path: root/client/components/main/popup.styl
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fix member permission modificationMaxime Quandalle2015-09-051-3/+5
| | | | Fixes #280
* Adds new app store metadata to sandstorm package definitionMaxime Quandalle2015-08-201-1/+1
| | | | | | | | We still miss some branding stuff, such as screenshots, icons, and a description. This commit also hides an option related to user permissions managment in the sandstorm package.
* a links specifies line breaking rules hotfix.Yasar icli2015-07-161-2/+2
* add card members popup line height hotfix.Yasar icli2015-07-161-0/+2
* (Re-)implement default avatar using user initialsMaxime Quandalle2015-06-101-15/+17
| | | | | We use a embedded svg to scale the initials text to its container size. The user is free to overwrite its initials in the profile form.
* Define the popup translation in the stylesheet, not in the JS codeMaxime Quandalle2015-06-091-2/+8
| | | | | | | This allows us to autoprexfix the property, which is needed for Safari support (see Fixes #178.
* Re-factor the avatar system and support avatar uploadsMaxime Quandalle2015-06-091-70/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The user is now able to upload an avatar, and pick one in a list. This functionality should eventually be abstracted in a community package but we still need to work on a great public API. We rely on collectionFS to manage uploaded avatars. We also removed bengott:avatar which was trying to solve the wrong problem (namely displaying the avatar, which is as simple as displaying an image), and not a avatar system as it should be. Gravatar support is coming (back) soon. We may also want to have a list of default fun avatars the user can choose instead of uploading its own one.
* Work on the user account systemMaxime Quandalle2015-06-031-9/+14
| | | | | | | | Allow a user to modifies its name, username, initials, and password. Fixes username handling on sandstorm. Fixes #149.
* Implement multi-selectionMaxime Quandalle2015-05-301-239/+0
| | | | | | The UI and the internal APIs are still rough around the edges but the feature is basically working. You can now select multiple cards and move them together or (un|)assign them a label.
* UI improvementsMaxime Quandalle2015-05-271-75/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Implement visibility choice on board creation; * Rework the board header bar. Remove links to un-implemented features; * Implement a board star counter (visible if the board have >2 stars); * Define a new icon (a thin cross) to close elements; * Remove $(document).on('mouseover') event handlers that were basically fired hundreds of times for nothing, we now define a proper Tracker dependency to execute jquery-ui plugin initialization only when something has changed; * Bug fixes related to list scrolling.
* Improve popup animationMaxime Quandalle2015-05-221-2/+2
| | | | | When going back wait for the popup transition to end before removing the DOM element.
* Animate popup screens transitionMaxime Quandalle2015-05-221-5/+24
* RenaissanceMaxime Quandalle2015-05-121-0/+585
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