path: root/client/components/forms/inlinedform.js
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Upgrade meteor to 1.2-rc.4 and package versionsMaxime Quandalle2015-08-251-5/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | The new version of meteor speeds up the reload cycle, which is super valuable during the development. I also removed the "imply-everything" "meteor-platform" package in favor of a more fined-grained package selection. This version also introduces ES6 support with transparent babeljs transpilation. Most features are enable (with the notable exception of ES6 modules) and this commit started to use them in places where a XXX comment suggested it.
* Click on the page to escape the last actionMaxime Quandalle2015-06-071-14/+4
| | | | | | This is a generalization of what we had for closing a popup by clicking outside of it. It now works for inlinedForms and detailsPane as well.
* Start designing the card details paneMaxime Quandalle2015-06-051-1/+1
| | | | Implement a dynamic overflow to focus sight on the pane.
* Implement multi-selectionMaxime Quandalle2015-05-301-2/+2
| | | | | | The UI and the internal APIs are still rough around the edges but the feature is basically working. You can now select multiple cards and move them together or (un|)assign them a label.
* UI improvementsMaxime Quandalle2015-05-271-3/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Implement visibility choice on board creation; * Rework the board header bar. Remove links to un-implemented features; * Implement a board star counter (visible if the board have >2 stars); * Define a new icon (a thin cross) to close elements; * Remove $(document).on('mouseover') event handlers that were basically fired hundreds of times for nothing, we now define a proper Tracker dependency to execute jquery-ui plugin initialization only when something has changed; * Bug fixes related to list scrolling.
* Prioritize escape actions with a label hierarchy instead of an integerMaxime Quandalle2015-05-271-4/+2
* Implement a new system to handle "escape actions"Maxime Quandalle2015-05-261-6/+16
| | | | | | | | The new EscapeActions object decide what to do when the user press the Escape key (such as closing a opened popup or inlined form). This commit also re-introduced the sidebar current view as a sidebar component local state.
* RenaissanceMaxime Quandalle2015-05-121-0/+93
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