## Issue Add these issues to elsewhere: - Snap: https://github.com/wekan/wekan-snap/issues Other Wekan issues can be added here. **Server Setup Information**: * Note: Please anonymize info, and do not add to this public issue any of your Wekan board URLs, passwords, API tokens etc, do you understand?: * Did you test in newest Wekan?: * For new Wekan install, did you configure root-url correctly so Wekan cards open correctly https://github.com/wekan/wekan/wiki/Settings ? * Wekan version: * If this is about old version of Wekan, what upgrade problem you have?: * Operating System: * Deployment Method(snap/docker/sandstorm/mongodb bundle/source): * Http frontend if any (Caddy, Nginx, Apache, see config examples from Wekan GitHub wiki first): * Node Version: * MongoDB Version: * Wekan only works on newest desktop Firefox/Chromium/Chrome/Edge/Chromium Edge and mobile Chrome. What webbrowser version are you using? **Problem description**: - *REQUIRED: Add recorded animated gif about how it works currently, and screenshot mockups how it should work. Use peek to record animgif in Linux https://github.com/phw/peek* - *Explain steps how to reproduce* - *In webbrowser, what does show Right Click / Inspect / Console ? Chrome shows more detailed info than Firefox.* - *If using Snap, what does show command `sudo snap logs wekan.wekan` ? Please anonymize logs.* - *If using Docker, what does show command `sudo docker logs wekan-app` ? Please anonymize logs.* - *If logs are very long, attach them in .zip file*