// Copyright (c) 2016 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import AppDispatcher from '../dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import Constants from 'utils/constants.jsx'; import UserStore from './user_store.jsx'; import ChannelStore from './channel_store.jsx'; import PreferenceStore from './preference_store.jsx'; import * as UserAgent from 'utils/user_agent.jsx'; import * as Utils from 'utils/utils.jsx'; import * as PostUtils from 'utils/post_utils.jsx'; const ActionTypes = Constants.ActionTypes; const CHANGE_EVENT = 'change'; class NotificationStoreClass extends EventEmitter { emitChange() { this.emit(CHANGE_EVENT); } addChangeListener(callback) { this.on(CHANGE_EVENT, callback); } removeChangeListener(callback) { this.removeListener(CHANGE_EVENT, callback); } setFocus(focus) { this.inFocus = focus; } handleRecievedPost(post, msgProps) { // Send desktop notification if ((UserStore.getCurrentId() !== post.user_id || post.props.from_webhook === 'true')) { if (PostUtils.isSystemMessage(post)) { return; } else if (!PreferenceStore.getBool(Constants.Preferences.CATEGORY_ADVANCED_SETTINGS, 'join_leave', true) && post.type === Constants.POST_TYPE_JOIN_LEAVE) { return; } let mentions = []; if (msgProps.mentions) { mentions = JSON.parse(msgProps.mentions); } const teamId = msgProps.team_id; let channel = ChannelStore.get(post.channel_id); const user = UserStore.getCurrentUser(); const member = ChannelStore.getMyMember(post.channel_id); let notifyLevel = member && member.notify_props ? member.notify_props.desktop : 'default'; if (notifyLevel === 'default') { notifyLevel = user.notify_props.desktop; } if (notifyLevel === 'none') { return; } else if (notifyLevel === 'mention' && mentions.indexOf(user.id) === -1 && msgProps.channel_type !== Constants.DM_CHANNEL) { return; } let username = Utils.localizeMessage('channel_loader.someone', 'Someone'); if (post.props.override_username && global.window.mm_config.EnablePostUsernameOverride === 'true') { username = post.props.override_username; } else if (msgProps.sender_name) { username = msgProps.sender_name; } else if (UserStore.hasProfile(post.user_id)) { username = UserStore.getProfile(post.user_id).username; } let title = Utils.localizeMessage('channel_loader.posted', 'Posted'); if (!channel) { title = msgProps.channel_display_name; channel = { name: msgProps.channel_name }; } else if (channel.type === Constants.DM_CHANNEL) { title = Utils.localizeMessage('notification.dm', 'Direct Message'); } else { title = channel.display_name; } let notifyText = post.message.replace(/\n+/g, ' '); if (notifyText.length > 50) { notifyText = notifyText.substring(0, 49) + '...'; } let body = ''; if (notifyText.length === 0) { if (msgProps.image) { body = username + Utils.localizeMessage('channel_loader.uploadedImage', ' uploaded an image'); } else if (msgProps.otherFile) { body = username + Utils.localizeMessage('channel_loader.uploadedFile', ' uploaded a file'); } else { body = username + Utils.localizeMessage('channel_loader.something', ' did something new'); } } else { body = username + Utils.localizeMessage('channel_loader.wrote', ' wrote: ') + notifyText; } let duration = Constants.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_DURATION; if (user.notify_props && user.notify_props.desktop_duration) { duration = parseInt(user.notify_props.desktop_duration, 10) * 1000; } //Play a sound if explicitly set in settings const sound = !user.notify_props || user.notify_props.desktop_sound === 'true'; // Notify if you're not looking in the right channel or when // the window itself is not active const activeChannel = ChannelStore.getCurrent(); const channelId = channel ? channel.id : null; const notify = (activeChannel && activeChannel.id !== channelId) || !this.inFocus; if (notify) { Utils.notifyMe(title, body, channel, teamId, duration, !sound); //Don't add extra sounds on native desktop clients if (sound && !UserAgent.isWindowsApp() && !UserAgent.isMacApp() && !UserAgent.isMobileApp()) { Utils.ding(); } } } } } var NotificationStore = new NotificationStoreClass(); NotificationStore.dispatchToken = AppDispatcher.register((payload) => { const action = payload.action; switch (action.type) { case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_POST: NotificationStore.handleRecievedPost(action.post, action.websocketMessageProps); NotificationStore.emitChange(); break; case ActionTypes.BROWSER_CHANGE_FOCUS: NotificationStore.setFocus(action.focus); break; } }); export default NotificationStore;