// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx'; import UserStore from 'stores/user_store.jsx'; export function importComponentSuccess(callback) { return (comp) => callback(null, comp.default); } export function createGetChildComponentsFunction(arrayOfComponents) { return (locaiton, callback) => callback(null, arrayOfComponents); } export const notFoundParams = { title: Utils.localizeMessage('error.not_found.title', 'Page not found'), message: Utils.localizeMessage('error.not_found.message', 'The page you were trying to reach does not exist'), link: '/', linkmessage: Utils.localizeMessage('error.not_found.link_message', 'Back to Mattermost') }; const mfaPaths = [ '/mfa/setup', '/mfa/confirm' ]; const mfaAuthServices = [ '', 'email', 'ldap' ]; export function checkIfMFARequired(state) { if (window.mm_license.MFA === 'true' && window.mm_config.EnableMultifactorAuthentication === 'true' && window.mm_config.EnforceMultifactorAuthentication === 'true' && mfaPaths.indexOf(state.location.pathname) === -1) { const user = UserStore.getCurrentUser(); if (user && !user.mfa_active && mfaAuthServices.indexOf(user.auth_service) !== -1) { return true; } } return false; }