path: root/client/config/accounts.js
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Prefer ES5 methods over underscore utilitiesMaxime Quandalle2015-10-221-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Since 07cc454 (ie the switch to Meteor 1.2) we includes the `es5-shim` polyfill to support methods like `Array.prototype.forEach` in a consistent way across all supported browsers (IE8+). MDG recently released a blog post recommending the use of these native methods instead of underscore [0]. We know follow this recommendation. This commit also favor some ES6 features (argument defaults, destructing assignment) in places where we didn’t use them. [0]:
* Enforce a consistent ES6 coding styleMaxime Quandalle2015-09-031-14/+12
| | | | | | | | | Replace the old (and broken) jshint + jscsrc by eslint and configure it to support some of the ES6 features. The command `eslint` currently has one error which is a bug that was discovered by its static analysis and should be fixed (usage of a dead object).
* Lower the required usernames length from 5 to 2Maxime Quandalle2015-08-231-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | Both the previous and the new value are completely arbitrary but some users suggested that we reject names like "Li" for no good reason, especially on private boards, cf #202. Hopefully one day we'll have an administrator configuration panel. Fixes #202 Closes #210
* Start the migration from iron-router to flow-routerMaxime Quandalle2015-08-231-4/+9
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Motivations: * Iron-Router foces us to use Tracker.nonreactive black magic in order to avoid un-necessary re-renders; * There is a community consensus (supported by some MDG members) that the flow-router API is easier to reason about; * The useraccounts now supports flow router (that was a blocking element when I considered the switch ~3months ago) On the server we use the Picker router, as encouraged by the Kadira team (which develop both Flow and Picker routers). In the current state of things there are some bugs related to the missing Loading architecure. Previously onRendered callback where always called when the data the component needed was available, now we have to handle this ourselves, which we will in a following commit.
* Upgrade dependenciesMaxime Quandalle2015-08-221-0/+26
| | | | | | This includes a security fix in mquandalle:bower, and a new package for useraccounts iron-router templates which forced us to move some configuration function calls.
* Work on the user account systemMaxime Quandalle2015-06-031-30/+14
| | | | | | | | Allow a user to modifies its name, username, initials, and password. Fixes username handling on sandstorm. Fixes #149.
* RenaissanceMaxime Quandalle2015-05-121-0/+35
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