# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os, sys from flask import Blueprint, render_template, request, flash, redirect,\ url_for, current_app, g from werkzeug import secure_filename from wtforms.validators import ValidationError from .backend import Storage main = Blueprint('main', __name__) def get_studies(): """ Add all existing courses of backend to study list. This list is used to fill form values with courses. """ studies = getattr(g, '_studies', None) if studies is None: studies = g._studies = {} it = current_app.config['STUDIES'].items() for i, (abbr, courses) in enumerate(it): path_rel = os.path.join('studies', abbr) path_app = os.path.join('app', 'static', path_rel) studies[abbr] = Storage(path_rel, path_app) # iterate over all courses in our backend for course in g._studies[abbr].get_courses(): # check if course is already listed entry = (course.encode('ascii', errors='ignore'), course) if entry not in courses: current_app.config['STUDIES'][abbr].append(entry) current_app.config['STUDIES'][abbr].sort() return studies @main.route('//upload/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @main.route('//upload/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def upload(study, course = None): from .forms import UploadForm form = UploadForm() form.study.data = study # dynamically fill form values form.course.choices = current_app.config['STUDIES'][study] if 'new' not in dict(form.course.choices): form.course.choices.append(('', u'---')) form.course.choices.append(('new', u'neuen Kurs hinzufügen')) if form.validate_on_submit(): if form.course.data == 'new': course = form.course_new.data slug = course.encode('ascii', errors='ignore') current_app.config['STUDIES'][study].append((slug,course)) current_app.config['STUDIES'][study].sort() else: course = dict(current_app.config['STUDIES'][study])[form.course.data] year = form.year.data filename = secure_filename(form.exam.data.filename) try: data = form.exam.data.stream.getvalue() except: data = form.exam.data.stream.read() backend = get_studies()[study] if not backend.exam_exists(course, year, filename): backend.add_exam(course, year, filename, data) flash(u'Datei %s gespeichert.' % filename) return redirect(url_for('.courses_show', study = study, course = course)) else: flash(u'Datei mit gleichem Namen existiert schon!', 'error') try: form.course.data = [k for (k,v) in form.course.choices if v == course][0] except: pass return render_template('upload.html', study = study, form = form, course = course) @main.route('//courses/') @main.route('//courses/') def courses_show(study, course = None): """ Lists all courses or exams for a course """ backend = get_studies()[study] if course: entries = sorted(backend.get_exams(course), reverse = True) return render_template('exams.html', study = study, course = course, entries=entries) courses = sorted(backend.get_courses()) return render_template('courses.html', study = study, courses = courses) @main.route('/') def index(): """ Lists all course of studies """ get_img_path = lambda x: os.path.join('studies', x, 'logo.png') it = current_app.config['STUDIES'].items() studies = [(name, get_img_path(name)) for name,m in it] return render_template('index.html', studies = studies)