path: root/client/components/activities
diff options
authorMaxime Quandalle <>2015-06-12 13:59:39 +0200
committerMaxime Quandalle <>2015-06-12 17:48:15 +0200
commitc8945679872a0708eb67a477a99a65d508c84cb0 (patch)
tree5cf9f2cc842f891451f7bc247b5f0833c1ab39e7 /client/components/activities
parent216887490e3be0ba141484afc11d37475e91562d (diff)
Work on the card activities and comments
This commit also introduces a new CSSEvents object that is used to abstract vendor specifics events related to CSS transitions and animations. Fixes #183. Fixes #179.
Diffstat (limited to 'client/components/activities')
8 files changed, 243 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/client/components/activities/activities.jade b/client/components/activities/activities.jade
index 1c6b9faf..dd47af7f 100644
--- a/client/components/activities/activities.jade
+++ b/client/components/activities/activities.jade
@@ -1,8 +1,113 @@
- .js-sidebar-activities
+ .activities.js-sidebar-activities
//- We should use Template.dynamic here but there is a bug with
//- blaze-components:
if $eq mode "board"
+ each currentBoard.activities
+ .activity
+ +userAvatar(userId=user._id)
+ p.activity-desc
+ +memberName(user=user)
+ if($eq activityType 'createBoard')
+ | {{_ 'activity-created' boardLabel}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'createList')
+ | {{_ 'activity-added' list.title boardLabel}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'archivedList')
+ | {{_ 'activity-archived' list.title}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'createCard')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-added' cardLink boardLabel}}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'archivedCard')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-archived' cardLink}}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'restoredCard')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-sent' cardLink boardLabel}}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'moveCard')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-moved' cardLink oldList.title list.title}}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'addBoardMember')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-added' memberLink boardLabel}}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'removeBoardMember')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-excluded' memberLink boardLabel}}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'joinMember')
+ if($eq currentUser._id member._id)
+ | {{{_ 'activity-joined' cardLink}}}.
+ else
+ | {{{_ 'activity-added' memberLink cardLink}}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'unjoinMember')
+ if($eq currentUser._id member._id)
+ | {{{_ 'activity-unjoined' cardLink}}}.
+ else
+ | {{{_ 'activity-removed' memberLink cardLink}}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'addComment')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-on' cardLink}}}
+ a.activity-comment(href="{{ card.absoluteUrl }}")
+ +viewer
+ = comment.text
+ if($eq activityType 'addAttachment')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-attached' attachmentLink cardLink}}}.
+ span.activity-meta {{ moment createdAt }}
+ each currentCard.activities
+ .activity
+ +userAvatar(userId=user._id)
+ p.activity-desc
+ +memberName(user=user)
+ if($eq activityType 'createCard')
+ | {{_ 'activity-added' cardLabel list.title}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'joinMember')
+ if($eq currentUser._id member._id)
+ | {{_ 'activity-joined' cardLabel}}.
+ else
+ | {{{_ 'activity-added' cardLabel memberLink}}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'unjoinMember')
+ if($eq currentUser._id member._id)
+ | {{_ 'activity-unjoined' cardLabel}}.
+ else
+ | {{{_ 'activity-removed' cardLabel memberLink}}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'archivedCard')
+ | {{_ 'activity-archived' cardLabel}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'restoredCard')
+ | {{_ 'activity-sent' cardLabel boardLabel}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'moveCard')
+ | {{_ 'activity-moved' cardLabel oldList.title list.title}}.
+ if($eq activityType 'addAttachment')
+ | {{{_ 'activity-attached' attachmentLink cardLabel}}}.
+ if attachment.isImage
+ img.attachment-image-preview(src=attachment.url)
+ if($eq activityType 'addComment')
+ +inlinedForm(classNames='js-edit-comment')
+ +editor(autofocus=true)
+ = comment.text
+ .edit-controls
+ button.primary(type="submit") {{_ 'edit'}}
+ else
+ .activity-comment
+ +viewer
+ = comment.text
+ span.activity-meta
+ | {{ moment createdAt }} -
+ a.js-open-inlined-form {{_ "edit"}}
+ = ' - '
+ a.js-delete-comment {{_ "delete"}}
+ else
+ span.activity-meta {{ moment createdAt }}
diff --git a/client/components/activities/activities.js b/client/components/activities/activities.js
index c806e87b..5d95006a 100644
--- a/client/components/activities/activities.js
+++ b/client/components/activities/activities.js
@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
return TAPi18n.__('this-board');
- cardLabel: function() {
- return TAPi18n.__('this-card');
- },
cardLink: function() {
var card = this.currentData().card();
return Blaze.toHTML(HTML.A({
@@ -75,3 +71,35 @@ BlazeComponent.extendComponent({
+ template: function() {
+ return 'cardActivities';
+ },
+ cardLabel: function() {
+ return TAPi18n.__('this-card');
+ },
+ events: function() {
+ return [{
+ // XXX We should use Popup.afterConfirmation here
+ 'click .js-delete-comment': function() {
+ var commentId = this.currentData().commentId;
+ CardComments.remove(commentId);
+ },
+ 'submit .js-edit-comment': function(evt) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ var commentText = this.currentComponent().getValue();
+ var commentId = Template.parentData().commentId;
+ if ($.trim(commentText)) {
+ CardComments.update(commentId, {
+ $set: {
+ text: commentText
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }];
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/activities/activities.styl b/client/components/activities/activities.styl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de2b796d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/components/activities/activities.styl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ clear: both
+ .activity
+ margin: 6px 0
+ display: flex
+ .member
+ width: 24px
+ height: @width
+ .activity-desc
+ flex: 1
+ align-self: center
+ margin: 0
+ .activity-comment
+ display: block
+ border-radius: 3px
+ background: white
+ text-decoration: none
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.2)
+ margin-top: 5px
+ padding: 5px
+ .activity-meta
+ font-size: 0.8em
+ color: darken(white, 40%)
diff --git a/client/components/activities/comments.jade b/client/components/activities/comments.jade
index e69de29b..3b47cbf6 100644
--- a/client/components/activities/comments.jade
+++ b/client/components/activities/comments.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ .new-comment.js-new-comment(
+ class="{{#if commentFormIsOpen}}is-open{{/if}}")
+ +userAvatar(userId=currentUser._id)
+ form.js-new-comment-form
+ +editor(class="js-new-comment-input")
+ .add-controls
+ button.primary.confirm.clear.js-add-comment(type="submit") {{_ 'comment'}}
diff --git a/client/components/activities/comments.js b/client/components/activities/comments.js
index e69de29b..d41b86dd 100644
--- a/client/components/activities/comments.js
+++ b/client/components/activities/comments.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+var commentFormIsOpen = new ReactiveVar(false);
+ commentFormIsOpen: function() {
+ return commentFormIsOpen.get();
+ }
+ 'click .js-new-comment:not(.focus)': function() {
+ commentFormIsOpen.set(true);
+ },
+ 'submit .js-new-comment-form': function(evt, tpl) {
+ var input = tpl.$('.js-new-comment-input');
+ if ($.trim(input.val())) {
+ CardComments.insert({
+ boardId: this.boardId,
+ cardId: this._id,
+ text: input.val()
+ });
+ input.val('');
+ input.blur();
+ commentFormIsOpen.set(false);
+ Tracker.flush();
+ autosize.update(input);
+ }
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ },
+ // Pressing Ctrl+Enter should submit the form
+ 'keydown form textarea': function(evt, tpl) {
+ if (evt.keyCode === 13 && (evt.metaKey || evt.ctrlKey)) {
+ tpl.find('button[type=submit]').click();
+ }
+ }
+Template.commentForm.onDestroyed(function() {
+ commentFormIsOpen.set(false);
+ function() {
+ commentFormIsOpen.set(false);
+ $('.js-new-comment-input').blur();
+ },
+ function() { return commentFormIsOpen.get(); }, {
+ noClickEscapeOn: '.js-new-comment'
+ }
diff --git a/client/components/activities/comments.styl b/client/components/activities/comments.styl
index f372e5ef..1857ca99 100644
--- a/client/components/activities/comments.styl
+++ b/client/components/activities/comments.styl
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
top: 1px
left: -38px
- &.focus
+ &.is-open
opacity: 1
display: inline-block
- .new-comment-input
- min-height: 108px
+ textarea
+ min-height: 100px
color: #4d4d4d
cursor: auto
overflow: hidden
@@ -25,22 +25,22 @@
margin-top: 8px
- background-color: #fff
- border: 0
- box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .23)
- color: #8c8c8c
- height: 36px
- margin: 4px 4px 6px 0
- padding: 9px 11px
- width: 100%
- &:hover,
- &:focus
+ textarea
background-color: #fff
- box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .33)
border: 0
- cursor: pointer
- &:focus
- cursor: auto
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .23)
+ color: #8c8c8c
+ height: 36px
+ margin: 4px 4px 6px 0
+ padding: 9px 11px
+ width: 100%
+ &:hover,
+ &:is-open
+ background-color: #fff
+ box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .33)
+ border: 0
+ cursor: pointer
+ &:is-open
+ cursor: auto
diff --git a/client/components/activities/events.js b/client/components/activities/events.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ea98e65f..00000000
--- a/client/components/activities/events.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@{
- 'click .js-edit-action': function(evt) {
- var $this = $(evt.currentTarget);
- var container = $this.parents('.phenom-comment');
- // open and focus
- container.addClass('editing');
- container.find('textarea').focus();
- },
- 'click .js-confirm-delete-action': function() {
- CardComments.remove(this._id);
- },
- 'submit form': function(evt) {
- var $this = $(evt.currentTarget);
- var container = $this.parents('.phenom-comment');
- var text = container.find('textarea');
- if ($.trim(text.val())) {
- CardComments.update(this._id, {
- $set: {
- text: text.val()
- }
- });
- // reset editing class
- $('.editing').removeClass('editing');
- }
- evt.preventDefault();
- }
diff --git a/client/components/activities/templates.html b/client/components/activities/templates.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a595a36..00000000
--- a/client/components/activities/templates.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-<template name="boardActivities">
- {{# each currentBoard.activities }}
- <div class="phenom phenom-action clearfix phenom-other">
- {{> userAvatar userId=user._id}}
- <div class="phenom-desc">
- {{ > memberName user=user }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'createBoard' }}
- {{_ 'activity-created' boardLabel}}.
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'createList' }}
- {{_ 'activity-added' list.title boardLabel}}.
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'archivedList' }}
- {{_ 'activity-archived' list.title}}.
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'createCard' }}
- {{{_ 'activity-added' cardLink boardLabel}}}.
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'archivedCard' }}
- {{{_ 'activity-archived' cardLink}}}.
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'restoredCard' }}
- {{{_ 'activity-sent' cardLink boardLabel}}}.
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'moveCard' }}
- {{{_ 'activity-moved' cardLink oldList.title list.title}}}.
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'addBoardMember' }}
- {{{_ 'activity-added' memberLink boardLabel}}}.
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'removeBoardMember' }}
- {{{_ 'activity-excluded' memberLink boardLabel}}}.
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'joinMember' }}
- {{# if $eq currentUser._id member._id }}
- {{{_ 'activity-joined' cardLink}}}.
- {{ else }}
- {{{_ 'activity-added' memberLink cardLink}}}.
- {{/if}}
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'unjoinMember' }}
- {{# if $eq currentUser._id member._id }}
- {{{_ 'activity-unjoined' cardLink}}}.
- {{ else }}
- {{{_ 'activity-removed' memberLink cardLink}}}.
- {{/if}}
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'addComment' }}
- <div class="phenom-desc">
- {{{_ 'activity-on' cardLink}}}
- <div class="action-comment markeddown">
- <a href="{{ card.absoluteUrl }}" class="current-comment show tdn">
- <p>{{#viewer}}{{ comment.text }}{{/viewer}}</p>
- </a>
- </div>
- </div>
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'addAttachment' }}
- <div class="phenom-desc">
- {{{_ 'activity-attached' attachmentLink cardLink}}}.
- </div>
- {{ /if }}
- </div>
- <p class="phenom-meta quiet">
- <span class="date js-hide-on-sending">
- {{ moment createdAt }}
- </span>
- </p>
- </div>
- {{ /each }}
-<template name="cardActivities">
- {{# each currentCard.comments }}
- <div class="phenom phenom-action clearfix phenom-comment">
- {{> userAvatar userId=user._id}}
- <form>
- <div class="phenom-desc">
- {{ > memberName user=user }}
- <div class="action-comment markeddown">
- <div class="current-comment">
- {{#viewer}}{{ text }}{{/viewer}}
- </div>
- <textarea class="js-text" tabindex="1">{{ text }}</textarea>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="edit-controls clearfix">
- <input type="submit" class="primary confirm js-save-edit" value="{{_ 'save'}}" tabindex="2">
- </div>
- </form>
- <p class="phenom-meta quiet">
- <span class="date js-hide-on-sending">{{ moment createdAt }}</span>
- {{# if currentUser }}
- <span class="js-hide-on-sending">
- - <a href="#" class="js-edit-action">{{_ "edit"}}</a>
- - <a href="#" class="js-confirm-delete-action">{{_ "delete"}}</a>
- </span>
- {{/ if }}
- </p>
- </div>
- {{/each}}
- {{# each currentCard.activities }}
- <div class="phenom phenom-action clearfix phenom-other">
- {{> userAvatar userId=user._id size="extra-small" class="creator js-show-mem-menu" }}
- {{ > memberName user=user }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'createCard' }}
- {{_ 'activity-added' cardLabel list.title}}.
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'joinMember' }}
- {{# if $eq currentUser._id member._id }}
- {{_ 'activity-joined' cardLabel}}.
- {{ else }}
- {{{_ 'activity-added' cardLabel memberLink}}}.
- {{/if}}
- {{/if}}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'unjoinMember' }}
- {{# if $eq currentUser._id member._id }}
- {{_ 'activity-unjoined' cardLabel}}.
- {{ else }}
- {{{_ 'activity-removed' cardLabel memberLink}}}.
- {{/if}}
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'archivedCard' }}
- {{_ 'activity-archived' cardLabel}}.
- {{ /if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'restoredCard' }}
- {{_ 'activity-sent' cardLabel boardLabel}}.
- {{/ if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'moveCard' }}
- {{_ 'activity-moved' cardLabel oldList.title list.title}}.
- {{/ if }}
- {{# if $eq activityType 'addAttachment' }}
- {{{_ 'activity-attached' attachmentLink cardLabel}}}.
- {{# if attachment.isImage }}
- <img src="{{ attachment.url }}" class="attachment-image-preview">
- {{/if}}
- {{/ if}}
- </div>
- {{/each}}