From 011fad6701720f24c293c6198fddab7f77f35dfd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lauri Ojansivu Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2018 18:46:28 +0300 Subject: Update translations. --- i18n/pl.i18n.json | 478 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 478 insertions(+) create mode 100644 i18n/pl.i18n.json (limited to 'i18n/pl.i18n.json') diff --git a/i18n/pl.i18n.json b/i18n/pl.i18n.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5ac7e2f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/pl.i18n.json @@ -0,0 +1,478 @@ +{ + "accept": "Akceptuj", + "act-activity-notify": "[Wekan] Powiadomienia - aktywności", + "act-addAttachment": "załączono __attachement__ do __karty__", + "act-addChecklist": "dodano listę zadań __checklist__ to __card__", + "act-addChecklistItem": "dodano __checklistItem__ do listy zadań __checklist__ na karcie __card__", + "act-addComment": "commented on __card__: __comment__", + "act-createBoard": "created __board__", + "act-createCard": "added __card__ to __list__", + "act-createCustomField": "created custom field __customField__", + "act-createList": "added __list__ to __board__", + "act-addBoardMember": "added __member__ to __board__", + "act-archivedBoard": "__board__ moved to Recycle Bin", + "act-archivedCard": "__card__ moved to Recycle Bin", + "act-archivedList": "__list__ moved to Recycle Bin", + "act-archivedSwimlane": "__swimlane__ moved to Recycle Bin", + "act-importBoard": "imported __board__", + "act-importCard": "imported __card__", + "act-importList": "imported __list__", + "act-joinMember": "added __member__ to __card__", + "act-moveCard": "moved __card__ from __oldList__ to __list__", + "act-removeBoardMember": "removed __member__ from __board__", + "act-restoredCard": "restored __card__ to __board__", + "act-unjoinMember": "removed __member__ from __card__", + "act-withBoardTitle": "[Wekan] __board__", + "act-withCardTitle": "[__board__] __card__", + "actions": "Akcje", + "activities": "Aktywności", + "activity": "Aktywność", + "activity-added": "dodano %s z %s", + "activity-archived": "%s przeniesiono do Kosza", + "activity-attached": "załączono %s z %s", + "activity-created": "utworzono %s", + "activity-customfield-created": "created custom field %s", + "activity-excluded": "wyłączono %s z %s", + "activity-imported": "zaimportowano %s to %s z %s", + "activity-imported-board": "zaimportowano %s z %s", + "activity-joined": "dołączono %s", + "activity-moved": "przeniesiono % z %s to %s", + "activity-on": "w %s", + "activity-removed": "usunięto %s z %s", + "activity-sent": "wysłano %s z %s", + "activity-unjoined": "odłączono %s", + "activity-checklist-added": "added checklist to %s", + "activity-checklist-item-added": "added checklist item to '%s' in %s", + "add": "Dodaj", + "add-attachment": "Dodaj załącznik", + "add-board": "Dodaj tablicę", + "add-card": "Dodaj kartę", + "add-swimlane": "Add Swimlane", + "add-checklist": "Dodaj listę kontrolną", + "add-checklist-item": "Dodaj element do listy kontrolnej", + "add-cover": "Dodaj okładkę", + "add-label": "Dodaj etykietę", + "add-list": "Dodaj listę", + "add-members": "Dodaj członków", + "added": "Dodano", + "addMemberPopup-title": "Członkowie", + "admin": "Admin", + "admin-desc": "Może widzieć i edytować karty, usuwać członków oraz zmieniać ustawienia tablicy.", + "admin-announcement": "Ogłoszenie", + "admin-announcement-active": "Active System-Wide Announcement", + "admin-announcement-title": "Ogłoszenie od Administratora", + "all-boards": "Wszystkie tablice", + "and-n-other-card": "And __count__ other card", + "and-n-other-card_plural": "And __count__ other cards", + "apply": "Zastosuj", + "app-is-offline": "Wekan is loading, please wait. Refreshing the page will cause data loss. If Wekan does not load, please check that Wekan server has not stopped.", + "archive": "Przenieś do Kosza", + "archive-all": "Move All to Recycle Bin", + "archive-board": "Move Board to Recycle Bin", + "archive-card": "Move Card to Recycle Bin", + "archive-list": "Move List to Recycle Bin", + "archive-swimlane": "Move Swimlane to Recycle Bin", + "archive-selection": "Move selection to Recycle Bin", + "archiveBoardPopup-title": "Move Board to Recycle Bin?", + "archived-items": "Recycle Bin", + "archived-boards": "Boards in Recycle Bin", + "restore-board": "Przywróć tablicę", + "no-archived-boards": "No Boards in Recycle Bin.", + "archives": "Recycle Bin", + "assign-member": "Dodaj członka", + "attached": "załączono", + "attachment": "Załącznik", + "attachment-delete-pop": "Usunięcie załącznika jest nieodwracalne.", + "attachmentDeletePopup-title": "Usunąć załącznik?", + "attachments": "Załączniki", + "auto-watch": "Automatically watch boards when they are created", + "avatar-too-big": "Awatar jest za duży (maksymalnie 70Kb)", + "back": "Wstecz", + "board-change-color": "Zmień kolor", + "board-nb-stars": "%s odznaczeń", + "board-not-found": "Nie znaleziono tablicy", + "board-private-info": "Ta tablica będzie prywatna.", + "board-public-info": "Ta tablica będzie publiczna.", + "boardChangeColorPopup-title": "Zmień tło tablicy", + "boardChangeTitlePopup-title": "Zmień nazwę tablicy", + "boardChangeVisibilityPopup-title": "Zmień widoczność", + "boardChangeWatchPopup-title": "Change Watch", + "boardMenuPopup-title": "Menu tablicy", + "boards": "Tablice", + "board-view": "Board View", + "board-view-swimlanes": "Swimlanes", + "board-view-lists": "Listy", + "bucket-example": "Like “Bucket List” for example", + "cancel": "Anuluj", + "card-archived": "This card is moved to Recycle Bin.", + "card-comments-title": "Ta karta ma %s komentarzy.", + "card-delete-notice": "Usunięcie jest trwałe. Stracisz wszystkie akcje powiązane z tą kartą.", + "card-delete-pop": "Wszystkie akcje będą usunięte z widoku aktywności, nie można będzie ponownie otworzyć karty. Usunięcie jest nieodwracalne.", + "card-delete-suggest-archive": "You can move a card to Recycle Bin to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.", + "card-due": "Due", + "card-due-on": "Due on", + "card-spent": "Spent Time", + "card-edit-attachments": "Edytuj załączniki", + "card-edit-custom-fields": "Edit custom fields", + "card-edit-labels": "Edytuj etykiety", + "card-edit-members": "Edytuj członków", + "card-labels-title": "Zmień etykiety karty", + "card-members-title": "Dodaj lub usuń członków tablicy z karty.", + "card-start": "Start", + "card-start-on": "Starts on", + "cardAttachmentsPopup-title": "Załącz z", + "cardCustomField-datePopup-title": "Change date", + "cardCustomFieldsPopup-title": "Edit custom fields", + "cardDeletePopup-title": "Usunąć kartę?", + "cardDetailsActionsPopup-title": "Card Actions", + "cardLabelsPopup-title": "Etykiety", + "cardMembersPopup-title": "Członkowie", + "cardMorePopup-title": "Więcej", + "cards": "Karty", + "cards-count": "Karty", + "change": "Zmień", + "change-avatar": "Zmień Avatar", + "change-password": "Zmień hasło", + "change-permissions": "Zmień uprawnienia", + "change-settings": "Zmień ustawienia", + "changeAvatarPopup-title": "Zmień Avatar", + "changeLanguagePopup-title": "Zmień język", + "changePasswordPopup-title": "Zmień hasło", + "changePermissionsPopup-title": "Zmień uprawnienia", + "changeSettingsPopup-title": "Zmień ustawienia", + "checklists": "Checklists", + "click-to-star": "Kliknij by odznaczyć tę tablicę.", + "click-to-unstar": "Kliknij by usunąć odznaczenie tej tablicy.", + "clipboard": "Schowek lub przeciągnij & upuść", + "close": "Zamknij", + "close-board": "Zamknij tablicę", + "close-board-pop": "You will be able to restore the board by clicking the “Recycle Bin” button from the home header.", + "color-black": "czarny", + "color-blue": "niebieski", + "color-green": "zielony", + "color-lime": "limonkowy", + "color-orange": "pomarańczowy", + "color-pink": "różowy", + "color-purple": "fioletowy", + "color-red": "czerwony", + "color-sky": "błękitny", + "color-yellow": "żółty", + "comment": "Komentarz", + "comment-placeholder": "Dodaj komentarz", + "comment-only": "Comment only", + "comment-only-desc": "Can comment on cards only.", + "computer": "Komputer", + "confirm-checklist-delete-dialog": "Are you sure you want to delete checklist", + "copy-card-link-to-clipboard": "Copy card link to clipboard", + "copyCardPopup-title": "Skopiuj kartę", + "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-title": "Copy Checklist Template to Many Cards", + "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-instructions": "Destination Card Titles and Descriptions in this JSON format", + "copyChecklistToManyCardsPopup-format": "[ {\"title\": \"First card title\", \"description\":\"First card description\"}, {\"title\":\"Second card title\",\"description\":\"Second card description\"},{\"title\":\"Last card title\",\"description\":\"Last card description\"} ]", + "create": "Utwórz", + "createBoardPopup-title": "Utwórz tablicę", + "chooseBoardSourcePopup-title": "Import tablicy", + "createLabelPopup-title": "Utwórz etykietę", + "createCustomField": "Create Field", + "createCustomFieldPopup-title": "Create Field", + "current": "obecny", + "custom-field-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this custom field from all cards and destroy its history.", + "custom-field-checkbox": "Checkbox", + "custom-field-date": "Data", + "custom-field-dropdown": "Dropdown List", + "custom-field-dropdown-none": "(none)", + "custom-field-dropdown-options": "List Options", + "custom-field-dropdown-options-placeholder": "Press enter to add more options", + "custom-field-dropdown-unknown": "(unknown)", + "custom-field-number": "Number", + "custom-field-text": "Text", + "custom-fields": "Custom Fields", + "date": "Data", + "decline": "Odrzuć", + "default-avatar": "Domyślny avatar", + "delete": "Usuń", + "deleteCustomFieldPopup-title": "Delete Custom Field?", + "deleteLabelPopup-title": "Usunąć etykietę?", + "description": "Opis", + "disambiguateMultiLabelPopup-title": "Disambiguate Label Action", + "disambiguateMultiMemberPopup-title": "Disambiguate Member Action", + "discard": "Odrzuć", + "done": "Zrobiono", + "download": "Pobierz", + "edit": "Edytuj", + "edit-avatar": "Zmień Avatar", + "edit-profile": "Edytuj profil", + "edit-wip-limit": "Edit WIP Limit", + "soft-wip-limit": "Soft WIP Limit", + "editCardStartDatePopup-title": "Change start date", + "editCardDueDatePopup-title": "Change due date", + "editCustomFieldPopup-title": "Edit Field", + "editCardSpentTimePopup-title": "Change spent time", + "editLabelPopup-title": "Zmień etykietę", + "editNotificationPopup-title": "Edit Notification", + "editProfilePopup-title": "Edytuj profil", + "email": "Email", + "email-enrollAccount-subject": "Konto zostało utworzone na __siteName__", + "email-enrollAccount-text": "Witaj __user__,\nAby zacząć korzystać z serwisu, kliknij w link poniżej.\n__url__\nDzięki.", + "email-fail": "Wysyłanie emaila nie powiodło się.", + "email-fail-text": "Error trying to send email", + "email-invalid": "Nieprawidłowy email", + "email-invite": "Zaproś przez email", + "email-invite-subject": "__inviter__ wysłał Ci zaproszenie", + "email-invite-text": "Drogi __user__,\n__inviter__ zaprosił Cię do współpracy w tablicy \"__board__\".\nZobacz więcej:\n__url__\nDzięki.", + "email-resetPassword-subject": "Zresetuj swoje hasło na __siteName__", + "email-resetPassword-text": "Witaj __user__,\nAby zresetować hasło, kliknij w link poniżej.\n__url__\nDzięki.", + "email-sent": "Email wysłany", + "email-verifyEmail-subject": "Zweryfikuj swój adres email na __siteName__", + "email-verifyEmail-text": "Witaj __user__,\nAby zweryfikować adres email, kliknij w link poniżej.\n__url__\nDzięki.", + "enable-wip-limit": "Enable WIP Limit", + "error-board-doesNotExist": "Ta tablica nie istnieje", + "error-board-notAdmin": "Musisz być administratorem tej tablicy żeby to zrobić", + "error-board-notAMember": "Musisz być członkiem tej tablicy żeby to zrobić", + "error-json-malformed": "Twój tekst nie jest poprawnym JSONem", + "error-json-schema": "Twój JSON nie zawiera prawidłowych informacji w poprawnym formacie", + "error-list-doesNotExist": "Ta lista nie isnieje", + "error-user-doesNotExist": "Ten użytkownik nie istnieje", + "error-user-notAllowSelf": "Nie możesz zaprosić samego siebie", + "error-user-notCreated": "Ten użytkownik nie został stworzony", + "error-username-taken": "Ta nazwa jest już zajęta", + "error-email-taken": "Email has already been taken", + "export-board": "Eksportuj tablicę", + "filter": "Filtr", + "filter-cards": "Odfiltruj karty", + "filter-clear": "Usuń filter", + "filter-no-label": "Brak etykiety", + "filter-no-member": "No member", + "filter-no-custom-fields": "No Custom Fields", + "filter-on": "Filtr jest włączony", + "filter-on-desc": "Filtrujesz karty na tej tablicy. Kliknij tutaj by edytować filtr.", + "filter-to-selection": "Odfiltruj zaznaczenie", + "advanced-filter-label": "Advanced Filter", + "advanced-filter-description": "Advanced Filter allows to write a string containing following operators: == != <= >= && || ( ) A space is used as a separator between the Operators. You can filter for all Custom Fields by typing their names and values. For Example: Field1 == Value1. Note: If fields or values contains spaces, you need to encapsulate them into single quotes. For Example: 'Field 1' == 'Value 1'. Also you can combine multiple conditions. For Example: F1 == V1 || F1 = V2. Normally all operators are interpreted from left to right. You can change the order by placing brackets. For Example: F1 == V1 and ( F2 == V2 || F2 == V3 )", + "fullname": "Full Name", + "header-logo-title": "Wróć do swojej strony z tablicami.", + "hide-system-messages": "Ukryj wiadomości systemowe", + "headerBarCreateBoardPopup-title": "Utwórz tablicę", + "home": "Strona główna", + "import": "Importu", + "import-board": "importuj tablice", + "import-board-c": "Import tablicy", + "import-board-title-trello": "Import board from Trello", + "import-board-title-wekan": "Importuj tablice z Wekan", + "import-sandstorm-warning": "Imported board will delete all existing data on board and replace it with imported board.", + "from-trello": "Z Trello", + "from-wekan": "Z Wekan", + "import-board-instruction-trello": "W twojej tablicy na Trello, idź do 'Menu', następnie 'More', 'Print and Export', 'Export JSON' i skopiuj wynik", + "import-board-instruction-wekan": "In your Wekan board, go to 'Menu', then 'Export board', and copy the text in the downloaded file.", + "import-json-placeholder": "Wklej twój JSON tutaj", + "import-map-members": "Map members", + "import-members-map": "Twoje zaimportowane tablice mają kilku członków. Proszę wybierz członków których chcesz zaimportować do Wekan", + "import-show-user-mapping": "Przejrzyj wybranych członków", + "import-user-select": "Pick the Wekan user you want to use as this member", + "importMapMembersAddPopup-title": "Select Wekan member", + "info": "Wersja", + "initials": "Initials", + "invalid-date": "Błędna data", + "invalid-time": "Błędny czas", + "invalid-user": "Zła nazwa użytkownika", + "joined": "dołączył", + "just-invited": "Właśnie zostałeś zaproszony do tej tablicy", + "keyboard-shortcuts": "Skróty klawiaturowe", + "label-create": "Utwórz etykietę", + "label-default": "%s etykieta (domyślna)", + "label-delete-pop": "There is no undo. This will remove this label from all cards and destroy its history.", + "labels": "Etykiety", + "language": "Język", + "last-admin-desc": "You can’t change roles because there must be at least one admin.", + "leave-board": "Opuść tablicę", + "leave-board-pop": "Are you sure you want to leave __boardTitle__? You will be removed from all cards on this board.", + "leaveBoardPopup-title": "Leave Board ?", + "link-card": "Link do tej karty", + "list-archive-cards": "Move all cards in this list to Recycle Bin", + "list-archive-cards-pop": "This will remove all the cards in this list from the board. To view cards in Recycle Bin and bring them back to the board, click “Menu” > “Recycle Bin”.", + "list-move-cards": "Przenieś wszystkie karty z tej listy", + "list-select-cards": "Zaznacz wszystkie karty z tej listy", + "listActionPopup-title": "Lista akcji", + "swimlaneActionPopup-title": "Swimlane Actions", + "listImportCardPopup-title": "Zaimportuj kartę z Trello", + "listMorePopup-title": "Więcej", + "link-list": "Link to this list", + "list-delete-pop": "All actions will be removed from the activity feed and you won't be able to recover the list. There is no undo.", + "list-delete-suggest-archive": "You can move a list to Recycle Bin to remove it from the board and preserve the activity.", + "lists": "Listy", + "swimlanes": "Swimlanes", + "log-out": "Wyloguj", + "log-in": "Zaloguj", + "loginPopup-title": "Zaloguj", + "memberMenuPopup-title": "Member Settings", + "members": "Członkowie", + "menu": "Menu", + "move-selection": "Przenieś zaznaczone", + "moveCardPopup-title": "Przenieś kartę", + "moveCardToBottom-title": "Move to Bottom", + "moveCardToTop-title": "Move to Top", + "moveSelectionPopup-title": "Przenieś zaznaczone", + "multi-selection": "Wielokrotne zaznaczenie", + "multi-selection-on": "Wielokrotne zaznaczenie jest włączone", + "muted": "Wyciszona", + "muted-info": "Nie zostaniesz powiadomiony o zmianach w tablicy", + "my-boards": "Moje tablice", + "name": "Nazwa", + "no-archived-cards": "No cards in Recycle Bin.", + "no-archived-lists": "No lists in Recycle Bin.", + "no-archived-swimlanes": "No swimlanes in Recycle Bin.", + "no-results": "Brak wyników", + "normal": "Normal", + "normal-desc": "Może widzieć i edytować karty. Nie może zmieniać ustawiań.", + "not-accepted-yet": "Zaproszenie jeszcze nie zaakceptowane", + "notify-participate": "Receive updates to any cards you participate as creater or member", + "notify-watch": "Receive updates to any boards, lists, or cards you’re watching", + "optional": "opcjonalny", + "or": "lub", + "page-maybe-private": "Ta strona może być prywatna. Możliwe, że możesz ją zobaczyć po zalogowaniu.", + "page-not-found": "Strona nie znaleziona.", + "password": "Hasło", + "paste-or-dragdrop": "wklej lub przeciągnij & upuść obrazek", + "participating": "Participating", + "preview": "Podgląd", + "previewAttachedImagePopup-title": "Podgląd", + "previewClipboardImagePopup-title": "Podgląd", + "private": "Prywatny", + "private-desc": "Ta tablica jest prywatna. Tylko osoby dodane do tej tablicy mogą ją zobaczyć i edytować.", + "profile": "Profil", + "public": "Publiczny", + "public-desc": "This board is public. It's visible to anyone with the link and will show up in search engines like Google. Only people added to the board can edit.", + "quick-access-description": "Odznacz tablicę aby dodać skrót na tym pasku.", + "remove-cover": "Usuń okładkę", + "remove-from-board": "Usuń z tablicy", + "remove-label": "Usuń etykietę", + "listDeletePopup-title": "Usunąć listę?", + "remove-member": "Usuń członka", + "remove-member-from-card": "Usuń z karty", + "remove-member-pop": "Remove __name__ (__username__) from __boardTitle__? The member will be removed from all cards on this board. They will receive a notification.", + "removeMemberPopup-title": "Usunąć członka?", + "rename": "Zmień nazwę", + "rename-board": "Zmień nazwę tablicy", + "restore": "Przywróć", + "save": "Zapisz", + "search": "Wyszukaj", + "search-cards": "Search from card titles and descriptions on this board", + "search-example": "Text to search for?", + "select-color": "Wybierz kolor", + "set-wip-limit-value": "Set a limit for the maximum number of tasks in this list", + "setWipLimitPopup-title": "Set WIP Limit", + "shortcut-assign-self": "Przypisz siebie do obecnej karty", + "shortcut-autocomplete-emoji": "Autocomplete emoji", + "shortcut-autocomplete-members": "Autocomplete members", + "shortcut-clear-filters": "Usuń wszystkie filtry", + "shortcut-close-dialog": "Zamknij okno", + "shortcut-filter-my-cards": "Filtruj moje karty", + "shortcut-show-shortcuts": "Przypnij do listy skrótów", + "shortcut-toggle-filterbar": "Przełącz boczny pasek filtru", + "shortcut-toggle-sidebar": "Przełącz boczny pasek tablicy", + "show-cards-minimum-count": "Show cards count if list contains more than", + "sidebar-open": "Open Sidebar", + "sidebar-close": "Close Sidebar", + "signupPopup-title": "Utwórz konto", + "star-board-title": "Click to star this board. It will show up at top of your boards list.", + "starred-boards": "Odznaczone tablice", + "starred-boards-description": "Starred boards show up at the top of your boards list.", + "subscribe": "Zapisz się", + "team": "Zespół", + "this-board": "ta tablica", + "this-card": "ta karta", + "spent-time-hours": "Spent time (hours)", + "overtime-hours": "Overtime (hours)", + "overtime": "Overtime", + "has-overtime-cards": "Has overtime cards", + "has-spenttime-cards": "Has spent time cards", + "time": "Time", + "title": "Tytuł", + "tracking": "Tracking", + "tracking-info": "You will be notified of any changes to those cards you are involved as creator or member.", + "type": "Type", + "unassign-member": "Nieprzypisany członek", + "unsaved-description": "You have an unsaved description.", + "unwatch": "Unwatch", + "upload": "Wyślij", + "upload-avatar": "Wyślij avatar", + "uploaded-avatar": "Wysłany avatar", + "username": "Nazwa użytkownika", + "view-it": "Zobacz", + "warn-list-archived": "warning: this card is in an list at Recycle Bin", + "watch": "Obserwuj", + "watching": "Obserwujesz", + "watching-info": "You will be notified of any change in this board", + "welcome-board": "Welcome Board", + "welcome-swimlane": "Milestone 1", + "welcome-list1": "Podstawy", + "welcome-list2": "Zaawansowane", + "what-to-do": "Co chcesz zrobić?", + "wipLimitErrorPopup-title": "Invalid WIP Limit", + "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt1": "The number of tasks in this list is higher than the WIP limit you've defined.", + "wipLimitErrorPopup-dialog-pt2": "Please move some tasks out of this list, or set a higher WIP limit.", + "admin-panel": "Panel administracyjny", + "settings": "Ustawienia", + "people": "Osoby", + "registration": "Rejestracja", + "disable-self-registration": "Disable Self-Registration", + "invite": "Zaproś", + "invite-people": "Zaproś osoby", + "to-boards": "To board(s)", + "email-addresses": "Adres e-mail", + "smtp-host-description": "The address of the SMTP server that handles your emails.", + "smtp-port-description": "The port your SMTP server uses for outgoing emails.", + "smtp-tls-description": "Enable TLS support for SMTP server", + "smtp-host": "Serwer SMTP", + "smtp-port": "Port SMTP", + "smtp-username": "Nazwa użytkownika", + "smtp-password": "Hasło", + "smtp-tls": "TLS support", + "send-from": "Od", + "send-smtp-test": "Wyślij wiadomość testową do siebie", + "invitation-code": "Kod z zaproszenia", + "email-invite-register-subject": "__inviter__ wysłał Ci zaproszenie", + "email-invite-register-text": "Dear __user__,\n\n__inviter__ invites you to Wekan for collaborations.\n\nPlease follow the link below:\n__url__\n\nAnd your invitation code is: __icode__\n\nThanks.", + "email-smtp-test-subject": "SMTP Test Email From Wekan", + "email-smtp-test-text": "You have successfully sent an email", + "error-invitation-code-not-exist": "Invitation code doesn't exist", + "error-notAuthorized": "You are not authorized to view this page.", + "outgoing-webhooks": "Outgoing Webhooks", + "outgoingWebhooksPopup-title": "Outgoing Webhooks", + "new-outgoing-webhook": "New Outgoing Webhook", + "no-name": "(nieznany)", + "Wekan_version": "Wersja Wekan", + "Node_version": "Wersja Node", + "OS_Arch": "OS Arch", + "OS_Cpus": "OS CPU Count", + "OS_Freemem": "OS Free Memory", + "OS_Loadavg": "OS Load Average", + "OS_Platform": "OS Platform", + "OS_Release": "OS Release", + "OS_Totalmem": "OS Total Memory", + "OS_Type": "OS Type", + "OS_Uptime": "OS Uptime", + "hours": "godzin", + "minutes": "minut", + "seconds": "sekund", + "show-field-on-card": "Show this field on card", + "yes": "Tak", + "no": "Nie", + "accounts": "Konto", + "accounts-allowEmailChange": "Zezwól na zmianę adresu email", + "accounts-allowUserNameChange": "Allow Username Change", + "createdAt": "Stworzono o", + "verified": "Zweryfikowane", + "active": "Aktywny", + "card-received": "Received", + "card-received-on": "Received on", + "card-end": "End", + "card-end-on": "Ends on", + "editCardReceivedDatePopup-title": "Change received date", + "editCardEndDatePopup-title": "Change end date", + "assigned-by": "Assigned By", + "requested-by": "Requested By", + "board-delete-notice": "Deleting is permanent. You will lose all lists, cards and actions associated with this board.", + "delete-board-confirm-popup": "All lists, cards, labels, and activities will be deleted and you won't be able to recover the board contents. There is no undo.", + "boardDeletePopup-title": "Delete Board?", + "delete-board": "Delete Board" +} \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3-1-g7c22