# Wekan [![JOIN OFFICIAL WEKAN CHAT][gitter_badge]][gitter_chat] 2017-02-04 News: All Wekan fork/Wefork code, pull requests and translations has been merged back to official Wekan. Wefork will not accept new pull requests and issues to Wefork. All development happens on Wekan. [Wefork announcement and merging back][fork_announcement] [![Wefork chat][rocket_badge]][rocket_chat] [![Wefork Build Status][travis_badge]][travis_status] [Wefork FAQ][fork_faq] [Translate Wekan at Transifex][translate_wekan] Wekan is an open-source and collaborative kanban board application. Whether you’re maintaining a personal todo list, planning your holidays with some friends, or working in a team on your next revolutionary idea, Kanban boards are an unbeatable tool to keep your things organized. They give you a visual overview of the current state of your project, and make you productive by allowing you to focus on the few items that matter the most. ## Roadmap Upcoming Wekan App Development Platform will make possible many use cases like kanban workflows, dependencies, gantt charts, WIP limits, time tracking, managing website, Rocket.Chat support and custom apps with themes by providing Team/Organizations, APIs, admin interface, custom fields, calendar view, time tracking, vote on cards, move cards to another board and board templates. LDAP and other SSO options are already available on Sandstorm, not standalone Wekan. Some of these don't even have feature requests in Wekan issues, so we do need detailed descriptions, screenshots and links to videos how these should work. We are very welcoming to new developers and teams to submit new pull requests to devel branch to make this Wekan App Development Platform possible faster. By working directly with Wekan you get benefit of active maintenance and new features added by growing Wekan developer community. Please see [Developer Documentation][dev_docs] to get started. Roadmap is handled using [Wekan GitHub issues][wekan_issues]. If you don't see your feature request or use case there, please add it. Newer [Wefork GitHub issues][wefork_issues] will be be moved to there also. ## Screenshots [![Screenshot of Wekan][screenshot_wekan]][roadmap_wekan] [![Screenshot of Wefork][screenshot_wefork]][roadmap_wefork] Wekan supports most features you would expect of it including a real-time user interface, import from Trello, cards comments, checklists, member assignations, customizable labels, closing lists, filtered views, and more. Since it is a free software, you don’t have to trust us with your data and can install Wekan on your own computer or server. In fact we encourage you to do that by providing one-click installation on various platforms. ## Supported Platforms Newest features are already at dockerhub images by automatically generated trusted build. Other platforms are not up-to-date yet. ### Docker: [Docker image][docker_image], [Docs][docker_docs], [Docker Nginx proxy][docker_nginxproxy], [Docker Issue][docker_issue] Docker example, running latest Wekan using docker-compose: #### Running from remote dockerhub images ``` sudo docker-compose pull && sudo docker-compose up -d --no-build ``` #### Running from locally built dockerhub images ``` sudo docker-compose up -d --build ``` #### Running from locally built dockerhub images and modified `ARG` variables (not recommended) ``` echo 'NODE_VERSION=v6.6.0' >> .env && \ echo 'METEOR_RELEASE=' >> .env && \ echo 'NPM_VERSION=4.1.2' >> .env && \ echo 'ARCHITECTURE=linux-x64' >> .env && \ echo 'SRC_PATH=./' >> .env && \ sudo docker-compose up -d --build ``` Docker example, running latest Wekan using docker run commands alone: ``` docker run -d --restart=always --name wekan-db mongo:3.2.11 docker run -d --restart=always --name wekan --link "wekan-db:db" -e "MONGO_URL=mongodb://db" -e "ROOT_URL=http://localhost:8080" -p 8080:80 mquandalle/wekan:latest ``` [Docker on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1][sles] [Install from source][install_source] [VirtualBox][virtualbox] [Debian Wheezy 64bit][debian_wheezy] [![Deploy][heroku_button]][heroku_deploy] [![SignUp][indiehosters_button]][indiehosters_saas] [![Deploy to Scalingo][scalingo_button]][scalingo_deploy] [![Install on Cloudron][cloudron_button]][cloudron_install] [![Try on Sandstorm][sandstorm_button]][sandstorm_appdemo] ## Upcoming Platforms [Autoinstall script][autoinstall] based on [this issue][autoinstall_issue] [Create Sandstorm .spk file from source][sandstorm_spk] Email to work on already working Heroku: Use 3rd party email like SendGrid, update process.env.MAIL_URL , change from email at Accounts.emailTeamplates.from , new file in server folder called smtp.js on code `Meteor.startup(function () });` . TODO: Test and find a way to use API keys instead. Azure: Install from source. Azure endpoint needs to be added. Not tested yet. OpenShift: Not tested yet. Google Cloud: Needs info how to enable websockets. ## License Wekan is released under the very permissive [MIT license](LICENSE), and made with [Meteor](https://www.meteor.com). [gitter_badge]: https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg [gitter_chat]: https://gitter.im/wekan/wekan [fork_faq]: https://github.com/wefork/wekan/wiki/FAQ [fork_announcement]: https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues/640#issuecomment-276383458 [screenshot_wekan]: http://i.imgur.com/cI4jW2h.png [screenshot_wefork]: http://i.imgur.com/ShX2OTk.png [roadmap_wekan]: http://try.wekan.io/b/MeSsFJaSqeuo9M6bs/wekan-roadmap [roadmap_wefork]: https://wekan.indie.host/b/t2YaGmyXgNkppcFBq/wekan-fork-roadmap [rocket_badge]: https://chat.indie.host/images/join-chat.svg [rocket_chat]: https://chat.indie.host/channel/wekan [wekan_issues]: https://github.com/wekan/wekan/issues [wefork_issues]: https://github.com/wefork/wekan/issues [sandstorm_button]: https://img.shields.io/badge/try-Wekan%20on%20Sandstorm-783189.svg [sandstorm_appdemo]: https://demo.sandstorm.io/appdemo/m86q05rdvj14yvn78ghaxynqz7u2svw6rnttptxx49g1785cdv1h [docker_image]: https://hub.docker.com/r/mquandalle/wekan/ [heroku_button]: https://www.herokucdn.com/deploy/button.png [heroku_deploy]: https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/wefork/wekan/tree/master [indiehosters_button]: https://indie.host/signup.png [indiehosters_saas]: https://indiehosters.net/shop/product/wekan-20 [scalingo_button]: https://cdn.scalingo.com/deploy/button.svg [scalingo_deploy]: https://my.scalingo.com/deploy?source=https://github.com/wefork/wekan#master [cloudron_button]: https://cloudron.io/img/button.svg [cloudron_install]: https://cloudron.io/button.html?app=io.wekan.cloudronapp [debian_wheezy]: https://github.com/soohwa/sps/blob/master/example/docs/1/wekan.md [travis_badge]: https://travis-ci.org/wefork/wekan.svg?branch=devel [travis_status]: https://travis-ci.org/wefork/wekan [install_source]: https://github.com/wefork/wekan/wiki/Install-from-source [sles]: https://github.com/wekan/wekan/wiki/Install-Wekan-Docker-on-SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-12-SP1 [virtualbox]: https://github.com/wekan/wekan/wiki/virtual-appliance [sandstorm_spk]: https://github.com/wefork/wekan/issues/36 [docker_image]: https://hub.docker.com/r/mquandalle/wekan/ [docker_docs]: https://github.com/wefork/wekan/wiki/Docker [docker_nginxproxy]: https://github.com/wefork/wekan/wiki/Docker-NginxProxy [docker_issue]: https://github.com/wefork/wekan/issues/33 [translate_wekan]: https://www.transifex.com/wekan/wekan/ [autoinstall]: https://github.com/wefork/wekan-autoinstall [autoinstall_issue]: https://github.com/anselal/wekan/issues/18 [dev_docs]: https://github.com/wekan/wekan/wiki/Developer-Documentation