# v0.10 This release features: * Trello boards and cards importation, including card history, assigned members, labels, comments, and attachments; * Autocompletion in the minicard editor. Start with @ to start the a board member autocompletion, or # for a label; * Accelerate the initial page rendering by sending the data on the intial HTTP response instead of waiting for the DDP connection to open; * Support images attachments copy pasting. Thanks to GitHub users AlexanderS, fisle, floatinghotpot, FuzzyWuzzie, ndarilek, and xavierpriour for their contributions. # v0.9 This release is a large re-write of the previous code base. Despite being relatively similar to v0.8 feature-wise, this release marks the beginning of our new user interface and continues to improve the overall performance and security. It also features the following improvements: * A new user account system, including the possibility to reset a forgotten password, to change the password, or to enable email confirmation (all of which were previously impossible); * Avatar customization, including the possibility to upload images and to choose one from Gravatar or the user initials (on Sandstrom we use the avatar exposed by Sandstorm); * Cards multi-selection to facilitate batch actions such as moving all the cards of selection, or attaching a label or a member to them; * Automatic drafts saving synced with the server; * Keyboard navigation, press `?` to read the list of available shortcuts; * The possibility to restore archived boards, lists, and cards. Starting from this release we will also distribute official docker images on both the [GitHub release page](https://github.com/wekan/wekan/releases) and on the [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/mquandalle/wekan). We also configured Heroku one-click install and improved Sandstorm integration with the integration of its build-in sharing model. New languages supported: Chinese, Finnish, Spanish, Korean, and Russian. Special thanks to GitHub users ePirat, nata-goddanti, ocdtrekkie, and others who have supportive during this *traversée du desert*, and to neynah for the Wekan icons. # v0.8 This release continues the implementation of basic features of a “kanban” software, especially: * Basic card attachments. If the attached file is an image we generate and display a thumbnail that can be used as a card “cover” (visible in the board general view); * User names mentions and auto-completion in card description and comments (though we don’t have any notification system for now, making this feature a less useful that it should); * Filter views, current filtering options are based on labels and assigned members; * Labels creation and suppression at the board level (previously we had a fixed list of labels); * Customization of the board background color. This release is also the first one to introduce localization of the user interface. New languages supported: French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, and Turkish. # v0.7.1 This release fixes the following bugs: * Unexpected lost of the card sorting on the server side; * Fix a bug during board creation; * Focus the new list form if the board is empty. # v0.7 This release starts the transition from a toy project to something useful. Along with some security and performance improvements (for instance, opening a card used to take a long time because it was re-generated the entire DOM whereas only the popover was new). New features includes: * Add and remove labels to cards; * Assign and unassign members to cards; * Archive cards (though restoration is not yet possible); * Board stars; * Markdown and emojies support in comments and card description; * Emojies auto-completion in the text editor; * Some keyboard shortcuts (eg `Ctrl`+`Enter` to submit a multi-line input). We also introduced basic support for the [Sandstorm](https://sandstorm.io) platform, and distribute a `spk` (Sandstorm PacKage) for this release and subsequent.