/** * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function repeatString(str, times) { if (times <= 0) return ""; var s = repeatString(str, times >> 1); s += s; if (times & 1) s += str; return s; } function chr(n) { return String.fromCharCode(n+48); } function ord(c) { return c.charCodeAt(0)-48; } function map(array, func) { var result = []; // must remain compatible with "arguments" pseudo-array for(var i=0;i= curString.length; } var timestamp = readTimestamp(); var authorNum = readNum(); var splices = []; while (! atEnd()) { var spliceType = readChar(); var startChar = readNum(); var oldText = ""; var newText = ""; if (spliceType != '+') { oldText = readString(); } if (spliceType != '-') { newText = readString(); } splices.push([startChar,oldText,newText]); } changeStructs.push({t:timestamp, a:authorNum, splices:splices}); } changesBlock.firstRev = firstRev; changesBlock.changeStructs = changeStructs; return changesBlock; } var BASE64_DIGITS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789._"; var BASE64_DIGIT_TO_NUM = (function() { var map = {}; for(var i=0;i\n]/g; if (! re.MAP) { // persisted across function calls! re.MAP = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '\n': '
' }; } return s.replace(re, function(c) { return re.MAP[c]; }); } var padOpaqueRef = clientVars.padOpaqueRef; var keyframes = []; // [rev, atext] pairs var changesBlocks = []; // [first, last, changesBlock] var lastRev; var lastRevLoaded = -1; var problemData = null; var curRev = -1; var curText = { lines: [/*string, length+1*/] }; function setLastRevLoaded(r) { lastRevLoaded = r; //$("#sliderui").slider('option', 'max', lastRevLoaded); $("#currevdisplay .max").html(String(lastRevLoaded)); } function initialStat(continuation) { statPad(padOpaqueRef, function(data, errorData) { if (errorData) { reportProblem(errorData); continuation(false); } else { if (! data.exists) { reportProblem({msg: "Pad not found."}); continuation(false); } else { lastRev = data.latestRev; continuation(true); return; } } }); } function loadKeyframe(r, continuation) { getText(padOpaqueRef, r, function(data, errorData) { if (errorData) { reportProblem(errorData); continuation(false); } else { keyframes.push([r, data]); keyframes.sort(function(a, b) { return a[0] - b[0]; }); continuation(true); } }); } function loadChangesBlock(first, last, continuation) { getChanges(padOpaqueRef, first, last, function(data, errorData) { if (errorData) { reportProblem(errorData); continuation(false); } else { changesBlocks.push([first, last, data]); continuation(true); } }); } function loadThroughZero(continuation) { initialStat(function(success) { if (success) { loadKeyframe(0, function(success) { if (success) { setLastRevLoaded(0); continuation(true); } else continuation(false); }); } else continuation(false); }); } function loadMoreRevs(continuation) { if (lastRevLoaded >= lastRev) { continuation(true); } else { var first = lastRevLoaded+1; var last = first + 499; if (last > lastRev) { last = lastRev; } loadChangesBlock(first, last, function(success) { if (success) { loadKeyframe(last, function(success) { if (success) { setLastRevLoaded(last); continuation(true); } else continuation(false); }); } else continuation(false); }); } } function getDocTextForText(text) { var lines = map(text.split('\n').slice(0, -1), function(s) { return [s, s.length+1]; }); return { lines: lines }; } function getLineAndChar(docText, charIndex) { // returns [lineIndex, charIndexIntoLine]; // if the charIndex is after the final newline of the document, // lineIndex may be == docText.lines.length. // Otherwise, lneIndex is an actual line and charIndex // is between 0 and the line's length inclusive. var startLine = 0; var startLineStartChar = 0; var lines = docText.lines; var done = false; while (!done) { if (startLine >= lines.length) { done = true; } else { var lineLength = lines[startLine][1]; var nextLineStart = startLineStartChar + lineLength; if (nextLineStart <= charIndex) { startLine++; startLineStartChar = nextLineStart; } else { done = true; } } } return [startLine, charIndex - startLineStartChar]; } function applySplice(docText, splice, forward) { var startChar = splice[0]; var oldText = splice[1]; var newText = splice[2]; if (! forward) { var tmp = oldText; oldText = newText; newText = tmp; } //var OLD_FULL_TEXT = map(docText.lines, function(L) { return L[0]; }).join('\n')+'\n'; //var OLD_NUM_LINES = docText.lines.length; var lines = docText.lines; var startLineAndChar = getLineAndChar(docText, startChar); var endLineAndChar = getLineAndChar(docText, startChar+oldText.length); var lineSpliceStart = startLineAndChar[0]; var lineSpliceEnd = endLineAndChar[0]; var newLines = newText.split('\n'); // we want to splice in entire lines, so adjust start to include beginning of line // we're starting to insert into if (startLineAndChar[1] > 0) { newLines[0] = lines[startLineAndChar[0]][0].substring(0, startLineAndChar[1]) + newLines[0]; } // adjust end to include entire last line that will be changed if (endLineAndChar[1] > 0 || newLines[newLines.length-1].length > 0) { newLines[newLines.length-1] += lines[endLineAndChar[0]][0].substring(endLineAndChar[1]); lineSpliceEnd += 1; } else { // the splice is ok as is, except for an extra newline newLines.pop(); } var newLineEntries = map(newLines, function(s) { return [s, s.length+1]; }); Array.prototype.splice.apply(lines, [lineSpliceStart, lineSpliceEnd-lineSpliceStart].concat(newLineEntries)); // check it //var EXPECTED_FULL_TEXT = OLD_FULL_TEXT.substring(0, startChar) + newText + //OLD_FULL_TEXT.substring(startChar + oldText.length, OLD_FULL_TEXT.length); //var ACTUAL_FULL_TEXT = map(docText.lines, function(L) { return L[0]; }).join('\n')+'\n'; //console.log("%o %o %o %d %d %d %d %d", //docText.lines, startLineAndChar, endLineAndChar, OLD_NUM_LINES, //lines.length, lineSpliceStart, lineSpliceEnd-lineSpliceStart, newLineEntries.length); //if (EXPECTED_FULL_TEXT != ACTUAL_FULL_TEXT) { //console.log(escapeHTML("mismatch: "+EXPECTED_FULL_TEXT+" / "+ACTUAL_FULL_TEXT)); //} return [lineSpliceStart, lineSpliceEnd-lineSpliceStart, newLines]; } function lineHTML(line) { return (escapeHTML(line) || ' '); } function setCurText(docText, dontSetDom) { curText = docText; if (! dontSetDom) { var docNode = $("#stuff"); var html = map(docText.lines, function(line) { return '
'; }); docNode.html(html.join('')); } } function spliceDom(splice) { var index = splice[0]; var numRemoved = splice[1]; var newLines = splice[2]; var overlap = Math.min(numRemoved, newLines.length); var container = $("#stuff").get(0); var oldNumNodes = container.childNodes.length; var i = 0; for(;i'; if (insertIndex >= container.childNodes.length) { $(container).append(content); } else { $(container.childNodes.item(insertIndex)).before(content); } } for(;i= 0) { if (Math.abs(r - curRev) == 1) { isStep = true; bestKeyFrameIndex = -2; // -2 to mean "current revision" } else { considerKeyframe(-2, curRev); } } var docText = curText; var docRev = curRev; if (bestKeyFrameIndex >= 0) { // some keyframe is better than moving from the current location; // move to that keyframe var keyframe = keyframes[bestKeyFrameIndex]; docRev = keyframe[0]; docText = getDocTextForText(keyframe[1].text); } var startRev = docRev; var destRev = r; var curChangesBlock = null; function findChangesBlockFor(n) { function changesBlockWorks(arr) { return n >= arr[0] && n <= arr[1]; } if (curChangesBlock == null || ! changesBlockWorks(curChangesBlock)) { curChangesBlock = null; for(var i=0;i=0;i--) { var splice = applySplice(docText, splices[i], false); if (isStep) spliceDom(splice); } } //DEBUG_REVS_APPLIED.push(n); } if (destRev > startRev) { for (var j=startRev+1; j<=destRev; j++) { applyRev(j, true); } } else if (destRev < startRev) { for(var j=startRev; j >= destRev+1; j--) { applyRev(j, false); } } docRev = destRev; setCurText(docText, isStep); curRev = docRev; $("#currevdisplay .cur").html(String(curRev)); } function reportProblem(probData) { problemData = probData; if (probData.msg) { $("#stuff").html(escapeHTML(probData.msg)); } } var playTimer = null; $(function() { /*$("#sliderui").slider({min: 0, max: 0, value: 0, step: 1, change: slidechange}); function slidechange(event, ui) { alert("HELLO"); var value = ui.value; console.log(value); }*/ $("#controls .next").click(function() { if (curRev < lastRevLoaded) { seekToRev(curRev+1); } return false; }); $("#controls .prev").click(function() { if (curRev > 0) { seekToRev(curRev-1); } return false; }); function stop() { if (playTimer) { clearInterval(playTimer); playTimer = null; } } function play() { stop(); playTimer = setInterval(function() { if (curRev < lastRevLoaded) { seekToRev(curRev+1); } else { stop(); } }, 60); return false; } $("#controls .play").click(play); $("#controls .stop").click(function() { stop(); return false; }); $("#controls .entry").change(function() { var value = $("#controls .entry").val(); value = Number(value || 0); if (isNaN(value)) value = 0; if (value < 0) value = 0; if (value > lastRevLoaded) { value = lastRevLoaded; } $("#controls .entry").val(''); seekToRev(value); }); $("#controls .entry").val(''); var useAutoplay = true; var hasAutoplayed = false; loadThroughZero(function(success) { if (success) { seekToRev(0); function loadMoreRevsIfNecessary(continuation) { if (lastRevLoaded < lastRev) { loadMoreRevs(continuation); } } loadMoreRevsIfNecessary(function cont(success) { if (success) { if (lastRevLoaded > 0 && useAutoplay && ! hasAutoplayed) { hasAutoplayed = true; play(); } loadMoreRevsIfNecessary(cont); } }); } }); });