path: root/i18n/cs.i18n.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'i18n/cs.i18n.json')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/i18n/cs.i18n.json b/i18n/cs.i18n.json
index eac9ff4e..354461e2 100644
--- a/i18n/cs.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/cs.i18n.json
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
"act-createCard": "přidání __card__ do __list__",
"act-createList": "přidání __list__ do __board__",
"act-addBoardMember": "přidání __member__ do __board__",
- "act-archivedBoard": "archivace __board__",
- "act-archivedCard": "archivace __card__",
- "act-archivedList": "archivace __list__",
- "act-archivedSwimlane": "archived __swimlane__",
+ "act-archivedBoard": "__board__ moved to Recycle Bin",
+ "act-archivedCard": "__card__ moved to Recycle Bin",
+ "act-archivedList": "__list__ moved to Recycle Bin",
+ "act-archivedSwimlane": "__swimlane__ moved to Recycle Bin",
"act-importBoard": "import __board__",
"act-importCard": "import __card__",
"act-importList": "import __list__",
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"activities": "Aktivity",
"activity": "Aktivita",
"activity-added": "%s přidáno k %s",
- "activity-archived": "%s archivováno",
+ "activity-archived": "%s moved to Recycle Bin",
"activity-attached": "přiloženo %s k %s",
"activity-created": "%s vytvořeno",
"activity-excluded": "%s vyjmuto z %s",
@@ -64,19 +64,19 @@
"and-n-other-card_plural": "A __count__ dalších karet",
"apply": "Použít",
"app-is-offline": "Wekan is loading, please wait. Refreshing the page will cause data loss. If Wekan does not load, please check that Wekan server has not stopped.",
- "archive": "Archiv",
- "archive-all": "Archivovat vše",
- "archive-board": "Archivovat tablo",
- "archive-card": "Archivovat kartu",
- "archive-list": "Archive List",
- "archive-swimlane": "Archive Swimlane",
- "archive-selection": "Archivovat výběr",
- "archiveBoardPopup-title": "Archivovat tablo?",
- "archived-items": "Archivované položky",
- "archived-boards": "Archivaná tabla",
+ "archive": "Move to Recycle Bin",
+ "archive-all": "Move All to Recycle Bin",
+ "archive-board": "Move Board to Recycle Bin",
+ "archive-card": "Move Card to Recycle Bin",
+ "archive-list": "Move List to Recycle Bin",
+ "archive-swimlane": "Move Swimlane to Recycle Bin",
+ "archive-selection": "Move selection to Recycle Bin",
+ "archiveBoardPopup-title": "Move Board to Recycle Bin?",
+ "archived-items": "Recycle Bin",
+ "archived-boards": "Boards in Recycle Bin",
"restore-board": "Obnovit tablo",
- "no-archived-boards": "Žádná archivovaná tabla",
- "archives": "Archivy",
+ "no-archived-boards": "No Boards in Recycle Bin.",
+ "archives": "Recycle Bin",
"assign-member": "Přiřadit člena",
"attached": "přiloženo",
"attachment": "Příloha",
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@
"board-view-lists": "Seznamy",
"bucket-example": "Například \"Než mě odvedou\"",
"cancel": "Zrušit",
- "card-archived": "Tato karta je archivována.",
+ "card-archived": "This card is moved to Recycle Bin.",
"card-comments-title": "Tato karta má %s komentářů.",
"card-delete-notice": "Smazání je trvalé. Přijdete o všechny akce asociované s touto kartou.",
"card-delete-pop": "Všechny akce budou odstraněny z kanálu aktivity a nebude možné kartu znovu otevřít. Toto nelze vrátit zpět.",
- "card-delete-suggest-archive": "Kartu můžete archivovat a tím ji odstranit z tabla a přitom zachovat aktivity.",
+ "card-delete-suggest-archive": "You can move a card Recycle Bin to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
"card-due": "Termín",
"card-due-on": "Do",
"card-spent": "Spent Time",
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@
"cardMembersPopup-title": "Členové",
"cardMorePopup-title": "Více",
"cards": "Karty",
+ "cards-count": "Karty",
"change": "Změnit",
"change-avatar": "Změnit avatar",
"change-password": "Změnit heslo",
@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@
"clipboard": "Schránka nebo potáhnout a pustit",
"close": "Zavřít",
"close-board": "Zavřít tablo",
- "close-board-pop": "Budete moci obnovit tablo kliknutím na tlačítko \"Archivy\" v hlavním menu.",
+ "close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Recycle Bin” button from the home header.",
"color-black": "černá",
"color-blue": "modrá",
"color-green": "zelená",
@@ -263,8 +264,8 @@
"leave-board-pop": "Are you sure you want to leave __boardTitle__? You will be removed from all cards on this board.",
"leaveBoardPopup-title": "Leave Board ?",
"link-card": "Odkázat na tuto kartu",
- "list-archive-cards": "Archivovat všechny karty na tomto seznamu",
- "list-archive-cards-pop": "Toto odstraní z tabla všechny karty z tohoto seznamu. Pro zobrazení archivovaných karet a jejich opětovné obnovení, klikni v \"Menu\" > \"Archivované položky\".",
+ "list-archive-cards": "Move all cards in this list to Recycle Bin",
+ "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view cards in Recycle Bin and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Recycle Bin”.",
"list-move-cards": "Přesunout všechny karty v tomto seznamu",
"list-select-cards": "Vybrat všechny karty v tomto seznamu",
"listActionPopup-title": "Vypsat akce",
@@ -273,7 +274,7 @@
"listMorePopup-title": "Více",
"link-list": "Link to this list",
"list-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the list. There is no undo.",
- "list-delete-suggest-archive": "You can archive a list to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
+ "list-delete-suggest-archive": "You can move a list to Recycle Bin to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.",
"lists": "Seznamy",
"swimlanes": "Swimlanes",
"log-out": "Odhlásit",
@@ -293,9 +294,9 @@
"muted-info": "You will never be notified of any changes in this board",
"my-boards": "Moje tabla",
"name": "Jméno",
- "no-archived-cards": "Žádné archivované karty.",
- "no-archived-lists": "Žádné archivované seznamy.",
- "no-archived-swimlanes": "No archived swimlanes.",
+ "no-archived-cards": "No cards in Recycle Bin.",
+ "no-archived-lists": "No lists in Recycle Bin.",
+ "no-archived-swimlanes": "No swimlanes in Recycle Bin.",
"no-results": "Žádné výsledky",
"normal": "Normální",
"normal-desc": "Může zobrazovat a upravovat karty. Nemůže měnit nastavení.",
@@ -373,7 +374,7 @@
"uploaded-avatar": "Avatar nahrán",
"username": "Uživatelské jméno",
"view-it": "Zobrazit",
- "warn-list-archived": "varování: tato karta je v archivovaném seznamu",
+ "warn-list-archived": "warning: this card is in an list at Recycle Bin",
"watch": "Watch",
"watching": "Watching",
"watching-info": "You will be notified of any change in this board",