin.oauth.providerDescription": "When true, Mattermost can act as an OAuth 2.0 service provider allowing Mattermost to authorize API requests from external applications. See documentation to learn more.", "admin.oauth.providerTitle": "OAuth 2.0 서비스 제공자: ", "admin.oauth.select": "Select OAuth 2.0 service provider:", "admin.office365.EnableHtmlDesc": "
  1. 여러분의 마이크로소프트 또는 오피스 365 계정에 로그인 하십시요. 로그인하는 계정은 테넌트의 >계정과 동일해야 합니다.
  2. https://apps.dev.microsoft.com을 방문하셔서, Go to app listAdd an app를 클릭한 다음 \"Mattermost - 여러분의 회사 이름\"을 어플리케이션 이름으로 사용하십시요.
  3. Application Secrets에서, Generate New Password를 클릭한 다음 아래Application Secret Password 필드에 그 값을 복사하여 붙여넣으십시요.
  4. Platforms에서, Add Platform을 클릭한 다음, Web을 선택하고 your-mattermost-url/signup/office365/complete (예시: http://localhost:8065/signup/office365/complete)을 Redirect URIs에 기입하십시요. 또한 Allow Implicit Flow의 체크를 해제하십시요.
  5. 마지막으로, Save를 클릭한 다음 아래의 Application ID붙여넣으십시요.
", "admin.office365.authTitle": "인증 엔드포인트:", "admin.office365.clientIdDescription": "The Application/Client ID you received when registering your application with Microsoft.", "admin.office365.clientIdExample": "예시 \"adf3sfa2-ag3f-sn4n-ids0-sh1hdax192qq\"", "admin.office365.clientIdTitle": "애플리케이션 ID:", "admin.office365.clientSecretDescription": "The Application Secret Password you generated when registering your application with Microsoft.", "admin.office365.clientSecretExample": "예시 \"shAieM47sNBfgl20f8ci294\"", "admin.office365.clientSecretTitle": "애플리케이션 시크릿 패스워드:", "admin.office365.tokenTitle": "토큰 엔드포인트:", "admin.office365.userTitle": "사용자 API 엔드포인트:", "admin.password.lowercase": "At least one lowercase letter", "admin.password.minimumLength": "패스워드 최소 길이:", "admin.password.minimumLengthDescription": "Minimum number of characters required for a valid password. Must be a whole number greater than or equal to {min} and less than or equal to {max}.", "admin.password.minimumLengthExample": "예시 \"5\"", "admin.password.number": "At least one number", "admin.password.preview": "Error message preview", "admin.password.requirements": "Password Requirements:", "admin.password.requirementsDescription": "Character types required in a valid password.", "admin.password.symbol": "At least one symbol (예시 \"~!@#$%^&*()\")", "admin.password.uppercase": "At least one uppercase letter", "admin.privacy.showEmailDescription": "When false, hides the email address of members from everyone except System Administrators.", "admin.privacy.showEmailTitle": "이메일 표시: ", "admin.privacy.showFullNameDescription": "When false, hides the full name of members from everyone except System Administrators. Username is shown in place of full name.", "admin.privacy.showFullNameTitle": "본명 표시: ", "admin.purge.button": "Purge All Caches", "admin.purge.loading": " 로딩 중...", "admin.purge.purgeDescription": "This will purge all the in-memory caches for things like sessions, accounts, channels, etc. Deployments using High Availability will attempt to purge all the servers in the cluster. Purging the caches may adversly impact performance.", "admin.purge.purgeFail": "연결을 실패했습니다: {error}", "admin.rate.enableLimiterDescription": "활성화하면 API 호출이 아래에 설정된 속도로 조절됩니다.", "admin.rate.enableLimiterTitle": "Enable Rate Limiting: ", "admin.rate.httpHeaderDescription": "When filled in, vary rate limiting by HTTP header field specified (e.g. when configuring NGINX set to \"X-Real-IP\", when configuring AmazonELB set to \"X-Forwarded-For\").", "admin.rate.httpHeaderExample": "예시 \"X-Real-IP\", \"X-Forwarded-For\"", "admin.rate.httpHeaderTitle": "Vary rate limit by HTTP header", "admin.rate.maxBurst": "Maximum Burst Size:", "admin.rate.maxBurstDescription": "Maximum number of requests allowed beyond the per second query limit.", "admin.rate.maxBurstExample": "예시 \"100\"", "admin.rate.memoryDescription": "Maximum number of users sessions connected to the system as determined by \"Vary rate limit by remote address\" and \"Vary rate limit by HTTP header\" settings below.", "admin.rate.memoryExample": "예시 \"10000\"", "admin.rate.memoryTitle": "Memory Store Size:", "admin.rate.noteDescription": "Changing properties in this section will require a server restart before taking effect.", "admin.rate.noteTitle": "Note:", "admin.rate.queriesDescription": "설정된 값만큼 초당 API 호출을 조절합니다.", "admin.rate.queriesExample": "예시 \"10\"", "admin.rate.queriesTitle": "Maximum Queries per Second:", "admin.rate.remoteDescription": "활성화하면 IP 주소에 따라 API 호출 속도를 조절합니다.", "admin.rate.remoteTitle": "Vary rate limit by remote address: ", "admin.rate.title": "Rate Limit Settings", "admin.recycle.button": "Recycle Database Connections", "admin.recycle.loading": " Recycling...", "admin.recycle.recycleDescription": "Deployments using multiple databases can switch from one master database to another without restarting the Mattermost server by updating \"config.json\" to the new desired configuration and using the Configuration > Reload Configuration from Disk feature to load the new settings while the server is running. The administrator should then use Recycle Database Connections feature to recycle the database connections based on the new settings.", "admin.recycle.reloadFail": "연결을 실패했습니다: {error}", "admin.regenerate": "재생성", "admin.reload.button": "디스크에서 설정 다시 불러오기", "admin.reload.loading": " 로딩 중...", "admin.reload.reloadDescription": "Deployments using multiple databases can switch from one master database to another without restarting the Mattermost server by updating \"config.json\" to the new desired configuration and using the Reload Configuration from Disk feature to load the new settings while the server is running. The administrator should then use the Database > Recycle Database Connections feature to recycle the database connections based on the new settings.", "admin.reload.reloadFail": "연결을 실패했습니다: {error}", "admin.reset_password.close": "닫기", "admin.reset_password.newPassword": "새 패스워드", "admin.reset_password.select": "선택", "admin.reset_password.submit": "최소 {chars}글자 이상 입력하세요.", "admin.reset_password.titleReset": "패스워드 리셋", "admin.reset_password.titleSwitch": "이메일과 패스워드를 사용하도록 변경", "admin.saml.assertionConsumerServiceURLDesc": "Enter https:///login/sso/saml. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration. This field is also known as the Assertion Consumer Service URL.", "admin.saml.assertionConsumerServiceURLEx": "예시 \"https:///login/sso/saml\"", "admin.saml.assertionConsumerServiceURLTitle": "Service Provider Login URL:", "admin.saml.bannerDesc": "User attributes in SAML server, including user deactivation or removal, are updated in Mattermost during user login. Learn more at: https://docs.mattermost.com/deployment/sso-saml.html", "admin.saml.emailAttrDesc": "The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the email addresses of users in Mattermost.", "admin.saml.emailAttrEx": "예시 \"Email\" 또는 \"PrimaryEmail\"", "admin.saml.emailAttrTitle": "이메일 속성:", "admin.saml.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost allows login using SAML. Please see documentation to learn more about configuring SAML for Mattermost.", "admin.saml.enableTitle": "SAML 계정으로 인증:", "admin.saml.encryptDescription": "When true, Mattermost will decrypt SAML Assertions encrypted with your Service Provider Public Certificate.", "admin.saml.encryptTitle": "암호화:", "admin.saml.firstnameAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the nickname of users in Mattermost.", "admin.saml.firstnameAttrEx": "예시 \"FirstName\"", "admin.saml.firstnameAttrTitle": "이름 속성:", "admin.saml.idpCertificateFileDesc": "The public authentication certificate issued by your Identity Provider.", "admin.saml.idpCertificateFileRemoveDesc": "Remove the public authentication certificate issued by your Identity Provider.", "admin.saml.idpCertificateFileTitle": "Identity Provider Public Certificate:", "admin.saml.idpDescriptorUrlDesc": "The issuer URL for the Identity Provider you use for SAML requests.", "admin.saml.idpDescriptorUrlEx": "예시 \"https://idp.example.org/SAML2/issuer\"", "admin.saml.idpDescriptorUrlTitle": "Identity Provider Issuer URL:", "admin.saml.idpUrlDesc": "The URL where Mattermost sends a SAML request to start login sequence.", "admin.saml.idpUrlEx": "예시 \"https://idp.example.org/SAML2/SSO/Login\"", "admin.saml.idpUrlTitle": "SAML SSO URL:", "admin.saml.lastnameAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the language of users in Mattermost.", "admin.saml.lastnameAttrEx": "예시 \"LastName\"", "admin.saml.lastnameAttrTitle": "성 속성:", "admin.saml.localeAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the language of users in Mattermost.", "admin.saml.localeAttrEx": "예시 \"Locale\" 또는 \"PrimaryLanguage\"", "admin.saml.localeAttrTitle": "Preferred Language Attribute:", "admin.saml.loginButtonTextDesc": "(Optional) The text that appears in the login button on the login page. Defaults to \"With SAML\".", "admin.saml.loginButtonTextEx": "예시 \"With OKTA\"", "admin.saml.loginButtonTextTitle": "로그인 버튼 문구:", "admin.saml.nicknameAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the nickname of users in Mattermost.", "admin.saml.nicknameAttrEx": "예시 \"Nickname\"", "admin.saml.nicknameAttrTitle": "별명 속성:", "admin.saml.positionAttrDesc": "(Optional) The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the language of users in Mattermost.", "admin.saml.positionAttrEx": "E.g.: \"Role\"", "admin.saml.positionAttrTitle": "Position Attribute:", "admin.saml.privateKeyFileFileDesc": "The private key used to decrypt SAML Assertions from the Identity Provider.", "admin.saml.privateKeyFileFileRemoveDesc": "Remove the private key used to decrypt SAML Assertions from the Identity Provider.", "admin.saml.privateKeyFileTitle": "Service Provider Private Key:", "admin.saml.publicCertificateFileDesc": "The certificate used to generate the signature on a SAML request to the Identity Provider for a service provider initiated SAML login, when Mattermost is the Service Provider.", "admin.saml.publicCertificateFileRemoveDesc": "Remove the certificate used to generate the signature on a SAML request to the Identity Provider for a service provider initiated SAML login, when Mattermost is the Service Provider.", "admin.saml.publicCertificateFileTitle": "Service Provider Public Certificate:", "admin.saml.remove.idp_certificate": "Remove Identity Provider Certificate", "admin.saml.remove.privKey": "Remove Service Provider Private Key", "admin.saml.remove.sp_certificate": "Remove Service Provider Certificate", "admin.saml.removing.certificate": "Removing Certificate...", "admin.saml.removing.privKey": "Removing Private Key...", "admin.saml.uploading.certificate": "Uploading Certificate...", "admin.saml.uploading.privateKey": "Uploading Private Key...", "admin.saml.usernameAttrDesc": "The attribute in the SAML Assertion that will be used to populate the username field in Mattermost.", "admin.saml.usernameAttrEx": "예시 \"Username\"", "admin.saml.usernameAttrTitle": "사용자명 속성:", "admin.saml.verifyDescription": "When true, Mattermost verifies that the signature sent from the SAML Response matches the Service Provider Login URL", "admin.saml.verifyTitle": "시그니처 검증:", "admin.save": "저장", "admin.saving": "설정 저장 중...", "admin.security.connection": "연결", "admin.security.inviteSalt.disabled": "Invite salt cannot be changed while sending emails is disabled.", "admin.security.login": "로그인", "admin.security.password": "패스워드", "admin.security.passwordResetSalt.disabled": "Password reset salt cannot be changed while sending emails is disabled.", "admin.security.public_links": "공개 링크", "admin.security.requireEmailVerification.disabled": "Email verification cannot be changed while sending emails is disabled.", "admin.security.session": "세션", "admin.security.signup": "가입", "admin.select_team.close": "닫기", "admin.select_team.select": "선택", "admin.select_team.selectTeam": "팀 선택", "admin.service.attemptDescription": "Number of login attempts allowed before a user is locked out and required to reset their password via email.", "admin.service.attemptExample": "예시 \"10\"", "admin.service.attemptTitle": "최대 로그인 시도:", "admin.service.cmdsDesc": "When true, custom slash commands will be allowed. See documentation to learn more.", "admin.service.cmdsTitle": "커스텀 명령어: ", "admin.service.corsDescription": "Enable HTTP Cross origin request from a specific domain. Use \"*\" if you want to allow CORS from any domain or leave it blank to disable it.", "admin.service.corsEx": "http://example.com", "admin.service.corsTitle": "CORS 요청 허용:", "admin.service.developerDesc": "When true, Javascript errors are shown in a red bar at the top of the user interface. Not recommended for use in production. ", "admin.service.developerTitle": "개발자 모드: ", "admin.service.enforcMfaTitle": "Enable Multi-factor Authentication:", "admin.service.enforceMfaDesc": "When true, multi-factor authentication is required for login. New users will be required to configure MFA on signup. Logged in users without MFA configured are redirected to the MFA setup page until configuration is complete.

If your system has users with login methods other than AD/LDAP and email, MFA must be enforced with the authentication provider outside of Mattermost.", "admin.service.forward80To443": "Forward port 80 to 443:", "admin.service.forward80To443Description": "Forwards all insecure traffic from port 80 to secure port 443", "admin.service.googleDescription": "Set this key to enable the display of titles for embedded YouTube video previews. Without the key, YouTube previews will still be created based on hyperlinks appearing in messages or comments but they will not show the video title. View a Google Developers Tutorial for instructions on how to obtain a key.", "admin.service.googleExample": "예시 \"7rAh6iwQCkV4cA1Gsg3fgGOXJAQ43QV\"", "admin.service.googleTitle": "Google API Key:", "admin.service.iconDescription": "When true, webhooks, slash commands and other integrations, such as Zapier, will be allowed to change the profile picture they post with. Note: Combined with allowing integrations to override usernames, users may be able to perform phishing attacks by attempting to impersonate other users.", "admin.service.iconTitle": "Enable integrations to override profile picture icons:", "admin.service.insecureTlsDesc": "true로 설정하면 Mattermost에서 밖으로 나가는 어떤 HTTPS 요청에 대해서도 인증서 검사를 하지 않습니다. 예를 들어, self-signed TLS 인증서를 아무 도메인 이름에 대해 설정하더라도 HTTPS 통신을 진행합니다. 이 설정을 켤 때는 MITM 공격에 주의하세요.", "admin.service.insecureTlsTitle": "Enable Insecure Outgoing Connections: ", "admin.service.integrationAdmin": "Restrict managing integrations to Admins:", "admin.service.integrationAdminDesc": "When true, webhooks and slash commands can only be created, edited and viewed by Team and System Admins, and OAuth 2.0 applications by System Admins. Integrations are available to all users after they have been created by the Admin.", "admin.service.letsEncryptCertificateCacheFile": "Let's Encrypt Certificate Cache File:", "admin.service.letsEncryptCertificateCacheFileDescription": "Certificates retrieved and other data about the Let's Encrypt service will be stored in this file.", "admin.service.listenAddress": "Listen Address:", "admin.service.listenDescription": "The address and port to which to bind and listen. Specifying \":8065\" will bind to all network interfaces. Specifying \"\" will only bind to the network interface having that IP address. If you choose a port of a lower level (called \"system ports\" or \"well-known ports\", in the range of 0-1023), you must have permissions to bind to that port. On Linux you can use: \"sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep ./bin/platform\" to allow Mattermost to bind to well-known ports.", "admin.service.listenExample": "예시 \":8065\"", "admin.service.mfaDesc": "When true, users with AD/LDAP or email login can add multi-factor authentication to their account using Google Authenticator.", "admin.service.mfaTitle": "Enable Multi-factor Authentication:", "admin.service.mobileSessionDays": "Session length for mobile apps (days):", "admin.service.mobileSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.", "admin.service.outWebhooksDesc": "When true, outgoing webhooks will be allowed. See documentation to learn more.", "admin.service.outWebhooksTitle": "Outgoing Webhook: ", "admin.service.overrideDescription": "When true, webhooks, slash commands and other integrations, such as Zapier, will be allowed to change the username they are posting as. Note: Combined with allowing integrations to override profile picture icons, users may be able to perform phishing attacks by attempting to impersonate other users.", "admin.service.overrideTitle": "Enable integrations to override usernames:", "admin.service.readTimeout": "Read Timeout:", "admin.service.readTimeoutDescription": "Maximum time allowed from when the connection is accepted to when the request body is fully read.", "admin.service.securityDesc": "When true, System Administrators are notified by email if a relevant security fix alert has been announced in the last 12 hours. Requires email to be enabled.", "admin.service.securityTitle": "보안 경고: ", "admin.service.sessionCache": "세션 캐시 (분):", "admin.service.sessionCacheDesc": "The number of minutes to cache a session in memory.", "admin.service.sessionDaysEx": "예시 \"30\"", "admin.service.siteURL": "사이트 URL:", "admin.service.siteURLDescription": "The URL, including port number and protocol, that users will use to access Mattermost. This field can be left blank unless you are configuring email batching in Notifications > Email. When blank, the URL is automatically configured based on incoming traffic.", "admin.service.siteURLExample": "예시 \"https://mattermost.example.com:1234\"", "admin.service.ssoSessionDays": "Session length for mobile apps (days):", "admin.service.ssoSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. If the authentication method is SAML or GitLab, the user may automatically be logged back in to Mattermost if they are already logged in to SAML or GitLab. After changing this setting, the setting will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.", "admin.service.testingDescription": "(개발자 옵션) 활성화하면 /loadtest 명령어를 사용하여 테스트를 위한 계정과 데이터를 불러들일 수 있습니다. 이 설정이 적용되려면 서버를 재시작해야 합니다.", "admin.service.testingTitle": "테스트 명령어: ", "admin.service.tlsCertFile": "TLS Certificate File:", "admin.service.tlsCertFileDescription": "The certificate file to use.", "admin.service.tlsKeyFile": "TLS Key File:", "admin.service.tlsKeyFileDescription": "The private key file to use.", "admin.service.useLetsEncrypt": "Use Let's Encrypt:", "admin.service.useLetsEncryptDescription": "Enable the automatic retreval of certificates from the Let's Encrypt. The certificate will be retrieved when a client attempts to connect from a new domain. This will work with multiple domains.", "admin.service.webSessionDays": "Session length LDAP and email (days):", "admin.service.webSessionDaysDesc": "The number of days from the last time a user entered their credentials to the expiry of the user's session. After changing this setting, the new session length will take effect after the next time the user enters their credentials.", "admin.service.webhooksDescription": "When true, incoming webhooks will be allowed. To help combat phishing attacks, all posts from webhooks will be labelled by a BOT tag. See documentation to learn more.", "admin.service.webhooksTitle": "Incoming Webhook: ", "admin.service.writeTimeout": "Write Timeout:", "admin.service.writeTimeoutDescription": "If using HTTP (insecure), this is the maximum time allowed from the end of reading the request headers until the response is written. If using HTTPS, it is the total time from when the connection is accepted until the response is written.", "admin.sidebar.addTeamSidebar": "Add team from sidebar menu", "admin.sidebar.advanced": "고급", "admin.sidebar.audits": "활동", "admin.sidebar.authentication": "인증", "admin.sidebar.cluster": "고가용성 (베타)", "admin.sidebar.compliance": "감사", "admin.sidebar.configuration": "환경설정", "admin.sidebar.connections": "연결", "admin.sidebar.customBrand": "커스텀 브랜딩", "admin.sidebar.customEmoji": "커스텀 이모티콘", "admin.sidebar.customIntegrations": "통합 기능", "admin.sidebar.customization": "커스터마이징", "admin.sidebar.database": "데이터베이스", "admin.sidebar.developer": "개발자 설정", "admin.sidebar.email": "이메일", "admin.sidebar.external": "외부 서비스", "admin.sidebar.files": "파일", "admin.sidebar.general": "일반", "admin.sidebar.gitlab": "GitLab", "admin.sidebar.images": "이미지", "admin.sidebar.integrations": "통합", "admin.sidebar.ldap": "AD/LDAP", "admin.sidebar.legalAndSupport": "지원", "admin.sidebar.license": "라이센스와 에디션", "admin.sidebar.linkPreviews": "링크 미리보기", "admin.sidebar.localization": "지역화", "admin.sidebar.logging": "로그", "admin.sidebar.login": "로그인", "admin.sidebar.logs": "서버 로그 보기", "admin.sidebar.metrics": "Performance Monitoring", "admin.sidebar.nativeAppLinks": "Mattermost 애플리케이션 링크", "admin.sidebar.notifications": "알림", "admin.sidebar.oauth": "OAuth 2.0", "admin.sidebar.other": "기타", "admin.sidebar.password": "패스워드", "admin.sidebar.policy": "정책", "admin.sidebar.privacy": "개인", "admin.sidebar.publicLinks": "공개 링크", "admin.sidebar.push": "모바일 푸시", "admin.sidebar.rateLimiting": "Rate Limiting", "admin.sidebar.reports": "보고", "admin.sidebar.rmTeamSidebar": "사이드바 메뉴에서 팀 제거", "admin.sidebar.saml": "SAML", "admin.sidebar.security": "보안", "admin.sidebar.sessions": "세션", "admin.sidebar.settings": "설정", "admin.sidebar.signUp": "가입", "admin.sidebar.sign_up": "가입", "admin.sidebar.statistics": "통계", "admin.sidebar.storage": "저장소", "admin.sidebar.support": "지원", "admin.sidebar.teams": "팀 ({count, number})", "admin.sidebar.users": "사용자", "admin.sidebar.usersAndTeams": "팀과 사용자", "admin.sidebar.view_statistics": "사이트 통계", "admin.sidebar.webrtc": "WebRTC (베타)", "admin.sidebarHeader.systemConsole": "관리자 도구", "admin.sql.dataSource": "Data Source:", "admin.sql.driverName": "Driver Name:", "admin.sql.keyDescription": "32-character salt available to encrypt and decrypt sensitive fields in database.", "admin.sql.keyExample": "예시 \"gxHVDcKUyP2y1eiyW8S8na1UYQAfq6J6\"", "admin.sql.keyTitle": "At Rest Encrypt Key:", "admin.sql.maxConnectionsDescription": "Maximum number of idle connections held open to the database.", "admin.sql.maxConnectionsExample": "예시 \"10\"", "admin.sql.maxConnectionsTitle": "Maximum Idle Connections:", "admin.sql.maxOpenDescription": "Maximum number of open connections held open to the database.", "admin.sql.maxOpenExample": "예시 \"10\"", "admin.sql.maxOpenTitle": "Maximum Open Connections:", "admin.sql.noteDescription": "Changing properties in this section will require a server restart before taking effect.", "admin.sql.noteTitle": "Note:", "admin.sql.replicas": "Data Source Replicas:", "admin.sql.traceDescription": "(Development Mode) When true, executing SQL statements are written to the log.", "admin.sql.traceTitle": "추적: ", "admin.sql.warning": "Warning: regenerating this salt may cause some columns in the database to return empty results.", "admin.support.aboutDesc": "Link to About page for more information on your Mattermost deployment, for example its purpose and audience within your organization. Defaults to Mattermost information page.", "admin.support.aboutTitle": "About link:", "admin.support.emailHelp": "Email address displayed on email notifications and during tutorial for end users to ask support questions.", "admin.support.emailTitle": "Support Email:", "admin.support.helpDesc": "Link to help documentation from team site main menu. Typically not changed unless your organization chooses to create custom documentation.", "admin.support.helpTitle": "Help link:", "admin.support.noteDescription": "If linking to an external site, URLs should begin with http:// or https://.", "admin.support.noteTitle": "Note:", "admin.support.privacyDesc": "Link to Privacy Policy available to users on desktop and on mobile. Leaving this blank will hide the option to display a notice.", "admin.support.privacyTitle": "Privacy Policy link:", "admin.support.problemDesc": "Link to help documentation from team site main menu. By default this points to the peer-to-peer troubleshooting forum where users can search for, find and request help with technical issues.", "admin.support.problemTitle": "Report a Problem link:", "admin.support.termsDesc": "Link to the terms under which users may use your online service. By default, this includes the \"Mattermost Conditions of Use (End Users)\" explaining the terms under which Mattermost software is provided to end users. If you change the default link to add your own terms for using the service you provide, your new terms must include a link to the default terms so end users are aware of the Mattermost Conditions of Use (End User) for Mattermost software.", "admin.support.termsTitle": "Terms of Service link:", "admin.system_analytics.activeUsers": "활성 사용자(글 작성 기준)", "admin.system_analytics.title": "the System", "admin.system_analytics.totalPosts": "전체 글", "admin.team.brandDesc": "Enable custom branding to show an image of your choice, uploaded below, and some help text, written below, on the login page.", "admin.team.brandDescriptionExample": "모든 팀 커뮤니케이션을 한 곳에서 확인하고, 검색하고, 접근할 수 있습니다.", "admin.team.brandDescriptionHelp": "Description of service shown in login screens and UI. When not specified, \"All team communication in one place, searchable and accessible anywhere\" is displayed.", "admin.team.brandDescriptionTitle": "사이트 설명", "admin.team.brandImageTitle": "브랜드 이미지:", "admin.team.brandTextDescription": "Text that will appear below your custom brand image on your login screen. Supports Markdown-formatted text. Maximum 500 characters allowed.", "admin.team.brandTextTitle": "브랜드 문구:", "admin.team.brandTitle": "커스텀 브랜딩: ", "admin.team.chooseImage": "이미지 선택", "admin.team.dirDesc": "When true, teams that are configured to show in team directory will show on main page inplace of creating a new team.", "admin.team.dirTitle": "Enable Team Directory: ", "admin.team.maxChannelsDescription": "Maximum total number of users per team, including both active and inactive users.", "admin.team.maxChannelsExample": "예시 \"100\"", "admin.team.maxChannelsTitle": "팀 당 최대 채널: ", "admin.team.maxNotificationsPerChannelDescription": "Maximum total number of users in a channel before users typing messages, @all, @here, and @channel no longer send notifications because of performance.", "admin.team.maxNotificationsPerChannelExample": "예시 \"10000\"", "admin.team.maxNotificationsPerChannelTitle": "Max Notifications Per Channel:", "admin.team.maxUsersDescription": "Maximum total number of users per team, including both active and inactive users.", "admin.team.maxUsersExample": "예시 \"25\"", "admin.team.maxUsersTitle": "팀 최대 인원:", "admin.team.noBrandImage": "브랜드 이미지가 업로드되지 않았습니다.", "admin.team.openServerDescription": "When true, anyone can signup for a user account on this server without the need to be invited.", "admin.team.openServerTitle": "공개 서버: ", "admin.team.restrictDescription": "Teams and user accounts can only be created from a specific domain (e.g. \"mattermost.org\") or list of comma-separated domains (e.g. \"corp.mattermost.com, mattermost.org\").", "admin.team.restrictDirectMessage": "Enable users to open Direct Message channels with:", "admin.team.restrictDirectMessageDesc": "'Any user on the Mattermost server' enables users to open a Direct Message channel with any user on the server, even if they are not on any teams together. 'Any member of the team' limits the ability to open Direct Message channels to only users who are in the same team.", "admin.team.restrictExample": "예시 \"corp.mattermost.com, mattermost.org\"", "admin.team.restrictNameDesc": "When true, You cannot create a team name with reserved words like www, admin, support, test, channel, etc", "admin.team.restrictNameTitle": "팀 이름 제한: ", "admin.team.restrictTitle": "Restrict account creation to specified email domains:", "admin.team.restrict_direct_message_any": "Any user on the Mattermost server", "admin.team.restrict_direct_message_team": "Any member of the team", "admin.team.siteNameDescription": "Name of service shown in login screens and UI.", "admin.team.siteNameExample": "예시 \"Mattermost\"", "admin.team.siteNameTitle": "사이트 이름:", "admin.team.teamCreationDescription": "When false, only System Administrators can create teams.", "admin.team.teamCreationTitle": "팀 생성: ", "admin.team.upload": "업로드", "admin.team.uploadDesc": "Customize your user experience by adding a custom image to your login screen. Recommended maximum image size is less than 2 MB.", "admin.team.uploaded": "업로드 완료!", "admin.team.uploading": "업로드 중..", "admin.team.userCreationDescription": "When false, the ability to create accounts is disabled. The create account button displays error when pressed.", "admin.team.userCreationTitle": "계정 생성: ", "admin.team_analytics.activeUsers": "활성 사용자(글 작성 기준)", "admin.team_analytics.totalPosts": "전체 글", "admin.true": "활성화", "admin.userList.title": "Users for {team}", "admin.userList.title2": "Users for {team} ({count})", "admin.user_item.authServiceEmail": ", 인증 방식: 이메일", "admin.user_item.authServiceNotEmail": ", 인증 방식: {service}", "admin.user_item.confirmDemoteDescription": "If you demote yourself from the System Admin role and there is not another user with System Admin privileges, you'll need to re-assign a System Admin by accessing the Mattermost server through a terminal and running the following command.", "admin.user_item.confirmDemoteRoleTitle": "Confirm demotion from System Admin role", "admin.user_item.confirmDemotion": "Confirm Demotion", "admin.user_item.confirmDemotionCmd": "platform roles system_admin {username}", "admin.user_item.emailTitle": "이메일: {email}", "admin.user_item.inactive": "비활성화", "admin.user_item.makeActive": "활성화", "admin.user_item.makeInactive": "비활성화", "admin.user_item.makeMember": "회원으로 변경", "admin.user_item.makeSysAdmin": "시스템 관리자로 변경", "admin.user_item.makeTeamAdmin": "팀 관리자로 변경", "admin.user_item.member": "회원", "admin.user_item.mfaNo": ", MFA: 아니요", "admin.user_item.mfaYes": ", MFA: 예", "admin.user_item.resetMfa": "MFA 제거", "admin.user_item.resetPwd": "패스워드 리셋", "admin.user_item.switchToEmail": "이메일/패스워드로 변경", "admin.user_item.sysAdmin": "시스템 관리자", "admin.user_item.teamAdmin": "팀 관리자", "admin.webrtc.enableDescription": "When true, Mattermost allows making one-on-one video calls. WebRTC calls are available on Chrome, Firefox and Mattermost Desktop Apps.", "admin.webrtc.enableTitle": "Mattermost WebRTC: ", "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretDescription": "Enter your admin secret password to access the Gateway Admin URL.", "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretExample": "예시 \"PVRzWNN1Tg6szn7IQWvhpAvLByScWxdy\"", "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminSecretTitle": "Gateway Admin Secret:", "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlDescription": "Enter https://:/admin. Make sure you use HTTP or HTTPS in your URL depending on your server configuration. Mattermost WebRTC uses this URL to obtain valid tokens for each peer to establish the connection.", "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlExample": "예시 \"https://webrtc.mattermost.com:7089/admin\"", "admin.webrtc.gatewayAdminUrlTitle": "Gateway Admin URL:", "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlDescription": "Enter wss://:. Make sure you use WS or WSS in your URL depending on your server configuration. This is the websocket used to signal and establish communication between the peers.", "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlExample": "예시 \"wss://webrtc.mattermost.com:8189\"", "admin.webrtc.gatewayWebsocketUrlTitle": "Gateway Websocket URL:", "admin.webrtc.stunUriDescription": "Enter your STUN URI as stun::. STUN is a standardized network protocol to allow an end host to assist devices to access its public IP address if it is located behind a NAT.", "admin.webrtc.stunUriExample": "예시 \"stun:webrtc.mattermost.com:5349\"", "admin.webrtc.stunUriTitle": "STUN URI", "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyDescription": "Enter your TURN Server Shared Key. This is used to created dynamic passwords to establish the connection. Each password is valid for a short period of time.", "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyExample": "예시 \"bXdkOWQxc3d0Ynk3emY5ZmsxZ3NtazRjaWg=\"", "admin.webrtc.turnSharedKeyTitle": "TURN Shared Key:", "admin.webrtc.turnUriDescription": "Enter your TURN URI as turn::. TURN is a standardized network protocol to allow an end host to assist devices to establish a connection by using a relay public IP address if it is located behind a symmetric NAT.", "admin.webrtc.turnUriExample": "예시 \"turn:webrtc.mattermost.com:5349\"", "admin.webrtc.turnUriTitle": "TURN URI", "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameDescription": "Enter your TURN Server Username.", "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameExample": "예시 \"Username\"", "admin.webrtc.turnUsernameTitle": "TURN Username:", "admin.webserverModeDisabled": "Disabled", "admin.webserverModeDisabledDescription": "The Mattermost server will not serve static files.", "admin.webserverModeGzip": "gzip", "admin.webserverModeGzipDescription": "The Mattermost server will serve static files compressed with gzip.", "admin.webserverModeHelpText": "gzip compression applies to static content files. It is recommended to enable gzip to improve performance unless your environment has specific restrictions, such as a web proxy that distributes gzip files poorly. This setting requires a server restart to take effect.", "admin.webserverModeTitle": "웹 서버 모드:", "admin.webserverModeUncompressed": "압축하지 않음", "admin.webserverModeUncompressedDescription": "The Mattermost server will serve static files uncompressed.", "analytics.chart.loading": "로딩 중...", "analytics.chart.meaningful": "Not enough data for a meaningful representation.", "analytics.system.activeUsers": "활성 사용자 (글 작성 기준)", "analytics.system.channelTypes": "Channel Types", "analytics.system.dailyActiveUsers": "Daily Active Users", "analytics.system.monthlyActiveUsers": "Monthly Active Users", "analytics.system.postTypes": "글, 파일, 해시태그", "analytics.system.privateGroups": "비공개 그룹", "analytics.system.publicChannels": "공개 채널", "analytics.system.skippedIntensiveQueries": "To maximize performance, some statistics are disabled. You can re-enable them in config.json. See: https://docs.mattermost.com/administration/statistics.html", "analytics.system.textPosts": "텍스트 글 수", "analytics.system.title": "시스템 통계", "analytics.system.totalChannels": "전체 채널", "analytics.system.totalCommands": "전체 명령어", "analytics.system.totalFilePosts": "파일이 포함된 글 수", "analytics.system.totalHashtagPosts": "해시태그가 포함된 글 수", "analytics.system.totalIncomingWebhooks": "전체 Incoming Webhook", "analytics.system.totalMasterDbConnections": "마스터 DB 연결", "analytics.system.totalOutgoingWebhooks": "전체 Outgoing Webhook", "analytics.system.totalPosts": "전체 글", "analytics.system.totalReadDbConnections": "레플리카 DB 연결", "analytics.system.totalSessions": "전체 세션", "analytics.system.totalTeams": "전체 팀", "analytics.system.totalUsers": "전체 사용자", "analytics.system.totalWebsockets": "웹소켓 연결", "analytics.team.activeUsers": "활성 사용자 (글 작성 기준)", "analytics.team.newlyCreated": "Newly Created Users", "analytics.team.privateGroups": "비공개 그룹", "analytics.team.publicChannels": "공개 채널", "analytics.team.recentActive": "Recent Active Users", "analytics.team.recentUsers": "Recent Active Users", "analytics.team.title": "{team} 팀 통계", "analytics.team.totalPosts": "전체 글", "analytics.team.totalUsers": "전체 사용자", "api.channel.add_member.added": "{addedUsername} added to the channel by {username}", "api.channel.delete_channel.archived": "{username} has archived the channel.", "api.channel.join_channel.post_and_forget": "{username} has joined the channel.", "api.channel.leave.left": "{username} has left the channel.", "api.channel.post_update_channel_displayname_message_and_forget.updated_from": "{username} updated the channel display name from: {old} to: {new}", "api.channel.post_update_channel_header_message_and_forget.removed": "{username} removed the channel header (was: {old})", "api.channel.post_update_channel_header_message_and_forget.updated_from": "{username} updated the channel header from: {old} to: {new}", "api.channel.post_update_channel_header_message_and_forget.updated_to": "{username} updated the channel header to: {new}", "api.channel.remove_member.removed": "{removedUsername} was removed from the channel", "app.channel.post_update_channel_purpose_message.removed": "{username} removed the channel purpose (was: {old})", "app.channel.post_update_channel_purpose_message.updated_from": "{username} updated the channel purpose from: {old} to: {new}", "app.channel.post_update_channel_purpose_message.updated_to": "{username} updated the channel purpose to: {new}", "audit_table.accountActive": "계정이 활성화 됨", "audit_table.accountInactive": "계정이 비활성화 됨", "audit_table.action": "활동", "audit_table.attemptedAllowOAuthAccess": "Attempted to allow a new OAuth service access", "audit_table.attemptedLicenseAdd": "Attempted to add new license", "audit_table.attemptedLogin": "Attempted to login", "audit_table.attemptedOAuthToken": "Attempted to get an OAuth access token", "audit_table.attemptedPassword": "Attempted to change password", "audit_table.attemptedRegisterApp": "Attempted to register a new OAuth Application with ID {id}", "audit_table.attemptedReset": "Attempted to reset password", "audit_table.attemptedWebhookCreate": "Attempted to create a webhook", "audit_table.attemptedWebhookDelete": "Attempted to delete a webhook", "audit_table.by": " by {username}", "audit_table.byAdmin": " by an admin", "audit_table.channelCreated": "Created the {channelName} channel/group", "audit_table.channelDeleted": "Deleted the channel/group with the URL {url}", "audit_table.establishedDM": "Established a direct message channel with {username}", "audit_table.failedExpiredLicenseAdd": "Failed to add a new license as it has either expired or not yet been started", "audit_table.failedInvalidLicenseAdd": "Failed to add an invalid license", "audit_table.failedLogin": "실패한 로그인 시도", "audit_table.failedOAuthAccess": "Failed to allow a new OAuth service access - the redirect URI did not match the previously registered callback", "audit_table.failedPassword": "Failed to change password - tried to update user password who was logged in through oauth", "audit_table.failedWebhookCreate": "Failed to create a webhook - bad channel permissions", "audit_table.failedWebhookDelete": "Failed to delete a webhook - inappropriate conditions", "audit_table.headerUpdated": "Updated the {channelName} channel/group header", "audit_table.ip": "IP 주소", "audit_table.licenseRemoved": "Successfully removed a license", "audit_table.loginAttempt": " (Login attempt)", "audit_table.loginFailure": " (Login failure)", "audit_table.logout": "Logged out of your account", "audit_table.member": "회원", "audit_table.nameUpdated": "Updated the {channelName} channel/group name", "audit_table.oauthTokenFailed": "Failed to get an OAuth access token - {token}", "audit_table.revokedAll": "Revoked all current sessions for the team", "audit_table.sentEmail": "Sent an email to {email} to reset your password", "audit_table.session": "세션 ID", "audit_table.sessionRevoked": "The session with id {sessionId} was revoked", "audit_table.successfullLicenseAdd": "Successfully added new license", "audit_table.successfullLogin": "Successfully logged in", "audit_table.successfullOAuthAccess": "Successfully gave a new OAuth service access", "audit_table.successfullOAuthToken": "Successfully added a new OAuth service", "audit_table.successfullPassword": "Successfully changed password", "audit_table.successfullReset": "Successfully reset password", "audit_table.successfullWebhookCreate": "Successfully created a webhook", "audit_table.successfullWebhookDelete": "Successfully deleted a webhook", "audit_table.timestamp": "타임스탬프", "audit_table.updateGeneral": "Updated the general settings of your account", "audit_table.updateGlobalNotifications": "Updated your global notification settings", "audit_table.updatePicture": "Updated your profile picture", "audit_table.updatedRol": "Updated user role(s) to ", "audit_table.userAdded": "Added {username} to the {channelName} channel/group", "audit_table.userId": "사용자 ID", "audit_table.userRemoved": "Removed {username} to the {channelName} channel/group", "audit_table.verified": "Sucessfully verified your email address", "authorize.access": "Allow {appName} access?", "authorize.allow": "허용하기", "authorize.app": "The app {appName} would like the ability to access and modify your basic information.", "authorize.deny": "차단하기", "authorize.title": "{appName} would like to connect to your Mattermost user account", "backstage_list.search": "검색", "backstage_navbar.backToMattermost": "{siteName}(으)로 돌아가기", "backstage_sidebar.emoji": "커스텀 이모티콘", "backstage_sidebar.integrations": "통합 기능", "backstage_sidebar.integrations.commands": "슬래시 명령어", "backstage_sidebar.integrations.incoming_webhooks": "Incoming Webhook", "backstage_sidebar.integrations.oauthApps": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션", "backstage_sidebar.integrations.outgoing_webhooks": "Outgoing Webhook", "calling_screen": "Calling", "center_panel.recent": "Click here to jump to recent messages. ", "change_url.close": "닫기", "change_url.endWithLetter": "Must end with a letter or number", "change_url.invalidUrl": "잘못된 URL", "change_url.longer": "URL must be two or more characters.", "change_url.noUnderscore": "Can not contain two underscores in a row.", "change_url.startWithLetter": "Must start with a letter or number", "channelHeader.addToFavorites": "즐겨찾기에 추가", "channelHeader.removeFromFavorites": "즐겨찾기에서 제거", "channel_flow.alreadyExist": "이미 존재하는 채널 URL입니다.", "channel_flow.changeUrlDescription": "일부 URL로 사용할 수 없는 문자들은 제거될 수 있습니다.", "channel_flow.changeUrlTitle": "{term} URL 변경", "channel_flow.channel": "채널", "channel_flow.create": "{term} 생성", "channel_flow.group": "그룹", "channel_flow.handleTooShort": "Channel URL must be 2 or more lowercase alphanumeric characters", "channel_flow.invalidName": "잘못된 채널 이름", "channel_flow.set_url_title": "{term} URL 설정", "channel_header.addMembers": "회원 추가", "channel_header.addToFavorites": "즐겨찾기에 추가", "channel_header.channel": "채널", "channel_header.channelHeader": "채널 헤더 설정", "channel_header.delete": "{term} 삭제...", "channel_header.flagged": "중요 메시지", "channel_header.group": "그룹", "channel_header.leave": "{term} 떠나기", "channel_header.manageMembers": "회원 관리", "channel_header.notificationPreferences": "알림 설정", "channel_header.recentMentions": "최근 멘션", "channel_header.removeFromFavorites": "즐겨찾기에서 제거", "channel_header.rename": "{term}의 이름을 변경...", "channel_header.setHeader": "{term}의 헤더 설정...", "channel_header.setPurpose": "{term}의 설명 설정...", "channel_header.viewInfo": "정보 보기", "channel_header.viewMembers": "회원 보기", "channel_header.webrtc.call": "영상 통화 시작하기", "channel_header.webrtc.offline": "사용자가 오프라인입니다", "channel_header.webrtc.unavailable": "New call unavailable until your existing call ends", "channel_info.about": "정보", "channel_info.close": "닫기", "channel_info.header": "헤더:", "channel_info.id": "ID: ", "channel_info.name": "이름:", "channel_info.notFound": "채널을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "channel_info.purpose": "설명:", "channel_info.url": "URL:", "channel_invite.add": " 추가", "channel_invite.addNewMembers": "새로운 회원 추가하기 ", "channel_invite.close": "닫기", "channel_loader.connection_error": "There appears to be a problem with your internet connection.", "channel_loader.posted": "Posted", "channel_loader.socketError": "Please check connection, Mattermost unreachable. If issue persists, ask administrator to check WebSocket port.", "channel_loader.someone": "Someone", "channel_loader.something": " did something new", "channel_loader.unknown_error": "We received an unexpected status code from the server.", "channel_loader.uploadedFile": " uploaded a file", "channel_loader.uploadedImage": " uploaded an image", "channel_loader.wrote": " wrote: ", "channel_members_dropdown.channel_admin": "Channel Admin", "channel_members_dropdown.channel_member": "채널 회원", "channel_members_dropdown.make_channel_admin": "Make Channel Admin", "channel_members_dropdown.make_channel_member": "Make Channel Member", "channel_members_dropdown.remove_from_channel": "Remove From Channel", "channel_members_dropdown.remove_member": "Remove Member", "channel_members_modal.addNew": " 새로운 회원 추가", "channel_members_modal.members": " 회원", "channel_modal.cancel": "취소", "channel_modal.channel": "채널", "channel_modal.createNew": "새로운 ", "channel_modal.descriptionHelp": "{term}은 이렇게 사용되어야 합니다.", "channel_modal.displayNameError": "필수 항목입니다.", "channel_modal.edit": "편집", "channel_modal.group": "그룹", "channel_modal.header": "헤더", "channel_modal.headerEx": "E.g.: \"[Link Title](http://example.com)\"", "channel_modal.headerHelp": "{term} 상단 이름 옆에 표시될 텍스트를 입력하세요. 예를 들면, 다음과 같이 자주 사용되는 링크를 등록할 수 있습니다. [링크](http://example.com).", "channel_modal.modalTitle": "새로운 ", "channel_modal.name": "이름", "channel_modal.nameEx": "예시: \"버그\", \"마케팅\", \"고객지원\"", "channel_modal.optional": "(선택사항)", "channel_modal.privateGroup1": "일부 회원만 접근할 수 있는 비공개 그룹을 만듭니다. ", "channel_modal.privateGroup2": "비공개 그룹 만들기", "channel_modal.publicChannel1": "공개 채널 만들기", "channel_modal.publicChannel2": "누구나 참여할 수 있는 새 공개 채널을 만듭니다. ", "channel_modal.purpose": "설명", "channel_modal.purposeEx": "E.g.: \"A channel to file bugs and improvements\"", "channel_notification.push": "알림 받기", "channel_notifications.allActivity": "모든 활동", "channel_notifications.allUnread": "모든 읽지않은 메시지", "channel_notifications.globalDefault": "전역 기본 설정 ({notifyLevel})", "channel_notifications.markUnread": "읽지 않은 채널 표시", "channel_notifications.never": "알림 사용 안함", "channel_notifications.onlyMentions": "멘션만", "channel_notifications.override": "\"전역 기본 설정\" 외 다른 옵션을 선택하면 전역으로 설정한 알림 설정이 무시됩니다. 데스크탑 알림은 Firefox, Safari, Chrome에서 사용 가능합니다.", "channel_notifications.overridePush": "Selecting an option other than \"Global default\" will override the global notification settings for mobile push notifications in account settings. Push notifications must be enabled by the System Admin.", "channel_notifications.preferences": "채널 알림 설정: ", "channel_notifications.sendDesktop": "데스크탑 알림 받기", "channel_notifications.unreadInfo": "읽지 않은 채널은 사이드바에서 굵은 글씨로 표시됩니다. \"멘션만\"을 선택하면 내가 멘션된 채널만 굵게 표시됩니다.", "channel_select.placeholder": "--- 채널을 선택하세요 ---", "channel_switch_modal.dm": "(개인 메시지)", "channel_switch_modal.failed_to_open": "Failed to open channel.", "channel_switch_modal.help": "채널 이름을 입력하세요. ↑↓ 방향키와 TAB키를 이용하여 선택하세요, ↵ 엔터키를 누르면 확인, ESC키를 누르면 취소됩니다.", "channel_switch_modal.not_found": "일치하는 채널이 없습니다.", "channel_switch_modal.submit": "변경", "channel_switch_modal.title": "채널 변경", "claim.account.noEmail": "No email specified", "claim.email_to_ldap.enterLdapPwd": "Enter the ID and password for your LDAP account", "claim.email_to_ldap.enterPwd": "Enter the password for your {site} email account", "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapId": "AD/LDAP ID", "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapIdError": "AD/LDAP ID를 입력하세요.", "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapPasswordError": "LDAP 패스워드를 입력하세요.", "claim.email_to_ldap.ldapPwd": "LDAP 패스워드", "claim.email_to_ldap.pwd": "패스워드", "claim.email_to_ldap.pwdError": "패스워드를 입력하세요.", "claim.email_to_ldap.ssoNote": "You must already have a valid LDAP account", "claim.email_to_ldap.ssoType": "Upon claiming your account, you will only be able to login with LDAP", "claim.email_to_ldap.switchTo": "LDAP 계정으로 변경", "claim.email_to_ldap.title": "이메일/패스워드 계정을 LDAP 계정으로 변경", "claim.email_to_oauth.enterPwd": "Enter the password for your {site} account", "claim.email_to_oauth.pwd": "패스워드", "claim.email_to_oauth.pwdError": "패스워드를 입력하세요.", "claim.email_to_oauth.ssoNote": "You must already have a valid {type} account", "claim.email_to_oauth.ssoType": "Upon claiming your account, you will only be able to login with {type} SSO", "claim.email_to_oauth.switchTo": "Switch account to {uiType}", "claim.email_to_oauth.title": "이메일/패스워드 계정을 {uiType} 계정으로 변경", "claim.ldap_to_email.confirm": "패스워드 확인", "claim.ldap_to_email.email": "You will use the email {email} to login", "claim.ldap_to_email.enterLdapPwd": "Enter your {ldapPassword} for your {site} email account", "claim.ldap_to_email.enterPwd": "Enter a new password for your email account", "claim.ldap_to_email.ldapPasswordError": "LDAP 패스워드를 입력하세요.", "claim.ldap_to_email.ldapPwd": "LDAP 패스워드", "claim.ldap_to_email.pwd": "패스워드", "claim.ldap_to_email.pwdError": "패스워드를 입력하세요.", "claim.ldap_to_email.pwdNotMatch": "패스워드가 일치하지 않습니다.", "claim.ldap_to_email.ssoType": "Upon claiming your account, you will only be able to login with your email and password", "claim.ldap_to_email.switchTo": "Switch account to email/password", "claim.ldap_to_email.title": "Switch LDAP Account to Email/Password", "claim.oauth_to_email.confirm": "패스워드 확인", "claim.oauth_to_email.description": "Upon changing your account type, you will only be able to login with your email and password.", "claim.oauth_to_email.enterNewPwd": "Enter a new password for your {site} email account", "claim.oauth_to_email.enterPwd": "패스워드를 입력하세요.", "claim.oauth_to_email.newPwd": "새로운 패스워드", "claim.oauth_to_email.pwdNotMatch": "패스워드가 일치하지 않습니다.", "claim.oauth_to_email.switchTo": "Switch {type} to email and password", "claim.oauth_to_email.title": "Switch {type} Account to Email", "confirm_modal.cancel": "취소", "connecting_screen": "연결", "create_comment.addComment": "답글 달기...", "create_comment.comment": "답글 달기", "create_comment.commentLength": "답글의 길이는 {max}글자를 초과할 수 없습니다.", "create_comment.commentTitle": "답글", "create_comment.file": "파일 업로드 중", "create_comment.files": "파일 업로드 중", "create_post.comment": "답글", "create_post.error_message": "Your message is too long. Character count: {length}/{limit}", "create_post.post": "글", "create_post.shortcutsNotSupported": "Keyboard shortcuts are not supported on your device.", "create_post.tutorialTip": "

메시지 보내기

보내고 싶은 메시지를 작성하고 Enter키를 눌러 보내세요.

첨부 버튼을 눌러 이미지나 파일을 업로드하세요.

", "create_post.write": "메시지를 입력하세요...", "create_team.agreement": "By proceeding to create your account and use {siteName}, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If you do not agree, you cannot use {siteName}.", "create_team.display_name.charLength": "Name must be {min} or more characters up to a maximum of {max}. You can add a longer team description later.", "create_team.display_name.nameHelp": "팀 이름을 자유롭게 입력하세요. 설정한 팀 이름은 메뉴와 상단의 헤더에 표시됩니다.", "create_team.display_name.next": "다음", "create_team.display_name.required": "필수 항목입니다.", "create_team.display_name.teamName": "팀 이름", "create_team.team_url.back": "이전 단계로 돌아가기", "create_team.team_url.charLength": "Name must be 4 or more characters up to a maximum of 15", "create_team.team_url.creatingTeam": "팀 생성 중...", "create_team.team_url.finish": "완료", "create_team.team_url.hint": "
  • Short and memorable is best
  • Use lowercase letters, numbers and dashes
  • Must start with a letter and can't end in a dash
  • ", "create_team.team_url.regex": "Use only lower case letters, numbers and dashes. Must start with a letter and can't end in a dash.", "create_team.team_url.required": "필수 항목입니다.", "create_team.team_url.taken": "URL이 이미 있거나 예약된 단어입니다.", "create_team.team_url.teamUrl": "팀 URL", "create_team.team_url.unavailable": "This URL is unavailable. Please try another.", "create_team.team_url.webAddress": "팀의 웹 주소:", "custom_emoji.empty": "커스텀 이모티콘이 없습니다.", "custom_emoji.header": "커스텀 이모티콘", "custom_emoji.search": "커스텀 이모티콘 검색", "delete_channel.cancel": "취소", "delete_channel.channel": "채널", "delete_channel.confirm": "채널 삭제 확인", "delete_channel.del": "삭제", "delete_channel.group": "그룹", "delete_channel.question": "정말 {display_name} {term}을 삭제하시겠습니까?", "delete_post.cancel": "취소", "delete_post.comment": "답글", "delete_post.confirm": "{term} 삭제 확인", "delete_post.del": "삭제", "delete_post.post": "글", "delete_post.question": "정말 {term}을 삭제하시겠습니까?", "delete_post.warning": "글에 {count}개의 답글이 있습니다.", "edit_channel_header_modal.cancel": "취소", "edit_channel_header_modal.description": "상단 채널 이름 옆에 표시될 글자를 편집하세요.", "edit_channel_header_modal.error": "채널 헤더가 너무 깁니다. 더 짧은 헤더를 사용하세요.", "edit_channel_header_modal.save": "저장", "edit_channel_header_modal.title": "{channel}의 헤더 편집", "edit_channel_header_modal.title_dm": "헤더 편집", "edit_channel_purpose_modal.body": "{type}(이)가 어떻게 사용되어야 하는지 설명하세요. 이 설명은 채널 목록의 \"더 보기...\"에서 가입을 위한 도움말로 표시됩니다.", "edit_channel_purpose_modal.cancel": "취소", "edit_channel_purpose_modal.channel": "채널", "edit_channel_purpose_modal.error": "채널 설명이 너무 깁니다. 더 짧은 채널 설명을 사용하세요.", "edit_channel_purpose_modal.group": "그룹", "edit_channel_purpose_modal.save": "저장", "edit_channel_purpose_modal.title1": "설명 편집", "edit_channel_purpose_modal.title2": "설명 편집: ", "edit_command.save": "Update", "edit_post.cancel": "취소", "edit_post.edit": "{title} 편집", "edit_post.editPost": "글 편집하기...", "edit_post.save": "저장", "email_signup.address": "이메일 주소", "email_signup.createTeam": "팀 만들기", "email_signup.emailError": "유효한 이메일 주소를 입력하세요.", "email_signup.find": "나의 팀 찾기", "email_verify.almost": "{siteName}: 거의 완료되었습니다.", "email_verify.failed": " 검증메일 발송을 실패했습니다.", "email_verify.notVerifiedBody": "Please verify your email address. Check your inbox for an email.", "email_verify.resend": "다시 보내기", "email_verify.sent": " 검증 메일을 보냈습니다.", "email_verify.verified": "{siteName} 이메일 검증됨", "email_verify.verifiedBody": "

    이메일 검증이 완료되었습니다! 여기를 클릭하여 로그인하세요.

    ", "email_verify.verifyFailed": "이메일 검증을 실패했습니다.", "emoji_list.actions": "액션", "emoji_list.add": "이모티콘 추가", "emoji_list.creator": "만든 사람", "emoji_list.delete": "삭제", "emoji_list.empty": "커스텀 이모티콘이 없습니다.", "emoji_list.header": "커스텀 이모티콘", "emoji_list.help": "커스텀 이모티콘은 서버의 모두가 사용할 수 있습니다. 메시지 창에 ':'를 입력하여 이모티콘 선택 메뉴를 활성화 할 수 있습니다. 새로운 이모티콘을 등록하면 다른 사용자들은 사용하기 위해 페이지를 새로고침 해야할 수 있습니다.", "emoji_list.help2": "팁: 첫 글자로 #, ##, ### 를 입력하면 이모티콘을 더 크게 새로운 행에서 사용할 수 있습니다. '# :smile:'로 메시지를 보내 확인해보세요.", "emoji_list.image": "이미지", "emoji_list.name": "이름", "emoji_list.search": "커스텀 이모티콘 검색", "emoji_list.somebody": "다른 팀의 사용자", "error.not_found.link_message": "Mattermost(으)로 돌아가기", "error.not_found.message": "The page you were trying to reach does not exist", "error.not_found.title": "페이지를 찾을 수 없습니다.", "error.not_supported.message": "비밀모드는 지원되지 않습니다.", "error.not_supported.title": "지원되지 않는 브라우저입니다.", "error_bar.expired": "Enterprise license is expired and some features may be disabled. Please renew.", "error_bar.expiring": "Enterprise license expires on {date}. Please renew.", "error_bar.past_grace": "Enterprise license is expired and some features may be disabled. Please contact your System Administrator for details.", "error_bar.preview_mode": "미리보기 모드: 이메일 알림이 설정되지 않았습니다.", "file_attachment.download": "다운로드", "file_info_preview.size": "용량 ", "file_info_preview.type": "파일 형식 ", "file_upload.fileAbove": "File above {max}MB cannot be uploaded: {filename}", "file_upload.filesAbove": "Files above {max}MB cannot be uploaded: {filenames}", "file_upload.limited": "Uploads limited to {count} files maximum. Please use additional posts for more files.", "file_upload.pasted": "Image Pasted at ", "filtered_channels_list.count": "{total}명 중 {count}{count, plural, =0 {0명} one {명} other {명}}", "filtered_channels_list.countTotal": "{total}개 중 {count}{count, plural, =0 {0개} one {개} other {개}} 채널", "filtered_channels_list.search": "Search channels", "filtered_user_list.any_team": "모든 사용자", "filtered_user_list.count": "{count}{count, plural, =0 {0명} one {명} other {명}}", "filtered_user_list.countTotal": "{total}명 중 {count}{count, plural, =0 {0명} one {명} other {명}}", "filtered_user_list.countTotalPage": "{startCount, number} - {endCount, number} {count, plural, =0 {0 members} one {member} other {members}} of {total} total", "filtered_user_list.member": "회원", "filtered_user_list.next": "다음", "filtered_user_list.prev": "Previous", "filtered_user_list.search": "Search users", "filtered_user_list.searchButton": "검색", "filtered_user_list.show": "필터:", "filtered_user_list.team_only": "팀의 회원", "find_team.email": "이메일", "find_team.findDescription": "An email was sent with links to any teams to which you are a member.", "find_team.findTitle": "팀 찾기", "find_team.getLinks": "Get an email with links to any teams to which you are a member.", "find_team.placeholder": "you@domain.com", "find_team.send": "보내기", "find_team.submitError": "유효한 이메일 주소를 입력하세요.", "flag_post.flag": "중요 메시지로 지정", "flag_post.unflag": "중요 메시지 해제", "general_tab.chooseDescription": "사용자명을 선택하세요.", "general_tab.codeDesc": "가입 링크를 변경하려면 '편집'을 클릭하세요.", "general_tab.codeLongDesc": "The Invite Code is used as part of the URL in the team invitation link created by Get Team Invite Link in the main menu. Regenerating creates a new team invitation link and invalidates the previous link.", "general_tab.codeTitle": "가입 링크", "general_tab.emptyDescription": "Click 'Edit' to add a team description.", "general_tab.getTeamInviteLink": "가입 링크", "general_tab.includeDirDesc": "Including this team will display the team name from the Team Directory section of the Home Page, and provide a link to the sign-in page.", "general_tab.no": "아니요", "general_tab.openInviteDesc": "When allowed, a link to this team will be included on the landing page allowing anyone with an account to join this team.", "general_tab.openInviteTitle": "계정이 있는 사용자가 이 팀에 가입하는 것을 허용합니까?", "general_tab.regenerate": "재성성", "general_tab.required": "필수 항목입니다.", "general_tab.teamDescription": "Team Description", "general_tab.teamDescriptionInfo": "Team description provides additional information to help users select the right team. Maximum of 50 characters.", "general_tab.teamName": "팀 이름", "general_tab.teamNameInfo": "설정한 팀 이름은 로그인 화면과 왼쪽 사이드바 상단에 표시됩니다.", "general_tab.title": "일반 설정", "general_tab.yes": "네", "get_app.alreadyHaveIt": "Already have it?", "get_app.androidAppName": "Mattermost for Android", "get_app.androidHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our Android app", "get_app.continue": "계속하기", "get_app.continueWithBrowser": "Or {link}", "get_app.continueWithBrowserLink": "브라우저로 계속하기", "get_app.iosHeader": "Mattermost works best if you switch to our iPhone app", "get_app.mattermostInc": "Mattermost, Inc", "get_app.openMattermost": "Mattermost 열기", "get_link.clipboard": " Link copied", "get_link.close": "닫기", "get_link.copy": "링크 복사", "get_post_link_modal.help": "아래 링크를 통해 허용된 사용자가 내 글을 볼 수 있습니다.", "get_post_link_modal.title": "바로가기 링크 복사", "get_public_link_modal.help": "The link below allows anyone to see this file without being registered on this server.", "get_public_link_modal.title": "공개 링크 보기", "get_team_invite_link_modal.help": "아래 링크를 통해 팀에 가입할 수 있습니다. 가입 링크는 여러 사람들에게 공유될 수 있고, 팀 관리자에 의해 변경될 수 있습니다.", "get_team_invite_link_modal.helpDisabled": "팀의 신규 사용자 가입이 비활성화 되어있습니다. 팀 관리자에게 문의하세요.", "get_team_invite_link_modal.title": "가입 링크", "help.attaching.downloading": "#### Downloading Files\nDownload an attached file by clicking the download icon next to the file thumbnail or by opening the file previewer and clicking **Download**.", "help.attaching.dragdrop": "#### Drag and Drop\nUpload a file or selection of files by dragging the files from your computer into the RHS or center pane. Dragging and dropping attaches the files to the message input box, then you can optionally type a message and press **ENTER** to post.", "help.attaching.icon": "#### Attachment Icon\nAlternatively, upload files by clicking the grey paperclip icon inside the message input box. This opens up your system file viewer where you can navigate to the desired files and then click **Open** to upload the files to the message input box. Optionally type a message and then press **ENTER** to post.", "help.attaching.limitations": "## File Size Limitations\nMattermost supports a maximum of five attached files per post, each with a maximum file size of 50Mb.", "help.attaching.methods": "## Attachment Methods\nAttach a file by drag and drop or by clicking the attachment icon in the message input box.", "help.attaching.notSupported": "Document preview (Word, Excel, PPT) is not yet supported.", "help.attaching.pasting": "#### Pasting Images\nOn Chrome and Edge browsers, it is also possible to upload files by pasting them from the clipboard. This is not yet supported on other browsers.", "help.attaching.previewer": "## File Previewer\nMattermost has a built in file previewer that is used to view media, download files and share public links. Click the thumbnail of an attached file to open it in the file previewer.", "help.attaching.publicLinks": "#### Sharing Public Links\nPublic links allow you to share file attachments with people outside your Mattermost team. Open the file previewer by clicking on the thumbnail of an attachment, then click **Get Public Link**. This opens a dialog box with a link to copy. When the link is shared and opened by another user, the file will automatically download.", "help.attaching.publicLinks2": "If **Get Public Link** is not visible in the file previewer and you prefer the feature enabled, you can request that your System Admin enable the feature from the System Console under **Security** > **Public Links**.", "help.attaching.supported": "#### Supported Media Types\nIf you are trying to preview a media type that is not supported, the file previewer will open a standard media attachment icon. Supported media formats depend heavily on your browser and operating system, but the following formats are supported by Mattermost on most browsers:", "help.attaching.supportedList": "- Images: BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG\n- Video: MP4\n- Audio: MP3, M4A\n- Documents: PDF", "help.attaching.title": "# 파일 첨부하기\n_____", "help.commands.builtin": "## Built-in Commands\nThe following slash commands are available on all Mattermost installations:", "help.commands.builtin2": "Begin by typing `/` and a list of slash command options appears above the text input box. The autocomplete suggestions help by providing a format example in black text and a short description of the slash command in grey text.", "help.commands.custom": "## Custom Commands\nCustom slash commands integrate with external applications. For example, a team might configure a custom slash command to check internal health records with `/patient joe smith` or check the weekly weather forcast in a city with `/weather toronto week`. Check with your System Admin or open the autocomplete list by typing `/` to determine if your team configured any custom slash commands.", "help.commands.custom2": "Custom slash commands are disabled by default and can be enabled by the System Admin in the **System Console** > **Integrations** > **Webhooks and Commands**. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](http://docs.mattermost.com/developer/slash-commands.html).", "help.commands.intro": "Slash commands perform operations in Mattermost by typing into the text input box. Enter a `/` followed by a command and some arguments to perform actions.\n\nBuilt-in slash commands come with all Mattermost installations and custom slash commands are configurable to interact with external applications. Learn about configuring custom slash commands on the [developer slash command documentation page](http://docs.mattermost.com/developer/slash-commands.html).", "help.commands.title": "# 명령어 실행하기\n___", "help.composing.deleting": "## Deleting a message\nDelete a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Delete**. System and Team Admins can delete any message on their system or team.", "help.composing.editing": "## Editing a Message\nEdit a message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to any message text that you’ve composed, then click **Edit**. After making modifications to the message text, press **ENTER** to save the modifications. Message edits do not trigger new @mention notifications, desktop notifications or notification sounds.", "help.composing.linking": "## Linking to a message\nThe **Permalink** feature creates a link to any message. Sharing this link with other users in the channel lets them view the linked message in the Message Archives. Users who are not a member of the channel where the message was posted cannot view the permalink. Get the permalink to any message by clicking the **[...]** icon next to the message text > **Permalink** > **Copy Link**.", "help.composing.posting": "## Posting a Message\nWrite a message by typing into the text input box, then press **ENTER** to send it. Use **Shift + ENTER** to create a new line without sending a message. To send messages by pressing **CTRL+ENTER** go to **Main Menu > Account Settings > Send messages on CTRL + ENTER**.", "help.composing.posts": "#### Posts\nPosts can be considered parent messages. They are the messages that often start a thread of replies. Posts are composed and sent from the text input box at the bottom of the center pane.", "help.composing.replies": "#### Replies\nReply to a message by clicking the reply icon next to any message text. This action opens the right-hand-side (RHS) where you can see the message thread, then compose and send your reply. Replies are indented slightly in the center pane to indicate that they are child messages of a parent post.\n\nWhen composing a reply in the right-hand side, click the expand/collapse icon with two arrows at the top of the sidebar to make things easier to read.", "help.composing.title": "# 메시지 보내기\n_____", "help.composing.types": "## Message Types\nReply to posts to keep conversations organized in threads.", "help.formatting.checklist": "Make a task list by including square brackets:", "help.formatting.checklistExample": "- [ ] Item one\n- [ ] Item two\n- [x] Completed item", "help.formatting.code": "## Code Block\n\nCreate a code block by indenting each line by four spaces, or by placing ``` on the line above and below your code.", "help.formatting.codeBlock": "code block", "help.formatting.emojiExample": ":smile: :+1: :sheep:", "help.formatting.emojis": "## Emojis\n\nOpen the emoji autocomplete by typing `:`. A full list of emojis can be found [here](http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/). It is also possible to create your own [Custom Emoji](http://docs.mattermost.com/help/settings/custom-emoji.html) if the emoji you want to use doesn't exist.", "help.formatting.example": "예시:", "help.formatting.githubTheme": "**GitHub Theme**", "help.formatting.headings": "## Headings\n\nMake a heading by typing # and a space before your title. For smaller headings, use more #’s.", "help.formatting.headings2": "Alternatively, you can underline the text using `===` or `---` to create headings.", "help.formatting.headings2Example": "Large Heading\n-------------", "help.formatting.headingsExample": "## Large Heading\n### Smaller Heading\n#### Even Smaller Heading", "help.formatting.images": "## In-line Images\n\nCreate in-line images using an `!` followed by the alt text in square brackets and the link in normal brackets. Add hover text by placing it in quotes after the link.", "help.formatting.imagesExample": "![alt text](link \"hover text\")\n\nand\n\n[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mattermost/platform.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mattermost/platform) [![Github](https://assets-cdn.github.com/favicon.ico)](https://github.com/mattermost/platform)", "help.formatting.inline": "## In-line Code\n\nCreate in-line monospaced font by surrounding it with backticks.", "help.formatting.intro": "Markdown makes it easy to format messages. Type a message as you normally would, and use these rules to render it with special formatting.", "help.formatting.lines": "## Lines\n\nCreate a line by using three `*`, `_`, or `-`.", "help.formatting.linkEx": "[Check out Mattermost!](https://about.mattermost.com/)", "help.formatting.links": "## Links\n\nCreate labeled links by putting the desired text in square brackets and the associated link in normal brackets.", "help.formatting.listExample": "* list item one\n* list item two\n * item two sub-point", "help.formatting.lists": "## Lists\n\nCreate a list by using `*` or `-` as bullets. Indent a bullet point by adding two spaces in front of it.", "help.formatting.monokaiTheme": "**Monokai Theme**", "help.formatting.ordered": "Make it an ordered list by using numbers instead:", "help.formatting.orderedExample": "1. Item one\n2. Item two", "help.formatting.quotes": "## Block quotes\n\nCreate block quotes using `>`.", "help.formatting.quotesExample": "`> block quotes` renders as:", "help.formatting.quotesRender": "> block quotes", "help.formatting.renders": "Renders as:", "help.formatting.solirizedDarkTheme": "**Solarized Dark Theme**", "help.formatting.solirizedLightTheme": "**Solarized Light Theme**", "help.formatting.style": "## Text Style\n\nYou can use either `_` or `*` around a word to make it italic. Use two to make it bold.\n\n* `_italics_` renders as _italics_\n* `**bold**` renders as **bold**\n* `**_bold-italic_**` renders as **_bold-italics_**\n* `~~strikethrough~~` renders as ~~strikethrough~~", "help.formatting.supportedSyntax": "Supported languages are:\n`as`, `applescript`, `osascript`, `scpt`, `bash`, `sh`, `zsh`, `clj`, `boot`, `cl2`, `cljc`, `cljs`, `cljs.hl`, `cljscm`, `cljx`, `hic`, `coffee`, `_coffee`, `cake`, `cjsx`, `cson`, `iced`, `cpp`, `c`, `cc`, `h`, `c++`, `h++`, `hpp`, `cs`, `csharp`, `css`, `d`, `di`, `dart`, `delphi`, `dpr`, `dfm`, `pas`, `pascal`, `freepascal`, `lazarus`, `lpr`, `lfm`, `diff`, `django`, `jinja`, `dockerfile`, `docker`, `erl`, `f90`, `f95`, `fsharp`, `fs`, `gcode`, `nc`, `go`, `groovy`, `handlebars`, `hbs`, `html.hbs`, `html.handlebars`, `hs`, `hx`, `java`, `jsp`, `js`, `jsx`, `json`, `jl`, `kt`, `ktm`, `kts`, `less`, `lisp`, `lua`, `mk`, `mak`, `md`, `mkdown`, `mkd`, `matlab`, `m`, `mm`, `objc`, `obj-c`, `ml`, `perl`, `pl`, `php`, `php3`, `php4`, `php5`, `php6`, `ps`, `ps1`, `pp`, `py`, `gyp`, `r`, `ruby`, `rb`, `gemspec`, `podspec`, `thor`, `irb`, `rs`, `scala`, `scm`, `sld`, `scss`, `st`, `sql`, `swift`, `tex`, `vbnet`, `vb`, `bas`, `vbs`, `v`, `veo`, `xml`, `html`, `xhtml`, `rss`, `atom`, `xsl`, `plist`, `yaml`", "help.formatting.syntax": "### Syntax Highlighting\n\nTo add syntax highlighting, type the language to be highlighted after the ``` at the beginning of the code block. Mattermost also offers four different code themes (GitHub, Solarized Dark, Solarized Light, Monokai) that can be changed in **Account Settings** > **Display** > **Theme** > **Custom Theme** > **Center Channel Styles**", "help.formatting.syntaxEx": " package main\n import \"fmt\"\n func main() {\n fmt.Println(\"Hello, 世界\")\n }", "help.formatting.tableExample": "| 왼쪽 정렬 | 가운데 정렬 | 오른쪽 정렬 |\n| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|\n| Left column 1 | this text | $100 |\n| Left column 2 | is | $10 |\n| Left column 3 | centered | $1 |", "help.formatting.tables": "## Tables\n\nCreate a table by placing a dashed line under the header row and separating the columns with a pipe `|`. (The columns don’t need to line up exactly for it to work). Choose how to align table columns by including colons `:` within the header row.", "help.formatting.title": "# Formatting Text\n_____", "help.learnMore": "더 자세히 알아보기:", "help.link.attaching": "파일 첨부하기", "help.link.commands": "명령어 실행하기", "help.link.composing": "Composing Messages and Replies", "help.link.formatting": "마크다운으로 글 작성하기", "help.link.mentioning": "Mentioning Teammates", "help.link.messaging": "메시지 기본 사용법", "help.mentioning.channel": "#### @Channel\nYou can mention an entire channel by typing `@channel`. All members of the channel will receive a mention notification that behaves the same way as if the members had been mentioned personally.", "help.mentioning.channelExample": "@channel great work on interviews this week. I think we found some excellent potential candidates!", "help.mentioning.mentions": "## @Mentions\nUse @mentions to get the attention of specific team members.", "help.mentioning.recent": "## Recent Mentions\nClick `@` next to the search box to query for your most recent @mentions and words that trigger mentions. Click **Jump** next to a search result in the RHS to jump the center pane to the channel and location of the message with the mention.", "help.mentioning.title": "# Mentioning Teammates\n_____", "help.mentioning.triggers": "## Words That Trigger Mentions\nIn addition to being notified by @username and @channel, you can customize words that trigger mention notifications in **Account Settings** > **Notifications** > **Words that trigger mentions**. By default, you will receive mention notifications on your first name, and you can add more words by typing them into the input box separated by commas. This is useful if you want to be notified of all posts on certain topics, for example, “interviewing” or “marketing”.", "help.mentioning.username": "#### @Username\nYou can mention a teammate by using the `@` symbol plus their username to send them a mention notification.\n\nType `@` to bring up a list of team members who can be mentioned. To filter the list, type the first few letters of any username, first name, last name, or nickname. The **Up** and **Down** arrow keys can then be used to scroll through entries in the list, and pressing **ENTER** will select which user to mention. Once selected, the username will automatically replace the full name or nickname.\nThe following example sends a special mention notification to **alice** that alerts her of the channel and message where she has been mentioned. If **alice** is away from Mattermost and has [email notifications](http://docs.mattermost.com/help/getting-started/configuring-notifications.html#email-notifications) turned on, then she will receive an email alert of her mention along with the message text.", "help.mentioning.usernameCont": "If the user you mentioned does not belong to the channel, a System Message will be posted to let you know. This is a temporary message only seen by the person who triggered it. To add the mentioned user to the channel, go to the dropdown menu beside the channel name and select **Add Members**.", "help.mentioning.usernameExample": "@alice how did your interview go with the new candidate?", "help.messaging.attach": "**Attach files** by dragging and dropping into Mattermost or clicking the attachment icon in the text input box.", "help.messaging.emoji": "\":\"를 눌러 **이모티콘을 추가**하세요. 사용할 수 있는 이모티콘 목록이 나타나고 자동완성 됩니다. 당신이 원하는 이모티콘이 목록에 없다면, 새로운 [커스텀 이모티콘](http://docs.mattermost.com/help/settings/custom-emoji.html)을 추가하여 사용하세요.", "help.messaging.format": "**마크다운으로 글을 작성**하여 제목, 목록, 링크, 이모티콘, 코드, 인용문, 표, 이미지 등을 삽입할 수 있습니다.", "help.messaging.notify": "**팀원에게 알리기** 위해 `@username`과 같이 입력해보세요.", "help.messaging.reply": "**답글 쓰기:** 글 옆의 화살표 버튼을 눌러 답글을 작성할 수 있습니다.", "help.messaging.title": "# 메시지 도움말\n_____", "help.messaging.write": "**글 쓰기:** Mattermost 하단의 입력 창에 원하는 메시지를 입력하고 **ENTER**를 눌러 글을 등록하세요. **Shift+ENTER**를 눌러 등록하는 대신 줄바꿈을 할 수 있습니다.", "installed_command.header": "슬래시 명령어", "installed_commands.add": "슬래시 명령어 추가", "installed_commands.delete.confirm": "This action permanently deletes the slash command and breaks any integrations using it. Are you sure you want to delete it?", "installed_commands.empty": "명령어가 없습니다.", "installed_commands.header": "슬래시 명령어", "installed_commands.help": "외부 통합에 사용하기 위한 슬래시 명령어를 생성하세요. 자세한 내용은 {link}를 참조하세요.", "installed_commands.helpLink": "문서", "installed_commands.search": "슬래시 명령어 검색", "installed_commands.unnamed_command": "이름없는 슬래시 명령어", "installed_incoming_webhooks.add": "Incoming Webhook 추가하기", "installed_incoming_webhooks.delete.confirm": "This action permanently deletes the incoming webhook and breaks any integrations using it. Are you sure you want to delete it?", "installed_incoming_webhooks.empty": "Incoming Webhook이 없습니다.", "installed_incoming_webhooks.header": "Incoming Webhook", "installed_incoming_webhooks.help": "외부 통합에 사용하기 위한 Incoming webhook URL을 생성하세요. 자세한 내용은 {link}를 참조하세요.", "installed_incoming_webhooks.helpLink": "문서", "installed_incoming_webhooks.search": "Incoming Webhook 검색", "installed_incoming_webhooks.unknown_channel": "비공개 Webhook", "installed_integrations.callback_urls": "콜백 URL: {urls}", "installed_integrations.client_id": "클라이언트 ID: {clientId}", "installed_integrations.client_secret": "클라이언트 시크릿: {clientSecret}", "installed_integrations.content_type": "Content-Type: {contentType}", "installed_integrations.creation": "{creator}(이)가 {createAt, date, full}에 생성", "installed_integrations.delete": "삭제", "installed_integrations.edit": "편집", "installed_integrations.hideSecret": "시크릿 숨기기", "installed_integrations.regenSecret": "시크릿 재생성하기", "installed_integrations.regenToken": "토큰 재생성하기", "installed_integrations.showSecret": "시크릿 보기", "installed_integrations.token": "토큰: {token}", "installed_integrations.triggerWhen": "트리거 조건: {triggerWhen}", "installed_integrations.triggerWords": "트리거 단어: {triggerWords}", "installed_integrations.unnamed_oauth_app": "이름 없는 OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션", "installed_integrations.url": "URL: {url}", "installed_oauth_apps.add": "애플리케이션 추가하기", "installed_oauth_apps.callbackUrls": "콜백 URL (줄 당 하나씩)", "installed_oauth_apps.cancel": "취소", "installed_oauth_apps.delete.confirm": "This action permanently deletes the OAuth 2.0 application and breaks any integrations using it. Are you sure you want to delete it?", "installed_oauth_apps.description": "설명", "installed_oauth_apps.empty": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션이 없습니다", "installed_oauth_apps.header": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션", "installed_oauth_apps.help": "OAuth 2.0(으)로 외부 애플리케이션을 Mattermost에 안전하게 통합하세요. 자세한 내용은 {link}를 참고하세요.", "installed_oauth_apps.helpLink": "문서", "installed_oauth_apps.homepage": "홈페이지", "installed_oauth_apps.iconUrl": "아이콘 URL", "installed_oauth_apps.is_trusted": "신뢰함: {isTrusted}", "installed_oauth_apps.name": "표시명", "installed_oauth_apps.save": "저장", "installed_oauth_apps.search": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션 검색", "installed_oauth_apps.trusted": "신뢰함", "installed_oauth_apps.trusted.no": "아니요", "installed_oauth_apps.trusted.yes": "네", "installed_outgoing_webhooks.add": "Outgoing Webhook 추가하기", "installed_outgoing_webhooks.delete.confirm": "This action permanently deletes the outgoing webhook and breaks any integrations using it. Are you sure you want to delete it?", "installed_outgoing_webhooks.empty": "Outgoing Webhook이 없습니다.", "installed_outgoing_webhooks.header": "Outgoing Webhook", "installed_outgoing_webhooks.help": "외부 통합에 사용하기 위한 Outgoing webhook URL을 생성하세요. 자세한 내용은 {link}를 참조하세요.", "installed_outgoing_webhooks.helpLink": "문서", "installed_outgoing_webhooks.search": "Outgoing Webhook 검색", "installed_outgoing_webhooks.unknown_channel": "비공개 Webhook", "integrations.add": "추가", "integrations.command.description": "슬래시 명령어는 외부에 연결한 서비스에 이벤트를 보냅니다.", "integrations.command.title": "슬래시 명령어", "integrations.delete.confirm.button": "삭제", "integrations.delete.confirm.title": "Delete Integration", "integrations.done": "확인", "integrations.edit": "편집", "integrations.header": "통합 기능", "integrations.incomingWebhook.description": "Incoming Webhook은 외부 시스템에서 메시지를 받을 수 있게합니다.", "integrations.incomingWebhook.title": "Incoming Webhook", "integrations.oauthApps.description": "OAuth 2.0 allows external applications to make authorized requests to the Mattermost API.", "integrations.oauthApps.title": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션", "integrations.outgoingWebhook.description": "Outgoing Webhook은 외부 시스템에 메시지를 보내고 응답받을 수 있게합니다.", "integrations.outgoingWebhook.title": "Outgoing Webhook", "integrations.successful": "설정이 완료되었습니다.", "intro_messages.DM": "{teammate}와 개인 메시지의 시작입니다.
    개인 메시지나 여기서 공유된 파일들은 외부에서 보여지지 않습니다.", "intro_messages.anyMember": " 모든 회원이 채널에 가입하고 글을 읽을 수 있습니다.", "intro_messages.beginning": "{name}의 시작", "intro_messages.channel": "채널", "intro_messages.creator": "{name} {type}입니다. 만들어진 날짜: {date}.", "intro_messages.default": "

    {display_name}의 시작

    {display_name}에 오신 것을 환영합니다!

    이 곳은 팀에 가입한 회원들이 가장 먼저 보게되는 채널입니다. 모두가 알아야 할 내용을 공지할 때 사용하세요.

    ", "intro_messages.group": "비공개 그룹", "intro_messages.invite": "{type}에 사용자 초대하기", "intro_messages.inviteOthers": "팀에 사용자 초대하기", "intro_messages.noCreator": "{name} {type}입니다. 만들어진 날짜: {date}.", "intro_messages.offTopic": "

    {display_name}의 시작

    {display_name}(은)는 비업무 대화를 위한 공간입니다.

    ", "intro_messages.onlyInvited": " 초대받은 회원만 이 비공개 그룹을 볼 수 있습니다.", "intro_messages.purpose": " This {type}'s purpose is: {purpose}.", "intro_messages.setHeader": "헤더 설정", "intro_messages.teammate": "This is the start of your direct message history with this teammate. Direct messages and files shared here are not shown to people outside this area.", "invite_member.addAnother": "더 초대하기", "invite_member.autoJoin": "{channel} 채널에 자동으로 초대됩니다.", "invite_member.cancel": "취소", "invite_member.content": "이메일과 이메일 초대 기능이 비활성화 되어있습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 문의하세요.", "invite_member.disabled": "팀의 신규 사용자 가입이 비활성화 되어있습니다. 팀 관리자에게 문의하세요.", "invite_member.emailError": "유효한 이메일 주소를 입력하세요.", "invite_member.firstname": "이름", "invite_member.inviteLink": "가입 링크", "invite_member.lastname": "성", "invite_member.modalButton": "네, 취소합니다.", "invite_member.modalMessage": "You have unsent invitations, are you sure you want to discard them?", "invite_member.modalTitle": "초대를 취소하시겠습니까?", "invite_member.newMember": "회원 초대하기", "invite_member.send": "보내기", "invite_member.send2": "보내기", "invite_member.sending": " 보내는 중", "invite_member.teamInviteLink": "{link}로도 초대할 수 있습니다.", "ldap_signup.find": "나의 팀 찾기", "ldap_signup.ldap": "GitLab 계정으로 팀 만들기", "ldap_signup.length_error": "Name must be 3 or more characters up to a maximum of 15", "ldap_signup.teamName": "팀 이름을 입력하세요.", "ldap_signup.team_error": "팀 이름을 입력하세요.", "leave_team_modal.desc": "You will be removed from all public channels and private groups. If the team is private you will not be able to rejoin the team. Are you sure?", "leave_team_modal.no": "아니요", "leave_team_modal.title": "Leave the team?", "leave_team_modal.yes": "네", "loading_screen.loading": "불러오는 중", "login.changed": " 인증 방식이 성공적으로 변경되었습니다.", "login.create": "Create one now", "login.createTeam": "팀 만들기", "login.createTeamAdminOnly": "This option is only available for System Administrators, and does not show up for other users.", "login.email": "이메일", "login.find": "다른 팀 찾기", "login.forgot": "패스워드를 잊어버리셨나요?", "login.gitlab": "GitLab", "login.google": "Google Apps", "login.invalidPassword": "패스워드가 일치하지 않습니다.", "login.ldapUsername": "AD/LDAP 사용자명", "login.ldapUsernameLower": "AD/LDAP 사용자명", "login.noAccount": "계정이 없으신가요? ", "login.noEmail": "이메일을 입력하세요.", "login.noEmailLdapUsername": "이메일 또는 {ldapUsername}을 입력하세요.", "login.noEmailUsername": "이메일 또는 사용자명을 입력하세요.", "login.noEmailUsernameLdapUsername": "이메일, 사용자명 또는 {ldapUsername}을 입력하세요.", "login.noLdapUsername": "{ldapUsername}을 입력하세요.", "login.noMethods": "활성화된 접속방식이 없습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 문의해보세요.", "login.noPassword": "패스워드를 입력하세요.", "login.noUsername": "사용자명을 입력하세요.", "login.noUsernameLdapUsername": "사용자명 또는 {ldapUsername}을 입력하세요.", "login.office365": "Office 365", "login.on": "on {siteName}", "login.or": "또는", "login.password": "패스워드", "login.passwordChanged": " 패스워드가 성공적으로 변경되었습니다.", "login.session_expired": " 세션이 만료되었습니다. 다시 로그인 하세요.", "login.signIn": "로그인", "login.signInLoading": "Signing in...", "login.signInWith": "다음으로 로그인하기:", "login.userNotFound": "입력된 계정과 일치하는 사용자 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.", "login.username": "사용자명", "login.verified": " 이메일 검증됨", "login_mfa.enterToken": "To complete the sign in process, please enter a token from your smartphone's authenticator", "login_mfa.submit": "제출", "login_mfa.token": "MFA 토큰", "login_mfa.tokenReq": "MFA 토큰을 입력하세요.", "member_item.makeAdmin": "관리자로 설정하기", "member_item.member": "회원", "member_list.noUsersAdd": "추가할 유저가 없습니다.", "members_popover.manageMembers": "회원 관리", "members_popover.msg": "메시지", "members_popover.title": "회원", "members_popover.viewMembers": "회원 보기", "mfa.confirm.complete": "Set up complete!", "mfa.confirm.okay": "확인", "mfa.confirm.secure": "Your account is now secure. Next time you sign in, you will be asked to enter a code from the Google Authenticator app on your phone.", "mfa.setup.badCode": "Invalid code. If this issue persists, contact your System Administrator.", "mfa.setup.code": "MFA Code", "mfa.setup.codeError": "Please enter the code from Google Authenticator.", "mfa.setup.required": "Multi-factor authentication is required on {siteName}.", "mfa.setup.save": "저장", "mfa.setup.secret": "Secret: {secret}", "mfa.setup.step1": "Step 1: On your phone, download Google Authenticator from iTunes or Google Play", "mfa.setup.step2": "Step 2: Use Google Authenticator to scan this QR code, or manually type in the secret key", "mfa.setup.step3": "Step 3: Enter the code generated by Google Authenticator", "mfa.setupTitle": "Enable Multi-factor Authentication:", "mobile.components.channels_list_view.yourChannels": "Your channels:", "mobile.components.select_server_view.enterServerUrl": "Enter Server URL", "mobile.components.select_server_view.proceed": "Proceed", "mobile.components.select_server_view.siteUrlPlaceholder": "https://mattermost.example.com", "mobile.routes.channels": "채널", "mobile.routes.enterServerUrl": "Enter Server URL", "mobile.routes.login": "로그인", "mobile.routes.postsList": "Posts List", "mobile.routes.selectTeam": "팀 선택", "more_channels.close": "닫기", "more_channels.create": "새로 만들기", "more_channels.createClick": "'새로 만들기'를 클릭하여 새로운 채널을 만드세요", "more_channels.join": "가입하기", "more_channels.next": "다음", "more_channels.noMore": "가입할 수 있는 채널이 없습니다", "more_channels.prev": "Previous", "more_channels.title": "채널 더보기", "more_direct_channels.close": "닫기", "more_direct_channels.message": "메시지", "more_direct_channels.new_convo_note": "This will start a new conversation. If you’re adding a lot of people, consider creating a private group instead.", "more_direct_channels.new_convo_note.full": "You’ve reached the maximum number of people for this conversation. Consider creating a private group instead.", "more_direct_channels.title": "개인 메시지", "msg_typing.areTyping": "{users}, {last}(이)가 입력중입니다...", "msg_typing.isTyping": "{user}(이)가 입력중입니다...", "msg_typing.someone": "Someone", "multiselect.go": "Go", "multiselect.instructions": "Use up/down arrows to navigate and enter to select", "multiselect.numPeopleRemaining": "You can add {num, number} more {num, plural, =0 {people} one {person} other {people}}. ", "multiselect.numRemaining": "You can add {num, number} more", "multiselect.placeholder": "Search and add members", "navbar.addMembers": "회원 추가", "navbar.click": "클릭하기", "navbar.delete": "채널 삭제", "navbar.leave": "채널 떠나기", "navbar.manageMembers": "회원 관리", "navbar.noHeader": "채널 헤더가 없습니다.{newline}{link} to add one.", "navbar.preferences": "알림 설정", "navbar.rename": "채널 이름 변경", "navbar.setHeader": "채널 헤더 설정", "navbar.setPurpose": "채널 설명 설정", "navbar.toggle1": "사이드바 토글", "navbar.toggle2": "사이드바 토글", "navbar.viewInfo": "정보 보기", "navbar.viewPinnedPosts": "View Pinned Posts", "navbar_dropdown.about": "Mattermost 정보", "navbar_dropdown.accountSettings": "계정 설정", "navbar_dropdown.console": "관리자 도구", "navbar_dropdown.create": "팀 만들기", "navbar_dropdown.emoji": "커스텀 이모티콘", "navbar_dropdown.help": "도움말", "navbar_dropdown.integrations": "통합 기능", "navbar_dropdown.inviteMember": "회원 초대", "navbar_dropdown.join": "Join Another Team", "navbar_dropdown.leave": "팀 떠나기", "navbar_dropdown.logout": "로그아웃", "navbar_dropdown.manageMembers": "회원 관리", "navbar_dropdown.nativeApps": "애플리케이션 다운로드", "navbar_dropdown.report": "문제 보고", "navbar_dropdown.switchTeam": "{team}(으)로 돌아가기", "navbar_dropdown.switchTo": "팀 변경: ", "navbar_dropdown.teamLink": "가입 링크", "navbar_dropdown.teamSettings": "팀 설정", "navbar_dropdown.viewMembers": "회원 목록", "notification.dm": "개인 메시지", "passwordRequirements": "Password Requirements:", "password_form.change": "패스워드 변경하기", "password_form.click": "Click here to log in.", "password_form.enter": "Enter a new password for your {siteName} account.", "password_form.error": "최소 {chars}글자 이상 입력하세요.", "password_form.pwd": "패스워드", "password_form.title": "패스워드 재설정", "password_form.update": "Your password has been updated successfully.", "password_send.checkInbox": "이메일을 확인하세요.", "password_send.description": "To reset your password, enter the email address you used to sign up", "password_send.email": "이메일", "password_send.error": "유효한 이메일 주소를 입력하세요.", "password_send.link": "If the account exists, a password reset email will be sent to:

    ", "password_send.reset": "Reset my password", "password_send.title": "Password Reset", "pdf_preview.max_pages": "Download to read more pages", "pending_post_actions.cancel": "취소", "pending_post_actions.retry": "다시 시도", "permalink.error.access": "Permalink belongs to a deleted message or to a channel to which you do not have access.", "post_attachment.collapse": "Show less...", "post_attachment.more": "더 보기...", "post_body.commentedOn": "Commented on {name}{apostrophe} message: ", "post_body.deleted": "(삭제된 메시지)", "post_body.plusMore": " plus {count} other files", "post_body.plusOne": " plus 1 other file", "post_delete.notPosted": "Comment could not be posted", "post_delete.okay": "확인", "post_delete.someone": "Someone deleted the message on which you tried to post a comment.", "post_focus_view.beginning": "채널의 시작", "post_info.del": "삭제", "post_info.edit": "편집", "post_info.mobile.flag": "중요 지정", "post_info.mobile.unflag": "중요 해제", "post_info.permalink": "링크", "post_info.pin": "Pin to channel", "post_info.pinned": "Pinned", "post_info.reply": "답글", "post_info.system": "System", "post_info.unpin": "Un-pin from channel", "post_message_view.edited": "(edited)", "posts_view.loadMore": "메시지 더 보기", "posts_view.newMsg": "새로운 메시지", "posts_view.newMsgBelow": "New {count, plural, one {message} other {messages}} below", "reaction.clickToAdd": "(click to add)", "reaction.clickToRemove": "(click to remove)", "reaction.othersReacted": "{otherUsers, number} {otherUsers, plural, one {user} other {users}}", "reaction.reacted": "{users} {reactionVerb} with {emoji}", "reaction.reactionVerb.user": "reacted", "reaction.reactionVerb.users": "reacted", "reaction.reactionVerb.you": "reacted", "reaction.reactionVerb.youAndUsers": "reacted", "reaction.usersAndOthersReacted": "{users} and {otherUsers, number} other {otherUsers, plural, one {user} other {users}}", "reaction.usersReacted": "{users} and {lastUser}", "reaction.you": "You", "removed_channel.channelName": "the channel", "removed_channel.from": "Removed from ", "removed_channel.okay": "확인", "removed_channel.remover": "{remover} removed you from {channel}", "removed_channel.someone": "Someone", "rename_channel.cancel": "취소", "rename_channel.defaultError": " - 기본 채널의 URL은 변경할 수 없습니다.", "rename_channel.displayName": "표시명", "rename_channel.displayNameHolder": "표시명을 입력하세요.", "rename_channel.handleHolder": "Must be lowercase alphanumeric characters", "rename_channel.lowercase": "Must be lowercase alphanumeric characters", "rename_channel.maxLength": "This field must be less than 22 characters", "rename_channel.required": "필수 항목입니다.", "rename_channel.save": "저장", "rename_channel.title": "채널 이름 변경", "rename_channel.url": "URL:", "rhs_comment.comment": "답글", "rhs_comment.del": "삭제", "rhs_comment.edit": "편집", "rhs_comment.mobile.flag": "중요 지정", "rhs_comment.mobile.unflag": "중요 해제", "rhs_comment.permalink": "바로가기", "rhs_header.backToCallTooltip": "Back to Call", "rhs_header.backToFlaggedTooltip": "중요 메시지로 돌아가기", "rhs_header.backToResultsTooltip": "검색결과로 돌아가기", "rhs_header.closeSidebarTooltip": "사이드바 닫기", "rhs_header.closeTooltip": "사이드바 닫기", "rhs_header.details": "메시지 세부사항", "rhs_header.expandSidebarTooltip": "사이드바 펴기", "rhs_header.expandTooltip": "사이드바 접기", "rhs_header.shrinkSidebarTooltip": "사이드바 접기", "rhs_root.del": "삭제", "rhs_root.direct": "개인 메시지", "rhs_root.edit": "편집", "rhs_root.mobile.flag": "중요 지정", "rhs_root.mobile.unflag": "중요 해제", "rhs_root.permalink": "바로가기", "rhs_root.pin": "Pin to channel", "rhs_root.unpin": "Un-pin from channel", "search_bar.search": "검색", "search_bar.usage": "

    검색 옵션

    • \"따옴표\"를 사용해서 문구를 검색할 수 있습니다.
    • from: 를 사용해서 특정 사용자의 포스트를 검색하거나, in:을 사용하여 특정 채널의 포스트를 검색할 수 있습니다.
    ", "search_header.results": "검색 결과", "search_header.title2": "최근 멘션", "search_header.title3": "중요 메시지", "search_header.title4": "Pinned posts in {channelDisplayName}", "search_item.direct": "Direct Message (with {username})", "search_item.jump": "바로가기", "search_results.because": "
    • 문구의 일부분을 검색하려면(예: \"rea\", 를 검색하여 \"reach\" 또는 \"reaction\") 단어 앞 또는 뒤에 와일드카드 문자(*)를 붙여보세요.
    • 두 글자 검색이나 \"this\", \"a\", \"is\"같이 일반적인 단어는 과도한 결과를 반환하기 때문에 검색결과에 표시되지 않습니다.
    ", "search_results.noResults": "검색 결과가 없습니다. 다시 시도하세요.", "search_results.usage": "
    • \"따옴표\"를 사용하여 문구를 검색할 수 있습니다.
    • from: 을 사용하여 특정 작성자를 검색하거나 in: 을 사용하여 특정 채널에 대해 검색할 수 있습니다.
    ", "search_results.usageFlag1": "중요 지정된 메시지가 아직 없습니다.", "search_results.usageFlag2": "타임스탬프 옆의 ", "search_results.usageFlag3": " 아이콘을 클릭하여 중요 메시지를 추가할 수 있습니다.", "search_results.usageFlag4": "중요한 메시지를 따로 모아 확인할 수 있습니다. 중요 메시지는 개인별로 표시되며 다른 사람이 볼 수 없습니다.", "search_results.usagePin1": "There are no pinned messages yet.", "search_results.usagePin2": "You can pin a message by clicking the \"Pin to channel\" option from the message's menu.", "search_results.usagePin3": "Pinned messages are accessible by all channel members and are a way to mark messages for future reference.", "setting_item_max.cancel": "취소", "setting_item_max.save": "저장", "setting_item_min.edit": "편집", "setting_picture.cancel": "취소", "setting_picture.help": "프로필 사진을 업로드하세요. (JPG 또는 PNG, 최소 크기: {width}px * {height}px)", "setting_picture.save": "저장", "setting_picture.select": "선택", "setting_upload.import": "가져오기", "setting_upload.noFile": "파일이 선택되지 않았습니다.", "setting_upload.select": "파일 선택", "sidebar.channels": "채널", "sidebar.createChannel": "채널 생성하기", "sidebar.createGroup": "그룹 생성하기", "sidebar.direct": "개인 메시지", "sidebar.favorite": "즐겨찾기", "sidebar.more": "더 보기", "sidebar.moreElips": "더 보기...", "sidebar.otherMembers": "팀 외부", "sidebar.pg": "비공개 그룹", "sidebar.removeList": "목록에서 제거", "sidebar.tutorialScreen1": "


    채널을 통해 주제별로 대화를 구성합니다. 팀의 모든 일원에게 공개되어 있습니다. 공개하고 싶지 않은 메시지는 개인 메시지비공개 그룹으로 전달할 수 있습니다.

    ", "sidebar.tutorialScreen2": "

    \"{townsquare}\" 와 \"{offtopic}\" 채널

    두 채널과 함께 시작합니다:

    {townsquare}(은)는 팀 전체의 소통을 위한 공간입니다. 모든 팀의 구성원들이 확인할 수 있습니다.

    {offtopic} 비업무 대화를 위한 공간입니다. 당신의 팀에 어떤 채널을 만들고 운영할지 결정할 수 있습니다.

    ", "sidebar.tutorialScreen3": "

    채널 만들고 가입하기

    \"더 보기...\"를 눌러 새로운 채널을 만들거나 기존 채널에 입장할 수 있습니다.

    채널이나 비공개 그룹의 헤더 옆에 \"+\" 표시 를 눌러 새로운 채널이나 비공개 그룹을 만들 수 있습니다.

    ", "sidebar.unreadAbove": "상단에 읽지않은 메시지", "sidebar.unreadBelow": "하단에 읽지않은 메시지", "sidebar_header.tutorial": "

    메인 메뉴

    메인 메뉴에서 회원 초대를 하거나, 계정 설정에 진입하여 테마 색상을 변경할 수 있습니다.

    팀 관리자는 메뉴에서 팀 설정에 진입할 수 있습니다.

    시스템 관리자는 관리자 도구 메뉴를 통해 시스템을 전체 설정을 관리할 수 있습니다.

    ", "sidebar_right_menu.accountSettings": "계정 설정", "sidebar_right_menu.console": "관리자 도구", "sidebar_right_menu.flagged": "중요 메시지", "sidebar_right_menu.help": "도움말", "sidebar_right_menu.inviteNew": "회원 초대하기", "sidebar_right_menu.logout": "로그아웃", "sidebar_right_menu.manageMembers": "회원 관리하기", "sidebar_right_menu.nativeApps": "애플리케이션 다운로드", "sidebar_right_menu.recentMentions": "최근 멘션", "sidebar_right_menu.report": "문제 보고", "sidebar_right_menu.teamLink": "가입 링크", "sidebar_right_menu.teamSettings": "팀 설정", "sidebar_right_menu.viewMembers": "회원 보기", "signup.email": "이메일과 패스워드", "signup.gitlab": "GitLab SSO", "signup.google": "Google 계정", "signup.ldap": "AD/LDAP Credentials", "signup.office365": "Office 365", "signup.title": "다음 계정으로 가입하기:", "signup_team.createTeam": "팀 생성하기", "signup_team.disabled": "팀을 생성할 수 없습니다. 시스템 관리자에게 문의하세요.", "signup_team.join_open": "가입할 수 있는 팀: ", "signup_team.noTeams": "There are no teams included in the Team Directory and team creation has been disabled.", "signup_team.no_open_teams": "No teams are available to join. Please ask your administrator for an invite.", "signup_team.no_open_teams_canCreate": "No teams are available to join. Please create a new team or ask your administrator for an invite.", "signup_team.no_teams": "No teams have been created. Please contact your administrator.", "signup_team.no_teams_canCreate": "No teams have been created. You may create one by clicking \"Create a new team\".", "signup_team.none": "No team creation method has been enabled. Please contact an administrator for access.", "signup_team_complete.completed": "You've already completed the signup process for this invitation or this invitation has expired.", "signup_team_confirm.checkEmail": "Please check your email: {email}
    Your email contains a link to set up your team", "signup_team_confirm.title": "가입 완료", "signup_team_system_console": "관리자 도구로 바로가기", "signup_user_completed.choosePwd": "패스워드를 입력하세요.", "signup_user_completed.chooseUser": "사용자명을 입력하세요.", "signup_user_completed.create": "계정 만들기", "signup_user_completed.emailHelp": "가입을 위해 유효한 이메일 계정이 필요합니다.", "signup_user_completed.emailIs": "Your email address is {email}. You'll use this address to sign in to {siteName}.", "signup_user_completed.expired": "You've already completed the signup process for this invitation or this invitation has expired.", "signup_user_completed.gitlab": "GitLab 계정으로 가입하기", "signup_user_completed.google": "Google 계정으로 가입하기", "signup_user_completed.haveAccount": "이미 계정이 있나요?", "signup_user_completed.invalid_invite": "The invite link was invalid. Please speak with your Administrator to receive an invitation.", "signup_user_completed.lets": "계정을 생성하고 시작해보세요!", "signup_user_completed.no_open_server": "This server does not allow open signups. Please speak with your Administrator to receive an invitation.", "signup_user_completed.none": "No user creation method has been enabled. Please contact an administrator for access.", "signup_user_completed.office365": "Office 365 계정으로 가입하기", "signup_user_completed.onSite": "on {siteName}", "signup_user_completed.or": "또는", "signup_user_completed.passwordLength": "최소 {min}글자 이상 입력하세요.", "signup_user_completed.required": "필수 항목입니다.", "signup_user_completed.reserved": "이미 사용중인 이름입니다.", "signup_user_completed.signIn": "이 곳을 클릭해서 로그인하세요.", "signup_user_completed.userHelp": "사용자명은 반드시 영문자로 시작하여야 하며, {min}글자 이상 {max}글자 이하 영문자, 숫자, 특수기호 '.', '-', '_'를 포함할 수 있습니다.", "signup_user_completed.usernameLength": "사용자명은 반드시 영문자로 시작하여야 하며, {min}글자 이상 {max}글자 이하 영문자, 숫자, 특수기호 '.', '-', '_'를 포함할 수 있습니다.", "signup_user_completed.validEmail": "유효한 이메일 주소를 입력해주세요.", "signup_user_completed.welcome": "환영합니다!", "signup_user_completed.whatis": "이메일 주소를 입력하세요.", "signup_user_completed.withLdap": "With your LDAP credentials", "sso_signup.find": "팀 찾기", "sso_signup.gitlab": "GitLab 계정으로 팀 만들기", "sso_signup.google": "Google 계정으로 팀 만들기", "sso_signup.length_error": "이름이 반드시 3글자 이상 15글자 이하가 되어야 합니다.", "sso_signup.teamName": "팀 이름을 입력하세요.", "sso_signup.team_error": "팀 이름을 입력하세요.", "suggestion.mention.all": "Notifies everyone in the channel, use in {townsquare} to notify the whole team", "suggestion.mention.channel": "모든 채널 회원들에게 알림을 보냅니다", "suggestion.mention.channels": "채널 더보기", "suggestion.mention.here": "채널에 접속 중인 회원들에게 알림을 보냅니다", "suggestion.mention.members": "채널 회원", "suggestion.mention.morechannels": "Other Channels", "suggestion.mention.nonmembers": "Not in Channel", "suggestion.mention.special": "Special Mentions", "suggestion.search.private": "비공개 그룹", "suggestion.search.public": "공개 채널", "team_export_tab.download": "다운로드", "team_export_tab.export": "내보내기", "team_export_tab.exportTeam": "팀 내보내기", "team_export_tab.exporting": " 내보내는 중...", "team_export_tab.ready": " Ready for ", "team_export_tab.unable": " 내보낼 수 없습니다: {error}", "team_import_tab.failure": " 가져오기 실패: ", "team_import_tab.import": "가져오기", "team_import_tab.importHelpDocsLink": "문서", "team_import_tab.importHelpExportInstructions": "Slack > Team Settings > Import/Export Data > Export > Start Export", "team_import_tab.importHelpExporterLink": "Slack Advanced Exporter", "team_import_tab.importHelpLine1": "Slack import to Mattermost supports importing of messages in your Slack team's public channels.", "team_import_tab.importHelpLine2": "To import a team from Slack, go to {exportInstructions}. See {uploadDocsLink} to learn more.", "team_import_tab.importHelpLine3": "To import posts with attached files, see {slackAdvancedExporterLink} for details.", "team_import_tab.importSlack": "Slack에서 가져오기 (Beta)", "team_import_tab.importing": " 가져오는 중...", "team_import_tab.successful": " 가져오기 성공: ", "team_import_tab.summary": "요약", "team_member_modal.close": "닫기", "team_member_modal.members": "{team} 회원", "team_members_dropdown.confirmDemoteDescription": "If you demote yourself from the System Admin role and there is not another user with System Admin privileges, you'll need to re-assign a System Admin by accessing the Mattermost server through a terminal and running the following command.", "team_members_dropdown.confirmDemoteRoleTitle": "Confirm demotion from System Admin role", "team_members_dropdown.confirmDemotion": "Confirm Demotion", "team_members_dropdown.confirmDemotionCmd": "platform roles system_admin {username}", "team_members_dropdown.inactive": "비활성", "team_members_dropdown.leave_team": "팀에서 추방하기", "team_members_dropdown.makeActive": "활성화", "team_members_dropdown.makeAdmin": "팀 관리자로 설정하기", "team_members_dropdown.makeInactive": "비활성화", "team_members_dropdown.makeMember": "회원으로 설정하기", "team_members_dropdown.member": "회원", "team_members_dropdown.systemAdmin": "시스템 관리자", "team_members_dropdown.teamAdmin": "팀 관리자", "team_settings_modal.exportTab": "내보내기", "team_settings_modal.generalTab": "일반", "team_settings_modal.importTab": "가져오기", "team_settings_modal.title": "팀 설정", "team_sidebar.join": "Other teams you can join.", "textbox.bold": "**굵게**", "textbox.edit": "메시지 편집", "textbox.help": "도움말", "textbox.inlinecode": "`인라인 코드`", "textbox.italic": "_기울게_", "textbox.preformatted": "```코드 블럭```", "textbox.preview": "미리보기", "textbox.quote": "> 인용", "textbox.strike": "취소선", "tutorial_intro.allSet": "모든 준비가 끝났습니다", "tutorial_intro.end": "“다음” 을 눌러 {channel}에 입장합니다. 이 곳은 팀에 가입한 회원들이 가장 먼저 보게되는 채널입니다. 모두가 알아야 할 내용을 공지할 때 이 채널을 사용하세요.", "tutorial_intro.invite": "회원을 초대", "tutorial_intro.mobileApps": "{link} 애플리케이션을 설치하여 접근성과 알림을 향상시키세요.", "tutorial_intro.mobileAppsLinkText": "PC, Mac, iOS, Android", "tutorial_intro.next": "다음", "tutorial_intro.screenOne": "



    모든 팀 커뮤니케이션 활동을 한 곳에 모아 빠르게 찾고 공유할 수 있습니다.

    팀 커뮤니케이션을 연결하여 가장 중요한 목표를 공유하세요.

    ", "tutorial_intro.screenTwo": "

    Mattermost를 활용하는 법:

    공개된 논의 채널, 비공개 그룹, 또는 개인 메시지를 통해 이야기를 나눌 수 있습니다.

    모든 내용은 저장되고, 웹페이지를 볼 수 있는 곳이라면 어디서든 검색 가능합니다.

    ", "tutorial_intro.skip": "튜토리얼 생략", "tutorial_intro.support": "도움이 필요하면 아래 이메일로 문의주세요 ", "tutorial_intro.teamInvite": "회원을 초대", "tutorial_intro.whenReady": "하여 시작하세요.", "tutorial_tip.next": "다음", "tutorial_tip.ok": "확인", "tutorial_tip.out": "이 팁 더이상 보지 않기.", "tutorial_tip.seen": "이미 알고 계신가요? ", "update_command.cancel": "취소", "update_command.confirm": "슬래시 명령어 추가", "update_command.question": "Your changes may break the existing slash command. Are you sure you would like to update it?", "update_command.update": "Update", "update_incoming_webhook.update": "Update", "update_outgoing_webhook.confirm": "Outgoing Webhook 추가하기", "update_outgoing_webhook.question": "Your changes may break the existing outgoing webhook. Are you sure you would like to update it?", "update_outgoing_webhook.update": "Update", "upload_overlay.info": "이 곳에 파일을 끌어 업로드하세요.", "user.settings.advance.embed_preview": "For the first web link in a message, display a preview of website content below the message, if available", "user.settings.advance.embed_toggle": "미리보기 토글 버튼 보여주기", "user.settings.advance.enabledFeatures": "{count, number}개 기능 활성화", "user.settings.advance.formattingDesc": "활성화 하면 링크, 이모티콘, 글자 스타일 등을 사용할 수 있습니다. 기본적으로 활성화 되있습니다. 설정을 변경하려면 페이지 새로고침이 필요합니다.", "user.settings.advance.formattingTitle": "마크다운으로 글쓰기", "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveDesc": "\"켜기\"를 선택하면 사용자가 채널에 입장하거나 퇴장했을 때 시스템 메시지가 표시됩니다. \"끄기\"를 선택하면, 입장/퇴장 메시지가 화면에 표시되지 않습니다. 이 설정과 관계없이 채널 초대되었을 때 알림을 받을 수 있습니다.", "user.settings.advance.joinLeaveTitle": "입장/퇴장 메시지 표시", "user.settings.advance.markdown_preview": "메시지 입력창에 마크다운 미리보기 옵션을 표시", "user.settings.advance.off": "끄기", "user.settings.advance.on": "켜기", "user.settings.advance.preReleaseDesc": "사용하고 싶은 시험판 기능을 선택하세요. 기능 활성화를 위해 페이지 새로고침이 필요할 수도 있습니다.", "user.settings.advance.preReleaseTitle": "시험판 기능 미리보기", "user.settings.advance.sendDesc": "활성화 하면 'Enter'키로 줄바꿈, 'Ctrl + Enter'키로 메시지를 보내게 됩니다.", "user.settings.advance.sendTitle": "Ctrl + Enter로 메시지 보내기", "user.settings.advance.slashCmd_autocmp": "외부 어플리케이션을 활성화하면 슬래시 명령어 자동 완성을 제안할 수 있습니다", "user.settings.advance.title": "고급 설정", "user.settings.advance.webrtc_preview": "Enable the ability to make and receive one-on-one WebRTC calls", "user.settings.custom_theme.awayIndicator": "Away Indicator", "user.settings.custom_theme.buttonBg": "Button BG", "user.settings.custom_theme.buttonColor": "Button Text", "user.settings.custom_theme.centerChannelBg": "Center Channel BG", "user.settings.custom_theme.centerChannelColor": "Center Channel Text", "user.settings.custom_theme.centerChannelTitle": "채널 영역 스타일", "user.settings.custom_theme.codeTheme": "Code Theme", "user.settings.custom_theme.copyPaste": "다음 테마 색상을 복사하여 공유:", "user.settings.custom_theme.linkButtonTitle": "링크, 버튼 스타일", "user.settings.custom_theme.linkColor": "Link Color", "user.settings.custom_theme.mentionBj": "Mention Jewel BG", "user.settings.custom_theme.mentionColor": "Mention Jewel Text", "user.settings.custom_theme.mentionHighlightBg": "Mention Highlight BG", "user.settings.custom_theme.mentionHighlightLink": "Mention Highlight Link", "user.settings.custom_theme.newMessageSeparator": "New Message Separator", "user.settings.custom_theme.onlineIndicator": "Online Indicator", "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarBg": "Sidebar BG", "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarHeaderBg": "Sidebar Header BG", "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarHeaderTextColor": "Sidebar Header Text", "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarText": "Sidebar Text", "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarTextActiveBorder": "Sidebar Text Active Border", "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarTextActiveColor": "Sidebar Text Active Color", "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarTextHoverBg": "Sidebar Text Hover BG", "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarTitle": "사이드바 스타일", "user.settings.custom_theme.sidebarUnreadText": "Sidebar Unread Text", "user.settings.display.channelDisplayTitle": "채널 화면 모드", "user.settings.display.channeldisplaymode": "채널 영역의 너비를 선택하세요.", "user.settings.display.clockDisplay": "시간 표시", "user.settings.display.collapseDesc": "Set whether previews of image links show as expanded or collapsed by default. This setting can also be controlled using the slash commands /expand and /collapse.", "user.settings.display.collapseDisplay": "Default appearance of image link previews", "user.settings.display.collapseOff": "Collapsed", "user.settings.display.collapseOn": "Expanded", "user.settings.display.fixedWidthCentered": "고정 너비, 가운데", "user.settings.display.fontDesc": "Mattermost 화면에서 보여질 폰트를 선택하세요.", "user.settings.display.fontTitle": "폰트", "user.settings.display.fullScreen": "전체 너비", "user.settings.display.language": "언어", "user.settings.display.messageDisplayClean": "표준", "user.settings.display.messageDisplayCleanDes": "읽기 쉽게 표시합니다.", "user.settings.display.messageDisplayCompact": "압축", "user.settings.display.messageDisplayCompactDes": "화면에 더 많은 메시지가 보이도록 압축해서 표시합니다.", "user.settings.display.messageDisplayDescription": "화면에 메시지가 어떻게 보여질지 선택합니다.", "user.settings.display.messageDisplayTitle": "메시지 표시", "user.settings.display.militaryClock": "24시간으로 보이기 (예: 16:00)", "user.settings.display.nameOptsDesc": "글과 대화 목록에서 사용자의 이름이 어떻게 표시될 지 선택하세요.", "user.settings.display.normalClock": "12시간으로 보이기 (예: 4:00 PM)", "user.settings.display.preferTime": "시간이 어떻게 표시될지 선택하세요.", "user.settings.display.showFullname": "본명으로 보기", "user.settings.display.showNickname": "별명이 있으면 별명으로 보기, 없으면 본명으로 보기", "user.settings.display.showUsername": "사용자명으로 보기 (기본)", "user.settings.display.teammateDisplay": "사용자명 표시", "user.settings.display.theme.applyToAllTeams": "가입한 모든 팀에서 새로운 테마를 적용합니다.", "user.settings.display.theme.customTheme": "커스텀 테마", "user.settings.display.theme.describe": "내 테마 관리하기", "user.settings.display.theme.import": "Slack 테마 불러오기", "user.settings.display.theme.otherThemes": "다른 테마 보기", "user.settings.display.theme.themeColors": "테마 선택", "user.settings.display.theme.title": "테마", "user.settings.display.title": "화면 설정", "user.settings.general.checkEmail": "Check your email at {email} to verify the address.", "user.settings.general.checkEmailNoAddress": "Check your email to verify your new address", "user.settings.general.close": "닫기", "user.settings.general.confirmEmail": "이메일 확인", "user.settings.general.email": "이메일", "user.settings.general.emailGitlabCantUpdate": "Login occurs through GitLab. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.", "user.settings.general.emailGoogleCantUpdate": "Login occurs through GitLab. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.", "user.settings.general.emailHelp1": "이메일은 접속, 알림 수신, 패스워드 변경 등에 사용됩니다. 이메일을 변경하면 재검증이 필요합니다.", "user.settings.general.emailHelp2": "이메일 기능이 시스템 관리자에 의해 비활성화 되었습니다. 활성화 되기 전까진 알림 메일이 발송되지 않습니다.", "user.settings.general.emailHelp3": "이메일은 접속, 알림 수신, 패스워드 변경 등에 사용됩니다.", "user.settings.general.emailHelp4": "{email}(으)로 검증메일이 발송됐습니다.", "user.settings.general.emailLdapCantUpdate": "Login occurs through LDAP. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.", "user.settings.general.emailMatch": "The new emails you entered do not match.", "user.settings.general.emailOffice365CantUpdate": "Login occurs through GitLab. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.", "user.settings.general.emailSamlCantUpdate": "Login occurs through SAML. Email cannot be updated. Email address used for notifications is {email}.", "user.settings.general.emailUnchanged": "새로 입력한 이메일 주소가 기존과 동일합니다.", "user.settings.general.emptyName": "'편집'을 클릭하여 본명을 설정", "user.settings.general.emptyNickname": "'편집'을 클릭하여 별명을 설정", "user.settings.general.emptyPosition": "Click 'Edit' to add your job title / position", "user.settings.general.field_handled_externally": "This field is handled through your login provider. If you want to change it, you need to do so through your login provider.", "user.settings.general.firstName": "이름", "user.settings.general.fullName": "본명", "user.settings.general.imageTooLarge": "이미지를 업로드 할 수 없습니다. 파일이 너무 큽니다.", "user.settings.general.imageUpdated": "Image last updated {date}", "user.settings.general.lastName": "성", "user.settings.general.loginGitlab": "Login done through GitLab ({email})", "user.settings.general.loginGoogle": "Login done through GitLab ({email})", "user.settings.general.loginLdap": "Login done through LDAP ({email})", "user.settings.general.loginOffice365": "Login done through GitLab ({email})", "user.settings.general.loginSaml": "Login done through SAML ({email})", "user.settings.general.newAddress": "New Address: {email}
    Check your email to verify the above address.", "user.settings.general.nickname": "별명", "user.settings.general.nicknameExtra": "본명과 사용자명과는 다르게 불리는 고유한 이름을 사용하세요. 비슷한 이름을 가진 사람들이 모여있을 때 자주 사용됩니다.", "user.settings.general.notificationsExtra": "기본적으로 이 곳에 설정된 이름으로 언급되었을 때 멘션 알림을 받게됩니다. {notify}에서 기본 설정을 변경하세요.", "user.settings.general.notificationsLink": "알림", "user.settings.general.position": "Position", "user.settings.general.positionExtra": "Use Position for your role or job title. This will be shown in your profile popover.", "user.settings.general.primaryEmail": "주 이메일", "user.settings.general.profilePicture": "프로필 사진", "user.settings.general.title": "일반 설정", "user.settings.general.uploadImage": "'편집'을 클릭하여 사진 업로드", "user.settings.general.username": "사용자명", "user.settings.general.usernameInfo": "팀원들에게 불리기 쉬운 이름을 선택하세요.", "user.settings.general.usernameReserved": "예약된 사용자명입니다. 다른 이름을 선택하세요.", "user.settings.general.usernameRestrictions": "Username must begin with a letter, and contain between {min} to {max} lowercase characters made up of numbers, letters, and the symbols '.', '-', and '_'.", "user.settings.general.validEmail": "유효한 이메일 주소를 입력하세요.", "user.settings.general.validImage": "JPG 또는 PNG 이미지만 프로필 사진으로 사용할 수 있습니다.", "user.settings.import_theme.cancel": "취소", "user.settings.import_theme.importBody": "Slack 의 팀 메뉴에서 “Preferences -> Sidebar Theme”를 선택하세요. Custom theme 옵션을 선택 후, 테마 색상 값들을 복사하여 이 곳에 붙여넣으세요.", "user.settings.import_theme.importHeader": "Slack 테마 불러오기", "user.settings.import_theme.submit": "적용", "user.settings.import_theme.submitError": "Invalid format, please try copying and pasting in again.", "user.settings.languages.change": "언어 변경", "user.settings.languages.promote": "어떤 언어로 Mattermost 인터페이스를 표시할지 선택하세요.

    ? Mattermost 번역 서버에 가입하여 번역 품질에 기여해주세요.", "user.settings.mfa.add": "Add MFA to your account", "user.settings.mfa.addHelp": "Adding multi-factor authentication will make your account more secure by requiring a code from your mobile phone each time you sign in.", "user.settings.mfa.addHelpQr": "Please scan the bar code with the Google Authenticator app on your smartphone and fill in the token with one provided by the app.", "user.settings.mfa.enterToken": "토큰 (숫자만)", "user.settings.mfa.qrCode": "바코드", "user.settings.mfa.remove": "Remove MFA from your account", "user.settings.mfa.removeHelp": "Removing multi-factor authentication means you will no longer require a phone-based passcode to sign-in to your account.", "user.settings.mfa.requiredHelp": "Multi-factor authentication is required on this server. Resetting is only recommended when you need to switch code generation to a new mobile device. You will be required to set it up again immediately.", "user.settings.mfa.reset": "Remove MFA from your account", "user.settings.mfa.secret": "보안", "user.settings.mfa.title": "Enable Multi-factor Authentication:", "user.settings.modal.advanced": "고급", "user.settings.modal.confirmBtns": "네, 취소합니다.", "user.settings.modal.confirmMsg": "저장되지 않은 변경사항이 있습니다, 저장하지 않고 취소하겠습니까?", "user.settings.modal.confirmTitle": "변경을 취소하시겠습니까?", "user.settings.modal.display": "화면", "user.settings.modal.general": "일반", "user.settings.modal.notifications": "알림", "user.settings.modal.security": "보안", "user.settings.modal.title": "계정 설정", "user.settings.notifications.allActivity": "모든 활동", "user.settings.notifications.channelWide": "채널 전체 멘션 \"@channel\", \"@all\"", "user.settings.notifications.close": "닫기", "user.settings.notifications.comments": "답글 알림", "user.settings.notifications.commentsAny": "등록하거나 답변했던 모든 스레드의 답변에 대해 알림", "user.settings.notifications.commentsInfo": "답글에 대한 알림 옵션을 선택해주세요.", "user.settings.notifications.commentsNever": "사용 안함", "user.settings.notifications.commentsRoot": "등록한 모든 스레드의 답변에 대해 알림", "user.settings.notifications.desktop": "알림 받기", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.allFirefoxForever": "모든 활동에 대해 무기한 보여줍니다.", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.allFirefoxTimed": "모든 활동에 대해, {seconds}초 동안 보여줍니다.", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.allNoSoundForever": "모든 활동에 대해, 소리 없이 무기한 보여줍니다.", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.allNoSoundTimed": "모든 활동에 대해, 소리 없이 {seconds}초 동안 보여줍니다.", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundForever": "모든 활동에 대해 무기한 보여줍니다.", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.allSoundTimed": "모든 활동에 대해 {seconds}초 동안 보여줍니다.", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.duration": "알림 지속시간", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.durationInfo": "Sets how long desktop notifications will remain on screen when using Firefox or Chrome. Desktop notifications in Edge and Safari can only stay on screen for a maximum of 5 seconds.", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxForever": "개인 메시지와 멘션에 대해 무기한 보여줍니다", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsFirefoxTimed": "개인 메시지와 멘션에 대해, {seconds}초 동안 보여줍니다.", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsNoSoundForever": "개인 메시지와 멘션에 대해, 소리 없이 무기한 보여줍니다.", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsNoSoundTimed": "개인 메시지와 멘션에 대해, 소리 없이 {seconds}초 동안 보여줍니다.", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsSoundForever": "개인 메시지와 멘션에 대해 무기한 보여줍니다.", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.mentionsSoundTimed": "개인 메시지와 멘션에 대해, {seconds}초 동안 보여줍니다.", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.seconds": "{seconds}초 동안", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.sound": "알림음", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.title": "데스크탑 알림", "user.settings.notifications.desktop.unlimited": "제한 없음", "user.settings.notifications.desktopSounds": "데스크탑 알림음", "user.settings.notifications.email.everyHour": "매 시간마다", "user.settings.notifications.email.everyXMinutes": "Every {count, plural, one {minute} other {{count, number} minutes}}", "user.settings.notifications.email.immediately": "바로", "user.settings.notifications.email.never": "사용 안함", "user.settings.notifications.email.send": "알림 받기", "user.settings.notifications.emailBatchingInfo": "Notifications received over the time period selected are combined and sent in a single email.", "user.settings.notifications.emailInfo": "이메일 알림은 멘션 혹은 개인 메세지를 받았을때, 당신이 {siteName}로부터 오프라인 상태로 60초가 지났거나 자리비움상태로 5분 이상 지났을때 알림이 갑니다.", "user.settings.notifications.emailNotifications": "이메일 알림", "user.settings.notifications.header": "알림", "user.settings.notifications.info": "Desktop notifications are available on Edge, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Mattermost Desktop Apps.", "user.settings.notifications.mentionsInfo": "Mentions trigger when someone sends a message that includes your username (\"@{username}\") or any of the options selected above.", "user.settings.notifications.never": "사용 안함", "user.settings.notifications.noWords": "설정한 단어가 없습니다", "user.settings.notifications.off": "사용 안함", "user.settings.notifications.on": "사용함", "user.settings.notifications.onlyMentions": "개인 메시지와 멘션", "user.settings.notifications.push": "모바일 푸시 알림", "user.settings.notifications.push_notification.status": "지정한 상태일 때 모바일 푸시 알림", "user.settings.notifications.sensitiveName": "내 이름 \"{first_name}\" (대소문자 구별 안함)", "user.settings.notifications.sensitiveUsername": "내 사용자명 \"{username}\" (대소문자 구별 안함)", "user.settings.notifications.sensitiveWords": "다른 알림받을 단어들을 쉼표로 구분하여 입력: (대소문자 구별 안함)", "user.settings.notifications.soundConfig": "브라우저 설정에서 알림 소리를 변경하세요", "user.settings.notifications.sounds_info": "Notification sounds are available on IE11, Edge, Safari, Chrome and Mattermost Desktop Apps.", "user.settings.notifications.teamWide": "팀 전체 멘션 \"@all\"", "user.settings.notifications.title": "알림 설정", "user.settings.notifications.wordsTrigger": "멘션 알림", "user.settings.push_notification.allActivity": "For all activity", "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityAway": "오프라인이거나 자리비움 상태일 때의 모든 활동", "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOffline": "오프라인일 때의 모든 활동", "user.settings.push_notification.allActivityOnline": "온라인, 오프라인, 자리비움 상태의 모든 활동", "user.settings.push_notification.away": "오프라인이거나 자리비움", "user.settings.push_notification.disabled": "시스템 관리자에 의해 비활성화 됨", "user.settings.push_notification.disabled_long": "모바일 기기를 위한 푸시 알림 기능이 시스템 관리자에 의해 비활성화 되었습니다.", "user.settings.push_notification.info": "지정한 활동에 대해서만 모바일 푸시 알림을 받습니다.", "user.settings.push_notification.off": "끄기", "user.settings.push_notification.offline": "오프라인", "user.settings.push_notification.online": "온라인, 오프라인, 자리비움", "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentions": "For mentions and direct messages", "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsAway": "오프라인이거나 자리를 비웠을 때, 개인 메시지와 멘션에 대해 알림", "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOffline": "오프라인일 때, 개인 메시지와 멘션에 대해 알림", "user.settings.push_notification.onlyMentionsOnline": "모든 개인 메시지와 멘션에 대해 알림", "user.settings.push_notification.send": "알림 받기", "user.settings.push_notification.status": "지정한 상태일 때 모바일 푸시 알림", "user.settings.push_notification.status_info": "지정한 상태일때만 모바일 푸시 알림을 받습니다.", "user.settings.security.active": "Active", "user.settings.security.close": "닫기", "user.settings.security.currentPassword": "현재 패스워드", "user.settings.security.currentPasswordError": "현재 패스워드를 입력해주세요", "user.settings.security.deauthorize": "Deauthorize", "user.settings.security.emailPwd": "이메일과 패스워드", "user.settings.security.gitlab": "GitLab", "user.settings.security.google": "Google", "user.settings.security.inactive": "Inactive", "user.settings.security.lastUpdated": "{date} {time} 에 마지막으로 변경됨", "user.settings.security.ldap": "AD/LDAP", "user.settings.security.loginGitlab": "Gitlab을 통해 로그인 되었습니다.", "user.settings.security.loginGoogle": "Login done through Google Apps", "user.settings.security.loginLdap": "LDAP을 통해 로그인 되었습니다.", "user.settings.security.loginOffice365": "Login done through Office 365", "user.settings.security.loginSaml": "Gitlab을 통해 로그인 되었습니다.", "user.settings.security.logoutActiveSessions": "활성화 된 세션 보기/로그아웃 하기", "user.settings.security.method": "접속 방식", "user.settings.security.newPassword": "새로운 패스워드", "user.settings.security.noApps": "허가된 OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션이 없습니다.", "user.settings.security.oauthApps": "OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션", "user.settings.security.oauthAppsDescription": "'편집'을 눌러 OAuth 2.0 애플리케이션을 관리하세요", "user.settings.security.oauthAppsHelp": "Applications act on your behalf to access your data based on the permissions you grant them.", "user.settings.security.office365": "Office 365", "user.settings.security.oneSignin": "You may only have one sign-in method at a time. Switching sign-in method will send an email notifying you if the change was successful.", "user.settings.security.password": "패스워드", "user.settings.security.passwordError": "패스워드는 반드시 {min}개 이상의 글자를 포함해야 합니다.", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorLowercase": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter.", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorLowercaseNumber": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter and at least one number.", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorLowercaseNumberSymbol": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter, at least one number, and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorLowercaseSymbol": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorLowercaseUppercase": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter and at least one uppercase letter.", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorLowercaseUppercaseNumber": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, and at least one number.", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorLowercaseUppercaseNumberSymbol": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, at least one number, and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorLowercaseUppercaseSymbol": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorNumber": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one number.", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorNumberSymbol": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one number and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorSymbol": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorUppercase": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one uppercase letter.", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorUppercaseNumber": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one uppercase letter and at least one number.", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorUppercaseNumberSymbol": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one uppercase letter, at least one number, and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").", "user.settings.security.passwordErrorUppercaseSymbol": "Your password must contain at least {min} characters made up of at least one uppercase letter and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\").", "user.settings.security.passwordGitlabCantUpdate": "Login occurs through GitLab. Password cannot be updated.", "user.settings.security.passwordGoogleCantUpdate": "Login occurs through GitLab. Password cannot be updated.", "user.settings.security.passwordLdapCantUpdate": "Login occurs through LDAP. Password cannot be updated.", "user.settings.security.passwordMatchError": "다시 입력한 새로운 패스워드가 일치하지 않습니다.", "user.settings.security.passwordMinLength": "Invalid minimum length, cannot show preview.", "user.settings.security.passwordOffice365CantUpdate": "Login occurs through GitLab. Password cannot be updated.", "user.settings.security.passwordSamlCantUpdate": "This field is handled through your login provider. If you want to change it, you need to do so through your login provider.", "user.settings.security.retypePassword": "새로운 패스워드 확인", "user.settings.security.saml": "SAML", "user.settings.security.switchEmail": "이메일과 패스워드를 사용하도록 변경", "user.settings.security.switchGitlab": "GitLab SSO을 사용하도록 변경", "user.settings.security.switchGoogle": "Google SSO을 사용하도록 변경", "user.settings.security.switchLdap": "LDAP을 사용하도록 변경", "user.settings.security.switchOffice365": "Office 365 SSO을 사용하도록 변경", "user.settings.security.switchSaml": "SAML SSO을 사용하도록 변경", "user.settings.security.title": "보안 설정", "user.settings.security.viewHistory": "접속 내역 보기", "user_list.notFound": "사용자를 찾을 수 없습니다 :(", "user_profile.send.dm": "Send Message", "user_profile.webrtc.call": "영상통화 시작", "user_profile.webrtc.offline": "사용자가 오프라인입니다", "user_profile.webrtc.unavailable": "New call unavailable until your existing call ends", "view_image.loading": "로딩 중 ", "view_image_popover.download": "다운로드", "view_image_popover.file": "파일 {total}개 중 {count}개", "view_image_popover.publicLink": "공개 링크 보기", "web.footer.about": "알아보기", "web.footer.help": "도움말", "web.footer.privacy": "정책", "web.footer.terms": "서비스 약관", "web.header.back": "돌아가기", "web.header.logout": "로그아웃", "web.root.signup_info": "모든 팀 커뮤니케이션 활동을 한 곳에 모아 빠르게 찾고 공유할 수 있습니다.", "webrtc.busy": "{username} is busy.", "webrtc.call": "통화", "webrtc.callEnded": "{username}과/와의 통화가 종료되었습니다.", "webrtc.cancel": "통화 취소", "webrtc.cancelled": "{username} cancelled the call.", "webrtc.declined": "Your call has been declined by {username}.", "webrtc.disabled": "{username} has WebRTC disabled, and cannot receive calls. To enable the feature, they must go to Account Settings > Advanced > Preview pre-release features and turn on WebRTC.", "webrtc.failed": "There was a problem connecting the video call.", "webrtc.hangup": "끊어짐", "webrtc.header": "{username}과/와의 통화", "webrtc.inProgress": "You have a call in progress. Please hangup first.", "webrtc.mediaError": "Unable to access camera or microphone.", "webrtc.mute_audio": "마이크 음소거", "webrtc.noAnswer": "{username} is not answering the call.", "webrtc.notification.answer": "응답", "webrtc.notification.decline": "거부", "webrtc.notification.incoming_call": "{username} is calling you.", "webrtc.notification.returnToCall": "Return to ongoing call with {username}", "webrtc.offline": "{username}(이)가 오프라인입니다.", "webrtc.pause_video": "카메라 끄기", "webrtc.unmute_audio": "Unmute microphone", "webrtc.unpause_video": "카메라 켜기", "webrtc.unsupported": "{username}의 클라이언트가 영상통화를 지원하지 않습니다.", "youtube_video.notFound": "패스워드를 찾을 수 없습니다." }