// Copyright (c) 2016-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import assert from 'assert'; import * as TextFormatting from 'utils/text_formatting.jsx'; describe('TextFormatting.AtMentions', function() { it('At mentions', function() { assert.equal( TextFormatting.autolinkAtMentions('@user', new Map(), {user: {}}), '$MM_ATMENTION0', 'should replace explicit mention with token' ); assert.equal( TextFormatting.autolinkAtMentions('abc"@user"def', new Map(), {user: {}}), 'abc"$MM_ATMENTION0"def', 'should replace explicit mention surrounded by punctuation with token' ); assert.equal( TextFormatting.autolinkAtMentions('@user1 @user2', new Map(), {user1: {}, user2: {}}), '$MM_ATMENTION0 $MM_ATMENTION1', 'should replace multiple explicit mentions with tokens' ); assert.equal( TextFormatting.autolinkAtMentions('@us_-e.r', new Map(), {'us_-e.r': {}}), '$MM_ATMENTION0', 'should replace multiple explicit mentions containing punctuation with token' ); assert.equal( TextFormatting.autolinkAtMentions('@us_-e.r', new Map(), {'us_-e.r': {}}), '$MM_ATMENTION0', 'should replace multiple explicit mentions containing valid punctuation with token' ); assert.equal( TextFormatting.autolinkAtMentions('@user.', new Map(), {user: {}}), '$MM_ATMENTION0.', 'should replace explicit mention followed by period with token' ); assert.equal( TextFormatting.autolinkAtMentions('@user.', new Map(), {'user.': {}}), '$MM_ATMENTION0', 'should replace explicit mention ending with period with token' ); }); it('Implied at mentions', function() { // PLT-4454 Assume users exist for things that look like at mentions until we support the new mention syntax assert.equal( TextFormatting.autolinkAtMentions('@user', new Map(), {}), '$MM_ATMENTION0', 'should imply user exists and replace mention with token' ); assert.equal( TextFormatting.autolinkAtMentions('@user.', new Map(), {}), '$MM_ATMENTION0.', 'should assume username doesn\'t end in punctuation' ); }); it('Not at mentions', function() { assert.equal( TextFormatting.autolinkAtMentions('user@host', new Map(), {user: {}, host: {}}), 'user@host' ); assert.equal( TextFormatting.autolinkAtMentions('user@email.com', new Map(), {user: {}, email: {}}), 'user@email.com' ); }); });