// Copyright (c) 2015 Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See License.txt for license information. import Autolinker from 'autolinker'; import Constants from './constants.jsx'; import EmojiStore from 'stores/emoji_store.jsx'; import * as Emoticons from './emoticons.jsx'; import * as Markdown from './markdown.jsx'; import twemoji from 'twemoji'; import XRegExp from 'xregexp'; // pattern to detect the existance of a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean character in a string // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15033196/using-javascript-to-check-whether-a-string-contains-japanese-characters-includi const cjkPattern = /[\u3000-\u303f\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff\uff00-\uff9f\u4e00-\u9faf\u3400-\u4dbf]/; // Performs formatting of user posts including highlighting mentions and search terms and converting urls, hashtags, // @mentions and !channels to links by taking a user's message and returning a string of formatted html. Also takes // a number of options as part of the second parameter: // - searchTerm - If specified, this word is highlighted in the resulting html. Defaults to nothing. // - mentionHighlight - Specifies whether or not to highlight mentions of the current user. Defaults to true. // - mentionKeys - A list of mention keys for the current user to highlight. // - singleline - Specifies whether or not to remove newlines. Defaults to false. // - emoticons - Enables emoticon parsing. Defaults to true. // - markdown - Enables markdown parsing. Defaults to true. // - siteURL - The origin of this Mattermost instance. If provided, links to channels and posts will be replaced with internal // links that can be handled by a special click handler. // - usernameMap - An object mapping usernames to users. If provided, at mentions will be replaced with internal links that can // be handled by a special click handler (Utils.handleFormattedTextClick) // - channelNamesMap - An object mapping channel display names to channels. If provided, !channel mentions will be replaced with // links to the relevant channel. export function formatText(text, inputOptions) { let output = text; const options = Object.assign({}, inputOptions); options.searchPatterns = parseSearchTerms(options.searchTerm).map(convertSearchTermToRegex); if (!('markdown' in options) || options.markdown) { // the markdown renderer will call doFormatText as necessary output = Markdown.format(output, options); } else { output = sanitizeHtml(output); output = doFormatText(output, options); } // replace newlines with spaces if necessary if (options.singleline) { output = replaceNewlines(output); } output = insertLongLinkWbr(output); return output; } // Performs most of the actual formatting work for formatText. Not intended to be called normally. export function doFormatText(text, options) { let output = text; const tokens = new Map(); // replace important words and phrases with tokens if (options.usernameMap) { output = autolinkAtMentions(output, tokens, options.usernameMap); } if (options.channelNamesMap) { output = autolinkChannelMentions(output, tokens, options.channelNamesMap); } output = autolinkEmails(output, tokens); output = autolinkHashtags(output, tokens); if (!('emoticons' in options) || options.emoticon) { output = Emoticons.handleEmoticons(output, tokens, options.emojis || EmojiStore.getEmojis()); } if (options.searchPatterns) { output = highlightSearchTerms(output, tokens, options.searchPatterns); } if (!('mentionHighlight' in options) || options.mentionHighlight) { output = highlightCurrentMentions(output, tokens, options.mentionKeys); } if (!('emoticons' in options) || options.emoticon) { output = twemoji.parse(output, { className: 'emoticon', callback: (icon) => { if (!EmojiStore.hasUnicode(icon)) { // just leave the unicode characters and hope the browser can handle it return null; } return EmojiStore.getEmojiImageUrl(EmojiStore.getUnicode(icon)); } }); } // reinsert tokens with formatted versions of the important words and phrases output = replaceTokens(output, tokens); return output; } export function sanitizeHtml(text) { let output = text; // normal string.replace only does a single occurrance so use a regex instead output = output.replace(/&/g, '&'); output = output.replace(//g, '>'); output = output.replace(/'/g, '''); output = output.replace(/"/g, '"'); return output; } // Convert emails into tokens function autolinkEmails(text, tokens) { function replaceEmailWithToken(match) { const linkText = match.getMatchedText(); let url = linkText; if (match.getType() === 'email') { url = `mailto:${url}`; } const index = tokens.size; const alias = `MM_EMAIL${index}`; tokens.set(alias, { value: `${linkText}`, originalText: linkText }); return alias; } // we can't just use a static autolinker because we need to set replaceFn const autolinker = new Autolinker({ urls: false, email: true, phone: false, mention: false, hashtag: false, replaceFn: replaceEmailWithToken }); return autolinker.link(text); } const punctuation = XRegExp.cache('[^\\pL\\d]'); function autolinkAtMentions(text, tokens, usernameMap) { // Test if provided text needs to be highlighted, special mention or current user function mentionExists(u) { return (Constants.SPECIAL_MENTIONS.indexOf(u) !== -1 || !!usernameMap[u]); } function addToken(username, mention) { const index = tokens.size; const alias = `MM_ATMENTION${index}`; tokens.set(alias, { value: `${mention}`, originalText: mention }); return alias; } function replaceAtMentionWithToken(fullMatch, mention, username) { let usernameLower = username.toLowerCase(); if (mentionExists(usernameLower)) { // Exact match const alias = addToken(usernameLower, mention, ''); return alias; } // Not an exact match, attempt to truncate any punctuation to see if we can find a user const originalUsername = usernameLower; for (let c = usernameLower.length; c > 0; c--) { if (punctuation.test(usernameLower[c - 1])) { usernameLower = usernameLower.substring(0, c - 1); if (mentionExists(usernameLower)) { const suffix = originalUsername.substr(c - 1); const alias = addToken(usernameLower, '@' + usernameLower); return alias + suffix; } } else { // If the last character is not punctuation, no point in going any further break; } } return fullMatch; } let output = text; output = output.replace(/(@([a-z0-9.\-_]*))/gi, replaceAtMentionWithToken); return output; } function autolinkChannelMentions(text, tokens, channelNamesMap) { function channelMentionExists(c) { return !!channelNamesMap[c]; } function addToken(channelName, mention, displayName) { const index = tokens.size; const alias = `MM_CHANNELMENTION${index}`; tokens.set(alias, { value: `${displayName}`, originalText: mention }); return alias; } function replaceChannelMentionWithToken(fullMatch, spacer, mention, channelName) { let channelNameLower = channelName.toLowerCase(); if (channelMentionExists(channelNameLower)) { // Exact match const alias = addToken(channelNameLower, mention, '!' + channelNamesMap[channelNameLower].display_name); return spacer + alias; } // Not an exact match, attempt to truncate any punctuation to see if we can find a channel const originalChannelName = channelNameLower; for (let c = channelNameLower.length; c > 0; c--) { if (punctuation.test(channelNameLower[c - 1])) { channelNameLower = channelNameLower.substring(0, c - 1); if (channelMentionExists(channelNameLower)) { const suffix = originalChannelName.substr(c - 1); const alias = addToken(channelNameLower, '!' + channelNameLower, '!' + channelNamesMap[channelNameLower].display_name); return spacer + alias + suffix; } } else { // If the last character is not punctuation, no point in going any further break; } } return fullMatch; } let output = text; output = output.replace(/(^|\s)(!([a-z0-9.\-_]*))/gi, replaceChannelMentionWithToken); return output; } export function escapeRegex(text) { return text.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); } function highlightCurrentMentions(text, tokens, mentionKeys = []) { let output = text; // look for any existing tokens which are self mentions and should be highlighted var newTokens = new Map(); for (const [alias, token] of tokens) { if (mentionKeys.indexOf(token.originalText) !== -1) { const index = tokens.size + newTokens.size; const newAlias = `MM_SELFMENTION${index}`; newTokens.set(newAlias, { value: `${alias}`, originalText: token.originalText }); output = output.replace(alias, newAlias); } } // the new tokens are stashed in a separate map since we can't add objects to a map during iteration for (const newToken of newTokens) { tokens.set(newToken[0], newToken[1]); } // look for self mentions in the text function replaceCurrentMentionWithToken(fullMatch, prefix, mention) { const index = tokens.size; const alias = `MM_SELFMENTION${index}`; tokens.set(alias, { value: `${mention}`, originalText: mention }); return prefix + alias; } for (const mention of mentionKeys) { if (!mention) { continue; } output = output.replace(new RegExp(`(^|\\W)(${escapeRegex(mention)})\\b`, 'gi'), replaceCurrentMentionWithToken); } return output; } function autolinkHashtags(text, tokens) { let output = text; var newTokens = new Map(); for (const [alias, token] of tokens) { if (token.originalText.lastIndexOf('#', 0) === 0) { const index = tokens.size + newTokens.size; const newAlias = `MM_HASHTAG${index}`; newTokens.set(newAlias, { value: `${token.originalText}`, originalText: token.originalText, hashtag: token.originalText.substring(1) }); output = output.replace(alias, newAlias); } } // the new tokens are stashed in a separate map since we can't add objects to a map during iteration for (const newToken of newTokens) { tokens.set(newToken[0], newToken[1]); } // look for hashtags in the text function replaceHashtagWithToken(fullMatch, prefix, originalText) { const index = tokens.size; const alias = `MM_HASHTAG${index}`; if (text.length < Constants.MIN_HASHTAG_LINK_LENGTH + 1) { // too short to be a hashtag return fullMatch; } tokens.set(alias, { value: `${originalText}`, originalText, hashtag: originalText.substring(1) }); return prefix + alias; } return output.replace(/(^|\W)(#[a-zA-ZäöüÄÖÜß][a-zA-Z0-9äöüÄÖÜß.\-_]*)\b/g, replaceHashtagWithToken); } const puncStart = XRegExp.cache('^[^\\pL\\d\\s#]+'); const puncEnd = XRegExp.cache('[^\\pL\\d\\s]+$'); function parseSearchTerms(searchTerm) { let terms = []; let termString = searchTerm; while (termString) { let captured; // check for a quoted string captured = (/^"(.*?)"/).exec(termString); if (captured) { termString = termString.substring(captured[0].length); terms.push(captured[1]); continue; } // check for a search flag (and don't add it to terms) captured = (/^(?:in|from|channel): ?\S+/).exec(termString); if (captured) { termString = termString.substring(captured[0].length); continue; } // capture at mentions differently from the server so we can highlight them with the preceeding at sign captured = (/^@\w+\b/).exec(termString); if (captured) { termString = termString.substring(captured[0].length); terms.push(captured[0]); continue; } // capture any plain text up until the next quote or search flag captured = (/^.+?(?=\bin:|\bfrom:|\bchannel:|"|$)/).exec(termString); if (captured) { termString = termString.substring(captured[0].length); // break the text up into words based on how the server splits them in SqlPostStore.SearchPosts and then discard empty terms terms.push(...captured[0].split(/[ <>+\(\)~@]/).filter((term) => !!term)); continue; } // we should never reach this point since at least one of the regexes should match something in the remaining text throw new Error('Infinite loop in search term parsing: "' + termString + '"'); } // remove punctuation from each term terms = terms.map((term) => term.replace(puncStart, '').replace(puncEnd, '')); return terms; } function convertSearchTermToRegex(term) { let pattern; if (cjkPattern.test(term)) { // term contains Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters so don't mark word boundaries pattern = '()(' + escapeRegex(term.replace(/\*/g, '')) + ')'; } else if (term.endsWith('*')) { pattern = '\\b()(' + escapeRegex(term.substring(0, term.length - 1)) + ')'; } else if (term.startsWith('@') || term.startsWith('#')) { // needs special handling of the first boundary because a word boundary doesn't work before a symbol pattern = '(\\W|^)(' + escapeRegex(term) + ')\\b'; } else { pattern = '\\b()(' + escapeRegex(term) + ')\\b'; } return new RegExp(pattern, 'gi'); } export function highlightSearchTerms(text, tokens, searchPatterns) { if (!searchPatterns || searchPatterns.length === 0) { return text; } let output = text; function replaceSearchTermWithToken(match, prefix, word) { const index = tokens.size; const alias = `MM_SEARCHTERM${index}`; tokens.set(alias, { value: `${word}`, originalText: word }); return prefix + alias; } for (const pattern of searchPatterns) { // highlight existing tokens matching search terms var newTokens = new Map(); for (const [alias, token] of tokens) { if (pattern.test(token.originalText)) { const index = tokens.size + newTokens.size; const newAlias = `MM_SEARCHTERM${index}`; newTokens.set(newAlias, { value: `${alias}`, originalText: token.originalText }); output = output.replace(alias, newAlias); } } // the new tokens are stashed in a separate map since we can't add objects to a map during iteration for (const newToken of newTokens) { tokens.set(newToken[0], newToken[1]); } output = output.replace(pattern, replaceSearchTermWithToken); } return output; } export function replaceTokens(text, tokens) { let output = text; // iterate backwards through the map so that we do replacement in the opposite order that we added tokens const aliases = [...tokens.keys()]; for (let i = aliases.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const alias = aliases[i]; const token = tokens.get(alias); output = output.replace(alias, token.value); } return output; } function replaceNewlines(text) { return text.replace(/\n/g, ' '); } //replace all "/" inside tags to "/" function insertLongLinkWbr(test) { return test.replace(/\//g, (match, position, string) => { return match + ((/a[^>]*>[^<]*$/).test(string.substr(0, position)) ? '' : ''); }); }