/** * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function newSkipList() { var PROFILER = window.PROFILER; if (!PROFILER) { PROFILER = function() { return {start:noop, mark:noop, literal:noop, end:noop, cancel:noop}; }; } function noop() {} // if there are N elements in the skiplist, "start" is element -1 and "end" is element N var start = {key:null, levels: 1, upPtrs:[null], downPtrs:[null], downSkips:[1], downSkipWidths:[0]}; var end = {key:null, levels: 1, upPtrs:[null], downPtrs:[null], downSkips:[null], downSkipWidths:[null]}; var numNodes = 0; var totalWidth = 0; var keyToNodeMap = {}; start.downPtrs[0] = end; end.upPtrs[0] = start; // a "point" object at location x allows modifications immediately after the first // x elements of the skiplist, such as multiple inserts or deletes. // After an insert or delete using point P, the point is still valid and points // to the same index in the skiplist. Other operations with other points invalidate // this point. function _getPoint(targetLoc) { var numLevels = start.levels; var lvl = numLevels-1; var i = -1, ws = 0; var nodes = new Array(numLevels); var idxs = new Array(numLevels); var widthSkips = new Array(numLevels); nodes[lvl] = start; idxs[lvl] = -1; widthSkips[lvl] = 0; while (lvl >= 0) { var n = nodes[lvl]; while (n.downPtrs[lvl] && (i + n.downSkips[lvl] < targetLoc)) { i += n.downSkips[lvl]; ws += n.downSkipWidths[lvl]; n = n.downPtrs[lvl]; } nodes[lvl] = n; idxs[lvl] = i; widthSkips[lvl] = ws; lvl--; if (lvl >= 0) { nodes[lvl] = n; } } return {nodes:nodes, idxs:idxs, loc:targetLoc, widthSkips:widthSkips, toString: function() { return "getPoint("+targetLoc+")"; } }; } function _getNodeAtOffset(targetOffset) { var i = 0; var n = start; var lvl = start.levels-1; while (lvl >= 0 && n.downPtrs[lvl]) { while (n.downPtrs[lvl] && (i + n.downSkipWidths[lvl] <= targetOffset)) { i += n.downSkipWidths[lvl]; n = n.downPtrs[lvl]; } lvl--; } if (n === start) return (start.downPtrs[0] || null); else if (n === end) return (targetOffset == totalWidth ? (end.upPtrs[0] || null) : null); return n; } function _entryWidth(e) { return (e && e.width) || 0; } function _insertKeyAtPoint(point, newKey, entry) { var p = PROFILER("insertKey", false); var newNode = {key:newKey, levels: 0, upPtrs:[], downPtrs:[], downSkips:[], downSkipWidths:[]}; p.mark("donealloc"); var pNodes = point.nodes; var pIdxs = point.idxs; var pLoc = point.loc; var widthLoc = point.widthSkips[0] + point.nodes[0].downSkipWidths[0]; var newWidth = _entryWidth(entry); p.mark("loop1"); while (newNode.levels == 0 || Math.random() < 0.01) { var lvl = newNode.levels; newNode.levels++; if (lvl == pNodes.length) { // assume we have just passed the end of point.nodes, and reached one level greater // than the skiplist currently supports pNodes[lvl] = start; pIdxs[lvl] = -1; start.levels++; end.levels++; start.downPtrs[lvl] = end; end.upPtrs[lvl] = start; start.downSkips[lvl] = numNodes+1; start.downSkipWidths[lvl] = totalWidth; point.widthSkips[lvl] = 0; } var me = newNode; var up = pNodes[lvl]; var down = up.downPtrs[lvl]; var skip1 = pLoc - pIdxs[lvl]; var skip2 = up.downSkips[lvl] + 1 - skip1; up.downSkips[lvl] = skip1; up.downPtrs[lvl] = me; me.downSkips[lvl] = skip2; me.upPtrs[lvl] = up; me.downPtrs[lvl] = down; down.upPtrs[lvl] = me; var widthSkip1 = widthLoc - point.widthSkips[lvl]; var widthSkip2 = up.downSkipWidths[lvl] + newWidth - widthSkip1; up.downSkipWidths[lvl] = widthSkip1; me.downSkipWidths[lvl] = widthSkip2; } p.mark("loop2"); p.literal(pNodes.length, "PNL"); for(var lvl=newNode.levels; lvl= n.levels && n.upPtrs[lvl-1]) { n = n.upPtrs[lvl-1]; } } totalWidth += widthChange; } function _getNodeIndex(node, byWidth) { var dist = (byWidth ? 0 : -1); var n = node; while (n !== start) { var lvl = n.levels-1; n = n.upPtrs[lvl]; if (byWidth) dist += n.downSkipWidths[lvl]; else dist += n.downSkips[lvl]; } return dist; } /*function _debugToString() { var array = [start]; while (array[array.length-1] !== end) { array[array.length] = array[array.length-1].downPtrs[0]; } function getIndex(node) { if (!node) return null; for(var i=0;i= 0) { var nextLow = low.downPtrs[lvl]; while (!f(nextLow)) { lowIndex += low.downSkips[lvl]; low = nextLow; nextLow = low.downPtrs[lvl]; } lvl--; } return lowIndex+1; } /* The skip-list contains "entries", JavaScript objects that each must have a unique "key" property that is a string. */ var self = { length: function() { return numNodes; }, atIndex: function(i) { if (i < 0) console.warn("atIndex("+i+")"); if (i >= numNodes) console.warn("atIndex("+i+">="+numNodes+")"); return _getNodeAtPoint(_getPoint(i)).entry; }, // differs from Array.splice() in that new elements are in an array, not varargs splice: function(start, deleteCount, newEntryArray) { if (start < 0) console.warn("splice("+start+", ...)"); if (start + deleteCount > numNodes) { console.warn("splice("+start+", "+deleteCount+", ...), N="+numNodes); console.warn("%s %s %s", typeof start, typeof deleteCount, typeof numNodes); console.trace(); } if (! newEntryArray) newEntryArray = []; var pt = _getPoint(start); for(var i=0;i=0;i--) { var entry = newEntryArray[i]; _insertKeyAtPoint(pt, entry.key, entry); var node = _getNodeByKey(entry.key); node.entry = entry; } }, next: function (entry) { return _getNodeByKey(entry.key).downPtrs[0].entry || null; }, prev: function (entry) { return _getNodeByKey(entry.key).upPtrs[0].entry || null; }, push: function(entry) { self.splice(numNodes, 0, [entry]); }, slice: function(start, end) { // act like Array.slice() if (start === undefined) start = 0; else if (start < 0) start += numNodes; if (end === undefined) end = numNodes; else if (end < 0) end += numNodes; if (start < 0) start = 0; if (start > numNodes) start = numNodes; if (end < 0) end = 0; if (end > numNodes) end = numNodes; dmesg(String([start,end,numNodes])); if (end <= start) return []; var n = self.atIndex(start); var array = [n]; for(var i=1;i<(end-start);i++) { n = self.next(n); array.push(n); } return array; }, atKey: function(key) { return _getNodeByKey(key).entry; }, indexOfKey: function(key) { return _getNodeIndex(_getNodeByKey(key)); }, indexOfEntry: function (entry) { return self.indexOfKey(entry.key); }, containsKey: function(key) { return !!(_getNodeByKey(key)); }, // gets the last entry starting at or before the offset atOffset: function(offset) { return _getNodeAtOffset(offset).entry; }, keyAtOffset: function(offset) { return self.atOffset(offset).key; }, offsetOfKey: function(key) { return _getNodeIndex(_getNodeByKey(key), true); }, offsetOfEntry: function(entry) { return self.offsetOfKey(entry.key); }, setEntryWidth: function(entry, width) { entry.width = width; _propagateWidthChange(_getNodeByKey(entry.key)); }, totalWidth: function() { return totalWidth; }, offsetOfIndex: function(i) { if (i < 0) return 0; if (i >= numNodes) return totalWidth; return self.offsetOfEntry(self.atIndex(i)); }, indexOfOffset: function(offset) { if (offset <= 0) return 0; if (offset >= totalWidth) return numNodes; return self.indexOfEntry(self.atOffset(offset)); }, search: function(entryFunc) { return _search(entryFunc); }, //debugToString: _debugToString, debugGetPoint: _getPoint, debugDepth: function() { return start.levels; } } return self; }