<% /* Copyright 2009 Google Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ %> <% helpers.setHtmlTitle("EtherPad: "+pageTitle); %> <% helpers.setBodyId("padbody") %> <% helpers.addBodyClass(bodyClass) %> <% helpers.includeCss("pad2_ejs.css") %> <% helpers.includeJs("undo-xpopup.js") %> <% helpers.includeCometJs() %> <% helpers.includeJQuery(); %> <% helpers.includeJs("json2.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("colorutils.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("ace.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("collab_client.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("draggable.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("pad_utils.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("pad_cookie.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("pad_editor.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("pad_userlist.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("pad_editbar.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("pad_chat.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("pad_docbar.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("pad_impexp.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("pad_savedrevs.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("pad_connectionstatus.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("pad_modals.js") %> <% helpers.includeJs("pad2.js") %> <% helpers.suppressGA() %> <% helpers.setRobotsPolicy({index: false, follow: false}) %> <% var padUrlAttrValue = request.url.split("?", 1)[0].replace(/\"/g, '"'); //" %> <% function exportLink(type, n, label, requiresOffice, url, title) { url = url || '/ep/pad/export/'+localPadId+'/latest?format='+type; var classes = ["exportlink", "exporthref"+type, "n"+n]; if (requiresOffice && !hasOffice) { classes.push("disabledexport"); } else { classes.push("requiresoffice"); } var pieces = ['', label); /* if (title) { pieces.push('?'); }*/ pieces.push(''); return pieces.join(''); } %>
<% /* floated left */ %>
<% /* New Pad */ %> <% /* floated right */ %>
<% /* Toggle Width */ %> <% /* non-floated */ %> <% if (isProAccountHolder) { %> Return to pad list
<%= toHTML(account.email) %> (sign out)
<% } else if (isPro) { %> <% } %>

Server Notice:


<%= initialTitle %>
<% if (isProAccountHolder) { %> <% } /* isProAccountHolder */ %> <% if (isProAccountHolder) { %> <% } /* isProAccountHolder */ %>
Import from text file, HTML:
Export current pad as:
Saved: Revision 1
Shared view options:
Display font:
These options affect everyone's view of the pad.
<% if (isProAccountHolder) { %>
Pad Access:
<% } /* isProAccountHolder */ %>
Reestablishing connection...


Opened in another window.

No Authorization.

We're having trouble talking to the EtherPad synchronization server. You may be connecting through an incompatible firewall or proxy server.

We were unable to connect to the EtherPad synchronization server. This may be due to an incompatibility with your web browser or internet connection.

You seem to have opened this pad in another browser window. If you'd like to use this window instead, you can reconnect.

Lost connection with the EtherPad synchronization server. This may be due to a loss of network connectivity.

Server not responding. This may be due to network connectivity issues or high load on the server.

Your browser's credentials or permissions have changed while viewing this pad. Try reconnecting.

If this continues to happen, please let us know (opens in new window).

Invite other users and they will show up here.
Load more history...
Loading history...
<% /* floated left */ %>
<% /* floated right */ %>
<% /* non-floated */ %>
Public Pad: This pad is accessible to anyone who visits its URL. To make it private, change security settings.
Private Pad: This pad is only accessible to team account-holders. To allow anyone to access it, change security settings.
or send an email invitation...
<% if (request.params.djs) { %>
<% } %>