/** * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import("stringutils.trim"); import("jsutils.scalaF0") function _cx() { return appjet.context }; function _addIfNotPresent(obj, key, value) { if (!(key in obj)) obj[key] = value; } var request = { get isDefined() { return ( _cx() != null && _cx().request() != null && (! _cx().request().isFake()) && _cx().request().req() != null ); }, get cache() { var req = _cx().request().req(); if (req.getAttribute("jsCache") == null) { req.setAttribute("jsCache", {}); } return req.getAttribute("jsCache"); }, get continuation() { if (this.isDefined) { var c = Packages.net.appjet.ajstdlib.execution.getContinuation(_cx()); var u = this.underlying; return { suspend: function(timeout) { return Packages.net.appjet.ajstdlib.execution.sync( u, scalaF0(function() { return c.suspend(timeout); })); }, resume: function() { Packages.net.appjet.ajstdlib.execution.sync( u, scalaF0(function() { c.resume(); })) } } } }, get underlying() { if (this.isDefined) { return _cx().request().req(); } }, /** * The request path following the hostname. For example, if the user * is visiting yourapp.appjet.net/foo, then this will be set to * "/foo". * * This does not include CGI parameters or the domain name, and always * begins with a "/". * * @type string */ get path() { if (this.isDefined) { return String(_cx().request().path()); } }, /** * The value request query string. * * For example, if the user visits "yourapp.appjet.net/foo?id=20", then * query will be "id=20". * * @type string */ get query() { if (this.isDefined) { if (_cx().request().query() != null) { return _cx().request().query(); } } }, /** * The content of a POST request. Retrieving this value may interfere * with the ability to get post request parameters sent in the body of * a request via the "params" property. Use with care. * * @type string */ get content() { if (this.isDefined) { if (_cx().request().content() != null) { return _cx().request().content(); } } }, /** * Either "GET" or "POST" (uppercase). * @type string */ get method() { if (this.isDefined) { return String(_cx().request().method().toUpperCase()); } }, /** * Whether the curent HTTP request is a GET request. * @type boolean */ get isGet() { return (this.method == "GET"); }, /** * Whether the current HTTP request is a POST request. * @type boolean */ get isPost() { return (this.method == "POST"); }, /** * Either "http" or "https" (lowercase). * @type string */ get scheme() { if (this.isDefined) { return String(_cx().request().scheme()); } }, /** * Whether the current request arrived using HTTPS. * @type boolean */ get isSSL() { return (this.scheme == "https"); }, /** * Holds the IP address of the user making the request. * @type string */ get clientAddr() { if (this.isDefined) { return String(_cx().request().clientAddr()); } }, /** * Parameters associated with the request, either from the query string * or from the contents of a POST, e.g. from a form. Parameters are accessible * by name as properties of this object. The property value is either a * string (typically) or an array of strings (if the parameter occurs * multiple times in the request). * * @type object */ get params() { if (this.isDefined) { var cx = _cx(); var req = cx.request(); return cx.attributes().getOrElseUpdate("requestParams", scalaF0(function() { return req.params(cx.runner().globalScope()); })); } }, /** * Uploaded files associated with the request, from the contents of a POST. * * @type object */ get files() { if (this.isDefined) { var cx = _cx(); var req = cx.request(); return cx.attributes().getOrElseUpdate("requestFiles", scalaF0(function() { return req.files(cx.runner().globalScope()); })); } }, /** * Used to access the HTTP headers of the current request. Properties are * header names, and each value is either a string (typically) or an * array of strings (if the header occurs multiple times in the request). * * @example print(request.headers["User-Agent"]); * * @type object */ get headers() { if (this.isDefined) { var cx = _cx(); var req = cx.request(); return cx.attributes().getOrElseUpdate("requestHeaders", scalaF0(function() { return req.headers(cx.runner().globalScope()); })); } }, // TODO: this is super inefficient to do each time someone accesses // request.cookies.foo. We should probably store _cookies in the requestCache. get cookies() { var _cookies = {}; var cookieHeaderArray = this.headers['Cookie']; if (!cookieHeaderArray) { return {}; } if (!(cookieHeaderArray instanceof Array)) cookieHeaderArray = [cookieHeaderArray]; var name, val; cookieHeaderArray.forEach(function (cookieHeader) { cookieHeader.split(';').forEach(function(cs) { var parts = cs.split('='); if (parts.length == 2) { name = trim(parts[0]); val = trim(unescape(parts[1])); _addIfNotPresent(_cookies, name, val); } }); }); return _cookies; }, /** * Holds the full URL of the request. */ get url() { if (this.isDefined) { return this.scheme+"://"+this.host+this.path+(this.query ? "?"+this.query : ""); } }, get host() { if (this.isDefined) { // required by HTTP/1.1 to be present. return String(this.headers['Host']).toLowerCase(); } }, get domain() { if (this.isDefined) { // like host, but without the port if there is one. return this.host.split(':')[0]; } }, get uniqueId() { return String(_cx().executionId()); }, get protocol() { if (this.isDefined) { return String(_cx().request().protocol()); } }, get userAgent() { if (this.isDefined) { var agentString = (request.headers['User-Agent'] || "?"); return { toString: function() { return agentString; }, isIPhone: function() { return (agentString.indexOf("(iPhone;") > 0); } }; } }, get acceptsGzip() { if (this.isDefined) { var headerArray = this.headers["Accept-Encoding"]; if (! (headerArray instanceof Array)) { headerArray = [headerArray]; } // Want to see if some accept-encoding header OK's gzip. // Starting with: "Accept-Encoding: gzip; q=0.5, deflate; q=1.0" // 1. Split into ["gzip; q=0.5", "delfate; q=1.0"] // 2. See if some entry is gzip with q > 0. (q is optional.) return headerArray.some(function(header) { if (! header) return false; return header.split(/,\s*/).some(function(validEncoding) { if (!validEncoding.indexOf("gzip") == 0) { return false; } if (/q=[0\.]*$/.test(validEncoding)) { return false; } return true; }); }); } } }; // end: var request = {...