path: root/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json b/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json
index 06828154..6ce8c816 100644
--- a/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/zh-TW.i18n.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"accept": "接受",
- "act-activity-notify": "[Wekan] 活動通知",
+ "act-activity-notify": "Activity Notification",
"act-addAttachment": "已新增附件__attachment__至__card__",
"act-addSubtask": "已新增子任務__checklist__至__card__",
"act-addChecklist": "已新增待辦清單__checklist__至__card__",
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"act-removeBoardMember": "已從__board__中移除成員__member__",
"act-restoredCard": "已將__card__回復至__board__",
"act-unjoinMember": "已從__card__中移除成員__member__",
- "act-withBoardTitle": "[Wekan] __board__",
+ "act-withBoardTitle": "__board__",
"act-withCardTitle": "[__board__] __card__",
"actions": "操作",
"activities": "活動",
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
"and-n-other-card": "和其他 __count__ 個卡片",
"and-n-other-card_plural": "和其他 __count__ 個卡片",
"apply": "送出",
- "app-is-offline": "請稍候,資料讀取中,重整頁面可能會導致資料遺失。如果一直讀取,請檢查 Wekan 的伺服器是否正確運行。",
+ "app-is-offline": "Loading, please wait. Refreshing the page will cause data loss. If loading does not work, please check that server has not stopped.",
"archive": "Move to Archive",
"archive-all": "Move All to Archive",
"archive-board": "Move Board to Archive",
@@ -283,20 +283,20 @@
"import-board": "匯入看板",
"import-board-c": "匯入看板",
"import-board-title-trello": "匯入在 Trello 的看板",
- "import-board-title-wekan": "從 Wekan 匯入看板",
- "import-sandstorm-backup-warning": "Do not delete data you import from original Wekan or Trello before checking does this grain close and open again, or do you get Board not found error, that means data loss.",
+ "import-board-title-wekan": "Import board from previous export",
+ "import-sandstorm-backup-warning": "Do not delete data you import from original exported board or Trello before checking does this grain close and open again, or do you get Board not found error, that means data loss.",
"import-sandstorm-warning": "匯入資料將會移除所有現有的看版資料,並取代成此次匯入的看板資料",
"from-trello": "來自 Trello",
- "from-wekan": "來自 Wekan",
+ "from-wekan": "From previous export",
"import-board-instruction-trello": "在你的Trello看板中,點選“功能表”,然後選擇“更多”,“列印與匯出”,“匯出為 JSON” 並拷貝結果文本",
- "import-board-instruction-wekan": "在 Wekan 看板中點選“功能表”,然後選擇“匯出看版”且複製文字到下載的檔案",
+ "import-board-instruction-wekan": "In your board, go to 'Menu', then 'Export board', and copy the text in the downloaded file.",
"import-board-instruction-about-errors": "If you get errors when importing board, sometimes importing still works, and board is at All Boards page.",
"import-json-placeholder": "貼上您有效的 JSON 資料至此",
"import-map-members": "複製成員",
- "import-members-map": "您匯入的看板有一些成員。請將您想匯入的成員映射到 Wekan 使用者。",
+ "import-members-map": "Your imported board has some members. Please map the members you want to import to your users",
"import-show-user-mapping": "核對成員映射",
- "import-user-select": "選擇您想將此成員映射到的 Wekan 使用者",
- "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "選擇 Wekan 成員",
+ "import-user-select": "Pick your existing user you want to use as this member",
+ "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select member",
"info": "版本",
"initials": "縮寫",
"invalid-date": "無效的日期",
@@ -460,8 +460,8 @@
"send-smtp-test": "Send a test email to yourself",
"invitation-code": "邀請碼",
"email-invite-register-subject": "__inviter__ 向您發出邀請",
- "email-invite-register-text": "親愛的 __user__,\n\n__inviter__ 邀請您加入 Wekan 一同協作\n\n請點擊下列連結:\n__url__\n\n您的邀請碼為:__icode__\n\n謝謝。",
- "email-smtp-test-subject": "SMTP Test Email From Wekan",
+ "email-invite-register-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to kanban board for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n__url__\n\nAnd your invitation code is: __icode__\n\nThanks.",
+ "email-smtp-test-subject": "SMTP Test Email",
"email-smtp-test-text": "You have successfully sent an email",
"error-invitation-code-not-exist": "邀請碼不存在",
"error-notAuthorized": "沒有適合的權限觀看",
@@ -469,7 +469,6 @@
"outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "設定 Webhooks",
"new-outgoing-webhook": "New Outgoing Webhook",
"no-name": "(Unknown)",
- "Wekan_version": "Wekan 版本",
"Node_version": "Node 版本",
"OS_Arch": "系統架構",
"OS_Cpus": "系統\b CPU 數",