// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import Client from '../client/web_client.jsx'; import AppDispatcher from '../dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx'; import Constants from 'utils/constants.jsx'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import * as Emoji from 'utils/emoji.jsx'; const ActionTypes = Constants.ActionTypes; const CHANGE_EVENT = 'changed'; const MAXIMUM_RECENT_EMOJI = 27; // Wrap the contents of the store so that we don't need to construct an ES6 map where most of the content // (the system emojis) will never change. It provides the get/has functions of a map and an iterator so // that it can be used in for..of loops export class EmojiMap { constructor(customEmojis) { this.customEmojis = customEmojis; // Store customEmojis to an array so we can iterate it more easily this.customEmojisArray = [...customEmojis]; } has(name) { return Emoji.EmojiIndicesByAlias.has(name) || this.customEmojis.has(name); } get(name) { if (Emoji.EmojiIndicesByAlias.has(name)) { return Emoji.Emojis[Emoji.EmojiIndicesByAlias.get(name)]; } return this.customEmojis.get(name); } [Symbol.iterator]() { const customEmojisArray = this.customEmojisArray; return { systemIndex: 0, customIndex: 0, next() { if (this.systemIndex < Emoji.Emojis.length) { const emoji = Emoji.Emojis[this.systemIndex]; this.systemIndex += 1; return {value: [emoji.aliases[0], emoji]}; } if (this.customIndex < customEmojisArray.length) { const emoji = customEmojisArray[this.customIndex][1]; this.customIndex += 1; return {value: [emoji.name, emoji]}; } return {done: true}; } }; } } class EmojiStore extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this.dispatchToken = AppDispatcher.register(this.handleEventPayload.bind(this)); this.setMaxListeners(600); this.receivedCustomEmojis = false; this.customEmojis = new Map(); this.map = new EmojiMap(this.customEmojis); } addChangeListener(callback) { this.on(CHANGE_EVENT, callback); } removeChangeListener(callback) { this.removeListener(CHANGE_EVENT, callback); } emitChange() { this.emit(CHANGE_EVENT); } hasReceivedCustomEmojis() { return this.receivedCustomEmojis; } setCustomEmojis(customEmojis) { customEmojis.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name)); this.customEmojis = new Map(); for (const emoji of customEmojis) { this.addCustomEmoji(emoji); } this.map = new EmojiMap(this.customEmojis); } addCustomEmoji(emoji) { this.customEmojis.set(emoji.name, emoji); } removeCustomEmoji(id) { for (const [name, emoji] of this.customEmojis) { if (emoji.id === id) { this.customEmojis.delete(name); break; } } } hasSystemEmoji(name) { return Emoji.EmojiIndicesByAlias.has(name); } getCustomEmojiMap() { return this.customEmojis; } getEmojis() { return this.map; } has(name) { return this.map.has(name); } get(name) { return this.map.get(name); } removeRecentEmoji(id) { const recentEmojis = this.getRecentEmojis(); for (let i = recentEmojis.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (recentEmojis[i].id === id) { recentEmojis.splice(i, 1); break; } } localStorage.setItem(Constants.RECENT_EMOJI_KEY, JSON.stringify(recentEmojis)); } addRecentEmoji(rawAlias) { const recentEmojis = this.getRecentEmojis(); const alias = rawAlias.split(':').join(''); let emoji = this.getCustomEmojiMap().get(alias); if (!emoji) { const emojiIndex = Emoji.EmojiIndicesByAlias.get(alias); emoji = Emoji.Emojis[emojiIndex]; } if (!emoji) { // something is wrong, so we return return; } // odd workaround to the lack of array.findLastIndex - reverse looping & splice for (let i = recentEmojis.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((emoji.name && recentEmojis[i].name === emoji.name) || (emoji.filename && recentEmojis[i].filename === emoji.filename)) { recentEmojis.splice(i, 1); break; } } recentEmojis.push(emoji); // cut off the _top_ if it's over length (since new are added to end) if (recentEmojis.length > MAXIMUM_RECENT_EMOJI) { recentEmojis.splice(0, recentEmojis.length - MAXIMUM_RECENT_EMOJI); } localStorage.setItem(Constants.RECENT_EMOJI_KEY, JSON.stringify(recentEmojis)); } getRecentEmojis() { const result = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(Constants.RECENT_EMOJI_KEY)); if (!result) { return []; } return result; } hasUnicode(codepoint) { return Emoji.EmojiIndicesByUnicode.has(codepoint); } getUnicode(codepoint) { return Emoji.Emojis[Emoji.EmojiIndicesByUnicode.get(codepoint)]; } getEmojiImageUrl(emoji) { if (emoji.id) { return Client.getCustomEmojiImageUrl(emoji.id); } const filename = emoji.filename || emoji.aliases[0]; return Constants.EMOJI_PATH + '/' + filename + '.png'; } handleEventPayload(payload) { const action = payload.action; switch (action.type) { case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_CUSTOM_EMOJIS: this.setCustomEmojis(action.emojis); this.receivedCustomEmojis = true; this.emitChange(); break; case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_CUSTOM_EMOJI: this.addCustomEmoji(action.emoji); this.emitChange(); break; case ActionTypes.REMOVED_CUSTOM_EMOJI: this.removeCustomEmoji(action.id); this.removeRecentEmoji(action.id); this.emitChange(); break; case ActionTypes.EMOJI_POSTED: this.addRecentEmoji(action.alias); this.emitChange(); break; } } } export default new EmojiStore();