import("etherpad.log"); import("plugins.urlIndexer.hooks"); import("sqlbase.sqlobj"); import("sqlbase.sqlcommon"); function init() { this.hooks = ['padModelWriteToDB', 'handlePath', 'docbarItemsTagBrowser']; this.description = 'Indexes URLs linked to in pads so that they can be displayed outside pads, searched for etc.'; this.padModelWriteToDB = hooks.padModelWriteToDB; this.handlePath = hooks.handlePath; this.docbarItemsTagBrowser = hooks.docbarItemsTagBrowser; this.install = install; this.uninstall = uninstall; } function install() {"Installing urlIndexer"); sqlobj.createTable('PAD_URL', { PAD_ID: 'varchar(128) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin not null references PAD_META(ID)', URL: 'varchar(1024) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin not null', }); sqlobj.createTable('PAD_URL_CACHE', { PAD_ID: 'varchar(128) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin unique not null references PAD_META(ID)', URLS: 'text collate utf8_bin not null', }); } function uninstall() {"Uninstalling urlIndexer"); }