path: root/client/components/boards/router.js
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Start the migration from iron-router to flow-routerMaxime Quandalle2015-08-231-58/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Motivations: * Iron-Router foces us to use Tracker.nonreactive black magic in order to avoid un-necessary re-renders; * There is a community consensus (supported by some MDG members) that the flow-router API is easier to reason about; * The useraccounts now supports flow router (that was a blocking element when I considered the switch ~3months ago) On the server we use the Picker router, as encouraged by the Kadira team (which develop both Flow and Picker routers). In the current state of things there are some bugs related to the missing Loading architecure. Previously onRendered callback where always called when the data the component needed was available, now we have to handle this ourselves, which we will in a following commit.
* Click on the page to escape the last actionMaxime Quandalle2015-06-071-6/+1
| | | | | | This is a generalization of what we had for closing a popup by clicking outside of it. It now works for inlinedForms and detailsPane as well.
* Implement multi-selectionMaxime Quandalle2015-05-301-4/+4
| | | | | | The UI and the internal APIs are still rough around the edges but the feature is basically working. You can now select multiple cards and move them together or (un|)assign them a label.
* Prioritize escape actions with a label hierarchy instead of an integerMaxime Quandalle2015-05-271-1/+1
* Implement a new system to handle "escape actions"Maxime Quandalle2015-05-261-1/+7
| | | | | | | | The new EscapeActions object decide what to do when the user press the Escape key (such as closing a opened popup or inlined form). This commit also re-introduced the sidebar current view as a sidebar component local state.
* Experiment new ergonomics to interact with card detailsMaxime Quandalle2015-05-241-2/+25
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | The idea is that by displaying card details in a sidebar stuck on the right of the screen, the mouse had to travel too much before interacting with it. I also don’t want to use the Trello solution (modal) on big screens, because I like the ability to interact with the selected card and with the board at the same time (like in a e-mail client). The solution introduced in this commit consist of opening the card detail in a column next to the minicard list. This commit also fix right sidebar members and labels drag and drop.
* RenaissanceMaxime Quandalle2015-05-121-0/+34
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