diff options
5 files changed, 320 insertions, 320 deletions
diff --git a/i18n/he.i18n.json b/i18n/he.i18n.json
index c8d16a32..6175214c 100644
--- a/i18n/he.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/he.i18n.json
@@ -728,12 +728,12 @@
"almostdue": "מועד היעד הנוכחי %s מתקרב",
"pastdue": "מועד היעד הנוכחי %s חלף",
"duenow": "מועד היעד הנוכחי %s הוא היום",
- "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ has 1st due reminder [__board__]",
- "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ due reminders [__board__]",
+ "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ יש תזכורת ראשונה שתוקפה פג [__board__]",
+ "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ יש תזכורות שתוקפן פג [__board__]",
"act-almostdue": "הזכירה שמועד היעד הנוכחי (__timeValue__) של __card__ מתקרב",
"act-pastdue": "הזכירה שמועד היעד הנוכחי (__timeValue__) של __card__ חלף",
"act-duenow": "הזכירה שמועד היעד הנוכחי (__timeValue__) של __card__ הוא עכשיו",
- "act-atUserComment": "You were mentioned in [__board__] __list__/__card__",
+ "act-atUserComment": "אוזכרת תחת [__board__] __list__/__card__",
"delete-user-confirm-popup": "למחוק את החשבון הזה? אי אפשר לבטל.",
"accounts-allowUserDelete": "לאפשר למשתמשים למחוק את החשבונות של עצמם",
"hide-minicard-label-text": "הסתרת טקסט התווית של מיני כרטיס",
diff --git a/i18n/nl.i18n.json b/i18n/nl.i18n.json
index 8ecfd341..9fdb1046 100644
--- a/i18n/nl.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/nl.i18n.json
@@ -728,12 +728,12 @@
"almostdue": "huidige vervaldatum %s nadert",
"pastdue": "huidige vervaldatum %s is verlopen",
"duenow": "huidige vervaldatum %s is vandaag",
- "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ has 1st due reminder [__board__]",
- "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ due reminders [__board__]",
+ "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ heeft eerste vervaldatum herinnering [__board__]",
+ "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ vervaldatum herinneringen [__board__]",
"act-almostdue": "was aan het herinneren aan dat de huidige vervaldatum (__timeValue__) van __card__ nadert",
"act-pastdue": "was aan het herinneren aan dat de huidige vervaldatum (__timeValue__) van __card__ is verlopen",
"act-duenow": "was aan het herinneren aan dat de huidige vervaldatum (__timeValue__) van __card__ is nu",
- "act-atUserComment": "You were mentioned in [__board__] __list__/__card__",
+ "act-atUserComment": "Je werd genoemd in [__board__] __list__/__card__",
"delete-user-confirm-popup": "Weet je zeker dat je dit account wilt verwijderen? Er is geen herstelmogelijkheid.",
"accounts-allowUserDelete": "Sta gebruikers toe om hun eigen account te verwijderen",
"hide-minicard-label-text": "Verberg minikaart labeltekst",
diff --git a/i18n/pl.i18n.json b/i18n/pl.i18n.json
index 37f8d82a..bd494294 100644
--- a/i18n/pl.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/pl.i18n.json
@@ -728,12 +728,12 @@
"almostdue": "aktualny termin ukończenia %s dobiega końca",
"pastdue": "aktualny termin ukończenia %s jest w przeszłości",
"duenow": "aktualny termin ukończenia %s jest dzisiaj",
- "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ has 1st due reminder [__board__]",
- "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ due reminders [__board__]",
+ "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ przypomina o 1szym zakończeniu terminu [__board__]",
+ "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ posiada przypomnienia zakończenia terminu [__board__]",
"act-almostdue": "przypomina o zbliżającej się dacie ukończenia (__timeValue__) karty __card__",
"act-pastdue": "przypomina o ubiegłej dacie ukończenia (__timeValue__) karty __card__",
"act-duenow": "przypomina o ubiegającej teraz dacie ukończenia (__timeValue__) karty __card__",
- "act-atUserComment": "You were mentioned in [__board__] __list__/__card__",
+ "act-atUserComment": "Zostałeś wspomniany w [__board] __list__/__card__",
"delete-user-confirm-popup": "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć te konto? Nie można tego wycofać.",
"accounts-allowUserDelete": "Pozwól użytkownikom na usuwanie własnych kont",
"hide-minicard-label-text": "Ukryj opisy etykiet minikart",
diff --git a/i18n/sl.i18n.json b/i18n/sl.i18n.json
index 5e54a334..b3374bf6 100644
--- a/i18n/sl.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/sl.i18n.json
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@
"starred-boards-description": "Table z zvezdico se prikažejo na vrhu vašega seznama tabel.",
"subscribe": "Naročite se",
"team": "Skupina",
- "this-board": "ta tabla",
+ "this-board": "to tablo",
"this-card": "ta kartica",
"spent-time-hours": "Porabljen čas (ure)",
"overtime-hours": "Presežen čas (ure)",
@@ -602,28 +602,28 @@
"r-when-a-card": "Ko je kartica",
"r-is": "_",
"r-is-moved": "premaknjena",
- "r-added-to": "dodana na",
+ "r-added-to": "dodan-a na",
"r-removed-from": "Izbrisana iz",
"r-the-board": "tabla",
"r-list": "seznam",
"set-filter": "Nastavi filter",
"r-moved-to": "premaknjena v",
"r-moved-from": "premaknjena iz",
- "r-archived": "Premaknil v arhiv",
+ "r-archived": "premaknjena v arhiv",
"r-unarchived": "obnovljena iz arhiva",
- "r-a-card": "kartica",
- "r-when-a-label-is": "Ko je oznaka enaka",
- "r-when-the-label": "Ko oznaka",
- "r-list-name": "ime seznama",
- "r-when-a-member": "Ko je član enak",
- "r-when-the-member": "Ko član",
+ "r-a-card": "kartico",
+ "r-when-a-label-is": "Ko je oznaka",
+ "r-when-the-label": "Ko je oznaka",
+ "r-list-name": "ime sezn.",
+ "r-when-a-member": "Ko je član",
+ "r-when-the-member": "Ko je član",
"r-name": "ime",
- "r-when-a-attach": "Ko priponka",
- "r-when-a-checklist": "Ko je kontrolni seznam enak",
+ "r-when-a-attach": "Ko je priponka",
+ "r-when-a-checklist": "Ko je kontrolni seznam",
"r-when-the-checklist": "Ko kontrolni seznam",
"r-completed": "Zaključeno",
"r-made-incomplete": "Nastavljeno kot nedokončano",
- "r-when-a-item": "Ko je kontrolni seznam enak",
+ "r-when-a-item": "Ko je kontrolni seznam",
"r-when-the-item": "Ko je element kontrolnega seznama",
"r-checked": "Označen",
"r-unchecked": "Odznačen",
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@
"r-with-items": "s postavkami",
"r-items-list": "el1,el2,el3",
"r-add-swimlane": "Dodaj plavalno stezo",
- "r-swimlane-name": "Ime plavalne steze",
+ "r-swimlane-name": "ime plavalne steze",
"r-board-note": "Opomba: polje pustite prazno, da ustreza vsaki možni vrednosti.",
"r-checklist-note": "Opomba: elementi kontrolnega seznama morajo biti zapisani kot vrednosti, ločene z vejicami.",
"r-when-a-card-is-moved": "Ko je kartica premaknjena v drug seznam",
@@ -728,12 +728,12 @@
"almostdue": "trenutni rok %s se približuje",
"pastdue": "trenutni rok %s je potekel",
"duenow": "trenutni rok %s je danes",
- "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ has 1st due reminder [__board__]",
- "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ due reminders [__board__]",
+ "act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ ima 1. opomnik roka zapadlosti [__board__]",
+ "act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ opomniki roka zapadlosti [__board__]",
"act-almostdue": "je opomnil trenuten rok zapadlosti (__timeValue__) kartice __card__ se bliža",
"act-pastdue": "je opomnil trenuten rok zapadlosti (__timeValue__) kartice __card__ je potekel",
"act-duenow": "je opomnil trenuten rok zapadlosti (__timeValue__) kartice __card__ je sedaj",
- "act-atUserComment": "You were mentioned in [__board__] __list__/__card__",
+ "act-atUserComment": "Omenjeni ste bili v [__board__] __list__/__card__",
"delete-user-confirm-popup": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta račun? Razveljavitve ni.",
"accounts-allowUserDelete": "Dovoli uporabnikom, da sami izbrišejo svoj račun",
"hide-minicard-label-text": "Skrij besedilo oznak na karticah",
diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json b/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json
index 52f1b094..0a7844c5 100644
--- a/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json
@@ -2,53 +2,53 @@
"accept": "接受",
"act-activity-notify": "活動通知",
"act-addAttachment": "附件 __attachment__ 已新增到卡片 __card__ 位於清單 __list__  泳道流程圖  __swimlane__ 看板 __board__",
- "act-deleteAttachment": "卡片__card__ 附件 __attachment__ 已刪除,位於清單 __list__ 泳道流程圖  __swimlane__ 看板 __board__",
- "act-addSubtask": "added subtask __subtask__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addLabel": "Added label __label__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addedLabel": "Added label __label__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeLabel": "Removed label __label__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removedLabel": "Removed label __label__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addChecklist": "added checklist __checklist__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addChecklistItem": "added checklist item __checklistItem__ to checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeChecklist": "removed checklist __checklist__ from card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeChecklistItem": "removed checklist item __checklistItem__ from checklist __checkList__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-checkedItem": "checked __checklistItem__ of checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-uncheckedItem": "unchecked __checklistItem__ of checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-completeChecklist": "completed checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-uncompleteChecklist": "uncompleted checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-addComment": "commented on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-editComment": "edited comment on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-deleteComment": "deleted comment on card __card__: __comment__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-createBoard": "看板 __board__ 已建立",
- "act-createSwimlane": "泳道流程圖 __swimlane__ 以新增至看板 __board__",
- "act-createCard": "created card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-createCustomField": "看板 __board__ 自訂欄位 __customField__ 已建立",
- "act-deleteCustomField": "看板 __board__ 自訂欄位 __customField__ 已刪除",
- "act-setCustomField": "edited custom field __customField__: __customFieldValue__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-createList": "清單 __list__ 已新增到看板 __board__",
- "act-addBoardMember": "已在看板 __board__ 中新增成員 __member__",
+ "act-deleteAttachment": "已刪除的附件__附件__卡片上__卡片__在清單__清單__at swimlane__swimlane__在看板__看板__",
+ "act-addSubtask": "新增子任務 __子任務 __ to card __卡片__ at list_清單__ at swimlane __分隔線__ at board __看板__",
+ "act-addLabel": "新增標籤 __label__ 到看板 __board__ 中的泳道 __swimlane__ 中的清單 __list__ 中的卡片 __card__ 中",
+ "act-addedLabel": "新增標籤 __label__ 到看板 __board__ 中的泳道 __swimlane__ 中的清單 __list__ 中的卡片 __card__ 中",
+ "act-removeLabel": "移除看板 __board__ 中的泳道 __swimlane__ 中的清單 __list__ 中的卡片 __card__ 中的標籤 __label__",
+ "act-removedLabel": "移除看板 __board__ 中的泳道 __swimlane__ 中的清單 __list__ 中的卡片 __card__ 中的標籤 __label__",
+ "act-addChecklist": "新增清單 __checklist__ 到看板 __board__ 中的泳道 __swimlane__ 中的清單 __list__ 中的卡片 __card__ 中",
+ "act-addChecklistItem": "新增清單項 __checklistItem__ 到看板 __board__ 中的泳道 __swimlane__ 中的清單 __list__ 中的卡片 __card__ 中的清單 __checklist__",
+ "act-removeChecklist": "移除看板 __board__ 中的泳道 __swimlane__ 中的清單 __list__ 中的卡片 __card__ 中的清單 __checklist__",
+ "act-removeChecklistItem": "移除看板 __board__ 中的泳道 __swimlane__ 中的清單 __list__ 中的卡片 __card__ 中的清單 __checklist__ 清單項 __checklistItem__",
+ "act-checkedItem": "選中看板 __board__ 中的泳道 __swimlane__ 中的清單 __list__ 中的卡片 __card__ 中的清單 __checklist__ 的清單項 __checklistItem__",
+ "act-uncheckedItem": "取消選取__選取清單項目__清單上__清單__在卡片__卡片__在清單__清單__在分隔線__分隔線__在看板__看板__",
+ "act-completeChecklist": "完成檢查清單__checklist__ 卡片 __card__ 清單 __list__ 泳道 __swimlane__ 看板 __board__",
+ "act-uncompleteChecklist": "看板 __board__ 中的泳道 __swimlane__ 中的清單 __list__ 中的卡片 __card__ 中的清單 __checklist__ 未完成",
+ "act-addComment": "對看板 __board__ 中的泳道 __swimlane__ 中的清單 __list__ 中的卡片 __card__ 發表了評論: __comment__",
+ "act-editComment": "編輯卡片中的評論:看板__board__中的泳道__swimlane__中的清單__list__中的評論__comment__",
+ "act-deleteComment": "刪除卡片中的評論:看板__board__中的泳道__swimlane__中的清單__list__中的評論__comment__",
+ "act-createBoard": "新增看板 __board__",
+ "act-createSwimlane": "新增泳道 __swimlane__ 到看板 __board__",
+ "act-createCard": "在看板 __board__ 的泳道 __swimlane__ 的清單 __list__ 中新增卡片 __card__",
+ "act-createCustomField": "已新增看板__board__自訂欄位__customField__",
+ "act-deleteCustomField": "已刪除看板__board__自訂欄位__customField__",
+ "act-setCustomField": "編輯定制字段__customField__:看板__board__中的泳道__swimlane__中的清單__list__中的卡片__card__中的__customFieldValue__",
+ "act-createList": "新增清單 __list__ 至看板 __board__",
+ "act-addBoardMember": "新增成員 __member__ 到看板 __board__",
"act-archivedBoard": "看板 __board__ 已被移到封存",
- "act-archivedCard": "卡片 __card__ 位於清單 __list__ 泳道流程圖 __swimlane__ 看板 __board__ 已被移到封存",
- "act-archivedList": "清單 __list__ 位於泳道流程圖 __swimlane__ 看板 __board__ 已被移到封存",
- "act-archivedSwimlane": "看板__board__的泳道流程圖__swimlane__已被移到封存",
- "act-importBoard": "看板 __board__ 已匯入",
- "act-importCard": "imported card __card__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-importList": "imported list __list__ to swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-joinMember": "added member __member__ to card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-moveCard": "moved card __card__ at board __board__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__",
- "act-moveCardToOtherBoard": "moved card __card__ from list __oldList__ at swimlane __oldSwimlane__ at board __oldBoard__ to list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "act-removeBoardMember": "成員 __member__ 已從看板 __board__ 刪除",
- "act-restoredCard": "卡片__card__ 已還原到清單 __list__ ,位於泳道流程圖 __swimlane__ 看板 __board__",
- "act-unjoinMember": "成員 __member__ 已從卡片 __card__ 刪除 ,位於清單 __list__ 泳道流程圖 __swimlane__ 看板 __board__",
- "act-withBoardTitle": "__board__",
- "act-withCardTitle": "[__board__] __card__",
+ "act-archivedCard": "將看板 __board__ 中的泳道 __swimlane__ 中的清單 __list__ 中的卡片 移動到封存中",
+ "act-archivedList": "看板 __board__ 中的泳道 __swimlane__ 中的清單 __list__ 已被移入封存",
+ "act-archivedSwimlane": "看板 __board__ 中的泳道 __swimlane__ 已被移入封存",
+ "act-importBoard": "匯入看板 __board__",
+ "act-importCard": "已將卡片 __card__ 匯入到 __board__ 看板中的 __swimlane__ 泳道中的 __list__ 清單中",
+ "act-importList": "已將清單匯入到 __board__ 看板中的 __swimlane__  泳道中的 __list__  清單中",
+ "act-joinMember": "已將成員 __member__  新增到 __board__ 看板中的 __swimlane__ 泳道中的 __list__  清單中的 __card__ 卡片中",
+ "act-moveCard": "移動卡片 __card__ 到看板 __board__ 從清單 __oldList__ 泳道 __oldSwimlane__ 至清單 __list__ 泳道 __swimlane__",
+ "act-moveCardToOtherBoard": "移動卡片 __card__ 從清單 __oldList__ 泳道 __oldSwimlane__ 看板 __oldBoard__ 至清單 __list__ 泳道 __swimlane__ 看板 __board__",
+ "act-removeBoardMember": "從看板 __board__ 移除成員 __member__",
+ "act-restoredCard": "恢覆卡片 __card__ 至清單 __list__ 泳道 __swimlane__ 看板 __board__",
+ "act-unjoinMember": "移除成員 __member__ 從卡片 __card__ 清單 __list__ a泳道 __swimlane__ 看板 __board__",
+ "act-withBoardTitle": "看板__board__",
+ "act-withCardTitle": "[看板 __board__] 卡片 __card__",
"actions": "操作",
"activities": "活動",
"activity": "活動",
"activity-added": "新增 %s 到 %s",
"activity-archived": "%s 已被移到封存",
"activity-attached": "已新增附件 %s 到 %s",
- "activity-created": "建立 %s",
+ "activity-created": "新增 %s",
"activity-customfield-created": "已建立的自訂欄位 %s",
"activity-excluded": "排除 %s 從 %s",
"activity-imported": "匯入 %s 到 %s 從 %s 中",
@@ -60,21 +60,21 @@
"activity-sent": "已寄送 %s 到 %s",
"activity-unjoined": "已解除關聯 %s",
"activity-subtask-added": "已新增子任務到 %s",
- "activity-checked-item": "checked %s in checklist %s of %s",
- "activity-unchecked-item": "unchecked %s in checklist %s of %s",
- "activity-checklist-added": "已新增待辦清單到 %s",
+ "activity-checked-item": "勾選%s於清單%s 共 %s",
+ "activity-unchecked-item": "未勾選 %s 於清單 %s 共 %s",
+ "activity-checklist-added": "已新增待辦清單 %s",
"activity-checklist-removed": "已刪除%s的待辦清單",
- "activity-checklist-completed": "completed checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "activity-checklist-uncompleted": "uncompleted the checklist %s of %s",
+ "activity-checklist-completed": "完成檢查清單__checklist__ 卡片 __card__ 清單 __list__ 泳道 __swimlane__ 看板 __board__",
+ "activity-checklist-uncompleted": "未完成清單 %s 共 %s",
"activity-checklist-item-added": "新增待辦清單項目從 %s 到 %s",
- "activity-checklist-item-removed": "removed a checklist item from '%s' in %s",
+ "activity-checklist-item-removed": "已從 '%s' 於 %s中 移除一個清單項",
"add": "新增",
- "activity-checked-item-card": "checked %s in checklist %s",
- "activity-unchecked-item-card": "unchecked %s in checklist %s",
- "activity-checklist-completed-card": "completed checklist __checklist__ at card __card__ at list __list__ at swimlane __swimlane__ at board __board__",
- "activity-checklist-uncompleted-card": "uncompleted the checklist %s",
- "activity-editComment": "edited comment %s",
- "activity-deleteComment": "deleted comment %s",
+ "activity-checked-item-card": "勾選 %s 與清單 %s 中",
+ "activity-unchecked-item-card": "取消勾選 %s 於清單 %s中",
+ "activity-checklist-completed-card": "完成檢查清單 __checklist__ 卡片 __card__ 清單 __list__ 泳道 __swimlane__ 看板 __board__",
+ "activity-checklist-uncompleted-card": "未完成清單 %s",
+ "activity-editComment": "評論已編輯",
+ "activity-deleteComment": "評論已刪除",
"add-attachment": "新增附件",
"add-board": "新增看板",
"add-card": "新增卡片",
@@ -86,85 +86,85 @@
"add-label": "新增標籤",
"add-list": "新增清單",
"add-members": "新增成員",
- "added": "已新增",
+ "added": "新增",
"addMemberPopup-title": "成員",
"admin": "管理員",
"admin-desc": "可以瀏覽並編輯卡片,移除成員,並且更改該看板的設定",
- "admin-announcement": "公告",
- "admin-announcement-active": "啟用全系統範圍公告",
- "admin-announcement-title": "來自 Administrator 的公告",
+ "admin-announcement": "通知",
+ "admin-announcement-active": "激活系統通知",
+ "admin-announcement-title": "管理員的通知",
"all-boards": "全部看板",
"and-n-other-card": "和其他 __count__ 個卡片",
"and-n-other-card_plural": "和其他 __count__ 個卡片",
- "apply": "送出",
- "app-is-offline": "請稍候,資料讀取中,重整頁面可能會導致資料遺失。如果讀取一直沒有進度, 請檢查伺服器是否還在運行。",
- "archive": "移到封存",
- "archive-all": "全部移到封存",
- "archive-board": "將看板移到封存",
- "archive-card": "將卡片移到封存",
- "archive-list": "將清單移到封存",
- "archive-swimlane": "將泳道圖移到封存",
- "archive-selection": "將選取內容移到封存",
- "archiveBoardPopup-title": "將看板移到封存?",
+ "apply": "應用",
+ "app-is-offline": "加載中,請稍後。刷新頁面將導致數據丟失,如果加載長時間不起作用,請檢查服務器是否已經停止工作。",
+ "archive": "封存",
+ "archive-all": "全部封存",
+ "archive-board": "將看板封存",
+ "archive-card": "將卡片封存",
+ "archive-list": "將清單封存",
+ "archive-swimlane": "將泳道封存",
+ "archive-selection": "將選擇封存",
+ "archiveBoardPopup-title": "是否封存看板?",
"archived-items": "封存",
- "archived-boards": "封存中的看板",
+ "archived-boards": "封存的看板",
"restore-board": "還原看板",
- "no-archived-boards": "封存中沒有看板。",
+ "no-archived-boards": "沒有封存的看板。",
"archives": "封存",
"template": "模板",
"templates": "模板",
"assign-member": "分配成員",
"attached": "附加",
"attachment": "附件",
- "attachment-delete-pop": "刪除附件的操作無法還原。",
+ "attachment-delete-pop": "刪除附件的操作不可逆。",
"attachmentDeletePopup-title": "刪除附件?",
"attachments": "附件",
- "auto-watch": "新增看板時自動加入觀看",
- "avatar-too-big": "頭像檔案太大(最大 70 KB)",
+ "auto-watch": "自動關註新建的看板",
+ "avatar-too-big": "頭像過大 (上限 70 KB)",
"back": "返回",
- "board-change-color": "更換顏色",
- "board-nb-stars": "%s 星號標記",
+ "board-change-color": "更改顏色",
+ "board-nb-stars": "%s 星標",
"board-not-found": "看板不存在",
- "board-private-info": "此看板將被設為 <strong>私密</strong>.",
- "board-public-info": "此看板將被設為 <strong>公開</strong>.",
- "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "更換看板背景",
- "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "重新命名看板",
- "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "改變觀看權限",
- "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "更改觀察",
+ "board-private-info": "該看板將被設為 <strong>私有</strong>.",
+ "board-public-info": "該看板將被設為 <strong>公開</strong>.",
+ "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "修改看板背景",
+ "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "重命名看板",
+ "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "更改可視級別",
+ "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "更改關註狀態",
"boardMenuPopup-title": "看板設定",
"boards": "看板",
"board-view": "看板視圖",
- "board-view-cal": "行事曆",
+ "board-view-cal": "日歷",
"board-view-swimlanes": "泳道圖",
"board-view-lists": "清單",
- "bucket-example": "例如「目標清單」",
+ "bucket-example": "例如 “目標清單”",
"cancel": "取消",
- "card-archived": "此卡片已移到封存。",
- "board-archived": "此看板已移到封存。",
- "card-comments-title": "該卡片有 %s 則評論",
- "card-delete-notice": "刪除是永久性的,您將遺失該卡片的所有相關操作記錄。",
- "card-delete-pop": "所有活動中的內容都將被刪除,此操作無法撤消,您將無法重新開啟此卡片。",
- "card-delete-suggest-archive": "您可以將卡片移到封存來將卡片從看板上移除,並且保留其中的活動。",
- "card-due": "期限",
- "card-due-on": "期限日",
- "card-spent": "耗費時間",
+ "card-archived": "封存這個卡片。",
+ "board-archived": "封存這個看板。",
+ "card-comments-title": "該卡片有 %s 條評論",
+ "card-delete-notice": "徹底刪除的操作不可恢覆,你將會丟失該卡片相關的所有操作記錄。",
+ "card-delete-pop": "所有的活動將從活動摘要中被移除且您將無法重新打開該卡片。此操作無法撤銷。",
+ "card-delete-suggest-archive": "您可以移動卡片到活動以便從看板中刪除並保持活動。",
+ "card-due": "到期",
+ "card-due-on": "期限",
+ "card-spent": "耗時",
"card-edit-attachments": "編輯附件",
- "card-edit-custom-fields": "編輯自訂欄位",
+ "card-edit-custom-fields": "編輯自定義字段",
"card-edit-labels": "編輯標籤",
"card-edit-members": "編輯成員",
"card-labels-title": "更改該卡片上的標籤",
"card-members-title": "在該卡片中新增或移除看板成員",
"card-start": "開始",
- "card-start-on": "開始日",
+ "card-start-on": "始於",
"cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "附件來源",
- "cardCustomField-datePopup-title": "更改日期",
- "cardCustomFieldsPopup-title": "編輯自訂欄位",
- "cardDeletePopup-title": "刪除卡片?",
- "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "卡片動作",
+ "cardCustomField-datePopup-title": "修改日期",
+ "cardCustomFieldsPopup-title": "編輯自定義字段",
+ "cardDeletePopup-title": "徹底刪除卡片?",
+ "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "卡片操作",
"cardLabelsPopup-title": "標籤",
"cardMembersPopup-title": "成員",
"cardMorePopup-title": "更多",
- "cardTemplatePopup-title": "新增模板",
+ "cardTemplatePopup-title": "新建模板",
"cards": "卡片",
"cards-count": "卡片",
"casSignIn": "以 CAS 登入",
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
"change-permissions": "更改許可權",
"change-settings": "更改設定",
"changeAvatarPopup-title": "更換大頭貼",
- "changeLanguagePopup-title": "更改語言",
+ "changeLanguagePopup-title": "更改語系",
"changePasswordPopup-title": "變更密碼",
"changePermissionsPopup-title": "更改許可權",
"changeSettingsPopup-title": "更改設定",
@@ -188,42 +188,42 @@
"clipboard": "剪貼簿貼上或者拖曳檔案",
"close": "關閉",
"close-board": "關閉看板",
- "close-board-pop": "您可以通過點擊主頁眉中的「封存」按鈕來恢復看板。",
+ "close-board-pop": "您可以通過點擊主頁面中的「封存」按鈕來恢復看板。",
"color-black": "黑色",
"color-blue": "藍色",
- "color-crimson": "艷紅",
- "color-darkgreen": "暗綠",
+ "color-crimson": "深紅",
+ "color-darkgreen": "墨綠",
"color-gold": "金色",
"color-gray": "灰色",
"color-green": "綠色",
- "color-indigo": "紫藍",
+ "color-indigo": "紫藍色",
"color-lime": "綠黃",
"color-magenta": "洋紅",
- "color-mistyrose": "玫瑰粉",
- "color-navy": "藏青",
+ "color-mistyrose": "玫瑰紅",
+ "color-navy": "藏青色",
"color-orange": "橙色",
- "color-paleturquoise": "淡藍綠",
- "color-peachpuff": "桃色",
- "color-pink": "粉紅",
- "color-plum": "梅色",
+ "color-paleturquoise": "寶石綠",
+ "color-peachpuff": "桃紅色",
+ "color-pink": "粉紅色",
+ "color-plum": "紫紅色",
"color-purple": "紫色",
"color-red": "紅色",
- "color-saddlebrown": "馬鞍棕",
+ "color-saddlebrown": "棕褐色",
"color-silver": "銀色",
"color-sky": "天藍",
"color-slateblue": "青藍",
"color-white": "白色",
"color-yellow": "黃色",
- "unset-color": "未設置",
+ "unset-color": "未設定",
"comment": "評論",
- "comment-placeholder": "撰寫評論",
- "comment-only": "只能發表評論",
- "comment-only-desc": "只能在卡片上發表評論",
- "no-comments": "沒有評論",
+ "comment-placeholder": "新增評論",
+ "comment-only": "僅能評論",
+ "comment-only-desc": "只能在卡片上發表評論。",
+ "no-comments": "暫無評論",
"no-comments-desc": "無法檢視評論和活動。",
"computer": "從本機上傳",
- "confirm-subtask-delete-dialog": "你確定要刪除子任務嗎?",
- "confirm-checklist-delete-dialog": "你確定要刪除待辦清單嗎?",
+ "confirm-subtask-delete-dialog": "確定要刪除子任務嗎?",
+ "confirm-checklist-delete-dialog": "確定要刪除清單嗎?",
"copy-card-link-to-clipboard": "將卡片連結複製到剪貼簿",
"linkCardPopup-title": "連結卡片",
"searchElementPopup-title": "搜尋",
@@ -242,10 +242,10 @@
"custom-field-checkbox": "複選框",
"custom-field-date": "日期",
"custom-field-dropdown": "下拉式選單",
- "custom-field-dropdown-none": "(無)",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-none": "(無)",
"custom-field-dropdown-options": "清單選項",
"custom-field-dropdown-options-placeholder": "按下 Enter 新增更多選項",
- "custom-field-dropdown-unknown": "(未知)",
+ "custom-field-dropdown-unknown": "(未知)",
"custom-field-number": "數字",
"custom-field-text": "文字",
"custom-fields": "自訂欄位",
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
"email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ 向您發出邀請",
"email-invite-text": "親愛的 __user__,\n\n__inviter__ 邀請您加入看板 \"__board__\" 參與協作。\n\n請點選下面的連結訪問看板:\n\n__url__\n\n謝謝。",
"email-resetPassword-subject": "重設您在 __siteName__ 的密碼",
- "email-resetPassword-text": "親愛的 __user__,\n\n點選下面的連結,重置您的密碼:\n\n__url__\n\n謝謝。",
+ "email-resetPassword-text": "您好 __user__,\n\n點選下面的連結,重置您的密碼:\n\n__url__\n\n謝謝。",
"email-sent": "郵件已寄送",
"email-verifyEmail-subject": "驗證您在 __siteName__ 的電子郵件",
"email-verifyEmail-text": "親愛的 __user__,\n\n點選下面的連結,驗證您的電子郵件地址:\n\n__url__\n\n謝謝。",
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
"error-list-doesNotExist": "不存在此列表",
"error-user-doesNotExist": "該使用者不存在",
"error-user-notAllowSelf": "不允許對自己執行此操作",
- "error-user-notCreated": "該使用者未能成功建立",
+ "error-user-notCreated": "該使用者未能成功新增",
"error-username-taken": "這個使用者名稱已被使用",
"error-email-taken": "電子信箱已被使用",
"export-board": "匯出看板",
@@ -306,13 +306,13 @@
"filter-no-label": "沒有標籤",
"filter-no-member": "沒有成員",
"filter-no-custom-fields": "沒有自訂欄位",
- "filter-show-archive": "Show archived lists",
- "filter-hide-empty": "Hide empty lists",
+ "filter-show-archive": "顯示封存的清單",
+ "filter-hide-empty": "隱藏空清單",
"filter-on": "篩選器已開啟",
"filter-on-desc": "你正在篩選該看板上的卡片,點此編輯篩選條件。",
"filter-to-selection": "選擇的篩選條件",
"advanced-filter-label": "進階篩選",
- "advanced-filter-description": "Advanced Filter allows to write a string containing following operators: == != <= >= && || ( ) A space is used as a separator between the Operators. You can filter for all Custom Fields by typing their names and values. For Example: Field1 == Value1. Note: If fields or values contains spaces, you need to encapsulate them into single quotes. For Example: 'Field 1' == 'Value 1'. For single control characters (' \\/) to be skipped, you can use \\. For example: Field1 == I\\'m. Also you can combine multiple conditions. For Example: F1 == V1 || F1 == V2. Normally all operators are interpreted from left to right. You can change the order by placing brackets. For Example: F1 == V1 && ( F2 == V2 || F2 == V3 ). Also you can search text fields using regex: F1 == /Tes.*/i",
+ "advanced-filter-description": "進階篩選可以使用包含如下操作符的字符串進行過濾:== != <= >= && || ( ) 。操作符之間用空格隔開。輸入文字和數值就可以過濾所有自訂內容。例如:Field1 == Value1。註意如果內容或數值包含空格,需要用單引號。例如: 'Field 1' == 'Value 1'。要跳過單個控制字符(' \\/),請使用 \\ 轉義字符。例如: Field1 = I\\'m。支援組合使用多個條件,例如: F1 == V1 || F1 == V2。通常以從左到右的順序進行判斷。可以通過括號修改順序,例如:F1 == V1 && ( F2 == V2 || F2 == V3 )。也支援使用正規表式法搜尋內容。",
"fullname": "全稱",
"header-logo-title": "返回您的看板頁面",
"hide-system-messages": "隱藏系統訊息",
@@ -324,50 +324,50 @@
"import-board-c": "匯入看板",
"import-board-title-trello": "匯入在 Trello 的看板",
"import-board-title-wekan": "從上次的匯出檔匯入看板",
- "import-sandstorm-backup-warning": "Do not delete data you import from original exported board or Trello before checking does this grain close and open again, or do you get Board not found error, that means data loss.",
+ "import-sandstorm-backup-warning": "在檢查此顆粒是否關閉和再次打開之前,不要刪除從原始匯出的看板或 Trello 匯入的數據,否則看板會發生未知的錯誤,這意味著資料已遺失。",
"import-sandstorm-warning": "匯入資料將會移除所有現有的看版資料,並取代成此次匯入的看板資料",
"from-trello": "來自 Trello",
"from-wekan": "從上次的匯出檔",
"import-board-instruction-trello": "在你的Trello看板中,點選“功能表”,然後選擇“更多”,“列印與匯出”,“匯出為 JSON” 並拷貝結果文本",
- "import-board-instruction-wekan": "In your board, go to 'Menu', then 'Export board', and copy the text in the downloaded file.",
- "import-board-instruction-about-errors": "If you get errors when importing board, sometimes importing still works, and board is at All Boards page.",
+ "import-board-instruction-wekan": "在您的看板,點擊“選單”,然後“匯出看板”,複製下載文件中的文本。",
+ "import-board-instruction-about-errors": "如果在匯入看板時出現錯誤,匯入工作可能仍然在進行中,並且看板已經出現在全部看板頁。",
"import-json-placeholder": "貼上您有效的 JSON 資料至此",
"import-map-members": "複製成員",
- "import-members-map": "Your imported board has some members. Please map the members you want to import to your users",
- "import-show-user-mapping": "核對成員映射",
+ "import-members-map": "您匯入的看板有一些成員,請複製這些成員到您匯入的用戶。",
+ "import-show-user-mapping": "核對複製的成員",
"import-user-select": "選擇現有使用者作為成員",
"importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "選擇成員",
"info": "版本",
"initials": "縮寫",
"invalid-date": "無效的日期",
- "invalid-time": "無效的時間",
+ "invalid-time": "非法的時間",
"invalid-user": "無效的使用者",
"joined": "關聯",
"just-invited": "您剛剛被邀請加入此看板",
- "keyboard-shortcuts": "鍵盤快速鍵",
- "label-create": "建立標籤",
+ "keyboard-shortcuts": "鍵盤快捷鍵",
+ "label-create": "新增標籤",
"label-default": "%s 標籤 (預設)",
"label-delete-pop": "此操作無法還原,這將會刪除該標籤並清除它的歷史記錄。",
"labels": "標籤",
"language": "語言",
"last-admin-desc": "你不能更改角色,因為至少需要一名管理員。",
"leave-board": "離開看板",
- "leave-board-pop": "Are you sure you want to leave __boardTitle__? You will be removed from all cards on this board.",
+ "leave-board-pop": "你確定要離開 __boardTitle__ 嗎?此看板的所有卡片都會將您移除。",
"leaveBoardPopup-title": "離開看板?",
"link-card": "關聯至該卡片",
"list-archive-cards": "封存清單內所有的卡片",
- "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view cards in Archive and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Archive”.",
+ "list-archive-cards-pop": "將移動看板中清單的所有卡片,查看或恢復封存中的卡片,點擊“選單”->“封存”",
"list-move-cards": "移動清單中的所有卡片",
"list-select-cards": "選擇清單中的所有卡片",
"set-color-list": "設定顏色",
"listActionPopup-title": "清單操作",
- "swimlaneActionPopup-title": "Swimlane Actions",
+ "swimlaneActionPopup-title": "泳道流程圖操作",
"swimlaneAddPopup-title": "在下面新增泳道流程圖",
"listImportCardPopup-title": "匯入 Trello 卡片",
"listMorePopup-title": "更多",
"link-list": "連結到這個清單",
- "list-delete-pop": "所有的動作將從活動動態中被移除且您將無法再開啟該清單\b。此操作無法復原。",
- "list-delete-suggest-archive": "You can move a list to Archive to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
+ "list-delete-pop": "所有的動作都將從活動動態中被移除且您將無法再開啟該清單\b。此操作無法復原。",
+ "list-delete-suggest-archive": "您可以移動清單到封存以將其從看板中移除並保留活動。",
"lists": "清單",
"swimlanes": "泳道圖",
"log-out": "登出",
@@ -427,11 +427,11 @@
"search": "搜尋",
"rules": "規則",
"search-cards": "搜尋看板內的卡片標題及描述",
- "search-example": "Text to search for?",
+ "search-example": "搜尋",
"select-color": "選擇顏色",
- "set-wip-limit-value": "Set a limit for the maximum number of tasks in this list",
+ "set-wip-limit-value": "設定此清單中的最大任務數",
"setWipLimitPopup-title": "設定 WIP 限制",
- "shortcut-assign-self": "分配目前卡片給自己",
+ "shortcut-assign-self": "分配當前卡片給自己",
"shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "自動完成表情符號",
"shortcut-autocomplete-members": "自動補齊成員",
"shortcut-clear-filters": "清空全部過濾條件",
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
"overtime-hours": "超時 (小時)",
"overtime": "超時",
"has-overtime-cards": "有卡片已超時",
- "has-spenttime-cards": "Has spent time cards",
+ "has-spenttime-cards": "耗時卡",
"time": "時間",
"title": "標題",
"tracking": "追蹤",
@@ -474,16 +474,16 @@
"watching": "觀察中",
"watching-info": "你將會收到關於這個看板所有的變更通知",
"welcome-board": "歡迎進入看板",
- "welcome-swimlane": "里程碑1",
+ "welcome-swimlane": "里程碑 1",
"welcome-list1": "基本",
"welcome-list2": "進階",
"card-templates-swimlane": "卡片模板",
"list-templates-swimlane": "清單模板",
"board-templates-swimlane": "看板模板",
"what-to-do": "要做什麼?",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-title": "Invalid WIP Limit",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt1": "The number of tasks in this list is higher than the WIP limit you've defined.",
- "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt2": "Please move some tasks out of this list, or set a higher WIP limit.",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-title": "無效的最大任務數",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt1": "此清單中的任務數量已經超過了設定的最大任務數。",
+ "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt2": "請將一些任務移出此清單,或者設定一個更大的最大任務數。",
"admin-panel": "控制台",
"settings": "設定",
"people": "成員",
@@ -501,34 +501,34 @@
"smtp-username": "使用者名稱",
"smtp-password": "密碼",
"smtp-tls": "支援 TLS",
- "send-from": "從",
+ "send-from": "寄件人",
"send-smtp-test": "傳送測試郵件給自己",
"invitation-code": "邀請碼",
"email-invite-register-subject": "__inviter__ 向您發出邀請",
- "email-invite-register-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to kanban board for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n__url__\n\nAnd your invitation code is: __icode__\n\nThanks.",
- "email-smtp-test-subject": "SMTP 測試郵件",
- "email-smtp-test-text": "您已成功寄送郵件",
+ "email-invite-register-text": "親愛的__user__:\n__inviter__ 邀請您加入到看板\n\n請點擊下面的連結:\n__url__\n\n您的邀請碼是:__icode__\n\n謝謝。",
+ "email-smtp-test-subject": "透過SMTP發送測試郵件",
+ "email-smtp-test-text": "你已成功發送郵件",
"error-invitation-code-not-exist": "邀請碼不存在",
- "error-notAuthorized": "沒有適合的權限觀看",
- "webhook-title": "Webhook Name",
- "webhook-token": "Token (Optional for Authentication)",
- "outgoing-webhooks": "設定 Webhooks",
- "bidirectional-webhooks": "Two-Way Webhooks",
- "outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "設定 Webhooks",
+ "error-notAuthorized": "您無權限查看此頁面。",
+ "webhook-title": "Webhook 名稱",
+ "webhook-token": "Token (認證選項)",
+ "outgoing-webhooks": "設定訂閱 (Webhooks)",
+ "bidirectional-webhooks": "雙向訂閱 (Webhooks)",
+ "outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "外部訂閱 (Webhooks)",
"boardCardTitlePopup-title": "卡片標題過濾器",
- "disable-webhook": "Disable This Webhook",
- "global-webhook": "Global Webhooks",
- "new-outgoing-webhook": "New Outgoing Webhook",
+ "disable-webhook": "禁用訂閱 (Webhooks)",
+ "global-webhook": "全域訂閱 (Webhooks)",
+ "new-outgoing-webhook": "新建外部訂閱 (Webhooks)",
"no-name": "(未知)",
- "Node_version": "Node 版本",
- "Meteor_version": "Meteor version",
- "MongoDB_version": "MongoDB version",
- "MongoDB_storage_engine": "MongoDB storage engine",
- "MongoDB_Oplog_enabled": "MongoDB Oplog enabled",
+ "Node_version": "Node.js 版本",
+ "Meteor_version": "Meteor 版本",
+ "MongoDB_version": "MongoDB 版本",
+ "MongoDB_storage_engine": "MongoDB 存儲引擎",
+ "MongoDB_Oplog_enabled": "MongoDB Oplog 已啟用",
"OS_Arch": "系統架構",
- "OS_Cpus": "系統\b CPU 數",
- "OS_Freemem": "undefined",
- "OS_Loadavg": "系統平均讀取",
+ "OS_Cpus": "系統 CPU 數量",
+ "OS_Freemem": "系統可用記憶體",
+ "OS_Loadavg": "系統平均負載",
"OS_Platform": "系統平臺",
"OS_Release": "系統發佈版本",
"OS_Totalmem": "系統總記憶體",
@@ -538,18 +538,18 @@
"hours": "小時",
"minutes": "分鐘",
"seconds": "秒",
- "show-field-on-card": "在卡片顯示這個欄位",
+ "show-field-on-card": "在卡片上顯示這個欄位",
"automatically-field-on-card": "自動在所有卡片建立欄位",
- "showLabel-field-on-card": "在迷你卡中顯示欄位標籤",
+ "showLabel-field-on-card": "在迷你卡片中顯示欄位標籤",
"yes": "是",
"no": "否",
- "accounts": "帳號",
- "accounts-allowEmailChange": "准許變更電子信箱",
+ "accounts": "賬號",
+ "accounts-allowEmailChange": "允許變更電子信箱",
"accounts-allowUserNameChange": "允許修改使用者名稱",
- "createdAt": "建立於",
+ "createdAt": "新增於",
"verified": "已驗證",
- "active": "Active",
- "card-received": "接收",
+ "active": "啟用",
+ "card-received": "已接收",
"card-received-on": "接收於",
"card-end": "結束",
"card-end-on": "結束於",
@@ -561,181 +561,181 @@
"setListColorPopup-title": "選擇顏色",
"assigned-by": "分配者",
"requested-by": "請求者",
- "board-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all lists, cards and actions associated with this board.",
- "delete-board-confirm-popup": "All lists, cards, labels, and activities will be deleted and you won't be able to recover the board contents. There is no undo.",
- "boardDeletePopup-title": "刪除看板?",
+ "board-delete-notice": "刪除時永久操作,將會丟失此看板上的所有清單、卡片和動作。",
+ "delete-board-confirm-popup": "所有清單、卡片、標籤和活動都會被刪除,將無法恢覆看板內容。不支援撤銷。",
+ "boardDeletePopup-title": "刪除看板?",
"delete-board": "刪除看板",
- "default-subtasks-board": "Subtasks for __board__ board",
+ "default-subtasks-board": "__board__ 看板的子任務",
"default": "預設值",
- "queue": "列隊",
+ "queue": "隊列",
"subtask-settings": "子任務設定",
"boardSubtaskSettingsPopup-title": "看板子任務設定",
- "show-subtasks-field": "Cards can have subtasks",
- "deposit-subtasks-board": "Deposit subtasks to this board:",
- "deposit-subtasks-list": "Landing list for subtasks deposited here:",
- "show-parent-in-minicard": "Show parent in minicard:",
- "prefix-with-full-path": "Prefix with full path",
- "prefix-with-parent": "Prefix with parent",
- "subtext-with-full-path": "Subtext with full path",
- "subtext-with-parent": "Subtext with parent",
- "change-card-parent": "Change card's parent",
- "parent-card": "Parent card",
+ "show-subtasks-field": "卡片包含子任務",
+ "deposit-subtasks-board": "將子任務放入以下看板:",
+ "deposit-subtasks-list": "將子任務放入以下清單:",
+ "show-parent-in-minicard": "顯示上一級卡片:",
+ "prefix-with-full-path": "完整路徑前綴",
+ "prefix-with-parent": "上級前綴",
+ "subtext-with-full-path": "子標題顯示完整路徑",
+ "subtext-with-parent": "子標題顯示上級",
+ "change-card-parent": "修改卡片的上級",
+ "parent-card": "上級卡片",
"source-board": "來源看板",
- "no-parent": "Don't show parent",
+ "no-parent": "不顯示上層",
"activity-added-label": "增加標籤%s至%s",
"activity-removed-label": "刪除標籤%s位於%s",
"activity-delete-attach": "刪除%s的附件",
"activity-added-label-card": "新增標籤%s",
"activity-removed-label-card": "刪除標籤%s",
"activity-delete-attach-card": "刪除附件",
- "activity-set-customfield": "set custom field '%s' to '%s' in %s",
- "activity-unset-customfield": "unset custom field '%s' in %s",
+ "activity-set-customfield": "設定自定欄位 '%s' 至 '%s' 於 %s",
+ "activity-unset-customfield": "未設定自定欄位 '%s' 於 %s",
"r-rule": "規則",
- "r-add-trigger": "Add trigger",
- "r-add-action": "Add action",
- "r-board-rules": "Board rules",
- "r-add-rule": "Add rule",
- "r-view-rule": "View rule",
- "r-delete-rule": "Delete rule",
- "r-new-rule-name": "New rule title",
- "r-no-rules": "No rules",
- "r-when-a-card": "When a card",
+ "r-add-trigger": "新增觸發器",
+ "r-add-action": "新增動作",
+ "r-board-rules": "看板規則",
+ "r-add-rule": "新增規則",
+ "r-view-rule": "查看規則",
+ "r-delete-rule": "刪除規則",
+ "r-new-rule-name": "新規則標題",
+ "r-no-rules": "暫無規則",
+ "r-when-a-card": "當一張卡片",
"r-is": "是",
- "r-is-moved": "被刪除",
- "r-added-to": "增加到",
- "r-removed-from": "Removed from",
- "r-the-board": "看板",
+ "r-is-moved": "已經移動",
+ "r-added-to": "新增到",
+ "r-removed-from": "已移除",
+ "r-the-board": "該看板",
"r-list": "清單",
- "set-filter": "Set Filter",
- "r-moved-to": "Moved to",
- "r-moved-from": "Moved from",
- "r-archived": "Moved to Archive",
- "r-unarchived": "Restored from Archive",
- "r-a-card": "卡片",
- "r-when-a-label-is": "When a label is",
- "r-when-the-label": "When the label",
+ "set-filter": "設定過濾器",
+ "r-moved-to": "移至",
+ "r-moved-from": "已移動",
+ "r-archived": "已移動到封存",
+ "r-unarchived": "已從封存中恢復",
+ "r-a-card": "一個卡片",
+ "r-when-a-label-is": "當一個標籤是",
+ "r-when-the-label": "當該標籤是",
"r-list-name": "清單名稱",
- "r-when-a-member": "When a member is",
- "r-when-the-member": "When the member",
+ "r-when-a-member": "當一個成員是",
+ "r-when-the-member": "當該成員",
"r-name": "名稱",
- "r-when-a-attach": "When an attachment",
- "r-when-a-checklist": "When a checklist is",
- "r-when-the-checklist": "When the checklist",
- "r-completed": "Completed",
- "r-made-incomplete": "Made incomplete",
- "r-when-a-item": "When a checklist item is",
- "r-when-the-item": "When the checklist item",
- "r-checked": "Checked",
- "r-unchecked": "Unchecked",
- "r-move-card-to": "Move card to",
- "r-top-of": "Top of",
- "r-bottom-of": "Bottom of",
- "r-its-list": "its list",
+ "r-when-a-attach": "當一個附件",
+ "r-when-a-checklist": "當一個清單是",
+ "r-when-the-checklist": "當該清單",
+ "r-completed": "已完成",
+ "r-made-incomplete": "置為未完成",
+ "r-when-a-item": "當一個清單項是",
+ "r-when-the-item": "當該清單項",
+ "r-checked": "勾選",
+ "r-unchecked": "未勾選",
+ "r-move-card-to": "移動卡片到",
+ "r-top-of": "的頂部",
+ "r-bottom-of": "的尾部",
+ "r-its-list": "其清單",
"r-archive": "移到封存",
- "r-unarchive": "Restore from Archive",
+ "r-unarchive": "從封存中恢復",
"r-card": "卡片",
"r-add": "新增",
- "r-remove": "Remove",
+ "r-remove": "移除",
"r-label": "標籤",
- "r-member": "member",
- "r-remove-all": "Remove all members from the card",
- "r-set-color": "Set color to",
- "r-checklist": "checklist",
- "r-check-all": "Check all",
- "r-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all",
- "r-items-check": "items of checklist",
- "r-check": "Check",
- "r-uncheck": "Uncheck",
- "r-item": "item",
- "r-of-checklist": "of checklist",
+ "r-member": "成員",
+ "r-remove-all": "從卡片移除所有成員",
+ "r-set-color": "設定顏色",
+ "r-checklist": "清單",
+ "r-check-all": "勾選所有",
+ "r-uncheck-all": "取消所有勾選",
+ "r-items-check": "清單條目",
+ "r-check": "勾選",
+ "r-uncheck": "取消勾選",
+ "r-item": "條目",
+ "r-of-checklist": "清單的",
"r-send-email": "寄送郵件",
- "r-to": "到",
- "r-subject": "主題",
+ "r-to": "收件人",
+ "r-subject": "主旨",
"r-rule-details": "詳細規則",
"r-d-move-to-top-gen": "將卡片移到所屬清單頂部",
"r-d-move-to-top-spec": "將卡片移到清單頂部",
"r-d-move-to-bottom-gen": "將卡片移到所屬清單底部",
"r-d-move-to-bottom-spec": "將卡片移到清單底部",
"r-d-send-email": "寄送郵件",
- "r-d-send-email-to": "到",
- "r-d-send-email-subject": "主題",
+ "r-d-send-email-to": "收件人",
+ "r-d-send-email-subject": "主旨",
"r-d-send-email-message": "訊息",
- "r-d-archive": "封存卡片",
- "r-d-unarchive": "恢復封存的卡片",
+ "r-d-archive": "將卡片封存",
+ "r-d-unarchive": "從封存中恢復卡片",
"r-d-add-label": "新增標籤",
"r-d-remove-label": "移除標籤",
- "r-create-card": "創建新卡片",
- "r-in-list": "在清單",
+ "r-create-card": "新增新卡片",
+ "r-in-list": "在清單中",
"r-in-swimlane": "在泳道流程圖",
"r-d-add-member": "新增成員",
"r-d-remove-member": "移除成員",
"r-d-remove-all-member": "移除所有成員",
- "r-d-check-all": "Check all items of a list",
- "r-d-uncheck-all": "Uncheck all items of a list",
- "r-d-check-one": "Check item",
- "r-d-uncheck-one": "Uncheck item",
- "r-d-check-of-list": "of checklist",
+ "r-d-check-all": "勾選所有清單項",
+ "r-d-uncheck-all": "取消所有勾選清單項目",
+ "r-d-check-one": "勾選該項",
+ "r-d-uncheck-one": "取消勾選",
+ "r-d-check-of-list": "清單的",
"r-d-add-checklist": "新增待辦清單",
"r-d-remove-checklist": "移除待辦清單",
- "r-by": "by",
+ "r-by": "在",
"r-add-checklist": "新增待辦清單",
- "r-with-items": "with items",
- "r-items-list": "item1,item2,item3",
+ "r-with-items": "與項目",
+ "r-items-list": "項目1,項目2,項目3",
"r-add-swimlane": "新增泳道流程圖",
"r-swimlane-name": "泳道流程圖名稱",
- "r-board-note": "Note: leave a field empty to match every possible value.",
- "r-checklist-note": "Note: checklist's items have to be written as comma separated values.",
- "r-when-a-card-is-moved": "When a card is moved to another list",
- "r-set": "Set",
+ "r-board-note": "註解:保留一個空字串去比對所有可能的值。",
+ "r-checklist-note": "註解:清單中的項目必須使用逗號分隔。",
+ "r-when-a-card-is-moved": "當移動卡片到另一個清單時",
+ "r-set": "設定",
"r-update": "更新",
- "r-datefield": "日期欄位",
+ "r-datefield": "日期字段",
"r-df-start-at": "開始",
- "r-df-due-at": "due",
+ "r-df-due-at": "至",
"r-df-end-at": "結束",
- "r-df-received-at": "received",
- "r-to-current-datetime": "to current date/time",
- "r-remove-value-from": "Remove value from",
+ "r-df-received-at": "已接收",
+ "r-to-current-datetime": "到當前日期/時間",
+ "r-remove-value-from": "移除值從",
"ldap": "LDAP",
"oauth2": "OAuth2",
"cas": "CAS",
- "authentication-method": "Authentication method",
- "authentication-type": "Authentication type",
+ "authentication-method": "認證方式",
+ "authentication-type": "認證類型",
"custom-product-name": "自訂產品名稱",
"layout": "排版",
"hide-logo": "隱藏圖示",
- "add-custom-html-after-body-start": "Add Custom HTML after <body> start",
- "add-custom-html-before-body-end": "Add Custom HTML before </body> end",
- "error-undefined": "Something went wrong",
- "error-ldap-login": "An error occurred while trying to login",
- "display-authentication-method": "Display Authentication Method",
- "default-authentication-method": "Default Authentication Method",
+ "add-custom-html-after-body-start": "新增自訂的 HTML 在<body>之後開始",
+ "add-custom-html-before-body-end": "新增自訂的 HTML 在</body>之前結束",
+ "error-undefined": "發生問題",
+ "error-ldap-login": "嘗試登入時出現錯誤",
+ "display-authentication-method": "顯示認證方式",
+ "default-authentication-method": "預設認證方式",
"duplicate-board": "重複的看板",
- "people-number": "人數是:",
- "swimlaneDeletePopup-title": "刪除泳道流程圖?",
- "swimlane-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the swimlane. There is no undo.",
+ "people-number": "人數是:",
+ "swimlaneDeletePopup-title": "是否刪除泳道流程圖?",
+ "swimlane-delete-pop": "所有活動將從活動源中刪除,您將無法恢復泳道流程圖。此操作無法還原。",
"restore-all": "全部還原",
"delete-all": "全部刪除",
- "loading": "讀取中,請稍後",
- "previous_as": "last time was",
- "act-a-dueAt": "modified due time to \nWhen: __timeValue__\nWhere: __card__\n previous due was __timeOldValue__",
- "act-a-endAt": "modified ending time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
- "act-a-startAt": "modified starting time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
- "act-a-receivedAt": "modified received time to __timeValue__ from (__timeOldValue__)",
- "a-dueAt": "modified due time to be",
- "a-endAt": "modified ending time to be",
- "a-startAt": "modified starting time to be",
- "a-receivedAt": "modified received time to be",
- "almostdue": "current due time %s is approaching",
- "pastdue": "current due time %s is past",
- "duenow": "current due time %s is today",
+ "loading": "讀取中,請稍後。",
+ "previous_as": "上次是",
+ "act-a-dueAt": "修改到期時間:\n時間:__timeValue__\n位置:__card__\n上一個到期日是 __timeOldValue__",
+ "act-a-endAt": "修改結束時間從 (__timeOldValue__) 至 __timeValue__",
+ "act-a-startAt": "修改開始時間從 (__timeOldValue__) 至 __timeValue__",
+ "act-a-receivedAt": "修改接收時間從 (__timeOldValue__) 至 __timeValue__",
+ "a-dueAt": "修改到期時間",
+ "a-endAt": "修改結束時間",
+ "a-startAt": "修改開始時間",
+ "a-receivedAt": "修改接收時間",
+ "almostdue": "當前到期時間%s即將到來",
+ "pastdue": "當前到期時間%s已過",
+ "duenow": "當前到期時間%s為今天",
"act-newDue": "__list__/__card__ has 1st due reminder [__board__]",
"act-withDue": "__list__/__card__ due reminders [__board__]",
- "act-almostdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is approaching",
- "act-pastdue": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is past",
- "act-duenow": "was reminding the current due (__timeValue__) of __card__ is now",
+ "act-almostdue": "__card__ 的當前到期提醒(__timeValue__) 正在接近",
+ "act-pastdue": "__card__ 的當前到期提醒(__timeValue__) 已經過去了",
+ "act-duenow": "__card__ 的當前到期提醒(__timeValue__) 現在到期",
"act-atUserComment": "You were mentioned in [__board__] __list__/__card__",
- "delete-user-confirm-popup": "Are you sure you want to delete this account? There is no undo.",
- "accounts-allowUserDelete": "Allow users to self delete their account",
- "hide-minicard-label-text": "Hide minicard label text",
- "show-desktop-drag-handles": "Show desktop drag handles"
+ "delete-user-confirm-popup": "確定要刪除此帳戶嗎?此操作無法還原。",
+ "accounts-allowUserDelete": "允許用戶自行刪除其帳戶",
+ "hide-minicard-label-text": "隱藏迷你卡片標籤內文",
+ "show-desktop-drag-handles": "顯示桌面拖曳工具"