// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import AppDispatcher from '../dispatcher/app_dispatcher.jsx'; import EventEmitter from 'events'; import * as GlobalActions from 'actions/global_actions.jsx'; import LocalizationStore from './localization_store.jsx'; import ChannelStore from 'stores/channel_store.jsx'; import TeamStore from 'stores/team_store.jsx'; import Constants from 'utils/constants.jsx'; const ActionTypes = Constants.ActionTypes; const UserStatuses = Constants.UserStatuses; const CHANGE_EVENT_NOT_IN_CHANNEL = 'change_not_in_channel'; const CHANGE_EVENT_IN_CHANNEL = 'change_in_channel'; const CHANGE_EVENT_IN_TEAM = 'change_in_team'; const CHANGE_EVENT = 'change'; const CHANGE_EVENT_SESSIONS = 'change_sessions'; const CHANGE_EVENT_AUDITS = 'change_audits'; const CHANGE_EVENT_STATUSES = 'change_statuses'; var Utils; class UserStoreClass extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this.clear(); } clear() { // All the profiles, regardless of where they came from this.profiles = {}; this.paging_offset = 0; this.paging_count = 0; // Lists of sorted IDs for users in a team this.profiles_in_team = {}; this.in_team_offset = 0; this.in_team_count = 0; // Lists of sorted IDs for users in a channel this.profiles_in_channel = {}; this.in_channel_offset = {}; this.in_channel_count = {}; // Lists of sorted IDs for users not in a channel this.profiles_not_in_channel = {}; this.not_in_channel_offset = {}; this.not_in_channel_count = {}; this.statuses = {}; this.sessions = {}; this.audits = {}; this.currentUserId = ''; this.noAccounts = false; } emitChange(userId) { this.emit(CHANGE_EVENT, userId); } addChangeListener(callback) { this.on(CHANGE_EVENT, callback); } removeChangeListener(callback) { this.removeListener(CHANGE_EVENT, callback); } emitInTeamChange() { this.emit(CHANGE_EVENT_IN_TEAM); } addInTeamChangeListener(callback) { this.on(CHANGE_EVENT_IN_TEAM, callback); } removeInTeamChangeListener(callback) { this.removeListener(CHANGE_EVENT_IN_TEAM, callback); } emitInChannelChange() { this.emit(CHANGE_EVENT_IN_CHANNEL); } addInChannelChangeListener(callback) { this.on(CHANGE_EVENT_IN_CHANNEL, callback); } removeInChannelChangeListener(callback) { this.removeListener(CHANGE_EVENT_IN_CHANNEL, callback); } emitNotInChannelChange() { this.emit(CHANGE_EVENT_NOT_IN_CHANNEL); } addNotInChannelChangeListener(callback) { this.on(CHANGE_EVENT_NOT_IN_CHANNEL, callback); } removeNotInChannelChangeListener(callback) { this.removeListener(CHANGE_EVENT_NOT_IN_CHANNEL, callback); } emitSessionsChange() { this.emit(CHANGE_EVENT_SESSIONS); } addSessionsChangeListener(callback) { this.on(CHANGE_EVENT_SESSIONS, callback); } removeSessionsChangeListener(callback) { this.removeListener(CHANGE_EVENT_SESSIONS, callback); } emitAuditsChange() { this.emit(CHANGE_EVENT_AUDITS); } addAuditsChangeListener(callback) { this.on(CHANGE_EVENT_AUDITS, callback); } removeAuditsChangeListener(callback) { this.removeListener(CHANGE_EVENT_AUDITS, callback); } emitStatusesChange() { this.emit(CHANGE_EVENT_STATUSES); } addStatusesChangeListener(callback) { this.on(CHANGE_EVENT_STATUSES, callback); } removeStatusesChangeListener(callback) { this.removeListener(CHANGE_EVENT_STATUSES, callback); } // General getCurrentUser() { return this.getProfiles()[this.currentUserId]; } setCurrentUser(user) { this.saveProfile(user); this.currentUserId = user.id; global.window.mm_current_user_id = this.currentUserId; if (LocalizationStore.getLocale() !== user.locale) { setTimeout(() => GlobalActions.newLocalizationSelected(user.locale), 0); } } getCurrentId() { var user = this.getCurrentUser(); if (user) { return user.id; } return null; } // System-Wide Profiles saveProfiles(profiles) { const newProfiles = Object.assign({}, profiles); const currentId = this.getCurrentId(); if (newProfiles[currentId]) { Reflect.deleteProperty(newProfiles, currentId); } this.profiles = Object.assign({}, this.profiles, newProfiles); } getProfiles() { return this.profiles; } getProfile(userId) { if (this.profiles[userId]) { return Object.assign({}, this.profiles[userId]); } return null; } hasProfile(userId) { return this.getProfile(userId) != null; } getProfileByUsername(username) { return this.getProfilesUsernameMap()[username]; } getProfilesUsernameMap() { var profileUsernameMap = {}; var profiles = this.getProfiles(); for (var key in profiles) { if (profiles.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var profile = profiles[key]; profileUsernameMap[profile.username] = profile; } } return profileUsernameMap; } getActiveOnlyProfiles(skipCurrent) { const active = {}; const profiles = this.getProfiles(); const currentId = this.getCurrentId(); for (var key in profiles) { if (!(profiles[key].id === currentId && skipCurrent) && profiles[key].delete_at === 0) { active[key] = profiles[key]; } } return active; } getActiveOnlyProfileList() { const profileMap = this.getActiveOnlyProfiles(); const profiles = []; for (const id in profileMap) { if (profileMap.hasOwnProperty(id)) { profiles.push(profileMap[id]); } } profiles.sort((a, b) => { if (a.username < b.username) { return -1; } if (a.username > b.username) { return 1; } return 0; }); return profiles; } getProfileList(skipCurrent) { const profiles = []; const currentId = this.getCurrentId(); for (const id in this.profiles) { if (this.profiles.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var profile = this.profiles[id]; if (skipCurrent && id === currentId) { continue; } if (profile.delete_at === 0) { profiles.push(profile); } } } profiles.sort((a, b) => { if (a.username < b.username) { return -1; } if (a.username > b.username) { return 1; } return 0; }); return profiles; } saveProfile(profile) { this.profiles[profile.id] = profile; } // Team-Wide Profiles saveProfilesInTeam(teamId, profiles) { const oldProfileList = this.profiles_in_team[teamId] || []; const oldProfileMap = {}; for (let i = 0; i < oldProfileList.length; i++) { oldProfileMap[oldProfileList[i]] = this.getProfile(oldProfileList[i]); } const newProfileMap = Object.assign({}, oldProfileMap, profiles); const newProfileList = Object.keys(newProfileMap); newProfileList.sort((a, b) => { const aProfile = newProfileMap[a]; const bProfile = newProfileMap[b]; if (aProfile.username < bProfile.username) { return -1; } if (aProfile.username > bProfile.username) { return 1; } return 0; }); this.profiles_in_team[teamId] = newProfileList; this.saveProfiles(profiles); } getProfileListInTeam(teamId = TeamStore.getCurrentId(), skipCurrent = false, skipInactive = false) { const userIds = this.profiles_in_team[teamId] || []; const profiles = []; const currentId = this.getCurrentId(); for (let i = 0; i < userIds.length; i++) { const profile = this.getProfile(userIds[i]); if (skipCurrent && profile.id === currentId) { continue; } if (skipInactive && profile.delete_at > 0) { continue; } if (profile) { profiles.push(profile); } } return profiles; } removeProfileFromTeam(teamId, userId) { const userIds = this.profiles_in_team[teamId]; if (!userIds) { return; } const index = userIds.indexOf(userId); if (index === -1) { return; } userIds.splice(index, 1); } // Channel-Wide Profiles saveProfilesInChannel(channelId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId(), profiles) { const oldProfileList = this.profiles_in_channel[channelId] || []; const oldProfileMap = {}; for (let i = 0; i < oldProfileList.length; i++) { oldProfileMap[oldProfileList[i]] = this.getProfile(oldProfileList[i]); } const newProfileMap = Object.assign({}, oldProfileMap, profiles); const newProfileList = Object.keys(newProfileMap); newProfileList.sort((a, b) => { const aProfile = newProfileMap[a]; const bProfile = newProfileMap[b]; if (aProfile.username < bProfile.username) { return -1; } if (aProfile.username > bProfile.username) { return 1; } return 0; }); this.profiles_in_channel[channelId] = newProfileList; this.saveProfiles(profiles); } saveProfileInChannel(channelId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId(), profile) { const profileMap = {}; profileMap[profile.id] = profile; this.saveProfilesInChannel(channelId, profileMap); } saveUserIdInChannel(channelId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId(), userId) { const profile = this.getProfile(userId); // Must have profile or we can't sort the list if (!profile) { return false; } this.saveProfileInChannel(channelId, profile); return true; } removeProfileInChannel(channelId, userId) { const userIds = this.profiles_in_channel[channelId]; if (!userIds) { return; } const index = userIds.indexOf(userId); if (index === -1) { return; } userIds.splice(index, 1); } getProfileListInChannel(channelId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId()) { const userIds = this.profiles_in_channel[channelId] || []; const profiles = []; for (let i = 0; i < userIds.length; i++) { const profile = this.getProfile(userIds[i]); if (profile) { profiles.push(profile); } } return profiles; } saveProfilesNotInChannel(channelId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId(), profiles) { const oldProfileList = this.profiles_not_in_channel[channelId] || []; const oldProfileMap = {}; for (let i = 0; i < oldProfileList.length; i++) { oldProfileMap[oldProfileList[i]] = this.getProfile(oldProfileList[i]); } const newProfileMap = Object.assign({}, oldProfileMap, profiles); const newProfileList = Object.keys(newProfileMap); newProfileList.sort((a, b) => { const aProfile = newProfileMap[a]; const bProfile = newProfileMap[b]; if (aProfile.username < bProfile.username) { return -1; } if (aProfile.username > bProfile.username) { return 1; } return 0; }); this.profiles_not_in_channel[channelId] = newProfileList; this.saveProfiles(profiles); } saveProfileNotInChannel(channelId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId(), profile) { const profileMap = {}; profileMap[profile.id] = profile; this.saveProfilesNotInChannel(channelId, profileMap); } removeProfileNotInChannel(channelId, userId) { const userIds = this.profiles_not_in_channel[channelId]; if (!userIds) { return; } const index = userIds.indexOf(userId); if (index === -1) { return; } userIds.splice(index, 1); } getProfileListNotInChannel(channelId = ChannelStore.getCurrentId()) { const userIds = this.profiles_not_in_channel[channelId] || []; const profiles = []; for (let i = 0; i < userIds.length; i++) { const profile = this.getProfile(userIds[i]); if (profile) { profiles.push(profile); } } return profiles; } // Other setSessions(sessions) { this.sessions = sessions; } getSessions() { return this.sessions; } setAudits(audits) { this.audits = audits; } getAudits() { return this.audits; } getCurrentMentionKeys() { return this.getMentionKeys(this.getCurrentId()); } getMentionKeys(id) { var user = this.getProfile(id); var keys = []; if (!user || !user.notify_props) { return keys; } if (user.notify_props.mention_keys) { keys = keys.concat(user.notify_props.mention_keys.split(',')); } if (user.notify_props.first_name === 'true' && user.first_name) { keys.push(user.first_name); } if (user.notify_props.channel === 'true') { keys.push('@channel'); keys.push('@all'); } return keys; } setStatuses(statuses) { this.statuses = Object.assign(this.statuses, statuses); } setStatus(userId, status) { this.statuses[userId] = status; this.emitStatusesChange(); } getStatuses() { return this.statuses; } getStatus(id) { return this.getStatuses()[id] || UserStatuses.OFFLINE; } getNoAccounts() { return this.noAccounts; } setNoAccounts(noAccounts) { this.noAccounts = noAccounts; } isSystemAdminForCurrentUser() { if (!Utils) { Utils = require('utils/utils.jsx'); //eslint-disable-line global-require } var current = this.getCurrentUser(); if (current) { return Utils.isAdmin(current.roles); } return false; } setPage(offset, count) { this.paging_offset = offset + count; this.paging_count = this.paging_count + count; } getPagingOffset() { return this.paging_offset; } getPagingCount() { return this.paging_count; } setInTeamPage(offset, count) { this.in_team_offset = offset + count; this.in_team_count = this.in_team_count + count; } getInTeamPagingOffset() { return this.in_team_offset; } getInTeamPagingCount() { return this.in_team_count; } setInChannelPage(channelId, offset, count) { this.in_channel_offset[channelId] = offset + count; this.in_channel_count[channelId] = this.dm_paging_count + count; } getInChannelPagingOffset(channelId) { return this.in_channel_offset[channelId] | 0; } getInChannelPagingCount(channelId) { return this.in_channel_count[channelId] | 0; } setNotInChannelPage(channelId, offset, count) { this.not_in_channel_offset[channelId] = offset + count; this.not_in_channel_count[channelId] = this.dm_paging_count + count; } getNotInChannelPagingOffset(channelId) { return this.not_in_channel_offset[channelId] | 0; } getNotInChannelPagingCount(channelId) { return this.not_in_channel_count[channelId] | 0; } } var UserStore = new UserStoreClass(); UserStore.setMaxListeners(600); UserStore.dispatchToken = AppDispatcher.register((payload) => { var action = payload.action; switch (action.type) { case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_PROFILES: UserStore.saveProfiles(action.profiles); if (action.offset != null && action.count != null) { UserStore.setPage(action.offset, action.count); } UserStore.emitChange(); break; case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_PROFILES_IN_TEAM: UserStore.saveProfilesInTeam(action.team_id, action.profiles); if (action.offset != null && action.count != null) { UserStore.setInTeamPage(action.offset, action.count); } UserStore.emitInTeamChange(); break; case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_PROFILES_IN_CHANNEL: UserStore.saveProfilesInChannel(action.channel_id, action.profiles); if (action.offset != null && action.count != null) { UserStore.setInChannelPage(action.offset, action.count); } UserStore.emitInChannelChange(); break; case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_PROFILES_NOT_IN_CHANNEL: UserStore.saveProfilesNotInChannel(action.channel_id, action.profiles); if (action.offset != null && action.count != null) { UserStore.setNotInChannelPage(action.offset, action.count); } UserStore.emitNotInChannelChange(); break; case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_PROFILE: UserStore.saveProfile(action.profile); UserStore.emitChange(); break; case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_ME: UserStore.setCurrentUser(action.me); UserStore.emitChange(action.me.id); break; case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_SESSIONS: UserStore.setSessions(action.sessions); UserStore.emitSessionsChange(); break; case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_AUDITS: UserStore.setAudits(action.audits); UserStore.emitAuditsChange(); break; case ActionTypes.RECEIVED_STATUSES: UserStore.setStatuses(action.statuses); UserStore.emitStatusesChange(); break; default: } }); export {UserStore as default};