// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import AppDispatcher from '../dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import ChannelStore from 'stores/channel_store.jsx'; import BrowserStore from 'stores/browser_store.jsx'; import UserStore from 'stores/user_store.jsx'; import Constants from 'utils/constants.jsx'; const ActionTypes = Constants.ActionTypes; const CHANGE_EVENT = 'change'; const FOCUSED_POST_CHANGE = 'focused_post_change'; const EDIT_POST_EVENT = 'edit_post'; const POSTS_VIEW_JUMP_EVENT = 'post_list_jump'; const SELECTED_POST_CHANGE_EVENT = 'selected_post_change'; class PostStoreClass extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this.selectedPostId = null; this.postsInfo = {}; this.latestPageTime = {}; this.currentFocusedPostId = null; } emitChange() { this.emit(CHANGE_EVENT); } addChangeListener(callback) { this.on(CHANGE_EVENT, callback); } removeChangeListener(callback) { this.removeListener(CHANGE_EVENT, callback); } emitPostFocused() { this.emit(FOCUSED_POST_CHANGE); } addPostFocusedListener(callback) { this.on(FOCUSED_POST_CHANGE, callback); } removePostFocusedListener(callback) { this.removeListener(FOCUSED_POST_CHANGE, callback); } emitEditPost(post) { this.emit(EDIT_POST_EVENT, post); } addEditPostListener(callback) { this.on(EDIT_POST_EVENT, callback); } removeEditPostListner(callback) { this.removeListener(EDIT_POST_EVENT, callback); } emitPostsViewJump(type, post) { this.emit(POSTS_VIEW_JUMP_EVENT, type, post); } addPostsViewJumpListener(callback) { this.on(POSTS_VIEW_JUMP_EVENT, callback); } removePostsViewJumpListener(callback) { this.removeListener(POSTS_VIEW_JUMP_EVENT, callback); } jumpPostsViewToBottom() { this.emitPostsViewJump(Constants.PostsViewJumpTypes.BOTTOM, null); } jumpPostsViewToPost(post) { this.emitPostsViewJump(Constants.PostsViewJumpTypes.POST, post); } jumpPostsViewSidebarOpen() { this.emitPostsViewJump(Constants.PostsViewJumpTypes.SIDEBAR_OPEN, null); } // All this does is makes sure the postsInfo is not null for the specified channel makePostsInfo(id) { if (!this.postsInfo.hasOwnProperty(id)) { this.postsInfo[id] = {}; } } getPost(channelId, postId) { const postInfo = this.postsInfo[channelId]; if (postInfo == null) { return null; } const posts = postInfo.postList; let post = null; if (posts.posts.hasOwnProperty(postId)) { post = posts.posts[postId]; } return post; } getAllPosts(id) { if (this.postsInfo.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return this.postsInfo[id].postList; } return null; } getEarliestPost(id) { if (this.postsInfo.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return this.postsInfo[id].postList.posts[this.postsInfo[id].postList.order[this.postsInfo[id].postList.order.length - 1]]; } return null; } getLatestPost(id) { if (this.postsInfo.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return this.postsInfo[id].postList.posts[this.postsInfo[id].postList.order[0]]; } return null; } getLatestPostFromPageTime(id) { if (this.latestPageTime.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return this.latestPageTime[id]; } return 0; } getVisiblePosts(id) { if (this.postsInfo.hasOwnProperty(id) && this.postsInfo[id].hasOwnProperty('postList')) { const postList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.postsInfo[id].postList)); // Only limit visibility if we are not focused on a post if (this.currentFocusedPostId === null) { postList.order = postList.order.slice(0, this.postsInfo[id].endVisible); } // Add pending posts if (this.postsInfo[id].hasOwnProperty('pendingPosts')) { Object.assign(postList.posts, this.postsInfo[id].pendingPosts.posts); postList.order = this.postsInfo[id].pendingPosts.order.concat(postList.order); } return postList; } return null; } getVisibilityAtTop(id) { if (this.postsInfo.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return this.postsInfo[id].atTop && this.postsInfo[id].endVisible >= this.postsInfo[id].postList.order.length; } return false; } getVisibilityAtBottom(id) { if (this.postsInfo.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return this.postsInfo[id].atBottom; } return false; } // Returns true if posts need to be fetched requestVisibilityIncrease(id, amount) { const endVisible = this.postsInfo[id].endVisible; const postList = this.postsInfo[id].postList; if (this.getVisibilityAtTop(id)) { return false; } this.postsInfo[id].endVisible += amount; this.emitChange(); return endVisible + amount > postList.order.length; } getFocusedPostId() { return this.currentFocusedPostId; } storePosts(id, newPosts, checkLatest) { if (isPostListNull(newPosts)) { return; } if (checkLatest) { const currentLatest = this.latestPageTime[id] || 0; if (newPosts.order.length >= 1) { const newLatest = newPosts.posts[newPosts.order[0]].create_at || 0; if (newLatest > currentLatest) { this.latestPageTime[id] = newLatest; } } else if (currentLatest === 0) { // Mark that an empty page was received this.latestPageTime[id] = 1; } } const combinedPosts = makePostListNonNull(this.getAllPosts(id)); for (const pid in newPosts.posts) { if (newPosts.posts.hasOwnProperty(pid)) { const np = newPosts.posts[pid]; if (np.delete_at === 0) { combinedPosts.posts[pid] = np; if (combinedPosts.order.indexOf(pid) === -1 && newPosts.order.indexOf(pid) !== -1) { combinedPosts.order.push(pid); } } else if (combinedPosts.posts.hasOwnProperty(pid)) { combinedPosts.posts[pid] = Object.assign({}, np, { state: Constants.POST_DELETED, fileIds: [] }); } } } combinedPosts.order.sort((a, b) => { if (combinedPosts.posts[a].create_at > combinedPosts.posts[b].create_at) { return -1; } if (combinedPosts.posts[a].create_at < combinedPosts.posts[b].create_at) { return 1; } return 0; }); this.makePostsInfo(id); this.postsInfo[id].postList = combinedPosts; } storePost(post) { const postList = makePostListNonNull(this.getAllPosts(post.channel_id)); if (post.pending_post_id !== '') { this.removePendingPost(post.channel_id, post.pending_post_id); } post.pending_post_id = ''; postList.posts[post.id] = post; if (postList.order.indexOf(post.id) === -1) { postList.order.unshift(post.id); } this.makePostsInfo(post.channel_id); this.postsInfo[post.channel_id].postList = postList; } storeFocusedPost(postId, channelId, postList) { const focusedPost = postList.posts[postId]; if (!focusedPost) { return; } this.currentFocusedPostId = postId; this.storePosts(postId, postList); this.storePosts(channelId, postList); } checkBounds(id, numRequested, postList, before) { if (numRequested > postList.order.length) { if (before) { this.postsInfo[id].atTop = true; } else { this.postsInfo[id].atBottom = true; } } } clearFocusedPost() { if (this.currentFocusedPostId != null) { Reflect.deleteProperty(this.postsInfo, this.currentFocusedPostId); this.currentFocusedPostId = null; } } clearChannelVisibility(id, atBottom) { this.makePostsInfo(id); this.postsInfo[id].endVisible = Constants.POST_CHUNK_SIZE; if (this.postsInfo[id].postList) { this.postsInfo[id].atTop = this.postsInfo[id].atTop && Constants.POST_CHUNK_SIZE >= this.postsInfo[id].postList.order.length; } else { this.postsInfo[id].atTop = false; } this.postsInfo[id].atBottom = atBottom; } deletePost(post) { const postInfo = this.postsInfo[post.channel_id]; if (!postInfo) { // the post that has been deleted is in a channel that we haven't seen so just ignore it return; } const postList = this.postsInfo[post.channel_id].postList; if (isPostListNull(postList)) { return; } if (post.id in postList.posts) { // make sure to copy the post so that component state changes work properly postList.posts[post.id] = Object.assign({}, post, { state: Constants.POST_DELETED, file_ids: [] }); } } removePost(post) { const channelId = post.channel_id; this.makePostsInfo(channelId); const postList = this.postsInfo[channelId].postList; if (isPostListNull(postList)) { return; } if (post.id in postList.posts) { Reflect.deleteProperty(postList.posts, post.id); } const index = postList.order.indexOf(post.id); if (index !== -1) { postList.order.splice(index, 1); } for (const pid in postList.posts) { if (!postList.posts.hasOwnProperty(pid)) { continue; } if (postList.posts[pid].root_id === post.id) { Reflect.deleteProperty(postList.posts, pid); const commentIndex = postList.order.indexOf(pid); if (commentIndex !== -1) { postList.order.splice(commentIndex, 1); } } } this.postsInfo[channelId].postList = postList; } getPendingPosts(channelId) { if (this.postsInfo.hasOwnProperty(channelId)) { return this.postsInfo[channelId].pendingPosts; } return null; } storePendingPost(post) { const copyPost = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(post)); copyPost.state = Constants.POST_LOADING; const postList = makePostListNonNull(this.getPendingPosts(copyPost.channel_id)); postList.posts[copyPost.pending_post_id] = copyPost; postList.order.unshift(copyPost.pending_post_id); this.makePostsInfo(copyPost.channel_id); this.postsInfo[copyPost.channel_id].pendingPosts = postList; this.emitChange(); } removePendingPost(channelId, pendingPostId) { const postList = makePostListNonNull(this.getPendingPosts(channelId)); Reflect.deleteProperty(postList.posts, pendingPostId); const index = postList.order.indexOf(pendingPostId); if (index === -1) { return; } postList.order.splice(index, 1); this.postsInfo[channelId].pendingPosts = postList; this.emitChange(); } clearPendingPosts(channelId) { if (this.postsInfo.hasOwnProperty(channelId)) { Reflect.deleteProperty(this.postsInfo[channelId], 'pendingPosts'); } } updatePendingPost(post) { const copyPost = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(post)); const postList = makePostListNonNull(this.getPendingPosts(copyPost.channel_id)); if (postList.order.indexOf(copyPost.pending_post_id) === -1) { return; } postList.posts[copyPost.pending_post_id] = copyPost; this.postsInfo[copyPost.channel_id].pendingPosts = postList; this.emitChange(); } storeSelectedPostId(postId) { this.selectedPostId = postId; } getSelectedPostId() { return this.selectedPostId; } getSelectedPost() { if (this.selectedPostId == null) { return null; } for (const k in this.postsInfo) { if (this.postsInfo[k].postList.posts.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedPostId)) { return this.postsInfo[k].postList.posts[this.selectedPostId]; } } return null; } getSelectedPostThread() { if (this.selectedPostId == null) { return null; } const posts = {}; let pendingPosts; for (const k in this.postsInfo) { if (this.postsInfo[k].postList && this.postsInfo[k].postList.posts.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedPostId)) { Object.assign(posts, this.postsInfo[k].postList.posts); if (this.postsInfo[k].pendingPosts != null) { pendingPosts = this.postsInfo[k].pendingPosts.posts; } } } const threadPosts = {}; const rootId = this.selectedPostId; for (const k in posts) { if (posts[k].root_id === rootId) { threadPosts[k] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(posts[k])); } } for (const k in pendingPosts) { if (pendingPosts[k].root_id === rootId) { threadPosts[k] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pendingPosts[k])); } } return threadPosts; } emitSelectedPostChange(fromSearch, fromFlaggedPosts) { this.emit(SELECTED_POST_CHANGE_EVENT, fromSearch, fromFlaggedPosts); } addSelectedPostChangeListener(callback) { this.on(SELECTED_POST_CHANGE_EVENT, callback); } removeSelectedPostChangeListener(callback) { this.removeListener(SELECTED_POST_CHANGE_EVENT, callback); } getCurrentUsersLatestPost(channelId, rootId) { const userId = UserStore.getCurrentId(); const postList = makePostListNonNull(this.getAllPosts(channelId)); const len = postList.order.length; let lastPost = null; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const post = postList.posts[postList.order[i]]; // don't edit webhook posts, deleted posts, or system messages if (post.user_id !== userId || (post.props && post.props.from_webhook) || post.state === Constants.POST_DELETED || (post.type && post.type.startsWith(Constants.SYSTEM_MESSAGE_PREFIX))) { continue; } if (rootId) { if (post.root_id === rootId || post.id === rootId) { lastPost = post; break; } } else { lastPost = post; break; } } return lastPost; } normalizeDraft(originalDraft) { let draft = { messageText: '', uploadsInProgress: [], fileInfos: [] }; // Make sure that the post draft is non-null and has all the required fields if (originalDraft) { draft = { messageText: originalDraft.messageText || draft.messageText, uploadsInProgress: originalDraft.uploadsInProgress || draft.uploadsInProgress, fileInfos: originalDraft.fileInfos || draft.fileInfos }; } return draft; } storeCurrentDraft(draft) { var channelId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId(); BrowserStore.setGlobalItem('draft_' + channelId, draft); } getCurrentDraft() { var channelId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId(); return this.getDraft(channelId); } storeDraft(channelId, draft) { BrowserStore.setGlobalItem('draft_' + channelId, draft); } getDraft(channelId) { return this.normalizeDraft(BrowserStore.getGlobalItem('draft_' + channelId)); } storeCommentDraft(parentPostId, draft) { BrowserStore.setGlobalItem('comment_draft_' + parentPostId, draft); } getCommentDraft(parentPostId) { return this.normalizeDraft(BrowserStore.getGlobalItem('comment_draft_' + parentPostId)); } clearDraftUploads() { BrowserStore.actionOnGlobalItemsWithPrefix('draft_', (key, value) => { if (value) { value.uploadsInProgress = []; BrowserStore.setGlobalItem(key, value); } }); } clearCommentDraftUploads() { BrowserStore.actionOnGlobalItemsWithPrefix('comment_draft_', (key, value) => { if (value) { value.uploadsInProgress = []; BrowserStore.setGlobalItem(key, value); } }); } getCommentCount(post) { const posts = this.getAllPosts(post.channel_id).posts; let commentCount = 0; for (const id in posts) { if (posts.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (posts[id].root_id === post.id) { commentCount += 1; } } } return commentCount; } filterPosts(channelId, joinLeave) { const postsList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.getVisiblePosts(channelId))); if (!joinLeave && postsList) { postsList.order = postsList.order.filter((id) => { if (postsList.posts[id].type === Constants.POST_TYPE_JOIN_LEAVE) { Reflect.deleteProperty(postsList.posts, id); return false; } return true; }); } return postsList; } } var PostStore = new PostStoreClass(); PostStore.dispatchToken = AppDispatcher.register((payload) => { var action = payload.action; switch (action.type) { case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_POSTS: { const id = PostStore.currentFocusedPostId !== null && action.isPost ? PostStore.currentFocusedPostId : action.id; PostStore.storePosts(id, makePostListNonNull(action.post_list), action.checkLatest); PostStore.checkBounds(id, action.numRequested, makePostListNonNull(action.post_list), action.before); PostStore.emitChange(); break; } case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_FOCUSED_POST: PostStore.clearChannelVisibility(action.postId, false); PostStore.storeFocusedPost(action.postId, action.channelId, makePostListNonNull(action.post_list)); PostStore.emitChange(); break; case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_POST: PostStore.storePost(action.post); PostStore.emitChange(); break; case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_EDIT_POST: PostStore.emitEditPost(action); PostStore.emitChange(); break; case ActionTypes.CLICK_CHANNEL: PostStore.clearFocusedPost(); PostStore.clearChannelVisibility(action.id, true); break; case ActionTypes.CREATE_POST: PostStore.storePendingPost(action.post); PostStore.storeDraft(action.post.channel_id, null); PostStore.jumpPostsViewToBottom(); break; case ActionTypes.CREATE_COMMENT: PostStore.storePendingPost(action.post); PostStore.storeCommentDraft(action.post.root_id, null); break; case ActionTypes.POST_DELETED: PostStore.deletePost(action.post); PostStore.emitChange(); break; case ActionTypes.REMOVE_POST: PostStore.removePost(action.post); PostStore.emitChange(); break; case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_POST_SELECTED: PostStore.storeSelectedPostId(action.postId); PostStore.emitSelectedPostChange(action.from_search, action.from_flagged_posts); break; default: } }); export default PostStore; function makePostListNonNull(pl) { var postList = pl; if (postList == null) { postList = {order: [], posts: {}}; } if (postList.order == null) { postList.order = []; } if (postList.posts == null) { postList.posts = {}; } return postList; } function isPostListNull(pl) { if (pl == null) { return true; } if (pl.posts == null) { return true; } if (pl.order == null) { return true; } return false; }